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  1. #1

    Can you believe it!!!

    Seriously who presses charges from being push? In gym class the other day I push this kid and he went running to his father and pressed charges. I sob is like a freshman and I am senior I had like 15 days left of school. Man if I knew he was going to be such a p***y I break his face into the wall. Might as well since I got battery for such a shitty thing. Man if I see this kid on the street he is screwed I swear. I’ll throw a brick at his freaking head. What a sob no?

    Oh yeah yo. I notice there are a few knew features in here. Add me, leave me comments, and love me. k? If ya know me.
    Last edited by Bang Bang; 05-31-2008 at 06:52 AM.

  2. #2
    Whistling Songbird Can you believe it!!! Asectic's Avatar
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    You just pushed him? Isn't that getting out of hand? I think that basically either that kid is really~~ spoiled or he is just mental. For you to get charged for something like that... Unbelieveable. And I thought that as small as stealing is only enough to get charged. This is just silly, even in sports games people push because they are annoyed at another player but they never get charged. Wow. Anyways, I believe you ^^ (Although I never used to see u around here much lately)
    Last edited by Asectic; 05-31-2008 at 08:09 AM.

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  3. #3
    Registered User Can you believe it!!! Dimi's Avatar
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    Damn, that really sucks and it is stupid for being charged with something so petty like that. It's not like you pushed him against a wall and he went through it causing him to break a bone or two. It was just a little push, right?

    I doubt that it'll lead to anything major though. Will you still be able to walk during graduation? I don't know how it is wherever you're at but as a senior, you can't get into any physical conflict with anyone throughout the school year otherwise you don't get to participate in the end of the year activities. Hope it gets dropped though. ^^

  4. #4
    The Journey Continues Phantom's Avatar
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    I'm not taking sides here but can you blame the kid? I mean with all of the s*** there is out here in the world these days, you can't really blame him for calling the cops and pressing charges. We got some cold people out here in the world that would try to cause trouble anmd hurt others on purpose. Also the kid was a freshman, a kid, so he was probarly defending himself the way he knows how, by telling someone instead of fighting for no reason at all. I hope this is isn't those kind of High School Senior traditions where the seniors mess with the freshmen Big bang, because nowadays people don't play around, you could just get locked up with no questions asked or exspelled for even touching another student. That's the way the world is nowadays, everyone's playing cautiously.
    Last edited by Phantom; 05-31-2008 at 12:33 PM.
    Originally Posted by Hellfire
    Who the hell are you? .... .... .... ....well, good luck with that.

    XD. This quote screams post me in your sig!

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  5. #5
    Yay!! Can you believe it!!! FF_FrEaK's Avatar
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    OK maybe this depends on how you pushed him. If you pushed him to the ground maybe he ran to his dad because he is a scared freshman. Another thing you have to take into consideration was if you did it accidentally. Did you apologize to the kid when you pushed him? If not, maybe he thought you were being hostile and thought the situation was going to get worse so he chose to tell his dad.

    I'm not on his side just in case you're wondering. It sucks that kids in today's society are becoming more defensive. Hopefully it's not all that bad for you. Good luck with the whole thing man.
    You know, its about time I changed my dumb old sig

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  6. #6
    Bananarama Can you believe it!!! Pete's Avatar
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    I think it depends on the situation at hand; was there a reason for pushing the kid or was it done just because you could?

    Regardless though, it's pretty stupid to go running to the cops. I mean, this is all high school bullshit, it should be dealt with accordingly. Parents and police shouldn't have to fight your battles at that age.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  7. #7
    The kid is a little whore with a big mouth. He was talking trash so I got up in his face and push him. Now that I think about it I should have broke every teeth in his mouth. I had a perfect record in this school and now is ruin and so will be him very soon. I don’t look or make trouble out there, but when people start with me they pay for it. If I encounter him right now for a second time I’ll get arrested, but who says it has to be me who encounters him again. I am going to set up a “welcome to street” for him.

    Because of this little c*ck s*cker I went from Cs to Fs in 2 of my classes, I was 2 weeks out.
    Last edited by Bang Bang; 05-31-2008 at 03:46 PM.

  8. #8
    Are you stupid? You resort to violence the first time, for little reason, and you think doing it again is going to help? Is it really worth ****ing your life up for some idiot.

    Going to the police is a bit far. I agree with Pete, the highschool should be dealing with it, it's stupid to let it go any further... especially for something so trivial, i mean i could understand it if it was maybe a full blown fight, but a push? >.> There were always massive fights when i was in school, and the worst punishment was an hour detention after school haha
    Last edited by Djinn; 05-31-2008 at 04:31 PM.

  9. #9
    TFF's Token Imp Can you believe it!!! Martin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Djinn View Post
    Are you stupid? You resort to violence the first time, for little reason, and you think doing it again is going to help? Is it really worth ****ing your life up for some idiot.

    Going to the police is a bit far. I agree with Pete, the highschool should be dealing with it, it's stupid to let it go any further... especially for something so trivial, i mean i could understand it if it was maybe a full blown fight, but a push? >.> There were always massive fights when i was in school, and the worst punishment was an hour detention after school haha
    That's a pretty level-headed response. And you're right, violence the first time you get wound up is pretty reckless but granted we've all been there at some point I guess.

    The big fights in my school were often resolved by ambulances more often than not. And I remember the days of after-schools... not that I had many of course

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  10. #10
    that kid needs to grow a pair of nuts and not be such a little bich lol he needs how to deal with things more maturally but seriously that fukin sucks for u man i'd beat that kids ass and his dads for goin thru with the charges if i had kids i would have told my kid to grow up and not be such a puss y

  11. #11
    I love how the posts about killing this kid are all over the place. Yes, I agree, he does need to deal with it more maturally.

    You pushed him, he's pushing you back in the strongest, albeit most annoying, way that he can. The way you're rambling on about him being a whore etc does not suggest to me that you are altogether the most peaceful man this world has ever seen. It won't get to court, so learn a lesson (ie push some people and they'll try their best to really get on your tits) and be quiet.

  12. #12
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Ahhhhh Gov...
    But seriously, maturity be ****ed with a 10 foot pole in a case like this.
    If the kid was talking shit, he should have been prepared to follow through. I agree with mjrouse, people need to harden the **** up sometimes.

    I honestly do hope something happens to the guy. Not because I'm an asshole (though I can be at times... ), but simply as it'll be the only way the guy learns. There's a time to involve authority, and there's a time to go roaring in with bare knuckles. Few enjoy the antics of someone who doesn't know when to shut up...
    victoria aut mors

  13. #13
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    Maybe you should learn to keep your hands to yourself?

    And threatening that you're going to kill the kid will get you nowhere. Maybe you should spend less time on the internet sounding like a stupid douchebag and spend more time in the real world growing up a little bit.

    Side note: Some hard ass black kid stabbed me (literally, stabbed) in the back with a pencil in my 8th grade year as he sat behind me. I reached back, snapped the pencil out of his hand, and went about my business. He gets in my face (mind, I was sitting) and as soon as I stood up to tell him to **** off he swings on me. I basically got my ass kicked, and tried to press assault charges.

    Apparantly the act of me grabbing the pencil out of his hand and calling him a stupid nig*** was me starting the fight, so he got off clean, but was later expelled anyways. Mind you, the cops who came out were black, every other kid in the room was black, and the teacher was black (but out of the room when all this happened). I was one of five white kids in that entire school, and I was the last one to leave.
    Last edited by Sean; 06-01-2008 at 06:20 PM.

  14. #14
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sean View Post
    Maybe you should learn to keep your hands to yourself?
    Has that ever worked in a school scenario? I mean seriously, we were fed that line so much in school here it wasn't funny. Those that did keep their hands to themselves were often considered weak, and were picked on more. It's a vicious cycle, but shit happens.

    And threatening that you're going to kill the kid will get you nowhere. Maybe you should spend less time on the internet sounding like a stupid douchebag and spend more time in the real world growing up a little bit.
    Me or Bang Bang?
    If you're referring to me you have no idea what you're talking about. I have to do whatever crappy little jobs I can until I get my Security Guard license. For the past day or two and until Wednesday I'll be living off cheap cola and half a block of cheese. It's never wise to judge someone on the internet, unless you know a decent amount about them first. After I pay the hundred dollars rent, there's really not enough to go around for everything. I lose food and other things to be online and to own the games I want...

    And neither of us threatened to kill the kid. That's why I'm not sure who the post was directed at...

    Side note: Some hard ass black kid stabbed me (literally, stabbed) in the back with a pencil in my 8th grade year as he sat behind me. I reached back, snapped the pencil out of his hand, and went about my business. He gets in my face (mind, I was sitting) and as soon as I stood up to tell him to **** off he swings on me. I basically got my ass kicked, and tried to press assault charges.

    Apparantly the act of me grabbing the pencil out of his hand and calling him a stupid nig*** was me starting the fight, so he got off clean, but was later expelled anyways. Mind you, the cops who came out were black, every other kid in the room was black, and the teacher was black (but out of the room when all this happened). I was one of five white kids in that entire school, and I was the last one to leave.
    Well naturally. No-one stands for racism these days. Well most seem to harbour some kind of racism. They just won't acknowledge it and judge others as racist. I don't know how the law works there, but snatching the pencil could have been seen as thievery of some sort, over here if you're acting aggressive and in range you've already committed assault as well and there are several other things you could have been had for.

    You've really got to have a solid understanding of how the law works and how you can word things properly so the court system favours you.
    victoria aut mors

  15. #15
    Fighting in school I always saw as pointless, because someone will always lose, and you can never say for certain that it will not be you who loses. You can beat anyone to a pulp, gain 'respect', have people leave you alone, but you will never be untouchable - basically, you'll never be above the teachers and the law. Sometimes threatening these people with your strongest weapon, which may be the police, is the quickest way to keep yourself safe.

    I mean, let's get hypothetical. Say this kid pushed Mr Bang back, retaliated; unless Bang was just looking for a beating this kid has to be weaker than him, and the kid would be pretty stupid to hit back because he's not as strong as his opponent. So what's he to do? His options were: get pushed, leave it, and expect more pushing in the future (nobody wants that), or retaliate, get beaten up, and probably suspended from school. What the **** Bang thought he was doing shoving some kid so close to graduation is beyond me. Ego knows no sense.

    And when it's a choice between facing assault charges, no matter how unjustified they are, and keeping your hands to yourself, well...surely, Silver, you see the logic.

  16. #16
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pablo Honey View Post
    Fighting in school I always saw as pointless, because someone will always lose, and you can never say for certain that it will not be you who loses. You can beat anyone to a pulp, gain 'respect', have people leave you alone, but you will never be untouchable - basically, you'll never be above the teachers and the law. Sometimes threatening these people with your strongest weapon, which may be the police, is the quickest way to keep yourself safe.
    Except how it further pisses off the aggressor and they end up doing something much worse. As much as our Authorities seem to have power, they have to work in a reactive way. And sometimes that can be way too late.

    I mean, let's get hypothetical. Say this kid pushed Mr Bang back, retaliated; unless Bang was just looking for a beating this kid has to be weaker than him, and the kid would be pretty stupid to hit back because he's not as strong as his opponent. So what's he to do? His options were: get pushed, leave it, and expect more pushing in the future (nobody wants that), or retaliate, get beaten up, and probably suspended from school. What the **** Bang thought he was doing shoving some kid so close to graduation is beyond me. Ego knows no sense.

    And when it's a choice between facing assault charges, no matter how unjustified they are, and keeping your hands to yourself, well...surely, Silver, you see the logic.
    I have seen that logic. It's the same kind that parents try to use on their kids. But it's also hopelessly flawed. Respect really is needed in this day and age. And if you stick up for yourself, fight your hardest, and then still managed to grin whilst looking like a piece of shit on the floor, you've already won the war.

    When you're feeling the victim, in tears or have had to seek help elsewhere, they've already won. That's something I understand. And I know I'm not the only one.
    victoria aut mors

  17. #17
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bang Bang
    The kid is a little whore with a big mouth. He was talking trash so I got up in his face and push him.
    Kid, meaning... younger than you? It's really weird when somebody gets so riled up about kids mouthing off if they're so much younger. I really do wonder.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bang Bang
    Now that I think about it I should have broke every teeth in his mouth. I had a perfect record in this school and now is ruin and so will be him very soon.
    ...Because of him? You pushed him, not the other way around, you broke your own record by initating physical violence. Now you're paying the consequence and getting all pissy about it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bang Bang
    I don’t look or make trouble out there, but when people start with me they pay for it. If I encounter him right now for a second time I’ll get arrested, but who says it has to be me who encounters him again. I am going to set up a “welcome to street” for him.
    Don't you think you'd better give it a rest before you get into even more trouble? That's the last thing I'd want if I were in your shoes.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bang Bang
    Because of this little c*ck s*cker I went from Cs to Fs in 2 of my classes, I was 2 weeks out.
    How can you blame somebody else for your ignorance? I think you need a reality check, mate.

    You never elaborated what this kid said to you to get you so angry, which suggests it was some personal comment and you took it too seriously.
    I know a Hell of a lot of people who would've reported your behavior, too.

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  18. #18
    Mr Bang has been scared off. Many others would be, unless they're total idiots. They know they'll just get into more shit if they chase it up, and they deserve what they get if they do.

    Lying on the floor smiling through your own broken teeth is not a victory in any sense of the word. It just means you were too stupid to avoid a fight. Violence is never necessary unless it's directed at someone who has done something classed as wrong by the law, and yet the law are not moving on it, so you step in. The rest of the time it's just plain old fighting, stupid, nasty, brutish. I know the best stories come from fights, laughs, y'know. But having grown up where and how I did I cannot condone it. It does not feel nice. It solves nothing in real situations, it only ever makes things worse. Never in my life have I seen it solve anything of real substance; it can be a plaster for scuffles, but nothing more. It is sore, it's scary, and you'd be a fool to ever celebrate it (unless you're a boxer or someone who makes a living from it under certified conditions).

    Arguments, I love. Words solve problems. But if you can't hold your own stupid body to account and control yourself, then you get all the shit that's going to land on you; and if you expect none, or choose a fight with someone for that reason, then you're a bully; and in day to day life there are few things worse than that.

    Just don't celebrate violence. It really does not deserve it.

    EDIT: And what if the kid couldn't win on his own? What then?
    Last edited by Govinda; 06-01-2008 at 07:26 PM.

  19. #19
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pablo Honey View Post
    Mr Bang has been scared off. Many others would be, unless they're total idiots. They know they'll just get into more shit if they chase it up, and they deserve what they get if they do.
    Mr Bang also mentioned a 'street welcoming' or something...

    Quote Originally Posted by Bang Bang
    If I encounter him right now for a second time I’ll get arrested, but who says it has to be me who encounters him again. I am going to set up a “welcome to street” for him.
    That's part of why I think as I do. Things get messier the more other people get involved. As I said in my first post, if someone's acting the smartass, they should be prepared to defend themselves. I doubt there are many countries that the average person would just smile passively and back off from a tongue lashing, especially an undeserved one. And there are a lot of people fond of giving those for whatever reason they may (or may think they) hold...

    Lying on the floor smiling through your own broken teeth is not a victory in any sense of the word. It just means you were too stupid to avoid a fight. Violence is never necessary unless it's directed at someone who has done something classed as wrong by the law, and yet the law are not moving on it, so you step in. The rest of the time it's just plain old fighting, stupid, nasty, brutish. I know the best stories come from fights, laughs, y'know. But having grown up where and how I did I cannot condone it. It does not feel nice. It solves nothing in real situations, it only ever makes things worse. Never in my life have I seen it solve anything of real substance; it can be a plaster for scuffles, but nothing more. It is sore, it's scary, and you'd be a fool to ever celebrate it (unless you're a boxer or someone who makes a living from it under certified conditions).
    Having grown up where and how I have, I have seen it as being necessary at times. Not everyone's adept at solving problems with their words, and just because you're prepared to, doesn't mean everyone else is. As much damage as physical violence can do, it can often fast track things and keep them from getting even more out of hand. Or why would groups insist on keeping militant forces and the like? If everyone was 'defending' there'd be no need...

    I have made some money off fights. But then I realised it was fighting for the wrong reasons. It's not a reason to celebrate fighting. No, the adrenaline rush, intensity and struggle are reason to celebrate it. Conflict plays a big role in helping the world go round....

    Arguments, I love. Words solve problems. But if you can't hold your own stupid body to account and control yourself, then you get all the shit that's going to land on you; and if you expect none, or choose a fight with someone for that reason, then you're a bully; and in day to day life there are few things worse than that.
    And verbally bullying someone isn't bullying? Words can often do more damage than fists. Hell it's psychological damage, the lasting sort. Words can do everything the body can, and often to a more devastating effect. Words can allow one to communicate to get ahold of far worse ways of harming someone than a well aimed punch. A bully to me starts conflict. A real man finishes it. And then you have victims. Those who can't stand up for themselves. They earn pity, and some start to hate themselves for not being able to stand up for themselves. Is that really worth a bit of bruising?

    Just don't celebrate violence. It really does not deserve it.
    Violence deserves a lot more praise than it gets. It's just there are times for violence, and times it really isn't necessary, but either way it achieves something. Respect is invaluable.

    EDIT: And what if the kid couldn't win on his own? What then?
    Then nothing. If he shows that he cannot be beaten, he wins regardless. Sure, some might think him a little psychotic, but it works regardless. The rare cases I have lost over the past couple of years, I have smiled, I have laughed and I have held no grudge. That's what shows a man's strength, that's what gains him respect. Pain's powerful, but it's no master for some people.
    Last edited by Furore; 06-01-2008 at 07:44 PM.
    victoria aut mors

  20. #20
    Conflict is the pursuit of personal interest, nothing more. Things have been this way since Westphalia. It makes the world go round because every nation state is out for its own needs. I had a feeling you'd bring war into this; just think about how many assault charges Poland would have filed to some nonexistant international police by now and you see that personal and international violence cannot be compared. Now that that's out the way.

    I've just learned the age difference between senior and freshman. It was explained to me in terms that I understand, and it's taken on a whole new meaning. I thought they were one year apart, not three. So when some kid, three years your junior, says something, aren't you old enough to leave it be?

    Violence gets messier the more people are involved. Let's see. But why have it in the first place? The places we grew up in don't seem that far removed from one another: dirty, drugged up, violent. But doesn't that make you want to find a new way? A way around the drugs and the bad kids that doesn't involve violence? It's clearly not working in these situations, it only makes matters in the local community worse. I don't know how it is around your area, but in mine, when someone attacks someone else, their whole families get involved, and it becomes a feudal bloodbath. It was exactly the same in school. This system just causes grief for everyone.

    You always have the option to walk away. It's as simple as that. If they really want to hurt you, yes, defend yourself by all means. But getting beaten up and feeling okay about it is not a victory. And the matter remains: what if you don't have the personal and familial resources to defend yourself?

    And Christ, yes, I know about verbal bullying. It can be just as bad, if not worse than physical bullying, as you've got no evidence. In that situation, you need help, as the liklihood of someone physically weaker than you attacking you is zero to none. But that's a whole other can of worms.

    A bully starts conflict? No, they don't. They go on a cowardly power trip and attempt to beat someone down. The whole point of bullying is that they do not expect the person to fight back. Otherwise bullying and picking fights would be one and the same. Bullying is a long term systematic effort to wear a person down for your own social status, and not what we are meant to be talking about. Victims hate themselves for being weak? What, children hate themselves because they can't beat daddy up? Wives in abusive relationships hate themselves because they're weaker than their husbands? No. Victims are scared, and they hate themselves for not being able to free themselves from their fear. These people usually have nothing left to turn to, if they're in that state they'll have tried everything their own mind lets them see as being permissable.

    Violence does not deserve more praise at all. It hurts people. There are other ways of getting things done. Yes, a lot of people don't do that, won't do that, in our times at least; but why not try to change that? Why not try to make the world so that when we have children, they don't need to feel that violence is something they'll need in school? Do you want your kids to get beaten up and then head back out for another round just for the sake of pride? These attitudes are old, and if people don't start holding their fists, we'll always be this way. Or maybe we always will just because we're useless humans, who knows; but I'm in that idealistic, rare mood just now where I like to think that we can be more.

  21. #21
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pablo Honey View Post
    Conflict is the pursuit of personal interest, nothing more. Things have been this way since Westphalia. It makes the world go round because every nation state is out for its own needs. I had a feeling you'd bring war into this; just think about how many assault charges Poland would have filed to some nonexistant international police by now and you see that personal and international violence cannot be compared. Now that that's out the way.
    Conflict is a state of opposition, disagreement or similar between multiple viewpoints, be they of individuals or groups of some kind. Or at least that's how I see it. Yeah, violence is stereotypically evil and all because of war and people dying as a result of it all and shit...
    I know. But I've seen it's other sides. And I wasn't referring to the superficial victories of violence on a large scale. I was referring instead to what wars have to teach us. A lot of advances and the like in several fields are a result of war. Especially things like medical techniques that evolved through all the half dead people needing treatment. And there's also some military toys that ended up becoming quite big in terms of telecommunications and the like as well. And respect is also more present between different sides after the war finishes often. But I digress...

    I've just learned the age difference between senior and freshman. It was explained to me in terms that I understand, and it's taken on a whole new meaning. I thought they were one year apart, not three. So when some kid, three years your junior, says something, aren't you old enough to leave it be?
    Aye, I thought it was just a year myself originally. Either way, something was missing from the equation. Respect. Did the guy show Bang bang any respect when he mouthed off? Respect is rarely freely given. More often than not it must be earned.

    Violence gets messier the more people are involved. Let's see. But why have it in the first place? The places we grew up in don't seem that far removed from one another: dirty, drugged up, violent. But doesn't that make you want to find a new way? A way around the drugs and the bad kids that doesn't involve violence? It's clearly not working in these situations, it only makes matters in the local community worse. I don't know how it is around your area, but in mine, when someone attacks someone else, their whole families get involved, and it becomes a feudal bloodbath. It was exactly the same in school. This system just causes grief for everyone.
    Indeed. And I do acknowledge that. But these are things that don't really change too fast. No-one with a loud enough voice is really doing anything about it. Violence is only really necessary as others can employ it. That said, it does also have it's other uses, most of which do include bullying to some extent. And say an ice addict was coming at you with a knife one night. Would anything you say be able to stop that kind of bastard? There are a lot of those around here who need 'sorting out' occasionally. Ultimately they need medical help or to be locked up, but for now people being able to defend themselves will suffice where possible.

    You always have the option to walk away. It's as simple as that. If they really want to hurt you, yes, defend yourself by all means. But getting beaten up and feeling okay about it is not a victory. And the matter remains: what if you don't have the personal and familial resources to defend yourself?
    Walking away isn't always an option. If you're surrounded, or will experience repercussions from walking away later, you will have to stand up for yourself. I don't know what you really mean by the last question. But as far as I'm concerned the best thing to do is smile and fight. If you win, you have respect. If you lose and are really screwed up and you're still smiling you've still won. It's not a loss until the person you're fighting feels like they've actually scarred you. A good deal of it is psychological really...

    And Christ, yes, I know about verbal bullying. It can be just as bad, if not worse than physical bullying, as you've got no evidence. In that situation, you need help, as the liklihood of someone physically weaker than you attacking you is zero to none. But that's a whole other can of worms.
    Not really. Verbal bullying is just an alternative to physical bullying. I tend to prefer the physical. I usually win, and even if I lose the fight, I often win the war just by not showing any pain or hard feelings.

    A bully starts conflict? No, they don't. They go on a cowardly power trip and attempt to beat someone down. The whole point of bullying is that they do not expect the person to fight back. Otherwise bullying and picking fights would be one and the same. Bullying is a long term systematic effort to wear a person down for your own social status, and not what we are meant to be talking about. Victims hate themselves for being weak? What, children hate themselves because they can't beat daddy up? Wives in abusive relationships hate themselves because they're weaker than their husbands? No. Victims are scared, and they hate themselves for not being able to free themselves from their fear. These people usually have nothing left to turn to, if they're in that state they'll have tried everything their own mind lets them see as being permissable.
    Picking a fight is a form of bullying. And if a bully does not initiate an incident, it can't be bullying. It's a form of torment through harassment. A bully wants a response, and wins when he achieves it. Fighting can be a part of the desired response, but ultimately the bully wants the victim to feel weak and defeated. And yes, I've had friends cry and get really depressed just because they weren't strong enough to see things through. The cure? I gave them some pointers...

    Bear in mind, in the case of Bang Bang he was harassed into pushing the guy. That to me justifies his actions. Why? Because the other guy started it, and the way school works, if it's not ended things escalate. Oh it may have been careless to do it so close to an important deadline, but even with that he shouldn't have to take shit from some punk.

    Violence does not deserve more praise at all. It hurts people. There are other ways of getting things done. Yes, a lot of people don't do that, won't do that, in our times at least; but why not try to change that? Why not try to make the world so that when we have children, they don't need to feel that violence is something they'll need in school? Do you want your kids to get beaten up and then head back out for another round just for the sake of pride? These attitudes are old, and if people don't start holding their fists, we'll always be this way. Or maybe we always will just because we're useless humans, who knows; but I'm in that idealistic, rare mood just now where I like to think that we can be more.
    And I'm trapped in that realist state of mind for now. I'm only going by what I know, what I've seen and what I've experienced myself. I know the attitudes are old, I know it's wrong how things work, but I'm a realist at times. I don't think this is an issue that'll change too much any time soon.

    And for the record, I've been in countless fights. To say violence is meaningless is like saying some sort of art is meaningless. Some people will get great pleasure out of it. I've been trying to avoid fights for a while now, but I still crave one once in a while. There's no feeling like it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Helter Skelter
    What inane macho drivel it is to say that fighting gains respect. Maybe among certain half-witted males, yes.

    I don't have any respect for high school seniors who push freshmen around. That's ridiculous. It doesn't make him big, nor does it make him clever. End of story.
    The inane drivel of one who has the ability to fight if he wishes to I guess. A sharp tongue can be quite a gift, but a sharp tongue and a strong body can be a lot more of a blessing. 'Wits' also includes a person's perceptions. Is your ego that great that you believe your perceptions on this are any greater than mine or anyone elses?

    And would ignoring the smartass freshmen around have the Senior retain respect amongst his peers? In an ideal world maybe. But most of the time this world doesn't work like that.

    Once again, I think Bang Bang's timing was wrong. BUT I still feel he had decent cause behind his reaction. Remember, he didn't sucker punch the guy. No, he just pushed him. Big whoop.
    Last edited by Furore; 06-01-2008 at 08:52 PM.
    victoria aut mors

  22. #22
    What inane macho drivel it is to say that fighting gains respect. Maybe among certain half-witted males, yes.

    I don't have any respect for high school seniors who push freshmen around. That's ridiculous. It doesn't make him big, nor does it make him clever. End of story.
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  23. #23
    Bananarama Can you believe it!!! Pete's Avatar
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    I feel like this is getting dumber and dumber as we go on.

    Case in point, both parties were wrong. The freshie shouldn't have talked shit and Bang shouldn't have pushed him. Now, had the freshie thrown a punch, and Bang pushed him, then the kid has no right to call anyone. NOR should he have the right to call the police when HE was the one allegedly starting a fight by running his mouth.

    I'm not advocating violence here, but people do have the right to defend themselves. Case in point, a bunch of my friends and I were walking to the bars in February. Out of nowhere, this guy comes sprinting up to our group and begins hitting on the girls we were with. We literally tell him to get lost, and he starts taking swings at us. We defended ourselves with out fists, cause there were no cops around, and we weren't about to take a beating.

    At the same time, I don't believe in fighting as a way to earn respect. I feel that in order to earn respect, you give it, and if people don't respect you, then screw 'em. You get respect by being a standup guy and not doing scumbag things, like not taking advantage of the girl you've liked forever while shes drunk, or for helping out someone who really needed it, despite the fact that you never got along with them. Stuff like that earns you respect. Kicking the shit out of a few muppets proves that you can fight, and sure, in fighting communities that could earn you respect; but people don't look at that in awe, unless it's your job.

    Case in point, everyone's wrong except for me, haha. Violence is bad most of the time, but sometimes you've got no choice but to defend yourself. By the time you pull out a phone and call 911, you could already have the shit kicked out of you. Granted, you can still try to fight and have the same result.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  24. #24
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. Can you believe it!!! Polk's Avatar
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    Yes I can believe it!!

    If you're American, you've just committed assault.


    Quote Originally Posted by Article on assault
    Modern American statutes define assault as:

    1. an attempt to cause or purposely, knowingly, or recklessly causing bodily injury to another; or,
    2. negligently causing bodily injury to another with a deadly weapon.

    Some states also define assault as an attempt to menace (or actual menacing) by placing another person in fear of imminent serious bodily injury.
    I don't know where you live though. Which is a good thing, as I am practically wetting myself due to the fear that this post will in some way anger you to the point of you finding me and shoving me. I'm losing control of my bladder.

    The fact is, you knowingly pushed the kid. You weren't physically provoked, as the kid was just talking shit, apparently. If he had attacked you first, as it has been said before, the incident would go down a lot differently.

    Though it is kind of a shitty move for the kid to go to the police, he had every right to. Any act of physical violence can be construed as assault, unless

    A. You can prove that it was accidental
    B. You can prove he adequately prove that he forced you into said violence
    C. You can prove that you were not control of yourself when said action happened, ie you were drunk or under other the influence of other substances.

    Then again, these rules don't apply to me, as if some punk gets all up in my grill, they don't live to press charges.

    Seriously. I'm really strong.
    Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."

    Crao Porr Cock8. Bitch.

  25. #25
    God I don’t know where to start, I went to the school the other day and you know what I fund out. The kid is a retard in our gym class. You see my school has a program for retards. The so-so ones are allow to be in our elective classes [Weight training, painting, cooking, etc.]. Gee Can’t say I am shock. But this does explain everything. I knew the kid was a loud mouth idiot, but hey retard. Yahoo.

    Those of you who think this is bull then you’ll be glad to hear that the charges died basically, didn’t go through. As it would seem you can’t take being push to court, he wasn’t in any way harm. The police said “kid don’t worry about this charges like this happen all the time. We’ll enroll you into the youth diversion program and you might have to write letter of apology or take anger management”. I am ok with the letter I just don’t see myself in anger management…

    I should sued the school for having a retard in our class, what is the board of education thinking in the county? I use to be from New Jersey and under no circumstance they would mix students. They had their “own” school.

    Some of you guys are really itchy. Personally I did back down!! Seriously beating him up would’ve have been going all the way. Leaving it the way I did was a back down, personally. It should have ended up right there. Why it didn’t? well know you know the kid has seen a few movies…This just isn't me but some people have the talent to bring me up. I hear what a few are saying. The whole non-violence thing, but seriously anyone starts with you in public and you make a move, or by god for the rest of your life you are a bitch in the zip code. I don't know I guess I'll leave it. For now.

    Peace out yo is summer vacations!!! And here is a little something to lighten the mood in here
    Last edited by Bang Bang; 06-02-2008 at 10:42 AM.

  26. #26
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bang Bang View Post
    God I don’t know where to start, I went to the school the other day and you know what I fund out. The kid is a retard in our gym class. You see my school has a program for retards. The so-so ones are allow to be in our elective classes [Weight training, painting, cooking, etc.]. Gee Can’t say I am shock. But this does explain everything. I knew the kid was a loud mouth idiot, but hey retard. Yahoo.
    If he was a retard... wouldn't you have noticed? They have much different behavioral patterns to people without a disability. Of course, I have an auntie with downs, and thats very obvious. Whilst other retards maybe not be as obvious, if they are mentally retarded, it should be much more than obvious...

    Quote Originally Posted by Bang Bang
    Those of you who think this is bull then you’ll be glad to hear that the charges died basically, didn’t go through. As it would seem you can’t take being push to court, he wasn’t in any way harm.
    Fair enough. If he was retarded like you say, he might be even more scared of being pushed around, in which case, I don't blame him whatsoever for contacting the police. He felt threatened.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bang Bang
    I should sued the school for having a retard in our class, what is the board of education thinking in the county? I use to be from New Jersey and under no circumstance they would mix students. They had their “own” school.
    ...What? Okay, fair enough, splitting students into different classes by disability is a good idea. HOWEVER. How does that give you the right to sue the school? Can somebody please explain that to me? =\

    Quote Originally Posted by Bang Bang
    Oh and regarding your question he called me a fagot because I had change my hair color...yes you heard what I just said right? I believe this topic is over with. First of all shut the **** up about it. I have gotten more ***** then he is ever. Shit people swallow the gay jokes. Is it really envy? When I man looks sees another man with abs? no hair on his legs, and perfect facial features? So they comfort them self by saying they are gay. But when they go to sleep at night they can't hide for the fact that the other guy are getting all the trophy girls. I believe in taking care of myself I like to change my look. But I am not gay, and second of all even if the person was gay do you go about calling them out loud a fagot?
    Pablo... Halp. I have no idea what this is supposed to mean!

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Chez Daja View Post
    Pablo... Halp. I have no idea what this is supposed to mean!
    Maybe I should get into comedy I bet I make a good comedian, don’t you think so you forum addict. This is the kind of **** face I am talking about. Ya everything is funny. Isn’t. Blow me. Can’t even start a freaking topic with you people. Pfft. I am done making topics for this place.

  28. #28
    Registered User Can you believe it!!! winterborn86's Avatar
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    hey chill out hun.

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  29. #29
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bang Bang View Post
    Maybe I should get into comedy I bet I make a good comedian, don’t you think so you forum addict.
    Erm, what? You think that was funny? WOW YA. TOTALI. U SHUD B A COMIDIUN CZ U R LIEK. THA DOGZ BOLLUCKZ. Or maybe you lick them. You're about as funny as a deflated cock. Funny, but only in the horribly depressing way.

    I don't know, and it's pretty irrelevent so lets move on, shall we?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bang Bang
    This is the kind of **** face I am talking about. Ya everything is funny. Isn’t. Blow me. Can’t even start a freaking topic with you people. Pfft. I am done making topics for this place.
    What? Jesus Christ, were you the retard in your own story? I stated I didn't understand the shite that was coming out of your keyboard and you threw a giant hissy fit about it. Is it just that you can't spell or make relevent sense and are becoming defensive about it, or just that you get kicks out of being stupid?

    I don't usually flamebait people, but you're so stupid and insensitive toward anybody that doesn't say "YA. U WER RITE 2 DO THAT. GUD 4 U INNIT" I couldn't restrain myself.

    I'll get a warning for this, and so be it. I was just saying what people were thinking and now I'm done. KTHNX.

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  30. #30
    Chez, he was just saying that the kid called him a poof for changing his hair colour, and asking why every man with nice hair and facial features gets called gay. After that, I don't know.

    I agree with Winterborn86. Nothing more to say here. At least, nothing more until people learn what a verb tense is.

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