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edit:I happen to threaten many a moderator who choose to spam in n00b threads and set bad examples. Psychosyd is a good example of this, as I almost warned him the other day for his posting habits. Everyone's argument in New Members is that the posts don't count, and my counterargument is that they're setting bad examples. I've dished out only one warning in NM, but I've made quite a few threats and pre-warnings to people who don't get the point.
No, post count is irrelevant in any forum, I dont care where I post. I posted crappy knowing full well what I did, you would have been in every right to give me a warning. Unlike most people, I don't see one warning as the end of the world or doomed membership, its just that a warning, and i know full well I sometimes post total risky crap in topics, because thats what comes to mind and I feel thats the post I want to make without dragging out unnessecary information because I don't want to risk being labeled for spamming. I post how I post, I post the way I am, and if it brushes the edges, so be it.