Depends on who you're with, and who you're hooking up with. I've witnessed guys expressing that "don't do it, man" feeling. I've also witnessed those girls that are telling their friend the entire night to "do him".
But don't **** block.
So as a guy, if you go with other guys to a party and one of your friends were to get "lucky", so to speak, that would be considered a good thing by all the guys that went with him. It's a celebrated triumph amongst men that makes all of us feel a little better to know that you can get laid on a Friday night.
I've noticed though that a group of girls at the party often treat things the exact opposite. If one of the girls were to go home with a guy it's an affront to the group. They are sour about the experience, be it jealousy or a feeling of abandonment.
I'm curious as to why this difference is there and what the rest of you think about the concept in general.
Depends on who you're with, and who you're hooking up with. I've witnessed guys expressing that "don't do it, man" feeling. I've also witnessed those girls that are telling their friend the entire night to "do him".
But don't **** block.
I dont know whether you told me to not copulate with Block or to not put the shield against his genitalia. So confused
Therefore, I motion to remove the language filters for tff. All in favor say I?
†SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™
hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
blahgdhghje! I got a lobster in my ass, and he sings like a walrus!
*punches noob in face*
brought to you by ruin.
Last edited by Block; 03-26-2010 at 01:21 AM. Reason: bc i should have
I have a lot of 'friends' who go out of their way to find men they think are suitable for their friends to sleep with. So that's kind of different. I guess some girls are against it because they just want the best for their friends, especially if their friend is drunk or are just looking out for them? They could be jealous too.
Plus it's more accepted (Just talking about here) For a man to go home with a woman but the woman is looked down upon.
As for being **** blocked. It's fantastic when men come on to me at parties and other people see and take me away. It makes them mad but I like it, a lot.
Me and my friends are pretty laid back when it comes to this sort of thing. Me and my best friend usually have the same taste, so if we spot a "hottie", we're both probably looking in the same direction and giving the "nod of approval" to each other.
Personally, bringing someone home with me isn't my idea of a good time - I'd rather wake up with the same person laying next to me every morning. However, if that's what my friends want - then they can go for it, and I'd be happy for them... maybe even joke about it. They're fairly sensible for the most part, so I doubt it'll be something they'd do, but even if it was I wouldn't ruin their night.
Only way I'd step in is if the person looked dodgy, or if my friend looked as if they'd just got themselves spiked, or if they're too pissed to do anything anyway. Not everything you do when drunk is a good idea. =S
Meh. I don't really go home with people often. Maybe once or twice and usually it doesn't go all that far. At parties, I may make out with a nice guy, but I don't really like taking it further unless I know him better. I'm cool with the idea of **** buddies, but when it comes to having just pointless one night stands... not so much.
If one of my female friends gets lucky with a guy who I know is decent enough, I'm happy for her. Same for when one of my male friends gets with a nice girl... To each their own.
The person in my avatar is me.
I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.
<<<<never been a C@ck blocker...there was this one girl that i had a crush on for the longest time and saw her drunk at a kick back and she was gonna have sex with this other dude and i was a lil sick about it but then realized if thats tha kinda thing she does then y tha heck am i jelous of him....
it is forbidden to block the C@ck....
I don't c*ck block. I encourage my buddies to do as many chicks as they can. Also I am that ass hole that if I have a friend that is shitfaced drunk I will point out a chick that I think is fugly. I will say dude she wants you go and do her know.
I have seen with girls that if one of their friends are hooking up wit a guy they will either nod in approval or get a look of disgust on their face. I don't know if it is them jealous or what. This one time I made out wit a girl and her friend gave me the death stare so I invited her to join. She had rank breath almost made me throw up. Kicked that chick out quick..
If it's a friend, I'll do whatever I can to help the chap out.
If it's someone I don't like much, I'll do whatever doesn't put me at a loss to **** block.
I can be petty like that.
victoria aut mors
I think there should be an RPG where you're a group of girls in a night club and your job is to stop it. Course in RPG rules you'd want a tank (skank) to take the brunt of the load (load) and the big boss would be...well Big Ben Roethelsberger. Soon to be Big Ben flippin burgers!
One time my friend told me I was **** blocking him but he was talking to a girl with a boyfriend anyways lol.
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CPC8! - Pimpin' is easy
Currently Playing: Video Games
Man it depends on the friend, sometimes if I'm drunk and having too much fun being funny, I'll be a c*ck block. But around here, there really is no way to block it, shit heres a story for ya. I was hanging out with my friend Cory, Nathan, Chelsea, Laura, Dustin and some other people well we all got super shit faced and Cory wanted to lose his virginity! Well ****, he took chelsea to my floor, at the foot of my bed. I wasn't about to wanna watch that nonsense go down so I took a lighter to his ass hairs as we all laughed.... AND HE KEPT GOING! I was surprised at this kids desire to keep going no matter if his anal hole is caught on fire. NICE
So he finished. STILL.
Another time, Nathan and Laura were having sex, so me and my buddy Scott stood over them singing and playing guitar, THEY KEPT GOING. I turned it up so loud, and we just kept singing and playing... people around here stop for nothing, they'll have sex regardless of the situation, and laugh about it later.
I on the other hand, I enjoy having sex with one person, and I really don't ever have my friends around when she's around, my girlfriend of course. 2 and a half years =] And I'm happy as F*ck.