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Thread: Breaking the ice when meeting new people

  1. #1
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Breaking the ice when meeting new people

    Inspiration has hit once again! Thanks to my other thread I thought of this simplistic one.

    Generally when I meet someone I tend to ask a lot of questions to figure out who they are, where they come from, and unintentionally break down their responses to find out who they actually are.

    Most of the time I start the conversation with a compliment (mainly when speaking with the opposite sex) and will ask a question afterwards. As per the norm, the questions are light hearted and after I get a feel for how people will respond I will throw out a goofy question (if they seem like they can handle one).

    My most famous one to actually break that awkward tension that is generally there when meeting someone new is "whats the first thing you think of when you hear the word moist?" Generally people get that snarky perverted smile and rattle of something random like "cake" or "muffins" with a goofy giggle. After that conversations usually lighten up and that tension seems to disappear.

    So that is one of the methods I use when meeting new people. Given each instance is different but that one seems to be the most common for me.

    So I am curious as to how you break that line to get people to open up?

    Also if you are like me and like to ask questions, what kind of questions do you normally use?

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  2. #2
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Breaking the ice when meeting new people

    I'm usually the shy person who waits for someone to talk to me. I don't like asking too many questions either in case I end up talking too much about me or make them feel like they're hogging the conversation. I try to initiate a conversation by asking a few questions, and then the rest flows from there if they share any common interests. Sometimes I'll meet someone with different interests, and sometimes I have more fun listening to them.

    Without common interests, I think conversations just get really boring and awkward. It's not anyone's fault, but it is boring.
    Last edited by Unknown Entity; 12-20-2010 at 10:11 AM.

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  3. #3
    Death Before Dishonor Breaking the ice when meeting new people Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Breaking the ice when meeting new people

    I am a pretty outgoing person, so when I meet someone new I jump right in. I throw myself into their convo, or what have you. I tend to ask a lot of questions about them in order to get a feel for what kind of person that they are.

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  4. #4
    Elloewen Breaking the ice when meeting new people ultimatekupo's Avatar
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    Re: Breaking the ice when meeting new people

    Usually conversation is natural and without tension for me, I am a good listener and I know how to get people to talk in person with my responses. If and when there is awkward ice I sadly run away lol.
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  5. #5

    Re: Breaking the ice when meeting new people

    I like talking to new people, I never really thought about how I break them in though. Laughter is key so If the person I'm talking to can easily laugh then there's really no issue. I don't mind being the conversation starter, so I'll generally ask questions revolving around where we are and what we were doing before the conversation started. So If I'm at a coffee shop it might be something like "what kind of drink did you order?...have you tried (...)? etc.

    The only time I think, when first conversations are awkward are when the person you're talking to doesn't cooperate. Not necessarily that the person doesn't seem interested but when I'm the one who ends up asking all the questions, because then it feels like an interrogation and if I stop asking the conversion dies until the other person decides to speak again. It ends up feeling forced.

    Other than that though I don't have too many problems.

    Also, guys be careful when dishing out compliments to girls. Even if it's one compliment you have to be careful with what you're complimenting. If it's something simple like "I like your shirt" then it's alright (ps don't stare at her boobs when you say that ) but if you're not careful it can come off extremely creepy especially if you do it too much.
    Last edited by GypsyElder; 12-20-2010 at 01:53 PM.

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  6. #6
    Registered User Breaking the ice when meeting new people sayian's Avatar
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    Re: Breaking the ice when meeting new people

    IM TERRIBLE....when i was like 19 this woman told me that her lil sis saw me, thought i was cute, and wanted to talk to me...k so few weeks later i finally met her and omg she was so beautiful i choked and had absolutely NOTHING to say(i mumbled something though).. it was so painful. behind her was my brother and i glanced at him and he had this look on his face like.. damn dude u f***** up. lol i have nevr ever been any good with breaking the ice with the ladies... way too shy

  7. #7
    The Old Skool Warrior Breaking the ice when meeting new people LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Re: Breaking the ice when meeting new people

    Quote Originally Posted by Gypsy Elder View Post
    If it's something simple like "I like your shirt" then it's alright (ps don't stare at her boobs when you say that )
    Otherwise, it comes off as "I like your breasts, will you please remove this article of clothing which is blocking my view?"


    As for breaking the ice... I'm a bit of a natural. I don't really try to cater toward any specific type of person based on how I think they might react. I just throw myself out there and see what happens. I work in retail, so I'm out meeting new people on a daily basis. Some might say "oh, Cesar, but that's your job, so that's different!" Well guess what! It really isn't. Apply the same type of tactics to an everyday conversation and you'll see what I mean. At work, I am selling products; outside of work, I am selling myself. (har har)

    Quote Originally Posted by sayian View Post
    omg she was so beautiful i choked and had absolutely NOTHING to say(i mumbled something though).. it was so painful.
    Approach women the same way you'd approach a guy that you've never met. Be casual. I'm not saying OH MY GOD RELAX because I know it's not that simple, but if you go a little outside of your comfort zone and think "hey, this is just another person," it's a lot easier to move forward from there. Just don't stick with the casual conversation routine for too long or she might think you're not interested.
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  8. #8
    Certified tech, come at me! Breaking the ice when meeting new people SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Re: Breaking the ice when meeting new people

    Funny how this thread appears after i've met new people. I'm kinda shy with meeting new people sometimes, its really easy for me to meet people if they are friends of a friend, like this one night, my friends and i were meeting up with their friends and i got to know them a little bit. I also met a friend from online gaming (White Knight Chronicles to be exact) and I've talked to her alot.

    So the way I open up, if i'm ever comfortable enough to do so, is to start with: "Hey, how are you?" and then i'd introduce myself and ask their name. After that, i pretty much become friends with that person.
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  9. #9
    Shake it like a polaroid picture Breaking the ice when meeting new people RagnaToad's Avatar
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    Re: Breaking the ice when meeting new people

    When I'm in a situation where I kind of have to talk to someone I don't really know that well, I try to find some common interest to talk about.

    I know something about most popular subjects, even when they're not one of my main interests. So that's convenient for these things.

    And yeah, I ask stuff about them too to get the conversation going. Like what they're studying, and usually I'll ask something about what kind of music they like, because I just like talking about music.
    Last edited by RagnaToad; 03-04-2011 at 02:19 PM.
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  10. #10
    I invented Go-Gurt. Breaking the ice when meeting new people Clint's Avatar
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    Re: Breaking the ice when meeting new people

    Sigmund Freud seemed to believe that whenever anybody meets anyone else, all that small talk about the weather or "getting to know you better by asking questions," is a subtle way of telling the opposite party that all you really want to do is ****.

    If I'm talking to somebody for the first time that I don't know, I'm usually pretty subtle with the sexual undertones. I'll say something alone the lines of "we should bang."

    I might say that if I'm talking to a woman, too.

  11. #11
    I will finish the hunt Breaking the ice when meeting new people Cheesevixen's Avatar
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    Re: Breaking the ice when meeting new people

    I don't have lines or a specific thing I do. Im actually interested in what people have to say, and I only feel the need to be around people that accept me as I am. So I don't put up fronts or goofy saying. I talk. Sometimes Ill compliment them if they are wearing something cool or have pretty hair, most importantly I always start by asking their name. If they wanna talk it comes natural. The people I most likely will get along with are the ones whom are laid back and down to earth. Mostly young rockers and old funny guys with time on their hands. Guess u can say I get along with the guys better. I have few girlfriends. Men who try to be too cute or intelligent to the point where it gets annoying and showy are off my charts. If you wanna impress me and be friends calm down and just be cool.
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  12. #12
    Registered User Breaking the ice when meeting new people HUNK's Avatar
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    Re: Breaking the ice when meeting new people

    Heh, I phail when it comes to talking to new people. Usually I don't start too many conversations, unless I see someone carrying a shonen jump or somthing that I like. Otherwise I start to talk way too much and then the other person has nothing to say and there's just a terriblely awqward silence......SEE!

    I guess talking about music is easiest for me, but it doesn't really get excited unless the people have really wierd tastes in music, then it's just soooo much more interesting.

  13. #13
    Registered User Breaking the ice when meeting new people sayian's Avatar
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    Re: Breaking the ice when meeting new people

    @lococolt04. ur pretty good, thanx man. however, idk what my problem was then, but i was that type who knew all of this and gave this type of advice(like urs) to other friends but when it came to me, i couldnt walk that walk for some reason.. im str8 now tho(via the process of trial and error) of course..

  14. #14
    Bananarama Breaking the ice when meeting new people Pete's Avatar
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    Re: Breaking the ice when meeting new people

    Cesar nailed it on the head. You have to just look at other people as just that... people. Just approach others like you'd approach anyone else, regardless of who they are or what they look like. If it's a super hot girl, just talk to her like she's any other person... because she is. She might just be super hot. The trick in breaking the ice with anyone is to not be a **** and to not say anything that is incendiary or hypocritical. After that, it's pretty simple. Talk, and if the convo moves forward, just keep the flow going. The worst that can really happen is someone shooting you down, and at which point, you just move on. The other trick is to never "fall in love" with someone you've never talked to or met. You're just setting yourself up for a lot of hurt.

    I don't really have a plan or a means of analyzing people when I first meet them. I just go with my gut, and the general vibes I get from what they say. I usually let them do most of the talking, but I have no problem carrying a conversation.
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  15. #15
    Resident Saint Seiya fanboy Breaking the ice when meeting new people Leon's Avatar
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    Re: Breaking the ice when meeting new people

    I tend to do the exact opposite when I meet people. Especially pretty ladies, or ladies in general, really. I'm like Peter Griffin, saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. People do that every now and then, but I do it more often than I should (unintentionally, of course).

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  16. #16
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Breaking the ice when meeting new people

    I mainly meet people at parties and pubs these days.
    It's become a matter of asking what their drink is, tossing them one from the fridge or buying them one depending on venue and then making small talk - the alcohol further helps people chill together too.

    Or I can just ask if they wanna play pool or something, that works decent too.
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