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  1. #1
    Chief Inspiring Officer Breakfast cereal - hate/love Cyanist's Avatar
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    Breakfast cereal - hate/love

    Today I wandered downstairs into my kitchen and found - to my surprise - a box of 'special K'. Now, if you know me, you know I breakfast upon a sparse regiment of tea (from a pathetic little string-ed bag) and a single piece of buttered toast dipped into said drink so I'm far from learned on this subject of "cereals" but my mother did purchase an occasional 'Uncle Sam's flax seed' cereal in the past.
    Now I warily approached the box of "Special K", frowned at the cover, glanced furtively about and reached my hand inside to snatch some of its contents and the taste - the taste? - well, I found it unexpectedly adequate.

    My question: Do you eat breakfast cereal? What brand? Have you ever come across one you did not care for? and so forth. Your answer here, please.
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  2. #2
    G'day Breakfast cereal - hate/love NikkiLinkle's Avatar
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    I don't eat cereal often. Hell, I don't eat breakfast often, I usually have a yogurt and an Up & Go (supplement milk drink). But I will have moments when I eat cereal for breakfast all week, then never eat it again for like 3 months. Or I occasionally eat cereal for dinner. I like Special K, Sultana Bran, Rice Bubbles (I think are known as Rice Krispies elsewhere), Wheeties and Weetbix or Vita-Brits, oh and Honey Nut Cornflakes. There's a bunch of other cereals I've eaten, but I will not list them all. Now I want Honey Nut Cornflakes... mmmm. To the kitchen!

  3. #3
    #LOCKE4GOD Breakfast cereal - hate/love Alpha's Avatar
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    I alternate between Weet-Bix, Rice Bubbles, Skippy Cornflakes, and Special K. Oh, and porridge in winter.

    I used to have Up and Go when my mum paid the bills, but thems are expensive man.

  4. #4
    G'day Breakfast cereal - hate/love NikkiLinkle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha View Post
    I used to have Up and Go when my mum paid the bills, but thems are expensive man.
    They were JUST on special for $2 for a 3 pack! You're not really missing out though. They don't really filll you up and they make you gotta pee. Haha.

  5. #5
    Queen Breakfast cereal - hate/love Crescent's Avatar
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    Once upon a time but now I throw together my own. The only cereal I could stomach these days would be Just Right. I think cereals are all generally gross.

  6. #6
    Death Before Dishonor Breakfast cereal - hate/love Josh_R's Avatar
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    I used to eat cereal every morning before school. Now I rarely eat it, the occasional bowl of Captain Crunch. For breakfast these days I have fresh fruit, and dry toast. Not the best tasting but gets the job done.

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  7. #7
    Consistently Average Breakfast cereal - hate/love Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    I used to eat the budget brand weet-bix because it was cheap and would literally last months. It wasn't half bad either. These days I can't stomach much in the mornings so I just stick to toast and Bovril (a bit like English marmite) and coffee cos I'm a junkie. Also I never had Up and Go's because there were four of us and they'd be gone within a day or two.
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  8. #8
    I invented Go-Gurt. Breakfast cereal - hate/love Clint's Avatar
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    I enjoy cereal a lot. It tastes good, it's good for you, and for those who are incredibly lazy, it's a good way to get a snack and a drink at the same time.

    I don't like that bland Special K type of shit, though. I prefer cereal that actually tastes good. Like Golden Grahams. They're like little graham crackers, which I just realized now is why they're called Golden Grahams.

    Anyway, cereal has a bunch of fiber, and it makes me poop, so that's always a good thing. Poop is funny. That makes cereal funny as well. Anybody who doesn't like cereal is an overly serious douche with no sense of humor, and deserves a taste of the Red Right Hand of Eastwood. Or maybe some Flim-Flam.

  9. #9
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) Breakfast cereal - hate/love che's Avatar
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    Cereal is clearly marketed demographically only to Republicans.

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  10. #10
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    I don't really eat cereal in the mornings, but I do love it as a snack if I'm at home. The few times I've tried to eat it in the mornings in the last few months started up my gag reflex as I'm not used to eating so early in the morning, I suppose. I can only stomach food once I've been on the go for an hour, which would probably be good if I woke up early and went for a jog or something. But jog or sleep? Dat question...

    As for my favourite, you can never go wrong with Honey Cherrios! Even the cheaper variety is sex in the mouth. They don't get soggy as fast as the normal Cheerios either, which is a huge turn off a cereal for me. Soggy cereal puts the image of eating a bowl of cold vomit in my head. I can't eat Weetabix for the same reason, as that has to pretty much be soggy or you're eating large wood chippings.

    Sometimes, I'll buy Cookie Crisp for old times sake. Loved that cereal when I was a kid. One pack can last me two days if I get the munchies.

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  11. #11
    I do what you can't. Breakfast cereal - hate/love Sasquatch's Avatar
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    I go for junk-food cereals. My favorite is probably Fruity Pebbles, but Rice Crispy Treats Cereal is a close second. Seriously, there have been plenty of times that I've sat down with a half gallon of milk and a box of cereal and not gotten up until both of them are gone.

    But I don't have cereal often. Once a month, maybe, I'll buy a box. I'm pretty sure that, in the last few years, I've bought more cereal for cooking with than I have for eating with milk.

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  12. #12
    Registered User Breakfast cereal - hate/love
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    I'm a fan. I like both hot and cold cereals, though the former took a bit for me to get a taste for. I find the savory hot cereals are a lot more palatable than loading 'em up with milk and sugar. My favorite is probably adding egg, bacon pieces and hot sauce to a bowl of Malt-o-Meal.

    When it comes to cold cereals, I can eat the "sugar bomb" variety sometimes, but I usually prefer stuff like bran flakes and Cheerios. I've never come across a cereal I just outright hated, but my family hates Life cereal for some reason. *shrugs*
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  13. #13
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! Breakfast cereal - hate/love Tallulah's Avatar
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    Special K is vile. >_< It is the Diet Coke of cereals.

    I have these mircrowaveable porridge/oatmeal sachets, which are chocolate/fudge flavoured. They may sound nice, but in actuality they are also disgusting. Then again, I did make them with skim milk (I have recently switched back to semi-skimmed, I only used the low-fat stuff as it is reputed to have the most calcium, which was beneficial to my fractured ankle). I may retry it with semi-skimmed, see if that makes a difference.

    I don't usually have cereal, especially if I'm working early, then I will have breakfast at work (egg muffins, fruit bag). If I do, it is usually Weetabix, Fruit and Fibre, or Honey Nut Cornflakes (Tesco's own brand; Kellog's is too sweet, and coming from me that is saying a lot). Or a chocolate flavoured cereal such as Coco Pops or Weetos. I go a bit mad with them as I was not allowed sugary cereals as a child, with good reason.
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