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  1. #1
    Boxer of the Galaxy Brass Monkeys Rowan's Avatar
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    Brass Monkeys

    So I've been contemplating making my own knuckle Dusters. They are illegal to purchase or import in Australia. I don think its illegal to construct your own as long as you dont sell them.

    So I was thinking of charging $150. What do you guys pay in the states? And are there many different types? Sterling silver, brass, gold etc etc. I just plan to buy sheets of 1/4 steel and drill out my own. Then Ive read that grade 2 steel wool is used to make them smooth. Its a pretty simple process, im just wondering if its going to be expensive and time consuming to produce. Has anyone tried this before?

    I was wondering about the method to melt down leftover steel and pour it into a template, Although I dont think that it would turn out as well as a drill job. Any thoughts?

  2. #2
    Ayyye Brass Monkeys Lacquer Head's Avatar
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    I assume you already have some form of metallurgic experience? As for making a mold, I would assume those would be a bit too fragile. Really all they seem to do is make a basic shape and sand it down to be ergonomic and smooth to the touch. Cheaper ones tend to just be painted steel. You could always fancy them up and say they're one of those four finger ring things rappers wear lol

  3. #3
    the night man cometh Brass Monkeys Joxsjua's Avatar
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    Checking on eBay they're anywhere from $30+. ....$150 would be paying way too much! I don't see them much anymore maybe a few times back in public schools. Just take note that if caught carrying them, you could be charged with carrying a concealed weapon. Even carrying a slingshot in your back pocket, like "Dennis the menace" here in the states, is considered a concealed weapon.

  4. #4
    Boxer of the Galaxy Brass Monkeys Rowan's Avatar
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    Since theyre illegal in AUS, and cannot be obtained, The costs have to increase due to the risk. You can get pistols in usa for as little as $80, any kind of pistol here will cost anywhere between $500-$2500 within the bm, depends on whos selling and why. Couldnt only find knuckle duster belt buckles on ebay , since the results are region restricted, and they are not the same size-wise.

    Being in the nanny state, theres a high demand for owning what you're not allowed to have. Its a big market and I've taken advantage of that in the past with the help of some people. Although due to a new law that was introduced about 2 years back, I had to discontinue what I was doing as the risk was no longer worth the money I was making.

    Im just after some DIY tips (ironic, huh?) about the process for constructing knuckle dusters.

  5. #5
    Ayyye Brass Monkeys Lacquer Head's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joxsjua View Post
    Checking on eBay they're anywhere from $30+. ....$150 would be paying way too much! I don't see them much anymore maybe a few times back in public schools. Just take note that if caught carrying them, you could be charged with carrying a concealed weapon. Even carrying a slingshot in your back pocket, like "Dennis the menace" here in the states, is considered a concealed weapon.
    Depends on how picky people are with the materials lol I mean, it's not as much like a knife, where the better the steel, the better the weapon. No matter what brass knuckles are made of, they're going to break faces. But like anything, people wanna be fancy whilst violent. Gotta impress the ladies while you commit a felony.

  6. #6
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. Brass Monkeys Polk's Avatar
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    Well now I have to go listen to Licensed to Ill I hope you're happy with yourself.
    Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."

    Crao Porr Cock8. Bitch.

  7. #7
    the night man cometh Brass Monkeys Joxsjua's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Polk View Post
    Well now I have to go listen to Licensed to Ill I hope you're happy with yourself.
    yeah really! go grab some orange juice for my beer now... that funky monkey

  8. #8
    Hewerya love...? Brass Monkeys seanb's Avatar
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    If your going to drill finger sized holes on 1/4 inch brass, good luck brass must be the most awkward material to drill, apart from risking your safety , you'd have to drill a ton of pilot holes to get it up to size, and even then, they will probably end up out of shape and off center. brass will chip of in thousands of little flakes when drilling, because its so dense, and has a very compact molecular structure.

    I'd do it with aluminium, cheaper, and very easy to work with, so you'd be able to make them faster, plus they will turn out very light, which would be desirable if someones carrying it for protection, instead of heavy brass weighing down the pockets. You could then afford to use thicker material, ... plus the aluminium polishes up lovely and wont tarnish as easily as brass.

    But if you want to make heavy ones, try bright mild steel, relatively cheap though will require a bit more labour when filing, and its not as skitso as brass when drilling.

  9. #9
    Death Before Dishonor Brass Monkeys Josh_R's Avatar
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    What I thought this thread was gonna be out, oh the disappointment.

    I own a pair of knuckles. You can get a decent set over here in the states for $30, they are sold as "paperweight". I have never had a reason to use them, haha just wanted to own some.

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  10. #10
    Registered Goober Brass Monkeys Order's Avatar
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    Look up "knuckle belt buckle".
    Or "fist belt buckle"
    They are probably what your looking for and conveniently fit on the type of belt with a replaceable buckle.

    As far as making them, if you have a drillpress with liquid cooling/lubricaring for the bit and use carbide bits, you'll do fine with aluminium and just about anything else. Expect to step up pilot holes in small increments. If you go with 1/4 inch, plan on wrapping the grip side in leather to avoid slicing your palm open when using them.

    Short of that, the project would only get more difficult. I wouldnt plan on smelting unless you actually have a safe area whwre you can build a flame up to 3000+ degrees F.

    Probably cheaper and easier to get a "belt buckle" off ebay or amazon.

  11. #11
    Bananarama Brass Monkeys Pete's Avatar
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    I'm just curious as to why this is necessary. Are you looking for protection or just to look tough and say you have them?
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  12. #12
    Boxer of the Galaxy Brass Monkeys Rowan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chad Q. Billingsley View Post
    I'm just curious as to why this is necessary. Are you looking for protection or just to look tough and say you have them?
    I want to make them. If you bothered to read any of the posts even you could have figured that out.

  13. #13
    Bananarama Brass Monkeys Pete's Avatar
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    Yeah, I can see why you'd need them. Snide remarks like that would make someone want to take a swing at you.

    My question, oh wise one, was what was the purpose, assuming you'd use them for something other than just making them. People usually don't take time and effort to make things like that and not do anything with them.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  14. #14
    Ayyye Brass Monkeys Lacquer Head's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chad Q. Billingsley View Post
    People usually don't take time and effort to make things like that and not do anything with them.
    Like swords, guns, guitars, decorations and other forms of art AMIRITE. But seriously, some people ENJOY making things. When you CAN'T have something, it tends to make you want it more. I wouldn't mind some brass knuckles just for the **** of it. Self defense and preservation are also good reasons if you tend to live in a shady place.

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