works for me.
My "work" is being a stay at home Mom, so I don't have any blocks or anything on my internet.
Some of the stuff makes me hungry (hate to admit it) but the website "this is why you're fat" makes for some fun time passing.
So work is boring, and a ton of sites are always blocked.
What do you do to pass your time?
I surf the forum, use, play tribalwars and work on my business...
Learn me some new things to do. works for me.
My "work" is being a stay at home Mom, so I don't have any blocks or anything on my internet.
Some of the stuff makes me hungry (hate to admit it) but the website "this is why you're fat" makes for some fun time passing.
I mainly surf the net randomly, check my emails and occsionally troll a target at random. I think my favourite troll thus far is to go on about how the Wii is technically superior to both the PS3 and 360 in the comment sections of console war threads while linking a fifteen page comparison of the consoles (that supports the wii in no way at all I might add) as my source.
It's amazing just how many people will scour my source for information that isn't there until someone realisea I was just trolling several pages later.
victoria aut mors
OH my!!
THIS is the best site ever for creating massive amounts of hunger pains. Just thinking about it has my mouth salivating.
I really like YouTubing Anthony Bordain's show too... mmm tasty!
If you're bored at work play this game until you score 1000.
Ahh, i forgot about that one! Damnit.
YouTube - Pretending to Work: Microsoft Office for Mac
Perfect thread to post this! I actually wonder if anybody has done this at work before.
When I'm bored at work I'm screwed because I can't have my phone on me so no texting and there's literally nothing to do when no one's in the store. The only thing I can try to do, is check the shoe wall for shoes with missing stickers or stuff the shoes that don't have burritos (not real burritos just taped up shoe paper wrapping, otherwise I'd just eat them when I was bored) but most of the time there's nothing to do there, and since the store is small there's not much else. I can also try and finger space the hangers.....yes finger space the hangers.....
and the last thing I can do is bust my shins putting back the shoes people left out in the back, otherwise I just stand there and try to look busy till someone comes in.
Last edited by GypsyElder; 02-13-2010 at 03:37 PM.
When I am bored at work I check the new releases to see what games are coming out, I work around the centre, go buy a drink, play on the interactive. But I am never usually bored because the people I work with are fun and talking them them passes the time.
Today was pretty dead though. Tom spent most of the day playing Guitar Hero.
Bored at work? What's that? I don't have time to be bored, because if I'm doing my job, then kids aren't freaking out, but if I'm not doing my job, then kids are freaking out, which makes things festive, never boring.
†SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™
hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
†SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™
hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
Well at my job (male prostitute), sometimes I can get pretty bored too. Solitaire is a good game, but I usually never win because computer ****ing cheats.
Minesweeper can be cool, but I usually get bored with that too and just start randomly clicking. It makes it more epic if you ever win, because it was all randomness, and it gets your adrenaline flowing to play that way because the next one you click could be a ****ing bomb. How can that every get boring?
I woke at a music store, when ever I'm bored I can just play one of the guitars in the back, my boss doesn't mind as long as it's not to loud. We're a pretty small store, mainly guitars/basses and musical equipment...So most of the day is just sitting around...get bored easily.