Originally Posted by
If you were consuming 10,000 cals on the daily and not gaining wieght, then find yourself the nearest documentarian and start filming man!
Average human would consume near 2000 calories as a day since the body burns on average 2000 per day. You are consuming 5x that per day which means you were consuming 35x the weekly calorie requirement. If you did this for a month it means you consumed 140x the required monthly calories.
Stop. Math alert. I don't care about calories, but I do care about maths. Someone has to.
Period || Calories Required || Calories Consumed || Multiple of required amount
Day || 2000 || 10000 || 5 (because 5 * 2000 = 10000
Week || 14000 || 70000 || 5 (because 5 * 14000 = 70000
Month (30 days) || 60000 || 300000 || STILL 5, NOT 140x
Sorry for ugly table. Can we get some LaTeX support, or Markdown or something that's not BB? Thanks, Loco, [code] tags are OK... ugh no strikethrough... grumble
edit: There's a strike tag, but because it's not a vBulletin default, it's not programmed like the other tags. Use [strike] instead.