When you're buying a birthday card for someone, what do you look for? I personally look for a card that I can personalize a lot, few words on the interior and whatnot. Humor is a big part of what I go for as well.
When you're buying a birthday card for someone, what do you look for? I personally look for a card that I can personalize a lot, few words on the interior and whatnot. Humor is a big part of what I go for as well.
I like to make my own cards, but I generally don't give them at all. I'm more likely to give Christmas cards away, but that's because I'm less likely to give Christmas presents than birthday presents.
In my own cards, I try and make it crafty. Well-made is debatable, and I always find it hard to know what to write, so I keep the note brief.
I like to buy the Family Guy cards. The ones that talk when you open them up. Favorite is Brian saying Who's leg do I have to hump to get a dry martini around here. Great..
I generally don't send cards, unless there's a reason i can't see the person in question in person... like for example large oceans being in the way. If i do buy a card its got to be laced with humour, preferably sarcasm, pretty much all my family and friendsuse sarcasm as a hobby so normal cards wouldn't really cut it.
I'd like to say i'd go through the effort of making cards myself for people, but i made one and vowed never to make another haha... far too much effort for something that gets tossed away after a few days.
Depends on the situation but I usually go for humor with cards. A good zinger or one of those that is an illusion like where it's like a hot babe on the front then some old lady inside lol fun stuff. Family Guy card is the last one I bought though
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Every ****ing greeting card out there is lame. I have the worst trouble finding them. I usually don't buy them, or I'll make one myself.
Depending on who the card is for I either get a humorous one or a nice but not sappy one. I don't really see why sometimes people write half a book's worth of notes inside the card; I look for one that says what I want to say, then I just sign my name on it. If I wanted to be more personal I'd just make the card myself.
Usually if I'm giving a card it comes attached to a gift anyways, in which case I figure the card's really only of secondary interest. I spend a lot more time looking for a gift than I do for the card.
Family: Psiko, Mistress Sheena, Djinn
I tend to go for those upmarket comical cards that are actually funny, and if for a kid I'll grab a card that makes sounds, has a badge/bookmark/mask or something else they can have fun with. The only time my method failed was when someone noticed I paid $6 for a card and had a go at me for wasting money. Whoops.![]()
victoria aut mors
It depends on who it's for, if it's a friend then it's usually a dirty humor one, kids something cute looking, adults something that looks nice.
My nan always liked the words in cards so I always spent about 15 mins in a card shop finding the best card for her.
My TFF Family
My FFVII addicted nephew: Secret weapon
My Bullet lovin half wolf cousin: Raider
My complete FFVII nut sister: Unkown entity
My Freya obsessed, grammar nazi brother: Doc rocco
I always look for something to make them laugh, depending on who it is. If it's a friend I usually get something ridiculous, or what I see befittingmy friend Jordan's birthday was last week and I got him a kitty cat princess card. he was so stoked hahaha. (:
If it's like a family member like my brother or dad I'll get the cute mushy cards, but I like to make my own most of the time. I made my best friend Jen a cute pop out card.
Putting those elementary art techs to work.
Last edited by GypsyElder; 04-15-2010 at 12:15 AM.
When I go out to buy any card it has to be humorous, and have something completely retarded on it. For Instance I bought this card for my Lil brother and he didn't stop laughing at it for days.
It had this Squirrel on the front and it said "Me forget your Birthday" & when your flipped the page it said "But that would be NUT'S!!"
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I usually make my cards since I like drawing and working with computer art programs. With family, I go to Hallmark and find a card that summarizes what I want to say to them. I write about a paragraph and it would be sufficient.
If I was going for humor, I'd probably just draw something freaky. Possibly, scar them for life? Haha.
I don't like wasting my money on a card when I can just tell them Happy Birthday. Unless I really care about them, then maybe.
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