Have someone call you and harrass you about the thing you are supposed to get done. Of course, it helps if they are not a procrastinator also. "Moral support" seems to help for me, though. Dodie held my hand took me step by step in order to get me to get ad block plus. Yay, teamwork~! ^^
Also contemplating the consequences should you not get done what you need to get done helps. "If I don't exercise, I am going to be fat. If I don't vacuum, I am going to be stepping on torn up bits of paper/carpet/kitty litter and tracking it into the bed. If I don't clean the litter box, it will stink, and the cat will probably do her business elsewhere. If I don't do this job right, the boss will yell at me."
Baby steps/one thing at a time helps too. "One more lap around the track. Okay, one more lap around the track." Or if you are just running, "left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot... I am not tired, I do not acknowledge my body telling me it hates me right now." Or "Do this menial task. Okay, do this menial task. Okay, do this menial task. Lookit how much we're getting done, team!" (Team consists of me. I talk to myself.)
That's all I can think of right now. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom