Originally Posted by
@Hobaginator: Babies can be born with cancer. It's a pressing issue to everyone no matter what age. I remember when I was very, very young I went shopping with my dad and I pointed and laughed at a woman with dwarfism because I had no idea what it was, I just thought she looked funny. Now, even though I was only a little girl I feel really bad for doing that and would prefer to have been taught about stuff like that despite how young I was. So imagine the same type of situation, but instead of somebody with dwarfism it's a little girl with cancer and she has no hair, so other kids make fun of her because they don't know why she's bald, they just think she looks weird and different to them. I don't know about you, but I'd rather be taught about cancer at that age as a way of preventing that type of situation as opposed to being unaware and really hurting somebody's feelings like that regardless of my age. A bald barbie could be a way of doing it.
I think the idea of a limited edition one was good, perhaps only on sale during Cancer Awareness month or something.