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Thread: Bagel Bagel Bagel

  1. #1
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Bagel Bagel Bagel

    Someone was like, I'm getting a bagel, and it was some generic normal Wheat Bagel. So I ask.

    Do you like those normal boring bagels or something like blueberry or chocolate.

    Also do you have some random cool snack you make with bagels.

    Mine? It's pretty much a PB&J but you throw cereal in it and use bagel as the bread.
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  2. #2

    Re: Bagel Bagel Bagel

    I like plain with chocolate chips.
    but, it really doesn't matter once you put topping on it.

    I haven't heared the word 'bagel' scince I left new england

  3. #3
    Registered User Bagel Bagel Bagel Kuja's Avatar
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    Re: Bagel Bagel Bagel

    I prefer the white bagels, and the everything bagels. XP I always put butter on them, or peanut butter. And if there ever is any, cream cheese. But I also make myself some tea, while I'm making the bagel.
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  4. #4

    Re: Bagel Bagel Bagel


    Um I like wheat bagels.

    I normally dislike anything blueberry but the only exception is a blueberry bagel; I don't mind those.

    If it's just a wheat bagel I don't put anything but better and it has to be fully melted before I eat it. I hate the taste of non melted butter and how it coats my mouth.

    Any other kind of bagel I like cream cheese. I've tried salmon and strawberry cream cheese (not at the same time). I thought it was weird at first but I like them now especially the strawberry.

    Another thing I've tried is putting them in the oven with butter and garlic bread sprinkle/garlic salt and cheese if you want, It's like crazy bread XD

    I'm becoming a health nut for some weird reason so I have a lot of wheat bagels/bread/rice and asparagus in my diet lol
    Last edited by GypsyElder; 02-18-2011 at 07:01 PM.

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  5. #5
    Registered User Bagel Bagel Bagel
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    Re: Bagel Bagel Bagel

    Count me as one of those who eat the boring bagels. Not that I necessarily prefer them, but that's pretty much the only ones I've eaten. I like putting either butter or cream cheese on 'em too. Preferably cream cheese though.

    I also like those pizza bagel bites that are sold in the freezer section of the grocery store. Seems like it's been forever since I had those. Also, does anyone remember when McDonald's sold breakfast bagel sandwiches? Idk if they still do. It's been a while since I've eaten at Mc D's, much less caught their breakfast menu while it's being served.
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  6. #6
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Bagel Bagel Bagel

    I like plain dough bagels. I've never seen chocolate ones, or ones with other deliciousness in them. I've never really thought about destroying a bagel with a spread lol... over here, they're a few grades up from a sandwich and tarted up. xD;

    I like toasting them, and putting some Philadelphia (the cream cheese, not the city) on them. Sometimes I eat it together as a sandwich or eat each half alone. What's really nice is smoked salmon bagels with the cream cheese. Or some chicken/turkey/ham/tuna and salad.

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  7. #7
    The Quiet One Bagel Bagel Bagel Andromeda's Avatar
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    Re: Bagel Bagel Bagel

    It's bagel day every Wednesday at work. So I get nice bagels once a week at the very least. The place we used to get I went for a plain bagel, but the new place plain bagels are a little meh, so I've been going for the Asiago bagel which is a little on the bitter side. Though having a little bite to the bagel has made them more enjoyable than plain. But the toaster is always busy and I don't want to stand around in line. So I just eat it without anything on it.

    At home I'll have a plain bagel, but toast it and have butter. So it is a lot better than just going flat as it were. I tend to just eat whatever we get though. So if it is cinnamon raisin, wheat, egg, plain or something else I'll end up eating it all the same.
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  8. #8
    Bananarama Bagel Bagel Bagel Pete's Avatar
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    Re: Bagel Bagel Bagel

    OMG, I live in the bagel capital of the world.

    It all depends on where I am. If I'm having bagels at home, as I often do on weekends for breakfast, I put PB&J on a whole grain.

    If I'm out at work, I'll stop at a Bagel Boss and pick up one of my two signatures. cinnamon raisin with walnut raisin cream cheese, or cinnamon raisin with vegetable cream cheese.

    Bagels just aren't the same unless they're from NY. Trust me on this
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  9. #9
    Registered User Bagel Bagel Bagel winterborn86's Avatar
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    Re: Bagel Bagel Bagel

    I eat very boring bagels, slice it, toast it, spread on the butter, spread on the jam, done!
    The reason I'm a boring bagel eater is because I'm not big on the whole "mixing foods together" thing, thats why I can eat a ham sandwhich or a cheese sandwhich, but I can't eat a ham and cheese sandwhich. It applies to pretty much all foods, to me it's all to do with texture. So I would never eat anything else in a bagel because it doesn't seem right to me.

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  10. #10

    Re: Bagel Bagel Bagel

    Auh we dont get blueberry bagels over here, they sound awesome!!

    I had two plain bagles yesterday with bacon and cream cheese, they were amazing, but now i feel im getting screwed over with what you guys can get..

    Blueberry mmmmmm, i ****in love blue berry muffins, i predict id love blueberry bagels just as much. I shouldnt have popped into this thread before brekfast..

    I need to move to the states

  11. #11
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! Bagel Bagel Bagel Tallulah's Avatar
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    Re: Bagel Bagel Bagel

    I have some Cinnamon and Raisin, and some Sesame bagels at the moment; they were on offer at Tesco, so I bought some with a tub of Philadelphia cream cheese, which was also on special.

    I tend to put cream cheese on the plain bagels, and just butter on the fruity ones, as they remind me of fruit bread, such as hot cross buns.

    I wouldn't recommend McDonald's bagels, they get soggy really quick, despite the fact they are toasted beforehand.
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  12. #12
    Death Before Dishonor Bagel Bagel Bagel Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Bagel Bagel Bagel

    I love me some bagel's. I like to use them to make yummy sandwiches. My favorite is ham & cheese, then you put it on the stove, or in the toaster oven. Ohh that is yummy.

    I don't like anything with blueberries, and that applies for bagel's as well.

    I have never had a chocolate chip bagel, and in fact I don't even think I have seen any of em' in the state of Kentucky, or maybe I don't look hard enough.

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  13. #13
    Gingersnap Bagel Bagel Bagel OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Re: Bagel Bagel Bagel

    If I have a choice between a sweet bagel (blueberry, apple cinnamon, etc etc) or one with cheese all the **** over it, I'm gonna go with cheese. Savory wins out over sweet when it comes to bagels for me. Which is odd, because my sweet tooth is notorious. Or... I'll get an "everything" bagel with vegetable cream cheese... It's so good!

    It might be because I prefer savory breakfast foods (bacon, eggs, hashbrowns) over sweet breakfast foods (pancakes, french toast) as a general rule. And bagels get thrown in with that.

    I'll eat five doughnuts in one sitting, though.

    Dodie is right, pizza bagel bites are the bomb dot com. PIZZA IN THE MORNIN PIZZA IN THE EVENIN PIZZA AT SUPPER TIME

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  14. #14
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Bagel Bagel Bagel Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Bagel Bagel Bagel

    I fast on Fridays, I get me regular, boring as Loaf would say, bagel which goes rather well in combination with yoghurt, it's actually the only time I eat bagel. If I'm in mood for something sweet I rather go with chocolate croissant, barely different, still...

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  15. #15
    My couch pulls out but I don't. Bagel Bagel Bagel midgetbob's Avatar
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    Re: Bagel Bagel Bagel

    I usually prefer the plain bagel with assorted toppings. Mostly because I want the bagel (I love breads) with whatever flavor I'm yearning for... stockpiling plain janes and a horde of cream cheeses, butters, cheese, jams etc is easier then having a ton of random flavored bagels in the hope what I'm desiring is present.

    My "typical" bagels usually are: Melted butter with a little sugar sprinkled on top or Veggie or Normal cream cheese.

    I also usually indulge in some Yogurt while eating my bagel and drinking orange juice. I turn it into quite the production.
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  16. #16
    #LOCKE4GOD Bagel Bagel Bagel Alpha's Avatar
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    Re: Bagel Bagel Bagel

    Blargh. So many of you eat cream cheese. I can't think of a more disgusting food than cream cheese. "Vegetable cream cheese" comes in here too, but I don't even know what that is.

    Butter too. Only time I ever use butter is in baking. I actually squirmed whenever I read cream cheese or butter in the previous posts. Disgusting.

    Bagels aren't common here at all. I think I know of two Wholly Bagels restaurants, but I've never been to one, and I think the pizzas are a more popular option.

    Though I have had a few bagels, but always as a BLT (bacon, lettuce, tomato). I didn't even realise you could really do much else with a bagel, though I suppose toasted with jam would be OK, but you might as well eat toast.
    Last edited by Alpha; 02-20-2011 at 06:07 PM.

  17. #17
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Re: Bagel Bagel Bagel

    I suppose you don't like cheesecake either then, Alpha? Blasphemy!

    I love bagels. Doesn't really matter which kind, they're all good to me. What I put on them depends on what kind of bagel it is. Also depends on the time of day, I do like a toasted bagel sandwich sometimes for lunch.

    I have a recipe for homemade bagels that I really want to try. Usually I'm stuck with the store-bought, fake product called a bagel. I want the real thing. They actually look pretty easy to make, I'm just a kitchen novice, lol.

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  18. #18
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Bagel Bagel Bagel

    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha View Post
    Blargh. So many of you eat cream cheese. I can't think of a more disgusting food than cream cheese. "Vegetable cream cheese" comes in here too, but I don't even know what that is.
    But cream cheese is yummy!

    Some people eat/drink the blood and bile of snakes. Or monkey brains. Or bull penis. That's even more disgusting to me. xD;

    I didn't even realise you could really do much else with a bagel, though I suppose toasted with jam would be OK, but you might as well eat toast.
    This. I don't know why, but jam on a toasted bagel seems like a wasted bagel.

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

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    All my banners are now done by me! Soon, I will be great! Muwahahahaha... ha... eck! *coughs* ...ha!
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  19. #19
    #LOCKE4GOD Bagel Bagel Bagel Alpha's Avatar
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    Re: Bagel Bagel Bagel

    Cannot stand cheesecake either. That's like a whole food group wasted on me, I know... But really I feel gross just typing it.

    I read the other day about Kiwi sheep farmers who bite the testicles off their rams. They're called 'highland oysters', and you can eat them raw, or put them on the barbecue. That is honestly more appealing to me than cream cheese on a bagel.
    Last edited by Alpha; 02-21-2011 at 04:19 PM.

  20. #20
    Registered User Bagel Bagel Bagel kupo's Avatar
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    Re: Bagel Bagel Bagel

    im not too fancy smanchy when it comes to bagels - wheat bagel with either plain or strawberry cream cheese usually does it for me for breakfast. ive been going through a bagel sandwich phase right now - wheat bagel with ham, turkey, mayo, pepperjack cheese and sprouts. om nom nom.
    i tend to stay away from the ones with raisins and blueberries through. something about the texture of how its baked into the bread kinda grosses me out

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  21. #21
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    Re: Bagel Bagel Bagel

    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha View Post
    I read the other day about Kiwi sheep farmers who bite the testicles off their rams. They're called 'highland oysters', and you can eat them raw, or put them on the barbecue. That is honestly more appealing to me than cream cheese on a bagel.
    Easy there furry lover Alpha we all know you just like the animal balls in your mouth *there hope I made enough smileys for everyone to know I was jking I'd hate to get reported *

    Bagels are decent but I'm not a breakfast person anyways.

    Rocky's tierlist that must be worshiped by everyone, Breakfast category:

    Cinnamon Toast Crunch > Honey Nut Cheerios > Breakfast Pizza > nothing > Bagel > Eggs and Bacon > Breakfast Burrito.

    As you can tell I am a strapping young lad and an astute young pup so you all know what I am talking about.
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