That never happens to me because I am an interesting person.
So, I was having a conversation with some friends today about random junk as usual, but the whole thing suddenly died out. Don't you hate when that happens? You're talking and having a good time, but after a joke or a stray comment, everything goes silent and no one knows what to say.
What would you do then?
Are any of you the kind to just stand there and let the silence continue? Would you wait for someone else to lead the conversation, or would you jump in there with something fun yourself?
I've always been one to scream "AWKWARD TURTLE" to get people laughing (or just get their attention again) and then roll straight into another random topic. Most of the time, after the random scream, they'll go with anything. I heard the phrase from one of my brother's friends when I was in third grade, and thought it was hilarious, so I stole it and now keep it in my little bag of tricks.
That never happens to me because I am an interesting person.
haha, what Che said. But if the conversation dies out or something then what I normally do is look at my socially awkward friend, get up in his face and be like "Oh yeah Dan?!" and he just turns away and laughs or says something like "...yeah." Or I just whip out my rubiks cube that I always carry around with me and complete it in like 30 seconds and everyone is like "How you do that?" "oh I call it dope boy magic." "oh okay, speaking of which..."
and the conversation continues!
†SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™
hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
Damn, whenever the conversation dies it's my fault. Does that mean I'm boring?
Man, you guys know I'm kidding! I'm the life of the partaaay. xD Hah.. hah hah...
Huh. Well, whenever the conversation goes dead, I'm like "Soo... how's your life?" or "Damn you're an ugly bitch!" Just something to get them thinkin, ya know? Or I'll just start a new topic about my pebble collection...
"I put my memories into a little cart and keep on going.
After glancing back upon everything I’ve lost,
I gather what’s left and close my eyes..."
- Tiger JK, Thumb
Speaking of Turtles, One of my good friends told me how his he has two Giganto turtles he's had forever. Like eight years. and I guess one of them fell in the pool and sunk all the way to the deep end... he died. Sad, but suuper funny at the same time because of how he explained it to me. Somethines our conversations are super random, like laughing at the girl on campus who can't walk in heels. If a conversation starts to die, make fun of something!
Last edited by GypsyElder; 09-30-2009 at 11:35 PM.
I think it's never awkward when you're with real friends.
I don't really try to do anything to end the silence as fast as possible. Some thought always crosses my mind, so the conversation goes on, whether it's totally ridiculous (You're fucking gay, dude) or serious (You know, democracy sucks sometimes, but it protects us from repeating the past).
And I totally thought this thread would be about this video:
Now that's an awkward turtle.
Last edited by RagnaToad; 10-01-2009 at 02:49 AM.
Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good
If it happens it doesn't usually happen for long, and it's never been awkward anyway, we've all known each other for years anyway, silences are bound to happen every so often
I never shut up anyway
Animal porn. That's disturbing.
I don't usually get awkward silences when with my friends. There is usually six of us at college who hang out, and we always have something to talk about. And we play cards a lot, so... never really awkward.
When I'm with one or two friends however, things are slightly different. There are more awkward silences, but then we always find something to talk about. It usually starts with me or one of them coming up with some story, or poking eachother, and then we just get talking.
Awkward silences on MSN when you don't know what to say are more difficult. You can't pull a face or poke someone to start a conversation. =S
There isn't such a thing as awkward silence when I'm with my friends, there is always something to talk about, be it something stupid or interesting we talk non stop and we basically stop only when we're eating but even then conversation pops out.
Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity
Nice. I figured it'd be about this one: YouTube - turtle wok
Anyway. The whole conversation-death thing really doesn't happen around me much. I'm usually with people who keep talking -- including myself, when I'm around friends. One story will remind somebody of another story, which will remind somebody of another story, etc.
For example, today in my Ethics class, we were talking about whether really bad (or really good) people were born that way (determinism) or not, and one guy wrote about Jeffrey Dahmer. When he was a kid, he'd do weird shit with animals (Dahmer, not the guy in my class) -- including putting a dog's severed head on top of a stick. It reminded me of some Marines who shot a dog in Iraq (which I did/do not condone), then put bricks under two of its legs, so they could stand it up once rigor mortis set in. They they stood it up outside their little base, doused it in diesel fuel, and lit it on fire with a flare -- as a U.S. Army convoy went by. So everybody in the convoy was looking out their window at the flaming dog standing by the side of the road.
Sig courtesy of Plastik Assassin.
Greater love hath no man than this; that he lay down his life for his friends.
John 15:13
That is awkward indeed. The moaning one is nastier though.
The whole nature-nurture debate tends to be a very popular subject. I'm sure it slipped into that conversation about determinism somewhere.
They killed a dog for sport, then they played around with its dead body?It reminded me of some Marines who shot a dog in Iraq (which I did/do not condone), then put bricks under two of its legs, so they could stand it up once rigor mortis set in. They they stood it up outside their little base, doused it in diesel fuel, and lit it on fire with a flare -- as a U.S. Army convoy went by. So everybody in the convoy was looking out their window at the flaming dog standing by the side of the road.
I'm glad you don't condone.
Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good
It wasn't so much for sport, it was because dogs in Iraq can be dangerous. They carry disease, they're dirty as hell, they get into everything, they shit next to the mortar tubes, there's no way to keep them out, etc. etc. They're a nuisance, a pest, not much better than wolves or coyotes or rats. I wouldn't support it or do it myself, but I know enough about the situation to understand why it needs to be done. As for the "play[ing] around with its dead body" thing, I really don't see the harm in (or give a damn about) anything done with any dead body -- and yes, that includes my own. Once I'm gone, I don't care what happens to my body. Hell, save some money on a casket, just bag my body up and throw it on the curb with the rest of the garbage. Or leave me in the garden for a while, maybe the cucumbers, carrots, zucchini, and other phallic-shaped vegetables will grow a little bigger.
EDIT: Of course, that's my own dead body. I'd have a problem with somebody else's dead body being disrespected, for the simple fact that it would cause undue emotional stress to the family and loved ones of the deceased. But me, hell, once I'm out, do as you wish with the big chunk of flesh and bone that I used to reside in.
Last edited by Sasquatch; 10-01-2009 at 09:59 AM.
Sig courtesy of Plastik Assassin.
Greater love hath no man than this; that he lay down his life for his friends.
John 15:13
I was kind of hoping the thread would be about that video, actually. It's hilariously odd.
Back on topic, sometimes my friends and I have awkward siliences, though that's usually when whoever was driving conversation at the time has to go to class, or we cross a line...yeah, we have no real boundaries conversation wise. I remember once me and some friends were making terrible, Terrible sex/your mom jokes in walmart, near these really really old ladies. It Was awkward and hilarious.
(TFF Family):
I feel the same about my own body, but I know people around me wouldn't like shit like that happen to my body so I guess I do care?
Anyway, I hadn't thought about dogs in that way. I imagined it to be an actual pet some kid was chasing, though obviously not at that exact moment.
But still, it seems wrong to kill a relatively conscious animal and use it for good laughs. I can see why a soldier in the field would do such a thing though. Not much else for entertainment, right?
And imagine a pink-colored cucumber sticking out of the ground. Yikes.![]()
Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good
Hm, I have had the conversation die on me, but I usually try to think of something to say whether it be about school, anime, movies, etc. to even the most random things like cheese or cream pops.
OMG that was the weirdest ****ing thing i've ever seen! How lucky do you have to be to capture that level of awkward on video?
I'm actually really bad when it comes to awkward silences. I'm the person that, when they happen, starts freaking out in their mind saying "OMG what do I say? Must spark interesting conversation!!!" lol
Last edited by ShootingStar; 10-01-2009 at 01:27 PM.
What in the name of skittles is THAT? >.>Originally Posted by RagnaToad
So no one here's lame enough to have pulled an "awkward turtle"? Aw, now I feel sad.
True it doesn't usually happen when you're with a bunch of friends, but hasn't it ever happened to any of you during a one on one conversation? With a group of about four or more, everyone talks and everyone throws out comments and ideas that keeps things moving, so the pauses aren't common. It happens to me all the time when I'm just talking to one person who's in my class though, or when I've with a relatively small clump of kids. Usually, I've got to pull some weird stunt to get them laughing a bit and then try to start up another topic...but then again, I'm not one of you interesting folks.![]()
I agree with Bleach, I'm not the most interesting person in the world but I do find that most of my "Awkward Turtle" moments happen in a one on one conversation. In a group of people it would be easier to strike up a conversation because you have more people to start a conversation with. With just one person you are just waiting for each other to say something and the silence seems to drag out forever. Although in these situation I usualy tell the person that "this is kinda awkward".
Funny enough, I am more like that with friends I've known for a long time. Cept, I don't feel uncomfortable when we go silent, I'll just pick something up and comment on it..or be reminded of something random. There really is no set rules on how a conversation should go. With new people, it's easier to keep talking because you don't know anything about eachother. There is more to discuss. It's a plus when you both share the same common interests, too.
I just make a random comment or noise, that often gets things moving again. It's surprising what a simple "mooooo" will do lol
Yes I'm weird, sorry![]()
My TFF Family
My FFVII addicted nephew: Secret weapon
My Bullet lovin half wolf cousin: Raider
My complete FFVII nut sister: Unkown entity
My Freya obsessed, grammar nazi brother: Doc rocco
Actually, I realized that most of my Army friends do the same thing as the "awkward turtle" thing, prettymuch. Except a little different. If the conversation slows too much or stops, somebody will whip out the ol': "So there I was, balls deep in [so-and-so]'s ass, right?"
Sig courtesy of Plastik Assassin.
Greater love hath no man than this; that he lay down his life for his friends.
John 15:13