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Absolutely dead wrong. When a human being dies in a tragedy, it is the responsibility of the living to determine every single factor that may have played into said tragedy in order to better prevent it in the future. It is a disservice NOT to dissect the entire situation in hopes to better understand and prevent situations like this from occuring again. This is *exactly* about gun control. A massacre would have NEVER happened if just *one* well trained citizen with a concealed carry permit and some guts had been allowed to bring his sidearm into that theater. I'm willing to bet that there was men in there wishing their firearm wasn't in their car as soon as the killer opened fire. If an establisment is not going to allow us United States citizens to carry our firearms, they better be damn sure they provide armed guards at every checkpoint and means of access in or out. The problem here is that their "No concealed weapons allowed" sign, paired with lack of armed police and/or security marked every single one of those moviegoers as easy prey.
This debate was sparked out of outrage and mourning. Don't insult us by insinuating that we are doing the dead a disservice. This is a very important topic. Don't think you know everything about everything, because honestly, you've got a lot to think about before you start spouting off wild opinions in hopes of sounding like some sort of false figure of authority. I'm tired of you "this belongs in another thread" whiners. If a topic is over your head, then say your peace and let those not lacking a forebrain continue to discuss important issues. If you can't do that, then shut up and go look at cat pictures.
This would be a VERY bad idea. The majority of gun owners would NOT comply to having a very important constitutional right STRIPPED. It's in the constitution for a reason. Take away our guns, and we don't live in the United States of America anymore. If authorities went door to door demanding our firearms, that woud result in blood in the streets. I'm not the only one with this mentality, believe me. This would likely cause a second civil war, and the U.S. military will never open fire on U.S. citizens trying to defend their rights. PFC Johnny ain't gonna shoot mom and dad. Sorry, but no lawman is gonna walk up to my front door in the beautiful countryside of Kings Mountain, NC and take my rifle from my hands without at least one of us dying, and I'd have my dad, brother, next door neighbor, and likely over half the population of the state on my side. Open war. Is that what you want? That's what would happen if big Fed tried to take our 2nd amendment right from us and rob us blind while they do it. Socialists never cease to amaze me at their ignorance.