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Thread: Animal Madness!

  1. #1
    Imperius Rex Animal Madness! Storm's Avatar
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    Animal Madness!

    I just found this amazing news story on the BBC website!

    Quote Originally Posted by BBC News
    Royal Mail has stopped deliveries to a house in Leeds after postal workers came under attack from an elderly cat.

    Tiger is said to have scratched postal workers and chased them down the garden path at his home in High Bank Street, Farsley, over the past few weeks.

    Owner Tracy Brayshaw, who must now pick up mail from the nearest sorting office, said the ban was "a bit silly".

    She added: "We're talking about a 19-year-old geriatric cat here who likes lazing out in the sun."

    Mrs Brayshaw, 43, a pharmacy dispenser, said the black-and-white cat slept for 20 hours

    She said: "There have been three incidents where Tiger's jumped through the cat flap and is said to have scratched a postie, so they've decided to suspend our post.

    "He's never done anything like this before."

    Mrs Brayshaw's daughter, Amy, 17, said: "Tiger sleeps, he drools when he sleeps and he likes climbing trees, but in the space of three weeks we've had our post banned because he has attacked the postman.

    "Apparently he attacked one postman on the leg and on the arm and chased him down the garden path.

    "He is very territorial but he's just an average cat really. We are all saying it's health and safety gone mad.

    "He wakes up in the middle of the night meowing because he just wants some attention. He's not a monster."

    In a statement Royal Mail said: "We are sorry for the inconvenience to Mrs Brayshaw and, as we want to resume delivery of mail to her address as quickly as possible, we're trying to agree a way to do this and avoid our employees suffering further nasty injuries, as has happened three times already."
    I really had to laugh when I read this article! I have heard of dogs biting mailmen, but never a cat! Just the image of a man being chased down the road by an angry cat sounds hillarious, and it does make you wonder if the cat in question has had some kind of a bad experience with mailmen or strangers coming to the house in general. You also have to wonder if the cat really was that vicious, or if the posties had just blown things out of proportion. I know of cats who don't like to be stroked, so that maybe what happened here. Who knows?

    The full article:
    BBC News - Leeds postal workers boycott house over cat attacks

    Anyway, asside from commenting on this article, does anyone here have an overly terratorial animal, or have another funny story about pets gone mad?
    Last edited by Storm; 04-12-2010 at 06:06 AM.
    PSN username: Raikujaku
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  2. #2
    Registered User Animal Madness! winterborn86's Avatar
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    Re: Animal Madness!

    HAHAHA!!!! I think I just peed myself.
    I do feel sorry for the postman tho, cat scratches can sting like hell if they are bad enough, some males cats get like that maybe he needs to be netured, my partners sister had a cat like that it would attack my partner really badly everytime he was near it but fine with everyone else then she had it netured and it was fine.

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  3. #3
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Animal Madness!

    Sounds like my old cat.
    She is sorely missed...
    Who needs a bodyguard when you can have a territorial cat?
    victoria aut mors

  4. #4
    The real reason why the rum is gone Animal Madness! Nightmare Cloud's Avatar
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    Re: Animal Madness!

    Haha! xD Wait, I live in Leeds... *is scared of psycho kitteh*

    No matter how bad I feel for the postman, this is hilarious! An elderly cat that can kick some serious ass. Who needs a guard dog, eh?

  5. #5
    Imperius Rex Animal Madness! Storm's Avatar
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    Re: Animal Madness!

    Quote Originally Posted by Nightmare Cloud View Post
    Haha! xD Wait, I live in Leeds... *is scared of psycho kitteh*
    Beware then or he may have you for breakfast!

    What made the story even better was the picture of the cat that was on the article. Hardly looks menacing at all- and its owners claim that the cat is completely harmless.

    Who knows though, as I actually recall one of my friends saying that a cat that was in their garden came into their house, and was completely fine until it looked at her brother evily then attacked him! It also attacked her when she tried to help him- even though their mum was stroking it only a few minutes before. They called the beast "Syler"!
    PSN username: Raikujaku
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  6. #6
    The Bad Boy of TFF Animal Madness! Block's Avatar
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    Re: Animal Madness!

    bum bum bummmm

  7. #7
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Animal Madness!

    Haha, that's pretty funny. Cranky cat, much? xD

    My dog, Rolo, barks at the door when people walk past it. He's done it since he was a puppy and no amount of training has stopped him. Once, he nipped our postman's fingers. It broke the skin, and there was a little bit of blood on our post. The next morning when the postman came again, we apologised to him, but he just laughed and said it was his own fault for sticking his fingers through the letterbox.

    Rolo is all bark and no bite. If we let him out of the flat when people are outside, the worst he'll do is jump on them, sniff them and pant and bark some more.

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  8. #8
    The Lone Dagger Animal Madness! Xithor's Avatar
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    Re: Animal Madness!

    Old cats chasing postal workers and pelicans eating pigeons? Haha that is pretty crazy lol it was interesting to watch though the pelican just turned and scooped up the bird, never seen that before.

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  9. #9
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: Animal Madness!

    I walked into the beak of a taxidermy-d pelican today. Also, some cats are assholes. People on the internet claim that you have to do something to the cat for it to get that way, but I disagree; they have different personalities, just like people. For example, my cat Todd can be a bit of an asshole (but I love him anyways.) As for this cat chasing postal workers... I dunno. I might be a bit reluctant to go to that house too, after something like that. Mostly because it would be annoying to deal with. then again, who knows how accurate their story is.

    My roommate's dog barks viciously at everyone when they come through the door. He also doesn't seem to like black leather jackets. One time, he was barking at someone coming through the door, a little kid my roommate was watching came up from behind and fell on him, and he attacked the kid, so there is some question as to whether he his safe to have around children. We think he was abused before they got him, because he was very timid and scared of everything. Now, he still spooks at odd things, but he's gotten a lot more self-confidence. The little punk. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  10. #10
    Registered User Animal Madness! BigWill's Avatar
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    Re: Animal Madness!

    People used to say that my old cat was possessed. The only person she would let touch her was me, but that was the old don't bite the hand that feeds you thing. She was fierce with anyone else. Many was the time I heard her growling at a someone just walking bye. She was an excellent guard cat though.

    On a related note my dad was chased and almost attacked by a turkey one time. But I just attribute that to a case of mistaken identity. The turkey mistook him for another turkey....

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