The problem with tumblr is that I really can't tell if this was done seriously or sarcastically. Then again, I just woke up and want fruit loops. I think I'm identifying as a lesbian British toucan, pronouns are loop, loops and froot
Everybody, ya gotta register. All the white dudes in the US, anyway. I did. I fulfilled my civic duty, or whatever. Here. It's a Google Doc on a Tumblr page. It's legit.
The problem with tumblr is that I really can't tell if this was done seriously or sarcastically. Then again, I just woke up and want fruit loops. I think I'm identifying as a lesbian British toucan, pronouns are loop, loops and froot
SOLDIERcHoSeNCrao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers
That seems pretty legit. I would sign, due to my whiteness, but I can trace my ancestry back to the Moors of North Africa, so I don't think I'm white. I'm about 95% sure that I'm actually Arabic, maybe a little bit of Berber. Definitely not white, though.
I'm Native American, so I'm told.
Signature Updated: YesterdayCPC8! - Chess Club
CPC8! - Pimpin' is easy
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