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Thread: Admitting when you're wrong

  1. #1
    アズテオル Admitting when you're wrong Azuteor's Avatar
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    Admitting when you're wrong

    Just recently, a few of my friends drove two hours from their university to return home and hang out with our old high school friends for their Fall Break. Unfortunately, not many of them nor I were able to. While their break is happening, all of us are already studying for exams, doing homework, and other stuff. They are, for the most part, disappointed and upset at all of us. They came by to get away from their university because they absolutely hate being there. They hate the teachers, they hate the location, etc. They believed that can trust us to help them be happy again.

    A friend and I replied on one of their statuses saying that all of us could be busy, yadda yadda... I told them that they should transfer to the colleges where we are attending. I realize that a load of bs were coming out of our mouths.

    One of them gave us their perspective on how they felt being there. I admitted that I was wrong, apologized for not taking their situation into consideration, and disappointing them. I ended it right then and there whether they forgave us or not. After that, I also felt like saying that they should stop ranting about how horrible their college is and do something about it to make their college life better. I didn't after all; maybe I should have. Hmm...

    Anyways, do you find it difficult to admit when you're wrong? Is it really a blow to your dignity if you admit your mistake? Do you find yourself confident in your assertions with the possibility that you might be wrong?

    It's sometimes difficult for me on the heat of the moment, but when I'm calm and levelheaded, I don't have any problems taking ownership for my mistake. I used to think that conceding to the other person is a sign of defeat. Now that I'm a little mature, I hope (haha), I understand that there is nothing wrong with it.

    What do you think?

    (P.S To those who saw my previous thread, I didn't get a ticket! )
    Last edited by Azuteor; 10-26-2010 at 11:14 PM.

  2. #2
    Registered User Admitting when you're wrong winterborn86's Avatar
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    Re: Admitting when you're wrong

    I never admit when I'm wrong, I'm just too stuborn too. To me I'm always right, even when I'm actually worng, I'm right. I've always been this way, my partner is so used to it now he just agrees with me.

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  3. #3
    Lady Succubus Admitting when you're wrong Victoria's Avatar
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    Re: Admitting when you're wrong

    Quote Originally Posted by winterborn86 View Post
    I never admit when I'm wrong, I'm just too stuborn too. To me I'm always right, even when I'm actually worng, I'm right. I've always been this way, my partner is so used to it now he just agrees with me.
    Yeah... no. You should quit that while you're ahead. You're an adult. You can't be like that anymore. >_>

    Anyways, I have no problem admitting when I'm wrong.

    Also Azu, you weren't in the wrong. They were. They should've contacted you first to see if you guys were free. Since you guys were busy and they didn't bother to check, they have no reason to be upset at you or disappointed in you.

    It's like, tough balls; deal with it. Like you said, if they don't like their uni, they should do something to make it better or transfer.
    Last edited by Victoria; 10-27-2010 at 07:47 AM.

  4. #4
    Death Before Dishonor Admitting when you're wrong Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Admitting when you're wrong

    I hate admitting when I am wrong. When I was younger even when someone would prove me wrong I would still argue that I wasn't. Now when I am wrong I just come out and say that I am.

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  5. #5
    The Old Skool Warrior Admitting when you're wrong LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Re: Admitting when you're wrong

    I used to have difficulty with it when I was younger. I don't know if it was because I was too stubborn or too cocky, but either way, I hated the idea of being wrong. Now, if it was in an intellectual argument of sorts, that's certainly a different story. When I'm wrong, I'm wrong, and I've always admitted to it in that sense. But with feelings? Emotions? Actions? It wasn't until just a couple years ago that I really became self-aware to the point that I could pick my own bullshit out of the words and realize when I was going about something in a poor manner. I think I used to be afraid of being wrong. I'm not really sure why... probably something to do with a lower self-esteem or something of the sort. Or maybe it was just a matter of not wanting to lower my shell and admit defeat. Regardless, it's not so much of an issue now. I'm FAR more open to being told what I'm doing wrong, and then making a point one way or the other. I think part of it came from management... employees saying "hey, I didn't like this" or "hey, you made me feel inadequate the way you handled that situation" really opened my eyes.

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  6. #6
    Magically Delicous Admitting when you're wrong Merlin's Avatar
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    Re: Admitting when you're wrong

    IRL I typically avoid situations where people would freak out and start calling me out on stuff. But I suppose it depends on the situation. If someone points out I screwed up some line of code or forgot to do something, I'll take care of it and say "thanks!". If someone wants to ram it down my throat that I allegedly did or did not say or do something, then don't expect me to receive it well. I'm more than happy to tell you to do something your damn self if the need arises.

    As for the situation in the first post, I find the whole thing a bit odd. It seems like you are leaving information out. If the whole thing went down as you say, you had nothing to apologize for or even "admit" to. They were in the wrong for assuming that people should drop everything just because their holier-than-thou presence happened to show up on your doorstep. All of my friends and family know, if you want to do something with me I need to know about it ahead of time.

    Now, if they had actually informed you in advance that they were coming into town for that specific week, the common courtesy is to set up some time one one of those days to hang out. You don't have to hang out all day every day, but completely ignoring them the entire week when you knew in advance they would be there is pretty lame.

  7. #7
    Registered User Admitting when you're wrong kupo's Avatar
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    Re: Admitting when you're wrong

    if im wrong i'll admit i am. theres not use getting into an argument about it; the world isn't going to end if i confess that i made a mistake. sure, there are some situations where it would be hard to admit your wrong but in everyday, common use, its really silly not too. were all human and make mistakes - lets just be honest when such circumstance arrives and not be too stubborn about it

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  8. #8
    アズテオル Admitting when you're wrong Azuteor's Avatar
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    Re: Admitting when you're wrong

    @Merlin, Mistress Victoria

    I found out that my friends visited just yesterday on Facebook when I saw an update from them saying that they stopped caring about us. I asked my best friend about it and she said what I basically told all of you. I decided to check how recent their break was and discovered that all three of them made updates 5 or 6 days ago to say they have returned.

    Most recent update was on the 22nd.


    Considering how we are really good friends with these guys, I figured that a majority of us would notice, jump right on it, and pass on the word. Apparently, it was just the opposite. I'm not sure what the case is with my other friends, but I genuinely didn't know of their visit until yesterday.

    For all I know, I could have missed it among the sea of updates on the news feed.

    In my original post I mentioned that one of them gave us their perspective on how horrible their college is, how much they hated it, and how disappointed they are. They came back because they missed the way things were when we were in high school. After that, that's when I apologized. Sure I felt bad, but what do they want me to do about their situation? While I understood and felt sorry, I couldn't feel any more sorry than that. What are they gonna do about fixing their college experience?

    I don't know what to make out of it. Maybe I lack empathy.

    I still believe that they could have informed all of us better. Tagging all of us to a Facebook event invite with times, dates, and locations would be perfect. A simple mass text message or a call would suffice.

  9. #9
    Lady Succubus Admitting when you're wrong Victoria's Avatar
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    Re: Admitting when you're wrong

    Just like you said, Azu. They could've planned/informed you better. So therefore, it's not your fault. It's their fault and they have no right to be pissy.

    If anything, they're petty for getting upset over something like this. It's like they expect you to be psychic. (Sure, the updates could've gone missing in the flood of news feed on FB, but...that's not your fault.)

    So again, you had no reason to apologize, and...from the sounds of things, you're better off without pricks like them anyways.

  10. #10
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Admitting when you're wrong Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Admitting when you're wrong

    I still have hard time admitting that I'm wrong, though if I'm truly wrong than I'll do it (with few exceptions of course), usually with a grim expression.

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  11. #11
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Admitting when you're wrong

    It depends on my state of mind at the time. I can admit when I'm wrong when I'm calm, say during a discussion or mild debate. If I'm in a fully fledged argument or debate, I'll keep ranting and ranting, and probably look really stupid in the end.

    I don't have a problem with admitting it - it doesn't damage me in any way or form. It just depends on my mood. Sometimes the people around me/I'm talking to can change it too, depending on their reactions.

    And I don't think you were in in the wrong, Azu. I've been in similar situation, and Sheena is right; you could have been better informed and you're not psychic.

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  12. #12

    Re: Admitting when you're wrong

    I don't have any issues with admitting I'm wrong, actually I would much rather be called out on it so I can apologize or whatever else need be rather than not realizing I made a mistake and look like an asshole.

    But only if I AM actually in the wrong

    My dad could learn something from this lol imo if you can't even consider the fact that there's a possibility you're wrong then you have a problem.
    Last edited by GypsyElder; 10-28-2010 at 10:16 AM.

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  13. #13
    Crash Boom Bang Admitting when you're wrong Lily's Avatar
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    Re: Admitting when you're wrong

    If I'm wrong then I'l just man up and admit it. There's no sense being a brat about it, it just screams immaturity. I expect the same in return from other people. It's not a sign of weakness, if you're wrong, you're wrong, deal with it. In fact, I'd say an inability to admit you are wrong, is the sign of weakness, you're so caught up on people thinking you are right, it just screams school yard antics and other people thinking you are weak. If you are confident enough in yourself, why care about admitting being wrong?

  14. #14
    アズテオル Admitting when you're wrong Azuteor's Avatar
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    Re: Admitting when you're wrong

    Not that I care or anything, it could be the reason why they didn't greet me happy birthday yesterday, hahaha.

    Thanks for your input ya'll. Whether they forgive me--maybe everybody too--or not, I don't think there is really anything I can do about it now. Oh well!

  15. #15
    Magically Delicous Admitting when you're wrong Merlin's Avatar
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    Re: Admitting when you're wrong

    Quote Originally Posted by Azuteor View Post
    I decided to check how recent their break was and discovered that all three of them made updates 5 or 6 days ago to say they have returned.
    If anything I would have told them that they should apologize for assuming that I have nothing better to do than waste time looking at their recurring 5-minute status updates.

  16. #16
    Lady Succubus Admitting when you're wrong Victoria's Avatar
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    Re: Admitting when you're wrong

    Quote Originally Posted by Merlin View Post
    If anything I would have told them that they should apologize for assuming that I have nothing better to do than waste time looking at their recurring 5-minute status updates.
    I agree and second this. I mean seriously... once again, they're petty pricks. You're better off without them. It's their own fault they didn't contact you directly.

  17. #17

    Re: Admitting when you're wrong

    Quote Originally Posted by Azuteor
    They are, for the most part, disappointed and upset at all of us. They came by to get away from their university because they absolutely hate being there. They hate the teachers, they hate the location, etc. They believed that can trust us to help them be happy again.
    Your friends are kind of brats. It's just dumb to assume something like that. ._.

    In the heat of the moment, I won't admit I'm wrong because I'll think full on that I'm right. It's not that I don't want to say that I'm wrong at that point, but that I still don't think I'm wrong. I have no problem admitting I'm wrong as long as I know it and I don't think it's just one person being a huge jackass because they think they're as right as I am.

    If it's a whatever topic, I can say I'm wrong flat out and even take the other person poking fun because it's just a joke.

    And if it's something that I've done that was terrible but I didn't realize until afterwards that I was being a ****, I'd apologize profusely and then feel like crap about it. But I would only feel bad if I was the one who deserved to feel bad. Like right now, Azuteor shouldn't feel bad. You have a life. Your old high school friends don't. Oh well, boohoo for them.

  18. #18
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Re: Admitting when you're wrong

    I am never wrong, therefore; never needing to admit wrongness.

    Okay, but seriously. Whenever I've been wrong, I tend to just accept that I was wrong, admitting it to whoever was involved, and then life goes on. Eashy peashy.
    Last edited by Chez Daja; 11-09-2010 at 02:50 AM.

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  19. #19
    Sir Prize Admitting when you're wrong Sinister's Avatar
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    Re: Admitting when you're wrong

    It's not a bitter pill or a blow to my ego to admit I was wrong at all. In fact, I'm kind of in with Lily on this, it's pretty immature and off-putting to see someone behave in such a...maniacal way. I do need proof that I'm wrong though and it has to be solid. But how hard is it to shrug and say, "Oh I was wrong." It may be momentarily embarrassing, but you've learned something, hopefully.


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  20. #20
    Registered User Admitting when you're wrong fierytempest's Avatar
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    Re: Admitting when you're wrong

    Although it's not something I necessarily like to do, admitting I'm wrong isn't that hard. I just don't appreciate it when people rub it in my face. If I'm being humble enough to admit I'm wrong, accept it and be done. Don't act smug towards me and keep bringing it up, because that's when you piss me off. Just let it be.

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