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Thread: 25 Foods You'll Never Be Able to Eat Again :(

  1. #1
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    25 Foods You'll Never Be Able to Eat Again :(

    Found this article a bit ago (actually, someone posted it on FB.) Saw a bunch of stuff on there that I do miss. Like Surge, Squeeze-its, 3D Doritos, and Mountain Dew: Pitch Black to name a few. Squeeze-its were awesome back when I was like 7 or 8 or whatever. Loved it when I got them in my lunch (also, Mondo Fruit Squeezers.) Literally felt a nostalgic pang when I saw those. Also, those 3D Doritos were the bomb. Loved that texture.

    Others I kinda wish I'd tried (the REAL Four Loko, for example...) Anyhoo...

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  2. #2
    I do what you can't. 25 Foods You'll Never Be Able to Eat Again :( Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Re: 25 Foods You'll Never Be Able to Eat Again :(

    Ah, the memories. I used to drink Surge every chance I got. (It wasn't often, because my family was broke, but still.) And I remember how Pepsi Blue and Crystal Pepsi were utterly horrible ... right along with the colored ketchup.

    Despite its being on this list, I still see Four Loko around. Maybe they didn't ban it everywhere, maybe stores and gas stations still haven't run out of stock, maybe they just didn't bother trying to ban an alcoholic beverage in Wisconsin. Really, you're not missing much, though -- take a Sparks and toss a shot or two of vodka in it, it'll have about the same effect. There was a thread a while ago about Four Loko being banned, and I think I made reference to how bad it tastes by wishing I was a dog so I could lick my own ass to get the taste of Four Loko out of my mouth. I mean, it's bad. If you want to get a lot of alcohol for little money, just go for the classic -- a 40oz of Steel Reserve: High Gravity.

    I still liked the idea of the Wonder Ball. "Hey, I got an idea -- it's a big edible ball full of choking hazards, marketed to children. What could go wrong?"

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  3. #3
    TFF's Resident Messenger 25 Foods You'll Never Be Able to Eat Again :( Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: 25 Foods You'll Never Be Able to Eat Again :(

    I was actually wanting Butterfinger BBs a while back, but never found any. I thought the stores near my house never stocked them due to not selling any. And I did a science fair project about Crispy M&Ms (and the other varieties) in 2003. It was about how fast the color disappears due to heat, water, etc.

    But they still have alternatives to the Squeeze-its. I know Kool-Aid has squeezy bottles now, and you even get a Kool-Aid Man card. Oh Yeah! And the grocery store sold green ketchup in March. The picture in the article is gross, though.

    But most of those I have never heard of. I think I have only seen 10-12 of those items in my life.

    One thing I didn't see on the list was a cereal called OchoCincOs. Back when Chad Ochocinco was part of the Bengals, he made a cereal. I have an unopened box. I decided to keep it because he's no longer part of the team. Don't know why I kept it, it can't be worth anything. What collector would want a box of stale cereal?
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  4. #4
    Bananarama 25 Foods You'll Never Be Able to Eat Again :( Pete's Avatar
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    Re: 25 Foods You'll Never Be Able to Eat Again :(

    oh my god I remember almost everything on this list. the only things I didn't have were the gator gum, Orbitz and that pb thing. Other than that, I was a fat kid growing up.

    As for four loko, they changed the formula and took the energy part of it out, making it legal. One of my friends stockpiled the old one... I have to say it's a horrible drunk. You're all jittery and not really functioning well. Plus it's bitter as hell and doesn't go down all that easily
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  5. #5
    Elementalist 25 Foods You'll Never Be Able to Eat Again :( IcyJJ's Avatar
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    Re: 25 Foods You'll Never Be Able to Eat Again :(

    Hehe, in Wisconsin, they still sell Four Loco. They just lowered the content of alcohol and caffeine. My co-worker and I drink them while we go disc golfing.

    I miss Surge. A green soda that actually tasted good. Yay childhood!

    The crispy M&Ms took a while to grow on me and when they finally became a favorite, they swept the rug out from under me. I guess it is back to Kit Kats for me.

    Although, the one sad realization that I have faced since looking at that article is that I am starting to get old. Those where all childhood memories and that fact that I have eaten and forgotten a great majority of those items shows that time is passing way too fast.
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  6. #6
    Traitors Can't Hide. 25 Foods You'll Never Be Able to Eat Again :( Phoenix Rising's Avatar
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    Re: 25 Foods You'll Never Be Able to Eat Again :(

    I loved Surge as a kid. I really want to try every single Pepsi spin-off there is.

    Waffle Crisp is discontinued now? I had no idea.

  7. #7
    First two on the list are the two I miss the most. Crispy M&Ms and Pepsi blue.
    I use to ride my bike down the street every day to get a liter of Pepsi blue for the day.
    Sprite remix was pretty good as well.

  8. #8
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! 25 Foods You'll Never Be Able to Eat Again :( Tallulah's Avatar
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    Re: 25 Foods You'll Never Be Able to Eat Again :(

    I miss Starburst Joosters. They were fruit-flavoured jelly beans in mainly citrus (as well as strawberry and blackberry) flavours. The grapefruit flavour was the best, lovely and sour.

    I do believe we still have Crispy M&Ms for sale in the UK. :/
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  9. #9
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    Re: 25 Foods You'll Never Be Able to Eat Again :(

    They may not sell Surge anymore, but you can get Urge....if you order it from Norway. ^^; Same product, just (slightly) different name.

    Also, for Crystal Pepsi lovers, there's a soda called Notsee Kola that tastes exactly the same. I think it's only available online though, since the name makes it kind stock it on shelves.

    I miss Apple Fig Newtons. I also miss the formerly holiday-only Cranberry Fig Newtons, which haven't hit store shelves in ages too...
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    Registered User 25 Foods You'll Never Be Able to Eat Again :( kupo's Avatar
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    Re: 25 Foods You'll Never Be Able to Eat Again :(

    ah yes...surge....the energy drink for 8 yr olds.
    there was a good handful of those i had no idea were even discontinued (mountian dew livewire, crispy m&ms, squeezeits).

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    Registered User 25 Foods You'll Never Be Able to Eat Again :( Squall's Avatar
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    Re: 25 Foods You'll Never Be Able to Eat Again :(

    Too many to list lol. Starbursts were probably my favorite growing up. I remember going through the entire packet to find the pink and red ones and to hide them from my brother so he wouldn't steal them. As I've gotten older, my sweet-tooth has ceased to exist and I never have the craving for candy or any kind of sugar-filled goodie.

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  12. #12
    Hewerya love...? 25 Foods You'll Never Be Able to Eat Again :( seanb's Avatar
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    Re: 25 Foods You'll Never Be Able to Eat Again :(

    are starbursts gone???
    I remember they used to be called opel fruits

  13. #13
    Bananarama 25 Foods You'll Never Be Able to Eat Again :( Pete's Avatar
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    Re: 25 Foods You'll Never Be Able to Eat Again :(

    Starbursts are still very much around; never heard of them as opel fruits though
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  14. #14
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! 25 Foods You'll Never Be Able to Eat Again :( Tallulah's Avatar
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    Re: 25 Foods You'll Never Be Able to Eat Again :(

    Starburst chews (which were known as Opal Fruits in the UK until around 1997, I think...) are still going, I mourn the loss of some of their lesser-known variations, brought out just after the name change.

    I wish UK markets would bring back Vanilla Coke (or more specifically, Diet Coke with Vanilla; the full sugar version was always too sweet for me). I lived off that stuff in college!
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  15. #15

    Re: 25 Foods You'll Never Be Able to Eat Again :(

    Man Crystal Pepsi was amazing. I mean maybe I'd sucked but I was real young when I had it and that was my favorite soda. I had it years after it said it was discontinued and it tasted weird. But I didn't know they were probably just selling through the old shit.

    And ecto cooler was another childhood treat. Couldn't tell you what it tasted like but remember it was green with slimmer on the box. And I remember drinking that and playing with my batman returns toys in the a boss?

  16. #16
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: 25 Foods You'll Never Be Able to Eat Again :(

    Quote Originally Posted by Tallulah View Post
    I wish UK markets would bring back Vanilla Coke (or more specifically, Diet Coke with Vanilla; the full sugar version was always too sweet for me). I lived off that stuff in college!
    This and this again! Man, I miss that drink. I prefer Diet Coke to normal Coke, but it's a lot plainer without the Vanilla. They brought out some other flavours, I believe, like lemon and lime, etc, but I still see them now and then. Delicious flavours!

    I don't think there's a childhood treat I liked that's ever really gone. Wispa was one, but that came back a few years ago. What I do miss are the prices. You can judge the economy by the price of a Freddo. They used to be 10p each, but are now 20p, and I've seen some stores charge more. Bastards. Same with treats like Fudge, Curly Whirly, Aliens and a standard pick and mix.

    I did enjoy the Harry Potter and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory sweets that came out when the movies did though. The Chocolate Frogs were delicious, and I used to collect the cards lol. The Every Flavour Beans were good too. The Willy Wonker chocolate bars can still be found here and there, but it's very rare I see them... and they're up at 80p with the Hershey bars now, with a standard chocolate bar around 50/5p. =/

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    Re: 25 Foods You'll Never Be Able to Eat Again :(

    Quote Originally Posted by Unknown Entity View Post
    The Every Flavour Beans were good too.
    Never had the courage to try those... It would be my luck that the first bean I got would be some kind of gross nastiness like vomit or rotten eggs...
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  18. #18
    Memento RK 25 Foods You'll Never Be Able to Eat Again :( Yoko's Avatar
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    Re: 25 Foods You'll Never Be Able to Eat Again :(

    Quote Originally Posted by Unknown Entity View Post
    The Every Flavour Beans were good too.
    Those are called Jelly Bellies here. Sooooo good! And yes, I have had the booger and puke ones. Soo gross, but I'll usually find a nice tasting one for afterward. But the product itself is still going strong.

    I do miss those 3D doritos though. Those were good. and HiC. Why did they get rid of that?
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    TFF's Resident Messenger 25 Foods You'll Never Be Able to Eat Again :( Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: 25 Foods You'll Never Be Able to Eat Again :(

    Hi-C is still around, just not the Ghostbusters-inspired one. I always get Hi-C Orange or Fruit Punch when I go to McDonald's. And it is usually next to Juicy Juice at Walmart.
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