I was actually wanting Butterfinger BBs a while back, but never found any. I thought the stores near my house never stocked them due to not selling any. And I did a science fair project about Crispy M&Ms (and the other varieties) in 2003. It was about how fast the color disappears due to heat, water, etc.

But they still have alternatives to the Squeeze-its. I know Kool-Aid has squeezy bottles now, and you even get a Kool-Aid Man card. Oh Yeah! And the grocery store sold green ketchup in March. The picture in the article is gross, though.

But most of those I have never heard of. I think I have only seen 10-12 of those items in my life.

One thing I didn't see on the list was a cereal called OchoCincOs. Back when Chad Ochocinco was part of the Bengals, he made a cereal. I have an unopened box. I decided to keep it because he's no longer part of the team. Don't know why I kept it, it can't be worth anything. What collector would want a box of stale cereal?