Well, the activity has died down a bit over the past year or two, so it's kinda hard for there to be clear winners with something like this.
However, I think I can nominate a few people, haha.
Well, Michael, I nominate you for Best Blogger; you update regularly and I feel like I'm getting to know you from your blog-posts. I've enjoyed each one so far.
Funniest Member would have to go to Clint. Some of his posts have had me steady laughing.
Best New Member? Hmm, I don't really know who the new people are, or even if there are any, haha. Who are the new people?
Best Staff Member? Andromeda. She's been constantly keeping us all up-to-date on all the latest Final Fantasy news, and she's done a good job with getting this new RP together.
Nicest Male and Female? I don't know who is what gender or what they may identify with. They could be gender-fluid otherkin for all I know.
Best Lurker? That one's a toughie, since it's hard to tell who's lurking, who's away, who's left and all that.
Most Intelligent? Hmm, I don't think any one person on here has contributed enough for me to be able to judge that accurately (and even if they did, I'm not the sharpest crayon in the box). It would be an unfair decision from where I'm standing. Maybe someone else can offer their opinion?
Music Guru would have to go to Incognitus, but he hasn't been on in a few months now, I think. Hope he comes back!