Got it sticky for you.
Good luck. I'll help in whatever way I can.
Part the first: Pre-awards chit chat and format discussion.
So, the alert TFFer may have noticed that there were no awards this year, and if you are one of those people, congrats, you get a gold star. Though, truth be told, I’m all out of gold stars, so hopefully you’ll take an IOU. Cool. I’m glad you’re so reasonable about this.
To be fair, Oceaneyes has her reasons for not wanting to do the awards, and I don’t blame her. It’s probably a pain in the ass running threads and counting up all the votes, and in the end, is it really worth it in the end to run a yearly awards thread if only a handful of people are actually participating and winning?
Well, that’s where I come in. I like the yearly awards, and don’t want to see them die, so I’m going to take them over. It may be just this year, or it may be forever. We’ll see.
That being said, I am reformatting the TFF awards.
My first order of business: I am combining the actual TFF awards with the Bogus awards.
For all you cute little newbies or those of you too lazy to go read the Cleft, in years past, we had two different awards threads: One for the actual awards, and the other for a less serious, sillier set of awards known as the “Bogus Awards.” For the actual awards portion, I’m keeping the same awards, but in the interest of keeping the amount of awards limited, we’re going to be cutting a bunch of them. For your convenience, here’s the list of last year’s TFF Awards categories:
Best Staff Member
Best New Member
Most Popular
Most Helpful
Most Intelligent
Best Lurker
Most Hardcore Gamer
Nicest Male
Nicest Female
Funniest Male
Funniest Female
Most Sarcastic
Most Attractive Male
Most Attractive Female
Most Bizarre/Random
Music Guru
Best Roleplayer
Best Writer (Literature forum)
Best Graphic Artist
Best Traditional Artist
Member with Best Avatar/Signature Combo
Most Interesting Journal
Most Creative
Best Club/Social Group
Best TFF Duo
Ideally, I want to have two dozen awards total. One from the actual awards, and one from the bogus awards (If you’d like to have more actual awards and less bogus ones, post about it). So, my first question: how do we begin cutting out categories? I feel like some of these are kind of redundant. We have two different awards for artists, two awards for writing, and a most creative award. Maybe these can be cut down to just “Best artist” and “Best Writer?” Maybe instead of having gender specific awards, we just have one award (ie instead of Nicest male/female we just have nicest member (heh heh heh))? I don’t know!
As for the bogus awards, if this all goes well, and isn’t a total disaster, I want these to change every year. I came up with a couple of examples: “Most likely to be sexually harassed by che,” “Most likely to write sexy Cloud fanfic” “The Meier Link Memorial Award for Exceptional Spelling.” These are all poor examples, but I think they get the point across. Why can’t we have just dumb little awards poking fun at the community? TFF is a tightknit community, and that’s one of the reasons I like it here.
Also, I’m thinking of doing a bit of an overhaul to rules and stuff, but seeing as I literally went like, 5 minutes from Alisyn saying “Go for it” to writing up this OP, I’m not even sure this is coherent, so I’ll think up some rules later.
SO, things I want to discuss in this thread:
How do we keep the TFF awards fresh?
How do we get people active in them? Also, how do we get newer members to be active in them?
If you’re someone who doesn’t participate, why? What would make you change your mind, and think about being active in the awards?
How do we keep it from getting too cliquey, so that only a couple of people win all of the awards?
What do you want to see out of the TFF awards?
For the awards themselves:
Do you like the idea of combining traditional awards with the bogus awards? If so, what should be the ratio of serious to bogus awards?
Any suggestions for rules? Eligibility? (I already have an idea for Pete’s Law, mostly because that name makes me chuckle)
Suggestions for actual rewards? In years past we’ve just had little banners and stuff people have put in their sigs. I think that’s pretty alright, but if somebody else has a kickass idea, I’m all ears.
Basically, I want the awards to be something people can get excited about. Frankly, the TFF awards are stale, and if we want to keep them around, they need some serious tweaks. I want to workshop this. If this is something that we take until the end of the year to work out, then hey, these will be 2013’s 2012 TFF Awards. So please. Comments, thoughts, suggestions.
Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."
Crao Porr Cock8. Bitch.
Got it sticky for you.
Good luck. I'll help in whatever way I can.
Read more.
TFF Awards:
"I hope I never ridicule what is wise or good. Follies and nonsense, whims and inconsistencies do divert me, I own, and I laugh at them whenever I can."
. SOLDIER ('04) . cHoSeN ('04) . Por Rorr Kitty9 ('09).
HEY DO YOU LIKE MUSIC? Because I make music.
The most obvious is cutting the gender-specific ones. We don't have 'best new male (female) member', yet we do have 'most funniest male (female)'. If the former works fine, I don't see why we should split it for any awards.
'Most creative' seems redundant given other awards ('best traditional artist', 'best roleplayer', etc.).
Both of these things you've already mentioned though, so I'll cut to the chase. I think the funny awards are better than others; the fewer serious awards, the better. Although I think a few of them are important. So I think we should scrap 'helpful', 'nicest', 'lurker' (how can you be best at lurking anyway?), 'avatar/sig combo', 'journal', and maybe some others. While their nice, the people who do all these things don't do them because they may get an award. They're recognised for it anyway, with people asking them for help; people being happy someone' is nice; people discussing a person's journal in VMs/PMs to the author. IDK. Maybe this is clutching at straws, but the list of 'serious' awards is rather long and we should cut it.
Those aren't poor examples. You should use them. Che's constant sexual harassment needs to be recognised!“Most likely to be sexually harassed by che,” “Most likely to write sexy Cloud fanfic” “The Meier Link Memorial Award for Exceptional Spelling.” These are all poor examples, but I think they get the point across.
Make them funny. That's all there is to it as far as I can see.How do we keep the TFF awards fresh?
I see a conflict between making funny awards aimed at the nature of established individuals of TFF, and inclusion of new members. 'Most likely to be sexually harassed by che' is funny when you know che... but otherwise will draw a blank stare (i.e. from newer members).How do we get people active in them? Also, how do we get newer members to be active in them?
I think the awards by their very nature aren't for (very) new members. Some clout/friendships has to exist before meaningful participation can occur.
Yeah, Rocky.How do we keep it from getting too cliquey, so that only a couple of people win all of the awards?
IDK. Take award suggestions from as many people as possible?
'Most intelligent' and 'music guru'.What do you want to see out of the TFF awards?
Wait, what?
Yes.Do you like the idea of combining traditional awards with the bogus awards?
30:70What should be the ratio of serious to bogus awards?
Must have been active (not sure how to define) in all of the past three months.Any suggestions for rules? Eligibility? (I already have an idea for Pete’s Law, mostly because that name makes me chuckle)
I think those work. Maybe immunity to che's sexual harassment for all victors.Suggestions for actual rewards? In years past we’ve just had little banners and stuff people have put in their sigs. I think that’s pretty alright, but if somebody else has a kickass idea, I’m all ears.
Well, I feel there should be more serious awards than bogus ones. This way, we won't have to think of too many bogus awards. I personally don't want to have bogus awards, and I surely don't want to win one.
I agree that some awards could be combined (Artist, Gender). But some are used to label members as well, in a good way. How would new members know who to ask for help, if they decided not to go the adoption route? They would see "Most Helpful" in the person's signature and know that the person is in fact the most helpful.
And a couple could be done away with. "Most Bizarre/Random" could be considered bogus, and that could open up a slot for another serious award. Also (and don't get too mad), since CPC8 wins "Best Social Group/Club" every year; either remove the category or do what Oprah did years ago, and not compete.
How do we keep the TFF awards fresh? By changing the bogus awards each year.
How do we get people active in them? Also, how do we get newer members to be active in them? Advertise, maybe. Post discussions in the Social Groups, or send VMs/PMs to members asking them to vote (time-consuming, yes; but an effective way to get the message out there)
How do we keep it from getting too cliquey, so that only a couple of people win all of the awards? Well, one way would be to limit how many times a member can be nominated (as done in the past). My high school's "Best of the Best" List had a rule that you could have only put a classmate's name down once.
Do you like the idea of combining traditional awards with the bogus awards? If so, what should be the ratio of serious to bogus awards? As stated before, I would prefer not to see the bogus awards at all, but that's just me. If they must be combined, then either 60/40 or 65/35.
Any suggestions for rules? Eligibility? (I already have an idea for Pete’s Law, mostly because that name makes me chuckle) What I do with FoN is go to the member's profile and check their user statistics. I check their Posts per Day, then go and check the last posts they actually made. It is time-consuming, but it is also the most thorough way of checking.
Last edited by Michael Swayne; 01-03-2012 at 08:19 AM.
How do we keep the TFF awards fresh?
I think changing up the categories every year was a pretty good idea. Makes 'em less predictable that way, ergo more fun.
How do we get people active in them? Also, how do we get newer members to be active in them?
I think this forum is pretty "new-user friendly", so it's up to the person themselves if they want to participate or not. That goes for vets as well. I don't really see a very viable way of making a person be active in something like this. If some genius idea hits me, I'll edit it in, but for now...I got nothin'.
How do we keep it from getting too cliquey, so that only a couple of people win all of the awards?
Keep the number of categories that a person can be qualified to be voted for to just a few, pretty much like what was done in the past: They can be nominated for however many there are, but the categories where they had the most nominations should qualify. As for the magic number, Idk, I guess it depends on just how many categories wind up making it in. If you're shooting for 2 dozen, then I suppose 3 or 4 max would be okay.
What do you want to see out of the TFF awards?
I just wanna see people enjoying it again.
Do you like the idea of combining traditional awards with the bogus awards? If so, what should be the ratio of serious to bogus awards?
Yeah, I think the bogus awards are really entertaining. More fun to fill out too. I wouldn't mind seeing the two consolidated into just one mega awards thread thing. I think making the awards ratio half and half would be fine.
Suggestions for actual rewards?
Award banners are always fun and nice to stick in a sig, so I'm all for seeing those again for the winners. I am still not very great at making banners, but if no one else wants to, I wouldn't mind trying my hand at making 'em for the winners. ^^
I like the idea of combining the gender-specific awards into just a general thing, so I third that idea (or fourth it...or whatever it).
I think there should be at least one Final Fantasy-related award... We are a FF-based site, ya know? Like "Most Knowledgeable" or "Biggest Fan".
TFF's "Best Lurker" could be changed to "Most Missed". That makes more sense to me, or it can be totally dropped.
^ I lol'ed.“The Meier Link Memorial Award for Exceptional Spelling.”I think it's great to have a title of an award be named after one/some of the more notorious members here.
Click at your own risk.:
I prefer more serious than bogus awards or at least about the same amount. The bogus awards would lose its novelty if it gets more emphasized IMO.
How do we keep the TFF awards fresh?
Change up some of the bogus awards every year.
*How do we get people active in them? Also, how do we get newer members to be active in them?
Not sure exactly how but maybe introduce awards that don't require you to nominate mostly vet members?
If you’re someone who doesn’t participate, why? What would make you change your mind, and think about being active in the awards?
Uh, I was never able to participate because I was not active when the previous awards took place. I'll try this year and see.
How do we keep it from getting too cliquey, so that only a couple of people win all of the awards?
See my answer in the asterisked question.
What do you want to see out of the TFF awards?
Not exactly sure what to expect. This is technically my first time (I think)
The rest of the questions, i really don't have any significant or useful input ^_^"..not that what I typed are useful or hasn't been said before. >_<
I like the idea of FF based awards. This is a Final Fantasy Forum after all.
I also like the idea of the Bogus awards. We all want to know what everyone thinks of each other but we also like to joke around. If we didn't have the bogus awards in here, not everyone WOULD get an award. They aren't meant to be taken seriously anyway.
All that being said, here is my answer to the questions:
CHANGE IT UP!! Things change every year. Not only the bogus awards, but the actual awards as well. Originality is appreciated. I have participated in awards in other forums (Which didn't happen this yearHow do we keep the TFF awards fresh?) But the award categories always change over the years because of forum activity and willingness to participate. In case you're wondering, I have gotten biggest spammer and most annoying. I worked hard to get those awards, believe me
. I think those should be categories as well.
Have awards that focus more on new members. Also make them aware of them somehow. I know how forums can be and it can be rather confusing when one joins a new forum. I'm not sure how to make it easier for them to stay around. That basically relies on their interest in the forum and their willingness to spend time on here. There are plenty of other things to do on the internet as well as in real life. I know how easy it can be to just drop the internet life and get consumed by real life. I was lucky enough to still have a friend who randomly messaged me to come back. Now I'm back on forums trying to be as active as possible. It also helps to have people with a common interest. Not many young people are all that interested in Final Fantasy anymore. The games now have gone downhill, and there are other games that catch the attention of the younger ones (I mean 12-14). People like me who are 22 and have played the older games are more willing to stick around. I'm not sure how exactly to keep the newer members around. It's really up to them. You can't force them to do what they really don't want to do. Incentives can be nice though.How do we get people active in them? Also, how do we get newer members to be active in them?
Funny story. I caused drama during the last awards (I do it a lot in case you haven't noticed, but hey, it works...for someone who doesn't like drama, I cause a lot).If you’re someone who doesn’t participate, why? What would make you change your mind, and think about being active in the awards?
I don't want to repeat others, but you need to make categories that are focused on the majority of members and create some competition. That gets more people involved and makes it fun. There might be some butt hurt people in the end, but that's what competition is about. Healthy competition never did anyone harm.
This forum is full of cliques/clubs/groups/friends. You really can't avoid it. There should be a limit of how many times a person can be voted for, but with so many people participating in the awards, it's really hard to judge. You could make it like the Oscars where you have nominated people and that's the set of people that you get to vote for in that category. I'm still not really sure how that all would work. That might need some work.How do we keep it from getting too cliquey, so that only a couple of people win all of the awards?
All I want out of the awards is FUN! Some cold hard fun. That's what they're meant to be right?What do you want to see out of the TFF awards?
As stated above, I love the idea. I was leaning toward 50:50, but 60:40 seems good. The bogus ones being more favorable. It's a good idea.Do you like the idea of combining traditional awards with the bogus awards? If so, what should be the ratio of serious to bogus awards?
This seems to be the most common among forums. It's a tradition really. Plus it makes the sig look good. It also shows the person's reputation for being (in my example) Most Annoying or Biggest spammer. For someone who is the nicest member, it would (hopefully) attract the newer members to that person and make them feel more welcome.In years past we’ve just had little banners and stuff people have put in their sigs.
As for the awards themselves. Cutting the gender specific seems most logical and most popular. It makes people work harder to be the best of the best.
That's about all I got here. I'm looking forward to these awards.
Last edited by Yoko; 01-03-2012 at 11:50 AM. Reason: MATH ><
Honestly, the trick is to just think about what you'd care about as a person, outside of TFF. Nobody cares about the best RPer or any of that shit, because RP is disco. DEAD bitches! I'll post a quick line about what I care about and maybe everyone else should do the same
Best Staff Member
Best New Member
Most Popular
Most Helpful
Most Intelligent
Best Lurker
Nicest Male
Nicest Female
Funniest Male
Funniest Female
Most Sarcastic
Most Attractive Male
Most Attractive Female
Most Bizarre/Random
Member with Best Avatar/Signature Combo
Most Interesting Journal
Most Creative
Best Club/Social Group
Best TFF Duo
SOLDIERcHoSeNCrao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers
I'm ****ing bored. Can we vote yet?
Fake edit: Yeah, this is totally a wall of text. Sorry in advance.
Okay, hopefully this won't be walls of text, but I have a lot I want to address, so here we go.
Could you elaborate a little on this? I'm not trying to be an asshole here, but I don't really get where you're coming from. The way you say "and I surely don't want to win one" makes me think that you have some sort of negative view of Bogusies (tentative title). I've made jokes about having a "Worst Poster" award, but The Bogus Awards wouldn't be anything offensive, just silly little awards poking fun at the community as a whole.Originally Posted by Aldha
Good points. "Most Helpful" stays as far as I'm concerned.I agree that some awards could be combined (Artist, Gender). But some are used to label members as well, in a good way. How would new members know who to ask for help, if they decided not to go the adoption route? They would see "Most Helpful" in the person's signature and know that the person is in fact the most helpful.
Social Groups are a big part of the forums, so I feel like they should have some sort of representation. And the idea of straight up not letting a certain group (especially one that I'm a part of!) compete in the award seems real sketch. Maybe have an extra joke award called the "Annual CPC8 Best Social Group Award for Best Social Group (CPC8 wins)" or something. And it would be a bogus award, so you wouldn't be offended when CPC8 winssince CPC8 wins "Best Social Group/Club" every year; either remove the category or do what Oprah did years ago, and not compete..
By the way, you're Michael Swayne or whatever, right? All you god damn Al-has look the same.
Sure, no problem with that. Though unless I'm missing something really obvious here, I don't see many ideas for categories past what you posted.Originally Posted by Dodie16
You were around during the last awards? Or do you mean the member elimination? If that's the case, don't worry about it. That thing has drama every year. Unavoidable when people form alliances and stuff.Originally Posted by Alqha
THERE IS NO WORLD OUTSIDE OF TFF. NEG REP SIR GOOD DAY. Honestly though, that makes a lot of sense. There are like four people on this site that actually RP, so I think stuff like that can go. I think it wouldn't be a bad idea either to start taking the thread in the direction of suggesting categories and stuff.Originally Posted by Pete
So, Ahem.
Also, if you want to suggest other categories for either Bogus Awards, or FF-related awards, please do so. Make sure you do something to distinguish those suggestions from your list of serious awards. Also also, it might be a good idea to explain the award, so just in case we do use it, I have something to clarify the award if need be when I put up the thread.
Also also also, if you're new to reading this thread and wish to discuss the questions and topics and stuff from the OP, please do so. All input is appreciated.
My tentative plan right now is to have the awards laid out like this:
Serious Awards (12)
Bogus Awards (10)
FF related Awards (2)
For a total of 24. Again, this is just tentative, so if doesn't work out well, I'm more than willing to change it, though the general consensus of the thread seems to like about as many or more bogus awards as serious ones.
I might as well do my list of 12 right now, while I'm at it.
Best Staff Member
Best New Member
Most Helpful
Most Intelligent
Nicest Member (heh heh)
Funniest Member
Most Attractive
Music Guru
Best Writer
Best Artist
Most Interesting Journal
Best Club/Social Group
Notes: (You don't necessarily have to make notes about your picks, but it'd be helpful to me by letting me know what you guys think is important.) So I made a lot of the changes I talked about. Getting rid of gender specific stuff, limiting what I think are redundant categories, stuff like that. I made a couple of other cuts that make sense to me. Most popular seems a bit redundant, because the most popular people on the forums will win awards. It's weird to give someone an award for winning an award.
I feel like it's weird to give a "Best Lurker" award. How do you quantify a lurker? Same thing with "Most Hardcore Gamer." How do you quantify that? Plus, if we're going to have a couple of FF based awards, we don't really need gaming specific awards.
"Best Sig/avatar combo." I've just never been crazy about this one. In my mind, it can go.
Bogus Suggestions:
"Most likely to be sexually harassed by che": Could be anyone. Literally everyone. Just whoever is lucky enough to be his target at that time.
"Meier Link Memorial Award for Exceptional Spelling": Not a good speller. Probably still a good poster, but the spelling and grammar skills of the poster leave something to be desired.
The "Why do you even post on an FF forum anymore?" award: Someone who has no more interest in FF games, or maybe even games in general. Probably only posts in the Member Lounge.
"Member you'd most like to get stuck in aliftelevator with": Oldie but a goodie. A member you'd like to spend a bunch of time with.
"Couple most likely to have superbabies": Another oldie that I like. Instead of best duo or best couple, which two people would create the next great superhero?
FF-based suggestions:
Um, I think that's it for now. Just wanted to respond to a couple of things.
FAKE EDIT: Oh, one more thing:
Thanks for your contribution. That's why I love you.Originally Posted by che
Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."
Crao Porr Cock8. Bitch.
Anyone who knows me knows that I am serious about everything and lack a sense of humor. If I were to be nominated and/or win an award, I would hope that it was for something of a serious nature. You all can have your fun having superbabies and whatnot.
I did not say that CPC8 should be forbidden from competing for the award. That would not be fair. I merely suggested that they do what Oprah did, and choose not to compete. I mean, Oprah kept winning Emmy after Emmy every year; so she decided not to participate. Because she knew that she proved she was the best. You all claim to be the best, and have proved it apparently. You could do the same by choosing not to compete. (Personally, I think CPC8's reign is over, because Al-ha is going to win.)
While on the subject of Al-ha, I don't know. I was told I was dunked underneath the waters of Lake Ha-al (in a sort of baptism) and came out an Al-ha. I don't remember anything before that.
I like this list. I don't have any ideas for Bogusies or Boogeries or Bungalows or whatever you will be calling them.Originally Posted by Polk's List
Since I'm going to take the internet seriously I'm going to say get rid of the bogus awards as well.
Signature Updated: YesterdayCPC8! - Chess Club
CPC8! - Pimpin' is easy
Currently Playing: Video Games
Nono, not here silly. Other forums. I'm still 'new' here.
I like all other things said in Polks post. Keep it like that. Can't wait to start voting. I already have my sights on a few people.
OG RPer of TFF forseriously
~~Jet Pack Soldiers: Never forget those who failed~~
Proudly wearing my ban rating since 1/1/12.
I'm just here to pad my post count.
Aw man, I completely agree here, nobody will read the awards if they arent fun. and in my opinion a monotonous jambouree of 'most beige contribution' type awards arent gonna cut it. so keep em tongue in cheek.
I second this. Polk just take your list and add all the funny stuff you were talkin about and start them![]()
p.s: al-ha can s my d
Sounds like a circle j***.
Voting on who you like best for various reasons is a good way to s the d or spread ill will. Prolly reason #1 why the event was left to die in a corner as it should.
My solution will fix all problems quickly;
You're welcome.
This is my list...
Best Staff Member
Best New Member
Most Helpful
Most Intelligent
Nicest Male/Female - I combined these so that they're one award, but two people win it if you get me? Kind of like best couple/duo, only they're not really a duo, it's just a way of shortening the awards list but still allowing the gender specific ones to be apart of it. Call me sexist but I approve of gender specific ones.
Funniest Male/Female - Same idea as aboooove.
Most Sarcastic
Most Attractive Male/Female - And agaaaiiinnnn.
Music Guru
Best Writer (Literature forum)
Most Interesting Journal
Most Creative - I agree that all awards such as best graphic artist, etc. should be merged into this one.
I also like Best TFF Duo and Most Bizarre/Random, but I took them out because I figure they could become funny bogus type awards if you gave them a punchy name. Like how in the last bogus awards there was the biggest bromance or something.
That's my two pennies.
But Xana, if you like those gender-specific ones, why not have Male/Femal Music Guru (for example)? Serious question.
Good idea. I just combined the ones that were already gender-specific. However, it could get to point where it's like "why not make them all gender specific then?" which would be kind of silly so I think it would be best to only have specific ones for the more "active" awards. And by that I mean there aren't a lot of writers left at TFF, so making Best Writer a "Best male/female Writer" one would be halving the competition for a category that is already lacking in competition. Whereas the Nicest male/female works because there's lots of competition there, I mean anybody could be considered nice so splitting the competition doesn't seem like a bad thing, it actually makes it more fair in my opinion.
Godd job for keeping the awards going Polk. I've yet to take part in them but I'll give my best go this time.
I think it's a good idea to merge Serious/bogus and FF to a total of 24.
My 12 from the list in the OP:
Best Staff Member
Best New Member
Most Helpful - this one is quite important like othes have said
Most Intelligent
Member with Best Avatar/Signature Combo
Nicest Male*
Nicest Female*
Funniest Male*
Funniest Female*
Most Sarcastic
Music Guru
Most Creative
**Could be merged into nicest member/ funniest member
Also I'd like to add Most Interesting somewhere. There are some members whose posts are really good to read so I think this should be awarded.
The Boguses should definatley stay. I don't have too many ideas but
'Member with the most moves like Jagger'
'Most Long Winded'
'Member who defies all reason as to why they're still here"
are just a few.
I can't think of anything for the FF related awards atm but a lot of possible ones apply for the other awards too.
Currently Playing:
Pillars of Eternity (PC)
I play Magic! See what decks im playing or building here!
Who's gonna win the award for Most Likely to Cure Aids?
OG RPer of TFF forseriously
~~Jet Pack Soldiers: Never forget those who failed~~
Proudly wearing my ban rating since 1/1/12.
I'm just here to pad my post count.
So, okay. Status update time: This shit ain't dead. I've had a bad couple of weeks (thanks to some real life stuff that I won't get into), but I'm going to work on getting the rules and nomination stuff done. Hopefully I'll be able to get it all done tonight, but if not, it'll be done within the next couple of days. I appreciate the feedback you guys have given me, and even though I was hoping for a little more help regarding award suggestions, whatevs, I'll deal. Hopefully you crazy kids don't mind all the weird awards I come up with.
So what I think what I'm going to do is ask the mods to close this up, and we'll proceed into the Nomination thread.
EDIT: OH, one more thing. For anybody reading this, we will be doing banners for winners, so if anybody wants to volunteer to help make them, please send me a PM or VM or something. Okay. Love you. Bye.
Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."
Crao Porr Cock8. Bitch.
Per polks request. Thread closed.
Soldier: "We suck but we're better then you"
We will fight, we will be strong
Together we're marching on
United, we move as one
Our finest hour has just begun
Philmore - Our Finest Hour
Crao Porr Cock8! Need I say more!?My awards: