I'm addicted to reading US Magazine and that "25 Things You Don't Know About Me", while sometimes interesting, people put some really stupid shit at the same time. I think it's 'cuz they have to come up with too many things. Anywho. What're some things people don't know about you?
1.) I learned how to swim when I was 2 & still in diapers.
2.) I was the youngest kid on my hometown's swim team - I started at age 3.
3.) I technically know how to drive a big truck.
4.) I speak Intermediate -Mexican- Spanish
5.) I don't have a passport (I need to get one)
6.) I've never been down -into- Mexico, but I've been to the U.S./Mexico Border (Nogales).
7.) I used to be spoiled - my parents bought me a brand new Yamaha WaveRunner when I was 12. I made my dad nervous with my crazy jet ski driving/skills
8.) I've only been caught with pot 2x in my life - by my sister in high school (later found out she was tokin' it up too lol) & by Francisco - got my stash back both times.
9.) I've lived in 3 different states (Texas, Arizona, Tennessee), but have "moved" around 20 times since I was 11 or 12.
10.) I was spelling bee champ & got honor roll all year in 4th grade - even though my teacher tried to fail me for missing too much school (My dad would let me skip with him when he was home from the truck & we'd go shopping & have lunch).