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Thread: Under What Circumstances Would You Commit Murder?

  1. #61

    Re: Under What Circumstances Would You Commit Murder?

    I hope that I'd only ever kill, if I was willing to die for whatever I'd be in defense of. That's called war, though.

  2. #62
    Chief Inspiring Officer Under What Circumstances Would You Commit Murder? Cyanist's Avatar
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    Re: Under What Circumstances Would You Commit Murder?

    Though I hate to say it, I have already been pushed to the limit necessary for me to take that action you mentioned, and surprisingly, found that I could not. The hands I thought would be steady, were not. The mind I thought would be decisive, was not. All of my previous hypothesizing on the subject having been effectively proven erroneous, I look back on it now, simply as useless, vain illusion.
    ~I'm sorry I haven't been around very much~

    The votes are in for the sketch contest. See who won the epic battle here:

  3. #63
    Registered Goober Under What Circumstances Would You Commit Murder? Order's Avatar
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    Re: Under What Circumstances Would You Commit Murder?

    Some interesting responses in here.
    Good topic!

    My criteria for murder are probably less strict than most people, but I haven't killed anyone. I have tried, a long time ago when I was young, but it is pretty difficult.
    The time I tried was in a fist fight in middleschool. I was much smaller than the boy I was fighting and when I thought the job had been finished, I had only knocked him unconscious. Still, I had never even sucessfully defended myself before, despite being jumped nearly every day.
    I'm about average size now, so nobody really makes an honest attempt to fight. Over the past few years, some have tried to instigate me into attacking, but I've always walked away.

    To get back on topic...
    I would murder in the following,
    Attacked with a knife or similar weapon.
    Attacked by multiple aggressors.
    Threatened with a firearm.
    Revenge for family or close friend.

    As cyanosuke said, I don't think anyone could know how they would act if the time came to make the choice unless they've been there before. I would like to think that I wouldn't hesitate, but I'm not sure.

    To clarify, I believe that any action that results in death is 'murder'. I believe that murder is always wrong. I also believe that in some cases, it is excusable.
    If I personally were to kill anyone, even accidentally or in a justified situation, I should be prepaired to face appropriate consequences decided by a fair and just court system.
    Last edited by Order; 12-26-2011 at 04:23 PM.

  4. #64
    Queen Under What Circumstances Would You Commit Murder? Crescent's Avatar
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    Re: Under What Circumstances Would You Commit Murder?

    For me its quite simple. Yes I believe murder is wrong. But I aint Gandhi. If you intentionally harm a child or animal ESPECIALLY ANIMALS in any way, shape or form I will, without ANY hesitation. Kill. You. Including my family and friends. I''ll enjoy making it a slow, painful one. I dont care for humans you morons can kill yourselves since your soooo evolved which means it gives you the right to eat other living things like animals. Oh wait that rule only applies for just beings just like you right haha ok. Humans (mainly Males) are the cause of ALL the problems in this world. You leave the animals out of it alright. At least Mother Nature (earthquakes, tsunamis etc) is indiscriminate.

  5. #65
    Registered Goober Under What Circumstances Would You Commit Murder? Order's Avatar
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    Re: Under What Circumstances Would You Commit Murder?

    Men are the cause of all the problems in the world?

    *Intellectual* discussion board, ma'am.

    ...Sorry, I'm a bit defensive about stuff like sexism.
    On a serious note,
    Especially animals?
    Above all else, if I'm reading that sentence right.
    I can't comprehend a situation where that would be ruled as reasonable in any modern court system.
    Disagreement on each point, ma'am.

    I shall wag my finger and take my leave.

  6. #66
    Queen Under What Circumstances Would You Commit Murder? Crescent's Avatar
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    Re: Under What Circumstances Would You Commit Murder?

    Quote Originally Posted by Order View Post
    Men are the cause of all the problems in the world?

    *Intellectual* discussion board, ma'am.

    ...Sorry, I'm a bit defensive about stuff like sexism.
    On a serious note,
    Especially animals?
    Above all else, if I'm reading that sentence right.
    I can't comprehend a situation where that would be ruled as reasonable in any modern court system.
    Disagreement on each point, ma'am.

    I shall wag my finger and take my leave.
    Knew I was gonna get flack for that sexist jab. Of course you are its ok. But I believe it is the gospel truth and am sticking to it. Rape, wars, please. They invented violence. Just read the news. You never mentioned in your question if it should be be ruled as reasonable in any modern court system which is kinda the point (thinkin outside the box here). Iam not bound by the law/rules in any country (but TFF rules XDD). I will kill for those (human or not) who cannot defend themselves. To address your question that is how I rationalise it. You wanted a "raw opinion" from a "normal" (whatever that is) person. There you are.

  7. #67
    Queen Under What Circumstances Would You Commit Murder? Crescent's Avatar
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    Re: Under What Circumstances Would You Commit Murder?

    Quote Originally Posted by Order View Post
    Men are the cause of all the problems in the world?

    *Intellectual* discussion board, ma'am.

    ...Sorry, I'm a bit defensive about stuff like sexism.
    On a serious note,
    Especially animals?
    Above all else, if I'm reading that sentence right.
    I can't comprehend a situation where that would be ruled as reasonable in any modern court system.
    Disagreement on each point, ma'am.

    I shall wag my finger and take my leave.
    Oh...SORRY!!! I realised you werent the person who wrote the question. But everything else I still strongly stand by.

  8. #68
    I do what you can't. Under What Circumstances Would You Commit Murder? Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Re: Under What Circumstances Would You Commit Murder?

    Quote Originally Posted by omgawd View Post
    They invented violence. Just read the news.
    Human males invented violence? As in, there was no violence before human males?

    The big ol' cheeseburger I had for dinner was delicious, and I'm sure some stupid cow had to die for that. But oh well, humans are on top of the food chain for a reason.

    The responses in this thread ... I can't tell if they're more funny or more sad. Too many people are ... we'll say "naive". Tried to kill somebody in a kids' playground fight? You'd kill somebody for harming an animal? Nearly every post here fits into one of two categories. They're either, "I'm so badass and awesome, laws don't apply to me, and if I did murder somebody, I could do it easy and never get caught," or, "humanity sucks, anybody who says they could ever harm another living thing for any reason is a horrible person".

    Go away, try to put yourself in that possible situation, and if you have a brain in your skull, you'll realize that this question is, or should be, more rhetorical than anything. People that have had to kill others, and I mean out of necessity, don't brag about it, they don't BS about it, they do what they believe is necessary and move on.

    If 99.9% of you were ever to be put in that situation, you'd be clueless, too filled with fear and confusion to move. And I'd be willing to bet that nearly everybody who's posted in here believes that they're the exeption. It's pathetic.

    Sig courtesy of Plastik Assassin.

    Greater love hath no man than this; that he lay down his life for his friends.
    John 15:13

  9. #69
    Registered Goober Under What Circumstances Would You Commit Murder? Order's Avatar
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    Re: Under What Circumstances Would You Commit Murder?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sasquatch View Post
    Tried to kill somebody in a kids' playground fight?
    I didn't say it was badass, I was being honest. I tried.

    OMGAWD is entitled to an oppinion just like anyone else, even if it aggrivates others to the point of firing insults.

    Your high horse may be too tall to climb off, man.
    I understand that it is difficult to convey tone of voice in text, but you could try using the "benefit of the doubt" tactic.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sasquatch View Post
    If 99.9% of you were ever to be put in that situation, you'd be clueless, too filled with fear and confusion to move. And I'd be willing to bet that nearly everybody who's posted in here believes that they're the exeption. It's pathetic.
    Yes, we've touched on this.
    No, I think people are speaking hypothetically and do not really believe that they could murder someone without losing sleep.

  10. #70
    Queen Under What Circumstances Would You Commit Murder? Crescent's Avatar
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    Re: Under What Circumstances Would You Commit Murder?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sasquatch View Post
    Human males invented violence? As in, there was no violence before human males?

    The big ol' cheeseburger I had for dinner was delicious, and I'm sure some stupid cow had to die for that. But oh well, humans are on top of the food chain for a reason.

    The responses in this thread ... I can't tell if they're more funny or more sad. Too many people are ... we'll say "naive". Tried to kill somebody in a kids' playground fight? You'd kill somebody for harming an animal? Nearly every post here fits into one of two categories. They're either, "I'm so badass and awesome, laws don't apply to me, and if I did murder somebody, I could do it easy and never get caught," or, "humanity sucks, anybody who says they could ever harm another living thing for any reason is a horrible person".

    Go away, try to put yourself in that possible situation, and if you have a brain in your skull, you'll realize that this question is, or should be, more rhetorical than anything. People that have had to kill others, and I mean out of necessity, don't brag about it, they don't BS about it, they do what they believe is necessary and move on.

    If 99.9% of you were ever to be put in that situation, you'd be clueless, too filled with fear and confusion to move. And I'd be willing to bet that nearly everybody who's posted in here believes that they're the exeption. It's pathetic.
    wow!! cool your jets dont take it so seriously..

    Quote Originally Posted by Sasquatch View Post
    The big ol' cheeseburger I had for dinner was delicious, and I'm sure some stupid cow had to die for that. But oh well, humans are on top of the food chain for a reason.
    ..Oh soo original. Look my baseline thinking is that I value freedom for every living thing when you are born into this world..but those slaughtered animals dont get a choice. Humans do it for the simple (stupid.EVIL) reason because we just..can. I just dont understand why we cant *cough*won't*cough**..apply the same principle to animals. HUMAN rights laws were founded and implemented to stop that very exact thing but just amongst one another.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sasquatch View Post
    Human males invented violence? As in, there was no violence before human males?
    Adolf Hitler
    Ted Bundy
    Joseph Stalin
    Jeffrey Dahmer
    Osama Bin ladin
    Saddam Hussein
    Kim Jong-il
    George W Bush
    Vlad Ţepeş
    Dennis Rader
    Mao Tse-Tung
    Andrei Chikatilo
    Gerald Stano
    Vladimir Lenin
    Pol Pot
    Ho Chi Minh
    Idi Amin
    Than Shwe
    Hu Jintao
    Robert Mugabe
    Crown Prince Abdullah
    Omar Al-Bashir
    Fidel Castro

    What do they have in common besides being evil? They are all men.
    We all know that the majority of serial killers are men. Men are responsible for the world's most gruesome wars, and the world's worst man made disasters.

    Therefore I conclude all men are evil.

  11. #71
    Registered Goober Under What Circumstances Would You Commit Murder? Order's Avatar
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    Re: Under What Circumstances Would You Commit Murder?

    Funny, I don't see Obama on your post... Wait... no, no it's not there.

    You're overgeneralizing and being sexist. There have been evil women and there will be more in the future. Ever hear of the mother who drowned her sons to "save them from the horrors of the world"?
    Ever read the book "A Child Called It"

    All humans have a capacity to commit horrible acts.
    All humans also have the option to decide to be morally just.

    I think the key to knowing if you are morally good is to test whether or not your set of moral values are cercumstantial.
    If somethings apply in some cases but not in others. Or a moral value applies to everyone except certain people, you are not just.

    We don't apply basic human rights to animals because we are a species. Naturally, we root for the home team. Ever hear of "Dehumanizing the enemy?"
    It's a strategy for survival that allows us to do what is nessicary. I think about it this way,
    If I see a deer, cat, armadillo, squirrel, dog, opossum, etc... splattered on the side of the highway, I may say something like, "Oh, no. He's sleeping...."
    If I see a human splattered on the side of the highway (which I may have while driving through Jersey on a 12 hr. trip, I'm not sure), my adrenaline would hit instantly from surprise and horror, I would sweat and feel sick.

    You may claim to feel the same for animals as humans, but when you go to the mall, you do not feel the same when you smell McDonalds as you would at a McDonalds selling human parts.
    It's as simple as that.
    Humans do not ordinarily feel the same emotion toward animals instinctively, therefore, animals do not get the same treatment.
    Not very nice for them, but true.

    If you want a cause that other people can be convinced to agree with and support, I suggest you visit Malaysia or the Phillipines. I had seen these places on TV before I went, but I was still shocked at how miserable a thirdworld environment can be. Those children don't have a chance and the countries are decades from the kind of economic and social equallity the US enjoys.

  12. #72
    Registered Uber Under What Circumstances Would You Commit Murder? Hobaginator's Avatar
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    Re: Under What Circumstances Would You Commit Murder?

    Anybody can talk about killing and murder, but to those who know first hand what it's like don't like to discuss it. It's not like in the movies.

    Anyone who says they could or would kill somebody for harming an animal... no you wouldn't. You couldn't kill, and for good reason. Animals aren't worth an ounce of sweat from a human's brow, that's why we eat them.

    Killing a human isn't as simple as tieing your shoe laces. It damages your psyche. The only thing you can do is put it behind you, move on, and try your best to live a normal and good life.

    Seriously, it pisses me off that anyone would say an animal's life is worth more than a humans. You need to look past your own eyelids.

    So many people talk about killing like it's leaves on the breeze. It's not. It's brutal and disgusting... the most intense feeling you will ever have... and nothing will make you feel more alive then being the one who's walking away... You will be surprised with your lack of mercy and ability to turn off that empathy.

    Of course, some people are just stupid, and they have no ability to comprehend what they're doing. They are the exception. They aren't wrapped right, and they are the ones that deserve to die.

  13. #73
    Queen Under What Circumstances Would You Commit Murder? Crescent's Avatar
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    Re: Under What Circumstances Would You Commit Murder?

    Quote Originally Posted by Order View Post
    Funny, I don't see Obama on your post... Wait... no, no it's not there.
    Oh sorry. There you go another male XD

    Quote Originally Posted by Order View Post
    You're overgeneralizing and being sexist. There have been evil women and there will be more in the future.
    Riiiight..So im not allowed to be sexist in my views but its fine and apparently, perfectly acceptable to take the life of another living thing who has just as much right to be on this planet but they're not our equal hence their existence is pointless and better off in our digestive tract.

    Even still just because there have been a few bad women in the world, ALL men are evil where as there are only some (very few) bad women.

    Quote Originally Posted by Order View Post
    Ever hear of the mother who drowned her sons to "save them from the horrors of the world"?
    Ever read the book "A Child Called It"
    Every loss of life is just as important as the next but I cannot fathom your lost for words if you actually think that thats gonna qualify as as a defense.. Im just gonna move on to the next point with now a migraine

    Honest to god. Go back to your (even as far as ancient) history notes. Males have and will forever continue to prove me right.

    Quote Originally Posted by Order View Post
    All humans have a capacity to commit horrible acts.
    All humans also have the option to decide to be morally just.
    Im well aware of that. My point is that history has shown us time and time again that every genocide and past wars and (haha) even current ones involve males fighting all the time. For whatever reasons. Women, children and animals all victims of males n their egos at some point.

    Quote Originally Posted by Order View Post
    I think the key to knowing if you are morally good is to test whether or not your set of moral values are cercumstantial.
    If somethings apply in some cases but not in others. Or a moral value applies to everyone except certain people, you are not just.
    **Please get your spelling in order before you type up a response. Its hard to take seriously**

    Exactly. Exactly my point. Humans have the mental capabilities () than every other species on the 'food chain'(how stupid) to change what would otherwise come naturally. Is that not the definition of evolution. We can design such rules to transcend those "barriers" (i really dont understand why thats even an issue)...Every living breathing life is important. Not just yours because you feel your more useful. Thats some third reich mentality right there.

    Quote Originally Posted by Order View Post
    We don't apply basic human rights to animals because we are a species. Naturally, we root for the home team. Ever hear of "Dehumanizing the enemy?"
    It's a strategy for survival that allows us to do what is nessicary. I think about it this way,
    If I see a deer, cat, armadillo, squirrel, dog, opossum, etc... splattered on the side of the highway, I may say something like, "Oh, no. He's sleeping...."
    If I see a human splattered on the side of the highway (which I may have while driving through Jersey on a 12 hr. trip, I'm not sure), my adrenaline would hit instantly from surprise and horror, I would sweat and feel sick.
    Yes Id feel the same if I ever saw a human corpse on the side road like that but...For everything else you mentioned I can honestly and quite proudly say that I dont know what you mean.

    Quote Originally Posted by Order View Post
    You may claim to feel the same for animals as humans, but when you go to the mall, you do not feel the same when you smell McDonalds as you would at a McDonalds selling human parts.
    It's as simple as that.
    "As simple as that" Huh...for you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Order View Post
    Humans do not ordinarily feel the same emotion toward animals instinctively, therefore, animals do not get the same treatment
    Speak. For. Yourself.

    Quote Originally Posted by Order View Post
    If you want a cause that other people can be convinced to agree with and support, I suggest you visit Malaysia or the Phillipines. I had seen these places on TV before I went, but I was still shocked at how miserable a thirdworld environment can be. Those children don't have a chance and the countries are decades from the kind of economic and social equallity the US enjoys.
    Funny that. Child labour and animal cruelty thrives in such places. And who's in power over there and obligated to address such issues. Males..

    Who seem to be the only ones saying its stupid to (have *gasp*compassion) to value an animal's life over their own human one haha - Males.

    Males. Continuing to prove me right since BC.

  14. #74
    Registered Goober Under What Circumstances Would You Commit Murder? Order's Avatar
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    Re: Under What Circumstances Would You Commit Murder?

    Actually, Phillipines had a [edit: female president] until recently.

    I have trouble taking the animal rights thing seriously because of PETA's affiliation with ALF. Even greenpeace has tried to take on the US Navy among other military services which serves to cause their movement to lose legitimacy.

    Yes, my spelling is imperfect. No, I will not use spellcheck for anything other than a literary work or formal document.
    Lastly, I don't want this to turn into an internet rage battle. I'm actually enjoying discussing the topic (which is now way off topic...)

  15. #75
    Queen Under What Circumstances Would You Commit Murder? Crescent's Avatar
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    Re: Under What Circumstances Would You Commit Murder?

    Quote Originally Posted by Order View Post
    Actually, Phillipines had a [edit: female president] until recently.

    I have trouble taking the animal rights thing seriously because of PETA's affiliation with ALF. Even greenpeace has tried to take on the US Navy among other military services which serves to cause their movement to lose legitimacy.

    Yes, my spelling is imperfect. No, I will not use spellcheck for anything other than a literary work or formal document.
    Lastly, I don't want this to turn into an internet rage battle. I'm actually enjoying discussing the topic (which is now way off topic...)
    Your getting confused with Thailand. Phillipine's head of state is very much male.

    That is all.

  16. #76
    I do what you can't. Under What Circumstances Would You Commit Murder? Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Re: Under What Circumstances Would You Commit Murder?

    This is fun. The people that know me here know I'm not sexist, but maybe I can use sarcastic sexist comments to get a point across.

    Quote Originally Posted by omgawd View Post
    Your getting confused with Thailand. Phillipine's head of state is very much male.
    You're getting confused between ""has a female president" and "had a female president until recently". The latter is what was posted, and is true -- until recently, the Philippines had a female president.

    Quote Originally Posted by omgawd View Post
    Oh soo original. Look my baseline thinking is that I value freedom for every living thing when you are born into this world..but those slaughtered animals dont get a choice. Humans do it for the simple (stupid.EVIL) reason because we just..can.
    What about animals that only eat other animals? Would it be okay if we only ate animals that only ate other animals? Because, you know, they're mean, and we shouldn't let that happen! Right?

    Alright, thanks. I'm gonna go get a polar bear burger, you want one?

    I just dont understand why we cant *cough*won't*cough**..apply the same principle to animals. HUMAN rights laws were founded and implemented to stop that very exact thing but just amongst one another.
    Because they're not human. Hence, they're not worth it. It would be impossible to live if we afforded every living thing the respect that we give to humans -- we would be able to kill nothing to get food (including plants, by the way -- they're alive, too), we would have no shelter, we'd have nothing.

    What do they have in common besides being evil? They are all men.
    Hahahahahah, that's a lovely google search, there. Here's a better answer to that question, though: They all had power. Even if you look at serial killers, it's easier for a man to physically overpower a woman than the other way around, and it would be ignorant to believe that women would not commit more violence against men if they were the physically stronger sex.

    Though your inclusion of George W. Bush on that list just screams ignorance.

    Men are responsible for the world's most gruesome wars, and the world's worst man made disasters.
    Men are also responsible for liberation from the world's most oppressive regimes, and for the infrastructure that fails in those disasters. The computer or phone that you're reading this from, the network that provides its coverage, the electricity that gives it power, the shipping systems and roads that brought it to you in the first place ...

    Therefore I conclude all men are evil.
    Looks like women are responsible for a very small minority of scientific breakthroughs, so with that type of "thinking", you could also conclude that all women are stupid.

    Quote Originally Posted by omgawd View Post
    Riiiight..So im not allowed to be sexist in my views but its fine and apparently, perfectly acceptable to take the life of another living thing who has just as much right to be on this planet but they're not our equal hence their existence is pointless and better off in our digestive tract.
    That's prettymuch it. Except that you're allowed to be stupid and sexist, if you choose. Nobody is threatening to kill you for being a sexist twit, whereas you have threatened to kill people for harming animals.

    Every loss of life is just as important as the next but I cannot fathom your lost for words if you actually think that thats gonna qualify as as a defense.. Im just gonna move on to the next point with now a migraine
    His point was that some women are evil, too, which should be obvious to anybody with a brain.

    Honestly, have you ever read A Child Called "It"? It's a good book on a horrible issue, and it will amaze you just how evil somebody can be.

    Honest to god. Go back to your (even as far as ancient) history notes. Males have and will forever continue to prove me right.
    And since males have nearly always been in power of everything, that proves that females are weak and puny, not worthy of being in charge.

    Women, children and animals all victims of males n their egos at some point.
    And men are all victims of females and their periods every month. You want a war zone, YOU try putting up with you.

    **Please get your spelling in order before you type up a response. Its hard to take seriously**
    If you're going to make comments about spelling, it might be a good idea to check your own spelling, and better yet, your grammar. It's not like anybody here iz typn lyk dis.

    (That's a joke in itself, isn't it Order? You're hard to take seriously?)

    Is that not the definition of evolution.
    Really? So what is the definition of evolution -- "only the ones that don't hurt anything else survive"?

    Every living breathing life is important. Not just yours because you feel your more useful. Thats some third reich mentality right there.
    Hahahahahahahah, wow. If you eat animals, you're a Nazi!

    "As simple as that" Huh...for you.
    So that doesn't apply to you? You think McDonald's is just as bad for serving "beef" or "chicken" as they would be if they served human meat?

    I don't know what's more sad -- that you think cows and chickens are just as important as humans, or that you care so little for anything that there could be fast food restaurants serving human meat from a systematic slaughter and the most you can do is bitch anonymously on an internet video game forum.

    Speak. For. Yourself.
    And every other normal person in the world.

    Funny that. Child labour and animal cruelty thrives in such places. And who's in power over there and obligated to address such issues. Males..
    As has been pointed out, there was a female in charge of one of those two places for ten years, until last year. So why didn't she stop the child labor and animal cruelty? She must be a man in disguise!

    Granted, I'm still not sure if you're honestly this ignorant or if you're just good at pretending to be stupid.

    Sig courtesy of Plastik Assassin.

    Greater love hath no man than this; that he lay down his life for his friends.
    John 15:13

  17. #77
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Re: Under What Circumstances Would You Commit Murder?

    As many of you know I am all for a heated debate but the cheap jabs at other peoples opinions on the matter needs to stop. There are far better means to get your point across then to demean and insult other peoples intelegence even if you feel they are acting like an idiot.

    Now I really want to get in on this but my phones acting a tard and not working correctly. So I am going to hold off posting my opinions on the matter and say to play nice before I have to further step in and take alternant actions besides giving verbal warnings.
    Soldier: "We suck but we're better then you"

    We will fight, we will be strong
    Together we're marching on
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    Crao Porr Cock8! Need I say more!?
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  18. #78
    Registered Goober Under What Circumstances Would You Commit Murder? Order's Avatar
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    Re: Under What Circumstances Would You Commit Murder?

    Arrite, instigations aside,
    You just ignored my reference to the ALF. What kind of people are in that organization? Men and... Women!
    What do they do? Burn car dealerships.
    Because they are angry, mislead and misguided.

  19. #79
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. Under What Circumstances Would You Commit Murder? Polk's Avatar
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    Re: Under What Circumstances Would You Commit Murder?

    Quote Originally Posted by Order View Post
    You just ignored my reference to the ALF.

    You can never have enough ALF references.

    I'll take my warning now Meier, thanks in advance.
    Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."

    Crao Porr Cock8. Bitch.

  20. #80
    Registered Goober Under What Circumstances Would You Commit Murder? Order's Avatar
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    Re: Under What Circumstances Would You Commit Murder?

    Alf hes back, in pog form!!!!

    If that gets a warning, im staying away from this whole thread.

  21. #81
    Queen Under What Circumstances Would You Commit Murder? Crescent's Avatar
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    Re: Under What Circumstances Would You Commit Murder?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sasquatch View Post
    This is fun. The people that know me here know I'm not sexist, but maybe I can use sarcastic sexist comments to get a point across.

    You're getting confused between ""has a female president" and "had a female president until recently". The latter is what was posted, and is true -- until recently, the Philippines had a female president.

    What about animals that only eat other animals? Would it be okay if we only ate animals that only ate other animals? Because, you know, they're mean, and we shouldn't let that happen! Right?

    Alright, thanks. I'm gonna go get a polar bear burger, you want one?

    Because they're not human. Hence, they're not worth it. It would be impossible to live if we afforded every living thing the respect that we give to humans -- we would be able to kill nothing to get food (including plants, by the way -- they're alive, too), we would have no shelter, we'd have nothing.

    Hahahahahah, that's a lovely google search, there. Here's a better answer to that question, though: They all had power. Even if you look at serial killers, it's easier for a man to physically overpower a woman than the other way around, and it would be ignorant to believe that women would not commit more violence against men if they were the physically stronger sex.

    Though your inclusion of George W. Bush on that list just screams ignorance.

    Men are also responsible for liberation from the world's most oppressive regimes, and for the infrastructure that fails in those disasters. The computer or phone that you're reading this from, the network that provides its coverage, the electricity that gives it power, the shipping systems and roads that brought it to you in the first place ...

    Looks like women are responsible for a very small minority of scientific breakthroughs, so with that type of "thinking", you could also conclude that all women are stupid.

    That's prettymuch it. Except that you're allowed to be stupid and sexist, if you choose. Nobody is threatening to kill you for being a sexist twit, whereas you have threatened to kill people for harming animals.

    His point was that some women are evil, too, which should be obvious to anybody with a brain.

    Honestly, have you ever read A Child Called "It"? It's a good book on a horrible issue, and it will amaze you just how evil somebody can be.

    And since males have nearly always been in power of everything, that proves that females are weak and puny, not worthy of being in charge.

    And men are all victims of females and their periods every month. You want a war zone, YOU try putting up with you.

    If you're going to make comments about spelling, it might be a good idea to check your own spelling, and better yet, your grammar. It's not like anybody here iz typn lyk dis.

    (That's a joke in itself, isn't it Order? You're hard to take seriously?)

    Really? So what is the definition of evolution -- "only the ones that don't hurt anything else survive"?

    Hahahahahahahah, wow. If you eat animals, you're a Nazi!

    So that doesn't apply to you? You think McDonald's is just as bad for serving "beef" or "chicken" as they would be if they served human meat?

    I don't know what's more sad -- that you think cows and chickens are just as important as humans, or that you care so little for anything that there could be fast food restaurants serving human meat from a systematic slaughter and the most you can do is bitch anonymously on an internet video game forum.

    And every other normal person in the world.

    As has been pointed out, there was a female in charge of one of those two places for ten years, until last year. So why didn't she stop the child labor and animal cruelty? She must be a man in disguise!

    Granted, I'm still not sure if you're honestly this ignorant or if you're just good at pretending to be stupid.
    ....I cannot stop laughing. EXACTLY the kind of attitude Im preaching about

  22. #82
    Registered Uber Under What Circumstances Would You Commit Murder? Hobaginator's Avatar
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    Re: Under What Circumstances Would You Commit Murder?

    Wow that's a long quote for a short reply...

    Anyways, omgawd, you have to understand that men and women have different mentalities -- and for a reason.

    My attitude towards life and death is about as polar opposite to yours as it could be. Does that make me evil? I'd like to think not, because I try to be the good guy whenever possible. Have I ever done things that I shouldn't have? Plenty of times, more than I could count... sometimes out of ignorance. I'm just gonna be honest, when I was a kid, I grew up in a rural area of NY where there were lots of small animals such as frogs and snakes around... and yeah, I killed a lot of them. I'm not proud of that, but that's just the way I am. Genetically, I was not gifted with the empathy that someone like you has. I'm not evil, I'm not a serial killer. I'm just a man.

    Nature vs nurture, who knows? Everyone knows that many predators maim and kill smaller prey items for sport - the game of cat and mouse. Genetics and DNA blah blah... who knows. But the truth remains that human beings obtain nutrition and substainence from killing living beings (plants and animals)... Humans cant eat dirt to survive, something has to die - every day.

    To keep this thread on topic; I would kill somebody if the situation called for it and I felt like it was the right thing to do, and I wouldn't think twice about it. I am planning on joining the military soon, so this thread is very interesting to me. Since I was very young I always felt like I was - pardon the Full Metal Jacket reference - born to kill... but I'm also an advocate of peace... "the duality of man" is apparent.

    Some people are killers, even though they aren't evil - they're just warriors... Warriors are neccessary for human survival... many animals have their warriors, just look at wolves, lions, even many herding animals have their fighters (bulls). It's the nature of survival.

    Death and killing fascinates human beings, just look at the media. Horror movies, war movies, the entire final fantasy series is based on killing - you wont get very far in the game if you refuse to kill an enemy.

    It's human nature. Think about that next time you're eating a soy taco.

    Wow, this thread got me in the mood for some McDonalds!

  23. #83
    Queen Under What Circumstances Would You Commit Murder? Crescent's Avatar
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    Re: Under What Circumstances Would You Commit Murder?

    Quote Originally Posted by Hobaginator View Post
    Wow that's a long quote for a short reply...

    Anyways, omgawd, you have to understand that men and women have different mentalities -- and for a reason.

    My attitude towards life and death is about as polar opposite to yours as it could be. Does that make me evil? I'd like to think not, because I try to be the good guy whenever possible. Have I ever done things that I shouldn't have? Plenty of times, more than I could count... sometimes out of ignorance. I'm just gonna be honest, when I was a kid, I grew up in a rural area of NY where there were lots of small animals such as frogs and snakes around... and yeah, I killed a lot of them. I'm not proud of that, but that's just the way I am. Genetically, I was not gifted with the empathy that someone like you has. I'm not evil, I'm not a serial killer. I'm just a man.

    Nature vs nurture, who knows? Everyone knows that many predators maim and kill smaller prey items for sport - the game of cat and mouse. Genetics and DNA blah blah... who knows. But the truth remains that human beings obtain nutrition and substainence from killing living beings (plants and animals)... Humans cant eat dirt to survive, something has to die - every day.

    To keep this thread on topic; I would kill somebody if the situation called for it and I felt like it was the right thing to do, and I wouldn't think twice about it. I am planning on joining the military soon, so this thread is very interesting to me. Since I was very young I always felt like I was - pardon the Full Metal Jacket reference - born to kill... but I'm also an advocate of peace... "the duality of man" is apparent.

    Some people are killers, even though they aren't evil - they're just warriors... Warriors are neccessary for human survival... many animals have their warriors, just look at wolves, lions, even many herding animals have their fighters (bulls). It's the nature of survival.

    Death and killing fascinates human beings, just look at the media. Horror movies, war movies, the entire final fantasy series is based on killing - you wont get very far in the game if you refuse to kill an enemy.

    It's human nature. Think about that next time you're eating a soy taco.

    Wow, this thread got me in the mood for some McDonalds!
    There is absolutely nothing left for me to say..You males seem to be doing a fine job yourselves at reinforcing my views Im bored. To the FFVII thread XD

  24. #84
    Registered Uber Under What Circumstances Would You Commit Murder? Hobaginator's Avatar
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    Re: Under What Circumstances Would You Commit Murder?

    This was a good thread that got derailed by the retarded opinions of a clearly dilluted feminist. One sentence replies not allowed, right? Yeah, that looks like one sentence replies to me. As I said before, but apparently I have to put in the form of a paragraph in order for MY opinons not to be deleted: Troll successful.
    Now, before I get in to how much of a dumb c*nt this dumb c*nt actually is, I'm going to first say that her opinions would only be acceptable if she was either A) The hottest woman ever to walk the Earth - unlikely. Or B) a dumb ugly c*nt who's a** never leaves it's comfortable dent in her computer chair. Much more likely. Of course, she is probably some fuming rape target or has a burning envy for penises. Either way, she's a dumb c*nt.
    Men being the source of all evil? Here, let me site some evil women just for the record for this dumb c*nt.
    Evil female nazis: Nazi women exposed as every bit as bad as Hitler's deranged male followers | Mail Online

    more on the female nazis: SS Nazi Personnel – Nazi Women Guards

    That's just one example, need more? Heres the story of a female VC sniper who used to capture and torture US troops:

    As stated before: A child called it is a good book.

    Here's a good list; top 10 most evil women in history: Top 10 Most Evil Women

    And for the top 10 most peaceful men: Top 10 Peaceful Men

    The fact that males are more likely to kill is mainly a testosterone driven urge for the purpose of protection of loved ones. Attack a woman's child and she'll kill to protect it if she has the upper hand.
    Men are the ones who's boots are in the mud in wars, fighting on the front lines, because men are braver, stronger, more capable at combat. Don't be jealous. Dumb c*nt. But if you ever got your fat a** up out of your house you'd see that it's off the sweat of a man's brow that women and children eat. Even women that have jobs, what do the majority do? Serve as waitresses for men, secretaries for men, strip, suck d*ck for money. That's what women do when they think they are "independent".
    Feminists can eat two d*cks and die. How's that for a full paragraph reply?

    P.S. Omgawd why aren't you in the kitchen?

  25. #85
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Re: Under What Circumstances Would You Commit Murder?

    Wow with suck blatant ignorance this thread has went to crap. All users have received warnings and with that said there is no hope in this thread getting bck on track anytime soon so I will say with a very discusted and disapporoving tone; thread closed.
    Soldier: "We suck but we're better then you"

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