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Thread: Secular society? Where?

  1. #31
    I do what you can't. Secular society? Where? Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Jan 2006
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    Re: Secular society? Where?

    Obviously this is going nowhere because you won't come to terms with what you already know to be true. According to Obamacare, those who don't have private health insurance and aren't already qualified and enrolled in Medicaid will pay and be enrolled into Medicaid. You know this -- everybody knows this. You've admitted it, more than once.

    And since you're not smart enough or civil enough to admit that you're not only wrong, but completely full of shit, I'm done. Everybody else who reads this thread will see the truth. No more good will come of me continuing to help you show your own foolishness, so I will let those that want to learn, learn, and I will leave you to your willful ignorance.

    Sig courtesy of Plastik Assassin.

    Greater love hath no man than this; that he lay down his life for his friends.
    John 15:13

  2. #32

    Re: Secular society? Where?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sasquatch View Post
    According to Obamacare, those who don't have private health insurance and aren't already qualified and enrolled in Medicaid will pay and be enrolled into Medicaid.

  3. #33
    I do what you can't. Secular society? Where? Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Re: Secular society? Where?

    Quote Originally Posted by Shine Dalgarno View Post
    Not wrong. Read it, kid.

    But thank you for again providing evidence against your own argument.

    Sig courtesy of Plastik Assassin.

    Greater love hath no man than this; that he lay down his life for his friends.
    John 15:13

  4. #34

    Re: Secular society? Where?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sasquatch View Post
    Not wrong. Read it, kid.

    But thank you for again providing evidence against your own argument.
    Impossible, since thats where Ive been getting my information from. Please quote the exact part that proves me wrong, or you right.

    Interesting that you never mentioned the exchanges ever, probably because you have no idea what they are. Of course now you will mention them. This is what you do:

    1. Say something incorrect, or completely made up
    2. When I show you're wrong, you get all emotional and call me ignorant and say that I need to cite my source
    3. After I cite my source you say, implicitly or explicitly, you knew it all along (you did this with the number of Al Qaeda in Afghanistan, as well as the Obamacare fines)
    4. Change your argument to something less wrong that reflects the information I gave you, but still incorrect

    We are at step 4 now, so Im guessing you will say the exchanges are a "government healthcare plan". But this is not a "single payer mandate", as you've been arguing all along. The insurance is not actually run by the government (as in, the government does not pay out claims). Rather, the government's role is to specify what may or may not be covered by third party private insurance companies.

    And actually, by government I mean state government, as the federal government has recently said it will allow states to decide what must be covered.

    There is a possibility of a state run plan, but that is in limbo at this point, and its more of a corporate subsidy. I quote:

    "Permit states the option to create a Basic Health Plan for uninsured individuals with incomes between 133-200% FPL who would otherwise be eligible to receive premium subsidies in the Exchange. States opting to provide this coverage will contract with one or more standard plans"

    In other words, this is the HMO system we have now for Medicaid, which you can read all about in this book by Bodeinheimer and Grumbach.

    And Merry Christmas

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