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  1. #1
    Registered Goober Monogamy Order's Avatar
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    The point of monogamy is to sincerely give a shit about your partner's feelings and expectations.
    When in a relationship, I have always been monogamous, even when given permission not to be. It is simply a choice and because I don't like having conditional morals, I have chosen to be unconditionally monogamous.
    If I feel like being faithful to the girl I am dating is not important, it is because I no longer respect her. In that case, the solution is simple: nut up and break up.

    I honestly believe that most people who cheat at all is not due to a momentary lapse of will power, but of always possessing the desire and lack of giving a shit about their partner. They simply finally got an opportunity and will do the same when the opportunity eventually presents itself again.
    Something that shocked me while I was living abroad was the realization that most people try as hard as they can to get some action and simply fail most of the time. It may or may not have something to do with the fact that most people are assholes. Either way, from what I've seen, most people would jump at the chance to get some strange.
    For me, it's not a rare and precious thing to bone a home-wrecking bimbo. What is rare for me is a serious relationship. So, in my case, I jump at the chance for a real, meaningful relationship, rather than to bang a slam-pig.

    As for couples who agree to allow promiscuity,
    I don't get it. Seems similar to the weirdos who go around asking me to bone their wife while they watch. I can't imagine how that is a fetish, I don't get most fetishes anyway.

  2. #2
    Ayyye Monogamy Lacquer Head's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Order View Post
    The point of monogamy is to sincerely give a shit about your partner's feelings and expectations.
    When in a relationship, I have always been monogamous, even when given permission not to be. It is simply a choice and because I don't like having conditional morals, I have chosen to be unconditionally monogamous.
    If I feel like being faithful to the girl I am dating is not important, it is because I no longer respect her. In that case, the solution is simple: nut up and break up.
    No, the point of being in a RELATIONSHIP is to care about someone's feelings. 3 people that equally love each other have the same feelings and respect, and people in open relationships just don't care about sex like most people, they understand it's generally meaningless. Honestly, the people that I've known that have been in open relationships have been some of the happiest and most in love people I've ever met.

    I honestly believe that most people who cheat at all is not due to a momentary lapse of will power, but of always possessing the desire and lack of giving a shit about their partner. They simply finally got an opportunity and will do the same when the opportunity eventually presents itself again.
    Something that shocked me while I was living abroad was the realization that most people try as hard as they can to get some action and simply fail most of the time. It may or may not have something to do with the fact that most people are assholes. Either way, from what I've seen, most people would jump at the chance to get some strange.
    What does sex have to do with respecting and loving someone? If you're both open to the idea and have no qualms against it, how is that somehow treating them badly? Sex is a natural and necessary part of life, if you don't view it as some magical thing that only people in love should do, you realize how pointless and meaningless it is. It's just an action. What makes it so taboo is our insecurities and possessiveness.

    For me, it's not a rare and precious thing to bone a home-wrecking bimbo. What is rare for me is a serious relationship. So, in my case, I jump at the chance for a real, meaningful relationship, rather than to bang a slam-pig.
    I do too, and that's the whole point.

    As for couples who agree to allow promiscuity,
    I don't get it. Seems similar to the weirdos who go around asking me to bone their wife while they watch. I can't imagine how that is a fetish, I don't get most fetishes anyway.
    Everyone who's different MUST be a "weirdo".

  3. #3
    Registered Goober Monogamy Order's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lacquer Head View Post
    No, the point of being in a RELATIONSHIP is to care about someone's feelings.
    What? you have never met people who are in a relationship for fear of being single or that there is no other option?
    The point of a relationship to most is to not be single.
    It is completely possible to care about someone's feelings without being in a relationship with someone (that's usually the friendzone, but whatever... the point stands).

    if you don't view it as some magical thing that only people in love should do
    Does anyone beyond the age of 5 think that?
    I would argue no. Don't be a condescending douchebag.
    The rest of whatever you were saying is an extension of this assumption, right? I'll just ignore it.

    I do too, and that's the whole point.
    You're right, we are like the same exact person!
    Ignoring the fact that you are arguing with a wall of text about why I am monogamous...
    If what you do works for you, great. I don't get it.

    Everyone who's different MUST be a "weirdo".
    Actually, yes. Ignoring convention and established social norms is strange. Putting the obvious aside, I don't have to endorse anyone else's choices or opinions and I am entitled to dislike, like and be confused by whatever I choose. Lifestyles, relationships, fetishes and lack thereof.

    As far as triangles, I don't get it and I don't try to. I mean, I can see that it would make sustaining a dual-income household much easier but who sleeps in the middle? Is that like riding bitch in the back seat of a packed car or is it like being the center of attention? I can only imagine that every single argument becomes two against one and always includes the words "You sound like my father right now!"
    So, there are some pros and cons.

  4. #4
    Ayyye Monogamy Lacquer Head's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Order View Post
    What? you have never met people who are in a relationship for fear of being single or that there is no other option?
    The point of a relationship to most is to not be single.
    It is completely possible to care about someone's feelings without being in a relationship with someone (that's usually the friendzone, but whatever... the point stands).

    Well, maybe I should have said a loving relationship, but you know what I meant

    Does anyone beyond the age of 5 think that?
    I would argue no. Don't be a condescending douchebag.
    The rest of whatever you were saying is an extension of this assumption, right? I'll just ignore it.
    Kind of ironic coming from the guy dropping ad hominems. You're the one that called it cheating, sex in and of itself is not cheating, cheating is breaking a promise you made to a loved one for selfish gain, if there were no promises to be monogamous, it's not at all cheating.

    You're right, we are like the same exact person!
    Ignoring the fact that you are arguing with a wall of text about why I am monogamous...
    If what you do works for you, great. I don't get it.
    I'm not arguing WHY anyone is monogamous, I'm just stating that monogamy isn't the only option for a loving relationship, it can and does work, if you can handle it. Honestly, the reasons for our hesitance are based on our surroundings and how we've been raised and so on.

    Actually, yes. Ignoring convention and established social norms is strange. Putting the obvious aside, I don't have to endorse anyone else's choices or opinions and I am entitled to dislike, like and be confused by whatever I choose. Lifestyles, relationships, fetishes and lack thereof.
    It's strange in the sense that's it's different from the norm, but weirdo is a very pejorative term. I'm not saying you should have to change what you do or anything, but you shouldn't judge people from doing things differently that don't effect you.

    As far as triangles, I don't get it and I don't try to. I mean, I can see that it would make sustaining a dual-income household much easier but who sleeps in the middle? Is that like riding bitch in the back seat of a packed car or is it like being the center of attention? I can only imagine that every single argument becomes two against one and always includes the words "You sound like my father right now!"
    So, there are some pros and cons.
    lol, I never imagined sleeping situations, I'd say they don't think about it, whoever goes to bed first is in the middle or whatever. Perhaps individual beds, I'd somewhat prefer that, myself. It would seem like arguments and disagreements would be easier with more than two people. When it's one on one, it tends to be more personal, but if there is any significant clashing in ANY relationship, it's probably not going to work out, then again, having more people means you can take a break from whoever you're mad at and such. I'm sure it has it's own set of problems, but I can't see it being any worse than monogamy.


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