The point of monogamy is to sincerely give a shit about your partner's feelings and expectations.
When in a relationship, I have always been monogamous, even when given permission not to be. It is simply a choice and because I don't like having conditional morals, I have chosen to be unconditionally monogamous.
If I feel like being faithful to the girl I am dating is not important, it is because I no longer respect her. In that case, the solution is simple: nut up and break up.
I honestly believe that most people who cheat at all is not due to a momentary lapse of will power, but of always possessing the desire and lack of giving a shit about their partner. They simply finally got an opportunity and will do the same when the opportunity eventually presents itself again.
Something that shocked me while I was living abroad was the realization that most people try as hard as they can to get some action and simply fail most of the time. It may or may not have something to do with the fact that most people are assholes. Either way, from what I've seen, most people would jump at the chance to get some strange.
For me, it's not a rare and precious thing to bone a home-wrecking bimbo. What is rare for me is a serious relationship. So, in my case, I jump at the chance for a real, meaningful relationship, rather than to bang a slam-pig.
As for couples who agree to allow promiscuity,
I don't get it. Seems similar to the weirdos who go around asking me to bone their wife while they watch. I can't imagine how that is a fetish, I don't get most fetishes anyway.