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Thread: Are drugs for the weak minded?

  1. #1
    Boxer of the Galaxy Are drugs for the weak minded? Rowan's Avatar
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    Are drugs for the weak minded?

    I would hope I wouldnt need to point out that im not reffering to prescription medication (this excludes marijuanna for the time being) and ask you all, do you think drugs are for the weak minded? I refer specifically to psycoactive drugs ,those which apparantly "free the mind", but also other illicit drugs which are used to enhance the senses. If the mind was strong enough, one wouldnt need drugs to enhance it to be able to achieve the heights one desired. Or is it a case of knowing you cant achieve as much without them and you want to experience more? I know many people have different reasons for trying drugs, maybe its a first time, curiosity, enhancement, lifestyle, peer pressure etc.

    Even though we know the potentially devastating effects of drugs, some would continue to use them. Now what logical reason could this be for other than a dependancy? because we know they are harmful and to be honest, any amount of ice or heroine is bad. People will tell you anything is bad if its not used in moderation. Well I can tell you now id rather stuff my face with 10 cheesburgers a day than ever choose to inject myself with heroine just once for that matter.

    I suppose afterall, opinions are like assholes, everybody has one, but im asking for your opinions and your reasons.
    Do you do drugs? Why do you do them? Which drugs do you do? Are there any you would never go near? why? Have you known someone to die from a drug overdose? has this impacted on your life? have you tried to stop someone from doing drugs? does it bother you to the point that you cant be around a person whos doing them? Have you had a bad experience?

    note: you dont have to answer all of these questions.

  2. #2
    Hewerya love...? Are drugs for the weak minded? seanb's Avatar
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    Re: Are drugs for the weak minded?

    Drugs are bad m'kay..

    Well not really. The media and educational bodies indoctrinate children that mind altering substances are an incredible taboo... And so they are.
    But young people especially are vulnerable to this kind of psychology.
    Imagine you tell a child to not jump on the bed... what does he do when your back is turned? jumps on the bed.

    I believe drugs are given such a bad name that they are more popular. Look at alcohol... it's a mind altering substance and results in more deaths than cocaine users. The same for tobacco. A drug is a drug. Of course they come in different degrees of potency, but so does everything. The legalization of all drugs would work I think. The money used to support drug lords in prison can fund much more useful things.

    From my experience drugs are over-rated. They are expensive and most of the time don't do what you want them to. It's more of a fashionable statement for young college goers to use drugs. They think they are being hard core, strong and cool.

  3. #3
    G'day Are drugs for the weak minded? NikkiLinkle's Avatar
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    Re: Are drugs for the weak minded?

    I don't think the problem is the drug itself , I believe it's peoples attitudes that are the real problem.

    For some reason it seems that drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes are imbedded in us, socially. And doing all the other 'illegal' substances, appear to be creeping into our minds also.

    As kids and teenagers, we are told all these things are bad and not to do it. Yet we look at all the adults, doing what they told us not to do. So of course, as a kid or teenager, you are going to question the adults.

    It would seem, that we try these things first for whatever reason (usually being peer pressure/wanting to be accepted socially, curiousity) then depending on how often you take part in this after your first try, it becomes an addiction. And when we become adults, it seems as if we do these things to 'relax' or 'unwind' and SOME people can successfully do this in moderation, but MOST cannot. Most people I know, can't have a couple of drinks and be done with it. They have to drink a whole carton and not be able to walk or speak properly. People associate having fun with drinking and drug taking.

    So if the social attitude was different, maybe we wouldn't feel the need to try drugs in the first place, therefore becoming addicted. Or at least, we wouldn't abuse it so much.

    It's definitely something that will never stop. As I said it isn't the drug that's the problem, it is us and our inability to do things in moderation. GO THE HUMAN RACE!

    I don't drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes or do any other drug, except for paracetamol and antibiotics, only if I'm really sick. Other than that I don't go out of my way to pop pills or whatever. I have NO desire to try any of these things. When I was in high school, I did drink occasionally, but I did not enjoy it, I enjoyed being with my friends. When I left school, I never felt the desire to go out clubbing and get smashed off my face. I've been out a total of 2 times and I felt so out of place. So it ain't for me.

    I must admit, that i don't really like being around drug affected people. My boyfriend used to be addicted to ecstasy and speed. I gave him the whole, I'll leave if you don't stop, because it is not fun watching someone not be able to enjoy themselves without a little pill or some powder. I think it's sad. He did stop and hasn't touched drugs for 3 years. Or at least that's what he says. I occasionally have my suspicions, but he seems normal, which is good.

    Also, my mother drinks a lot. She drinks nearly everyday. Sometimes she'll crack open a rum 8 o'clock on a Sunday morning. She always takes 'roadies' with her in the car. She doesn't drive thank goodness. I don't like being around her when she drinks. It's sad to me, that my mother drinking, is the one memory that comes to mind when I think of her. Because she's done so many other great things for me.
    Last edited by NikkiLinkle; 07-20-2011 at 07:18 PM.

  4. #4
    Passing fair judgement Are drugs for the weak minded? Judge Magistrate's Avatar
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    Re: Are drugs for the weak minded?

    Drugs never do what they are said to do. I never have had drugs and never will, when people say it helps them, it really doesn't. It has to do with the state of mind of the person taking them. I do consider drug takers weak, no offense to anyone.
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    -98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.

  5. #5
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) Are drugs for the weak minded? che's Avatar
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    Re: Are drugs for the weak minded?

    Quote Originally Posted by Judge Magistrate View Post
    Drugs never do what they are said to do.
    when people say it helps them, it really doesn't.
    How can you claim this ^

    if this:

    I never have had drugs and never will,
    No offense.

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  6. #6
    Boxer of the Galaxy Are drugs for the weak minded? Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: Are drugs for the weak minded?

    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    How can you claim this ^

    if this:

    No offense.
    Hes speaking from an observational point of view. It has just as much leverage as personal experience since everyone experiences things differently and everyone sees things differently. Although for the sake of this discussion I have mentioned that im not reffering to prescription medications which include the use of morphine to relieve pain (which DOES do what its claimed to and help people) but in the end, its just his opinion which is observational im assuiming...

  7. #7
    Memento RK Are drugs for the weak minded? Yoko's Avatar
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    Re: Are drugs for the weak minded?

    I was wondering when someone would bring this up. I've actually been thinking about this for quite some time now. I used to be big into Alcoholism. Alcohol is still a drug, not a very good one, but a drug nonetheless.

    As for the topic question: Are drugs for the weak minded? There are many factors revolving around that answer. One being the person in question, another being the drug in question. If you're talking about heroin, I don't know what it's like to be on heroin, but I know is it very addictive. If the person in question happens to try it and like it, they will do it again. They will keep doing it to try to get the same satisfying feeling they got the first time. The thing that makes it addictive is that each time becomes less and less satisfying. The person will keep doing it until they get that satisfaction. The same goes for other drugs. That is my belief if what happens as it has been explained to me anyway. It doesn't matter if the person has a strong mind or a weak one. If a person gets addicted, it is hard to get them off of that. They become obsessed.

    So, as Nikki said, the human race does seem to have a problem with being able to so some things in moderation, but it really depends on the person. Each person is a special case. Each very different then the next.

    Peer pressure can also be a huge factor. I tried marijuana under peer pressure. That was the worst day of my life. I will never try it again. I went through something I never want to see again. I had to struggle through it...My body temp went out of whack....It's really hard to explain. I never want to try it again. But those who enjoy it, by all means, smoke your brains out. Something things aren't for some people.

    As for drinking, I don't drink as much as I used to. But once I start, it takes a while for me to stop. I like the feeling sometimes. Other times I just can't stand it. It's one of those things that I will go back to, no matter what happened the time before.

    EDIT: The stuff I tried was out of a bong and it was laced with something.....Just thinking about it makes me shutter inside.
    Last edited by Yoko; 07-20-2011 at 08:48 PM.
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  8. #8
    Passing fair judgement Are drugs for the weak minded? Judge Magistrate's Avatar
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    Re: Are drugs for the weak minded?

    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    How can you claim this ^

    if this:

    No offense.
    Don't worry, I didn't take offense. I figures someone would point that out. I'm working off of other peoples accounts, and more or less what I've seen.
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    -98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.

  9. #9
    Bananarama Are drugs for the weak minded? Pete's Avatar
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    Re: Are drugs for the weak minded?

    I think there are a lot of gray areas when it comes to drug use, which can be argued that, if used and abused, drugs are for the weak minded. You can also argue that the people who use drugs could be stronger minded, because some drugs in fact, have highs that are tough to come out of, and take some mental acuity to literally come back to reality.

    Personally, I think that there are plenty of societal taboos placed on drugs and drug use. As a society, we classify drug users as such, assuming they're in the lower echelon of society. It's really all about perspective.

    I honestly feel that drugs being illegal is a double edged sword. On one hand, it makes getting them somewhat more difficult, which is a good thing, because they're not regulated and you really never know exactly what you're getting. You can wind up getting what you want, but if something ever gets laced, or not cut enough, you can wind up with a really bad or deadly experience.

    On the other hand, the fact that drugs are illegal makes it much more difficult to regulate them. There's no government science of what the "official recommended dose" is, so people can run into problems like overdosing, or not knowing what side effects may be involved.

    I don't do drugs; I can't due to the line of work I wish to involve myself in. I've smoked weed in the past, and have popped a few painkillers back in the day. It wasn't anything special to me. Hell, after the weed, I just felt stupid, and after the pills, I was just lazy and smiley. I didn't get any kind of other worldly experience, nor was anything really enhanced, except for my desire to lay down and take a nap.

    I can understand how drugs can get their grip into people though. Some people love to feel a certain way; whichever way their drug of choice does. I can't say I'm particularly for the idea of shooting up because it makes you happy. That shit is poison and far too dangerous for people to even WANT to try, but if you want to go smoke a bowl, have a blast. Just make sure you can handle your shit and that you don't get behind the wheel. When you potentially put others at risk, due to your own behavior, that's where I have to draw a line.
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  10. #10
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Are drugs for the weak minded?

    Weak and strong minded do not come into it, anyone can take drugs and there isn't a set universal effect everyone gets.

    I can function with or without (had bets where I went without for a set period, easy money), but sometimes a drug can change my state of mind which may be beneficial for me regardless of self risk. When I used to do weed I found I could think of more profound ideas and gain mostly useless yet interesting abilities such as the ability to speak in limerick. Haven't been able to since. Alcohol chills me out and has actually helped me to sleep when my mind may not have allowed me to otherwise. Smoking tobacco products both relaxes me slightly (very possibly a placebo effect) and gets me more alert/awake, perfect for my choson career.

    The way I see it is the only way weakmindedness (or willpower more then anything) comes into the equation is when you see some becoming dependant on a substance (weakminded) whereas others use drugs for either leisure or as a tool and don't let it rule them (strong minded). I honestly wouldn't be at the stage I am now if it wasn't for experimentation and seizing the opportunity to attain an altered state of mind that only some introduced substances can provide.
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  11. #11
    Balaclavas on...let's go shopping!! Are drugs for the weak minded? nickness89's Avatar
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    Re: Are drugs for the weak minded?

    I don't think drugs are for the weak-minded, for the same reasons as Furore: Strength of mind only comes into it when someone becomes dependant on a drug, or if they don't let the drug become something they are controlled by.

    I used to take cocaine when I was 16, because I thought it would help on a night out (it made me feel very alert and sober rather than drunk at the bar). I used to, and still occasionally take mushrooms and acid for creativity trips when writing songs or drawing, but I don't think anybody could class drugs as for the weak-minded, no.
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