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Thread: Who the hell do you think I am?!!

  1. #1
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Who the hell do you think I am?!!

    EDIT: What the hell, how did this end up in clubs? I... sorry? I'm speechless... please move this to animation discussion... EDIT EDIT: I know, and thanks.

    I've noticed something about these forums; there's virtually no discussion going on about one of my favorite recent animes: Gurren Lagann. What's up with that? I suppose I shall have to remedy the situation by starting a thread about it, myself.

    So... did anyone watch it during its run on the Sci Fi network? I caught the first couple of episodes, then watched the rest fan-subbed on my computer. My friend had been telling me about it before hand, about this crazy anime by the same studio who did Neon Genesis Evangelion. About this over-the-top crazy-ass character named Kamina, who wears these exaggerated sunglasses and has some sort of death wish. And about some kinda mech found in the ground that looks like the head of a sentinel from X-Men. So when I saw it, I was like, "Hell yeah, I'm watching this!"

    I've got to say that it is one of the better looking animes that I've seen-very smooth animation, and nice coloring, not to mention I like the art style. And this show is over the top, and it keeps getting more so, until at the very end, you're just like, "" My friend described it as someone stacking bowling balls on top of each other, and then stacking cards on top of that: the whole time, you're expecting it to fall, but it never does. I think that's pretty accurate of the show. It has nearly all the anime cliches in the book, as well, pushed over the top, of course.

    Some people complain that it doesn't have any depth. I would say that it's a good, fun bit of escapism, and doesn't really need to be deep. Although I'd also say that, while most of the characters are definitely one dimensional, the main character gets a good deal of development, and some of the minor characters get some, as well. Not many, though. Maybe just two, three, or four, in fact, that get any kind of real development, and that's probably being generous. I heard there was more development in the manga, but that's the manga. But oh well! It's an awesome anime anyway. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  2. #2
    Lady Succubus Who the hell do you think I am?!! Victoria's Avatar
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    Wrong forum dude, Moved.

  3. #3
    Cain Highwind's Avatar
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    Yeah Gurren Lagann was a really fun ride. I enjoyed it immensely. I watched the whole dub on Sci-Fi. I definitely want to get this when the full boxset comes out. While you could compare it to Evangelion I feel like it's more of a spiritual sequel to another one of their series, Nadesico. It has that same "Comedy with an un-serious story you're just supposed to lay back and enjoy". I do agree it really has an amazing style especially that last episode where everything goes crazy!

    On a related note, just found this a few days ago
    YouTube - Gurren Lagann Dub Blooper Reel

  4. #4
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cain Highwind View Post
    On a related note, just found this a few days ago
    YouTube - Gurren Lagann Dub Blooper Reel
    Ha ha, awesome. Steve Blum is the man. Most of those were his character, and they were awesome. What impresses me the most is that it doesn't sound like him, whereas with most his other characters, I could tell it was him.

    I think the dub was pretty good, although I seem to remember seeing a later episode and thinking a few of the voices seemed a bit off. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  5. #5
    the Unending Who the hell do you think I am?!! Nyghtwynd's Avatar
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    Oh Gurren Lagann. The series the finally pushed me into the Super Robot genre. After watching this, i gave G Gundam a rewatch and fell in love. Since then i have watched Gunbuster, Godannar, and GaoGaiGar. ESPECIALLY GaoGaiGar. All the Gurren cast pales in comparison to Gai and the Brave Robots from GGG!!
    But TTGL still wins in size

    Cain, i felt Gurren Lagann had more of the Gunbuster 2/Diebuster feel. Still a Gainax show And if you noticed in the Hot Springs ep, we got girls from Nadia, Diebuster, and Eva as the girls there

  6. #6
    I want to play a game. Who the hell do you think I am?!! Zargabaath's Avatar
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    I watched a few episodes past
    Kamina's death

    as I could not accept that such a great character truly died... Truthfully, I just haven't gotten around to finishing the series even with my friend repeatedly reminding that I need to.

    I really loved the "manly/brotherly love" that Kamina and Simon had. Also, how Kamina sometimes calls out Simon's name is funny as well. SIIMOOOON!!!!!

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