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Thread: Tenchi Muyo!

  1. #1
    The Journey Continues Phantom's Avatar
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    Tenchi Muyo!

    Hey guys, Does anyone still watch Tenchi Muyo? It came out a long time ago but its still one of the funniest animes I ever watched. I have the whole Tenchi Muyo Series 1 collection and I am missing 2 DVDs that end the Tenchi Universe Series. What I don't have yet is the Tenchi in Tokyo Series but its not as cool as the other 2 Tenchi has the luck does'nt he? lol Got all those space women living with him :Spyfap: Just seeing Aeka and Ryuko " Cat Fight " is enough to want to see it lol. The Best villian has to be Kagato, because well just see it and you'll know why Anyway It's a great anime show, to bad it does'nt come on t.v anymore but who cares when you can see it on DVD lol.
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  2. #2
    The Quiet One Tenchi Muyo! Andromeda's Avatar
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    It used to air on Cartoon Network a long time ago. They showed all of it back then, except for the new stuff that has come out in the recent years. I've seen most of it. I have seen all three OVAs, Tenchi Universe, and most of Tenchi in Tokyo (but it is pretty poor). I have seen all three movies, but the first one is only good one. I own the Mioshi Special and Pretty Sammi OVA, never aired. I have not seen Project S or the other Sammy related show and I have only seen the first episode of Techni Muyo GXP. But GXP introduces new characters that appear in the third OVA.

    There is apparently a few different authors or creative minds behind the Tenchi stories. The original man behind it did the OVAs, the first two. Tenchi Universe is a retelling of the OVAs from a second author's view adding in Kiyone. I don't remember but I think GXP is another person and they did the third OVA as well. But it is not strictly done by the original author, since it brings in new characters that were not part of the story before. It does bring conclusion to the 3 Goddesses and Tenchi though.

    There is also a special that goes along with the third OVA, but I haven't found it. It explains a few more things.

    But Kain and Kagato were the best villains, though I am a little more fond of Kain. He was a really cool villain. Kagato was definitely a good villain, but Tenchi Muyo in Love, well its a movie so it just looks better. The amount of effort that they had to go through just to kill Kain, makes him a superior villain. And turning into Godzilla, can't beat that.
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  3. #3
    Lady of the Flowers Tenchi Muyo! Anthiena's Avatar
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    ...actually, all three of the OVAs are all Masaki's doing. (Yes, that is the creator's last name.) He also did three graphic novels often called the 'True Tenchi Novels', which are 'WASYUU', 'JURAI' and I believe 'YOSHO' (?). The first details Washu's early years prior to creating Ryoko. She apparently hacked into Jurai's mainframe her first year at the university!! Jurai is all about the Emperor as a child and young adult and YOSHO is um... about Yosho and how he met Airi and in part Aeka's early childhood. (Man, she was annoying as a kid... up to a point.)

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  4. #4
    yeah i watched that before when i was about 12 or 13 years old... it's been a long time when i watched that anime men i just notice that Tenchi was the only guy among the group of characters of that series... hehehe that was so funny!!

    it's kindda love story too.. actually i already forgot the rest of the story... do you like that anime??

    Saved from wrath
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  5. #5
    I miss this show soooo much!
    I used to watch it every day!
    My favorite characters were Ryo-Oh-Ki, Washu and Ryoko haha.
    They made me giggle.

  6. #6
    It was a good show. Though I wish he would pick someone.

    Though I didn't know this when I was little. But in the toonami version. They cut alot of stuff out. I saw the uncut version of it. I was like freaking out there was so much nudity and profanity I was like OMG!

    I thought it was intersting but over all it's a fun show to watch.
    2nd Squad 5th Seat BLEACH CLUB

  7. #7
    I miss tenchi. It was a great show, too bad toonami cut a lot of crap out. I think i might buy the first season or so of tenchi. Ah such a great show. *meow*
    Check it out!!!!

  8. #8
    Sephiroth's Girl Tenchi Muyo! sephirothsbigfan's Avatar
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    I loved the tv series when it was on Toonami! I've seen the whole thing when it was on but when it stopped showing it I was never able to see it again. I'm planning someday soon to buy the DVDs and watch it that way. To me Ryoku made it up. She is my favorite Tenchi Muyo character. I still remember when she had Ryoki the cutest little rabbit creature ever!!
    Last edited by sephirothsbigfan; 09-10-2009 at 10:15 AM.


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