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Thread: New Dragonball Z and New One Piece Animated Shorts

  1. #1
    Cain Highwind's Avatar
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    New Dragonball Z and New One Piece Animated Shorts

    So here's a big surprise, Jump has released new animated shorts with OP and DBZ. They actually have them available on their website, WITH SUBS EVEN! (so for people like Andromeda who refuse to watch Fansubs, it's totally legit here).

    DBZ is a fun, wacky new Sidestory, just watched a little bit ago. I've been out of touch with DBZ for a while now, and I don't care much for the original Japanese, but this was a fun little view. Tons of action and comedy.


    The One Piece short is especially interesting to me. It's based off an early draft of One Piece titled Romance Dawn. Think of it as an "Unused pilot" now in Animated form. This new special tweaks it a little in that unlike the original which starts at the beginning of the series, this features Luffy's crew stranded on their ship while Luffy goes out looking for food. Another fun bit of info, Silk (the blonde haired girl) was basically a "rough draft character" that eventually became Nami in the final version of One Piece.

    Unlike the Ganzack OVA which was for Jump's 30th Anniversary, all the voices and music are intact here.

    Jump has actually included official English subs. Only downside? You have to download their special browser to watch it (so that people don't use Video grabbing tools in IE or Firefox) and the Streaming quality, depending on the time of day, is kinda meh compared to Youtube and other sites. I've only been able to watch 1/3 of the OP Special thanks to the crappy streaming. I found someone ripped the Special and put it on YT.

    Note if you don't like knowing the current One Piece "Crew Roster" from later episodes, don't click the link! Other than that, no major spoilers that I'm aware of since it focuses on Luffy.

    SHONEN JUMP Super Anime Tour:ONE PIECE

    And finally, well I like Silk, it's a shame she didn't make the final cut.

    EDIT: somehow was able to rip the FLVs so if you want an offline version to watch, just do a search for One Piece or Dragonball and download the torrent.

  2. #2
    Thanks a million Cain.

    I thought that we would have to wait until a DVD to see the Dragonball Z special here in America. Glad to see I was wrong. I am going to have to watch that as soon as possible.

  3. #3
    Lady Succubus New Dragonball Z and New One Piece Animated Shorts Victoria's Avatar
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    I'll have to download the .flv, Cain. The website itself doesn't work for me. It has me download an SVA file that I cannot open at all. =\

  4. #4
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mistress Sheena View Post
    I'll have to download the .flv, Cain. The website itself doesn't work for me. It has me download an SVA file that I cannot open at all. =\
    There's a small browser you have to download at the bottom of the page. It's only a small file so it's not a big hassle. I watched the DBZ one which I enjoyed despite some serious lag (my connection's fault) and I'll likely watch the One Piece one sooner or later. =D
    victoria aut mors

  5. #5
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Wait a minute, they're still making Dragonball Z?

    Hahah, shame I grew out of it when I was like, twelve or something. I think my interest died when that kid grew muscles and killed that green bogey guy with the big lips.

    I feel the negative Thanks You's might stream in.

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  6. #6
    Lady Succubus New Dragonball Z and New One Piece Animated Shorts Victoria's Avatar
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    Nah, they're not still making it. It's just a special type thing that's one time only.

  7. #7
    I guess I liked it. It was a bit strange overall, but then again, I did not expect much.

    It needed more Yamcha, but then again, every episode always needed more Yamcha.


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