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Thread: L or Light ??

  1. #1
    L or Light ?? GazetteGuren's Avatar
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    Thumbs up L or Light ??

    Who do you prefare L or Light from Deathnote? I for one am a L kind of person. Hed extreamy lazy (like me) he likes food (like me) and hes extreamly smart, quick and witty (id like to say here that hes like me but no im not extreamy smart quick and witty).
    sometimes Light annoys me. Hes starts to go a bit crazy too (power gets to his head) but don't get me wrong he can be cool.
    The thing is L and Light have their differences, but realy they thick pretty much alike. Id like to hear your veiws on this.

  2. #2
    Lady Succubus L or Light ?? Victoria's Avatar
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    I prefer L, because he's a lot better than Light. Though in another aspect, he was like so super-intelligent it was like he was Psychic, so I can see why some people may not like him.

    Though, on a different note. This is in the totally wrong forum. This goes in the Animation Corner forum. Not the "How Do I?" Forum.

    Yeah.. you were way off. ^^;
    Last edited by Victoria; 07-20-2008 at 02:00 PM. Reason: Added in my reason for preferring L

  3. #3
    L or Light ?? GazetteGuren's Avatar
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    oh i know lol im a bit thick like that im mhopinng a mod will move it for me loll. im with you on thee L thing though but why ?

  4. #4
    Light! He is psychopathically awesome! Plus he pulls the best faces Ive seen XD
    ~I just keep on laughing, hiding the tears in my eyes~

  5. #5
    The Final Fantasy's Offical Emo L or Light ?? Lithium's Avatar
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    I would have to say L. Just because he thinks things through in the most mytical of ways. Plus the fact he freaks out at times and that just makes me laugh. Although it was a shame that he was killed and Light became the new L.

    Know don't get me wrong Light is just as clever as L, but L just has a specific concept about him that makes him stand out above Light. Added he is cuter than Light! -Giggles-

    A semi-psycho, sweets loving, sit-in-weird-fashion guy will always win over a mass murdering, boy who goes psycho in the end on the series... But that is just me.
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  6. #6
    L or Light ?? GazetteGuren's Avatar
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    I totally agree with you summoner matsuda and yes L is cuter *giggles along haha* and they both think quite alike but i strey more towars L (y)

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  7. #7
    Imperius Rex L or Light ?? Storm's Avatar
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    I'm a bid L fan. I always seem to like intelligant, qwirky characters and he excells supremely in both fields. His personality and appearance are both very unique too. I like how Light borders between justice and insanity in the earlier parts of the series, however I did find him becoming more bland later. L captured my interest throughout, and never seemed to fail me.
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  8. #8
    Hands down.
    He's my hero.
    I love his personality.
    And his hair.
    Mines cut just like his.
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  9. #9
    L or Light ?? bosola's Avatar
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    I'm going to stand up for Light Yagami. Don't get me wrong, I think L is fantastic and a wonderfully grumpy misfit of a detective, but...

    I -AM- KIRA.

    Okay - Not really, but there are an awful lot of things that I can perfectly understand Light thinking: I feel that I understand his general thought processes, and I think he genuinely meant well in beginning his 'mission'. I also think that, though L is more instantly and accessibly likeable (not trying to rubbish him here, just saying he has a more instantaneous quirky appeal to readers/viewers), Light is actually the more interesting character. Especially seeing as he consists of about three characters.

    See, the way I see it, you can divide him up into three discernible chunks (up to the point I've got to - volume 10 of the manga):

    Light Yagami - A fairly regular, if clever and bored, young man. This is actually the Light that you get to see for only a short period of time - that is, for about five minutes until he really begins using the Death Note.

    Kira - Light Yagami but with added ruthlessness and somewhat lacking in sentiment. He's in it most of the way through, and seems to me to be a separate entity (more accurately, a different set of ideals) to the original Yagami-kun XP

    The last one is a bit of a spoiler for anyone who hasn't read volumes 5 & 6 of the manga (I don't know what episode that is, sorry).

    Nice Guy Light - As seen after Light relinquishes the Death Note. This one is practically the same as the original Light, only with slightly more pronounced morals: he won't even consider using people to his advantage (unlike Kira), which makes him seem almost unnaturally nice to me (Note: I'm not saying I'm the kind of person who'd use people to get my way, I'm just saying that, given the situation they're in, and the solution which L comes up with (that is, using Misa), it seems logical to me that Light (from the beginning of the manga) would warm to the idea quicker than he does.


    So that's why I like Light. He's just so damned complicated.

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  10. #10
    Cilla vs. Games L or Light ?? Priscilla's Avatar
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    I didn't know L died D=

    Anyway, I am more for L.
    I might sound like a fangirl here but..

    L is so damn cute. I think he is so much smarter and he loves food. I guess he is the reason I even watch Death Note.

  11. #11
    Personally, I prefer L because he's extremely intellegent, and funny at times xP

    But, personally, my favorite character from the series is Matt. [Mellow's friend. The one that kidnaps Takada (sp?) on the motorcycle. It's lame that he died though... D= ]

  12. #12
    L or Light ?? Dark Squall's Avatar
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    Believe or not...On earth. Yea I know someone like me is too awesome to live on earth but what can I do?!!!
    I prefer L, because he's a lot better than Light.
    In the end L is the one who get killed...Well, till the end of the series when Light get killed by his fella cop.

    I'll go with Light...He's not that cool but still, he's smarter than L.

  13. #13
    Registered User L or Light ?? HUNK's Avatar
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    I like Light. He is like an evil guinuss. Also i think i like his "sence of justice" Ive always felt i shared this sence of justice. I think im very similar to Light in some ways and thats most likely why i like him.

  14. #14
    Fullmetal Alchemist
    i like L Lawliet MUCH better becuse he's just like me other than that i would do any case............he just does cases that HE thinks are interesting. but i do like that he does that.

  15. #15
    The joke is far too true L or Light ?? loner-kid's Avatar
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    I have to go with L because he's just adorablely quirky, plus no matter how I look at it he's more intelligent than light. Think about it, Light starts with a definite advantage (namely the death note itself) and still only manages to win out of luck

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    For once he was a man deceitful
    His soul decored in black so hateful
    From his despair grew pain most vengeful

    With his death he was deserted
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    And now he is but a statue made of stone
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  16. #16
    I always prefered L rather then Light cause L has such a sweet tooth and i can't say i don't *eating sweets and cake* Light just seems to whiney and annoying

  17. #17
    I prefer L. I'm pretty impressed by Light because he's a genius, but he doesn't know how to take his responsibilities well. And you don't know how much his laughs annoy me.

    L is an interesting character: weird, colorful, and he has brains, and he knows how to use `em. Those weird mannerisms are awesome, and the fact that he's willing to sacrifice even his own life to bring down Kira is quite heroic.

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  18. #18
    Fullmetal Alchemist
    Quote Originally Posted by Rasler+ View Post
    I prefer L. I'm pretty impressed by Light because he's a genius, but he doesn't know how to take his responsibilities well. And you don't know how much his laughs annoy me.
    lawl watch thisvvvvvv

    Last edited by Fullmetal Alchemist; 09-12-2008 at 05:05 PM.

  19. #19
    LOL That pwns xD
    And it sure feels like that most of the time when I'm watching the anime. Girls would be so turned off...

    "Be excellent at what is good, be innocent of evil."
    ROMANS 16:19

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  20. #20
    L! He has more character even though he isn't really the talkative type XD. I mean they gave him a sweet tooth, a brain and those awesome panda eyes! =D

    Light was a cool character, and even though he had a sort of Alter Ego he wasn't as deep of a character as L and lost te battle when both he and L were in the same room together XP But that's just me. Each to they're own =D

  21. #21
    Anyone ever think of adding a poll to this thing? Haha, it'd be easier to keep track.

    I love L, hands down. I agree with some of Light's thinking, but he goes about it the whole wrong way. I love this series for the basic reason that it gives you a look into the criminal mind and how to track them down. It's just fascinating to watch as step by step, the net closes around both of them. Risk is taken, battles of logic and reason are lost. Blah blah blah.

    Okay, I love L. I love his quirks, his underdeveloped social behaviors, I love his strange habits. I like his lack of uniformity. He is so genuine, I just love him so much lol. And he could have prevented that end if he had wanted to, but he set it up and eventually things turned out all right. I'm sure he's still gorging those sweets though. Heehee.
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  22. #22
    L is the best! His love for sweets is so cute! Light is just plain evil...

  23. #23
    Die For Love L or Light ?? Nocturne's Avatar
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    Besides the people who say they like one or the other because they are "cute" or whatever, Im going to give a REAL reason as to why I come to my decision.

    I prefer Light over L for a couple of reasons, though I dont agree with everything Light did. I see Light as an inspiration in some ways. I can totally relate to him on a few levels (he is way smarter than me, though Im not unintelligent, to name one), whereas L, I didnt relate to at all.

    L is smart. He and Light kept up with each other, each one pulling the upper hand at times. But he lacked things too. First off, he was a pathological liar. Almost EVERYTHING he said was a lie to the people around him and Light himself. And I think thats why Light didnt feel much remorse when L actually died. He saw right through his charade. That is what I hated about L the most. Yes, Light would lie at times, but a good bit of the time (besides him being Kira anyways XD) he said exactly what was on his mind.

    Personally, I dont think Light was evil. He was trying to better society and wasnt doing it for personal gain. He did develop a God complex and become corrupted, but overall, to his last breath, he did want to see the world a better place for everyone to live in. He just...lost into temptation and that was his downfall. But at the same time, L was no better. He himself was going to use the Death Note too, so to say either one of them was morally better than the other would be a stupid argument.

    So, in that regard, I have respect for Light. The only thing I really didnt like is that he would at times use people (women) for his own gain, manipulating them. That I dont condone at all. I definitely hated that about him. But it all goes back to him doing that for a greater "good". But either way, if it were me, Id never use a woman like that. It goes against all of my ideals.

    So, overall, I like Light Yagami much more. I find he has some really good qualities and a few bad ones. Whereas L, at least in my eyes, came off as a childish person who thought he was above everyone else, when in reality, all he did was shield people from who he really was.

  24. #24
    L, he just owns. LIGHT GOT SHOT ZOMG!
    i think i was frozen three years back... but then i remember, thats when i gave up...

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  25. #25
    私は。。。思い出にはならないさ L or Light ?? chaosweapon's Avatar
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    I prefer Light Yagami. As the anime says Light was raised for success but L was born a (mad) genius. Death Note is nothing but a battle of wits. The reason why I prefer Light is because his ambitions are similar to mine. He thrives to be the best of the best and attempts to eliminate any obstacles which stand in his path. What I don't like about Light is that he is too confident of himself. That's why in the end... (I'm not spoiling it )

    Remember that in the anime, Kira was actually a hero to the citizens since he helped to reduce crime. Although his actions were unethical, he did his best to create the perfect world. This makes Light a perfectionist who dreams of a perfect world.

  26. #26
    Registered User L or Light ?? Yesha's Avatar
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    I've finished watching Death Note.. Last month.. and it was pretty cooL.. I Love how the story goes.. weLL.. in my opinion.. I reaLLy Like.. L.. 'coz he does have more sense of justice.. unLike Light.. and yeah.. he wishes for a better and perfect worLd but he forgotten 'bout being.. a reaL person, a reaL mortaL.. and he used many peopLe too.. just for him to get what he wants.. very very chiLdish.. *sigh*.. I just wishes L.. didn't died.. but Near does the justice! Yay! :-)

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  27. #27
    The Journey Continues Phantom's Avatar
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    Hmm...I don't know I'm pretty much tied on both L and Light I like them both since they play so many key roles to the plot. L is smart especially at deduction, Light is college smart, yeah he does have some quirks and gets alittle in over his head confident, but that's what I like about him it makes the story interesting. Near was just a ripoff copy of L but he seemed somewhat "smarter" then L in a sense, but Light and L are tops in my book.
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  28. #28
    waltz for the moon L or Light ?? Kisaragi^^'s Avatar
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    L of course ^^
    he is very mysterious!
    I like him ^^/
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  29. #29
    I feel epic... L or Light ?? Ralz's Avatar
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    Apparently, I've died and gone to Game Heaven. Later, losers.
    Beware of spoilers here.

    Quite simple really. I love L because he's really seems like an extremely cool character, and he is. Always behind the scenes, and of course how he sits gets my attention. Light however, well, he's just a bastard. He used people, didn't really fight for anyone's love or happiness, basically his own benefit. So he killed everyone who got him piss angry, and he whined when he couldn't win in the end. In the end, Light was one sad excuse for a human, while L was the true victor in the end, and stood as an immovable obstacle that Light could never get rid of. You see, even in death, L wins!

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  30. #30
    Air from my lungs. L or Light ?? Violet's Avatar
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    For the first part of the series, I was rooting for Light, but he gradually became somewhat annoying to me, because it's like he got weaker.
    All because of stupid Near and Mello. I hated them.. they should've ended it after L died.
    L was the best just because of his quirky personality. He looked like a bum, yet he's this genius who can solve any mystery. He's pretty awesome.

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