i was going to post on this thread one of these days, I finished watching the whole series of Gunslinger Girl awhile ago. This anime was really good and it had a lot of action. The story was kind of slow though, but it was great regardless. If I was a anime rater I would give the series a 8.5 stars out of 10.
[/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER][/U][/B]I FINALLY DEFEATED TERRA IN KINGDOM HEARTS 2 FINAL MIX+ I give everyone permission to call me Endy, and by the way I got that nickname from FATE, sounds cool RPGs THAT I'VE BEATEN..... FINAL FANTASY VII, VIII, IX, X, X-2, XII, XIII KINGDOM HEARTS II ~FINAL MIX~+ KINGDOM HEARTS I, II, Re:Chain of Memories (Sora's Story), KINGDOM HEARTS 358/2 DAYS STAR OCEAN III: TIL THE END OF TIME DOTHACK//G.U. VOL. 1: REBIRTH DOTHACK//G.U. VOL. 2: REMINISCE DOTHACK//G.U. VOL. 3: REDEMPTION ROGUE GALAXY WILD ARMS 4 BLUE DRAGON MY ANIMES THAT I OWN.....KARIN (Complete Series 1-24), INUYASHA (Episodes 1-167), SCHOOL RUMBLE (Episodes 1-26),SHAKUGAN NO SHANA (Complete 1st Season 1-24), BLEACH (Episodes 1-92), MY HiME (Complete Series 1-26), MY OTOME (Complete Series 1-26), PLEASE TWINS (Complete Series 1-13), ELFEN LIED (Complete Series 1-13), NARUTO (Episodes 1-28), THE MELANCHOLY OF HARUHI SUZUMIYA (Complete Series 1-13)
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