--> Fist of The North Star
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Thread: Fist of The North Star

  1. #1
    Certified tech, come at me! Fist of The North Star SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Fist of The North Star

    I recently came across this anime and I am really enjoying it. Does anyone else like the series? I've seen the animated movie and some of the TV episodes. Ken Shiro is a very amazing fighter and I'm sure alot of people love the exploding heads and bodies.

    I've been noticing this, how does Ken manage to have the same shirt over and over? He tears it up when he goes into a rage similar like the Hulk. In the episodes i've seen (1-9) he went through 9 of the same shirts lol.
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  2. #2
    Registered User Fist of The North Star
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    It's been a while since I've seen this. It used to come on late at night on one of my Dish Network channels. I'll have to check this out again, and when I do I'll give you a better post about what I think of it.

    I do remember that the main character attacks his opponent's pressure points, and that causes a lot of the exploding body parts that you mention. Pretty neat concept.

    Actually, I think the one that I saw was called New Fist of the North Star. It had Gackt Camui as one of the voices. He played the antagonist (I forget his name). Anyway, I'll check out the older ones and repost.
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  3. #3
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Fist of The North Star Xanatos's Avatar
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    I have watched the old anime movie Fist of the North Star (1986) and I didn't like it at all. Not because it's old, I have seen plenty of old anime movies and I liked them. The main reason I didn't like this movie because it has annoying characters and frickin boring story. I cant complain about the looks, I mean it's made in 1986 but the behavior of characters is simply retard. The main character Ken acts and sounds like Bruce Lee what can be annoying when he fights.
    I know I should give it more credit because it's fricking old movie but as I said I have watched many old anime movies who are ten times better than this.
    Last edited by Xanatos; 07-31-2009 at 06:23 AM.

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  4. #4
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    Fist of the North Star is a classic, it pretty much defined action based anime especially stuff like Dragonball Z. I have only seen the first 20 or so episodes but it's a little different: it has one long story where each episode is kind of a story in itself which isn't as popular in anime but is very popular in western cartoons so I can kind of understand. Outside of that it's still cool, it's some thing you can just watch in random spurts rather than all at once.

  5. #5
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 Fist of The North Star T.G. Oskar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SuperSabin2005 View Post
    I recently came across this anime and I am really enjoying it. Does anyone else like the series? I've seen the animated movie and some of the TV episodes. Ken Shiro is a very amazing fighter and I'm sure alot of people love the exploding heads and bodies.
    Ah, yes. Fist of the North Star. Full of the most beautiful, most manly, most awesome characters ever. Where manly tears are shed after a battle, only because it was a needless battle, yet at the same time heads explode, bones crack and become useless, and even smarty pants get their lesson.

    I've been noticing this, how does Ken manage to have the same shirt over and over? He tears it up when he goes into a rage similar like the Hulk. In the episodes i've seen (1-9) he went through 9 of the same shirts lol.
    It seems to be a magic shirt of some sort, or perhaps full of nanites or something. He'll do that even more, actually.

    Also, he never goes into a rage. EVER. He simply kills them before they even notice.
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