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Thread: Chobits!

  1. #1


    (Ok I saw that there was an archived thread on this but i wasn't able to post on it so i assumed its closed or something)

    Randomly I just started watching this show and I got hooked bad. Now I watched all of the episodes and I need my Chobits fix so I came here. I thought the show started off light and fun then slowly built up to the intense ending. I'm super bummed that it was so short. I wanna watch Hideki and Chi solve problems all day... Also I have some questions still for anyone who thinks they may be able to answer them.

    Give me my Chobits fix...
    Playstaion ID: Setzer_All-in

    - "Phoenix Downs are your friends. But remember Cloud they don't always work. I'm looking at yooou Aeris"

    -"Immortal maybe... but not invincible!" -Prince (of Persia)

  2. #2
    Lady Succubus Chobits! Victoria's Avatar
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    Wrong forum, moved to the one below it, called Animation. =P

    Edit: Okay, moved. Secondly, the manga was only 8 volumes long, so the anime was good for how long it was.
    I watched it a very long time ago. I really loved its nature and atmosphere. The anime doesn't need to be long.
    Last edited by Victoria; 01-13-2009 at 02:59 PM.

  3. #3
    I didn't exactly mean that it NEEDED to be longer I just wish it was... Yea at some point it may have gotten sterile or something but I would be fine with just ignoring after that and just enjoying more to the story then was presented.

    Although I didn't really like him, characters like Dragonfly were underdeveloped in my opinion and really didn't need to be anymore then some random kidnapper but they stuck him around since his debut. Also Characters such as those two Persecom agents were also somewhat underdeveloped. Don't get me wrong I kinda liked the whole mysterious thing about them but again they were kinda just tacked on so there would be an ending...

    I of coarse have no idea How they could make it longer after the final episode and still be the same show essentially but like i said despite the epic-ish (ish now that I really think about it) I still want more like I said. Maybe if they the whole development of Chi didn't move so fast or if there where a bit more themes then just "Complicated Love" the story coulda been lengthened a bit. I don't like knowing that I won't know any more about a character/series then I already know.

    Also the last episode and the summary episode kinda gave me the feeling that Nothing more interesting even happens in Hideki and Chi's life which seems kinda lame, again I think that is a problem of Chi learning almost too fast. Also One question: I don't fully understand why Miss Hibiya wanted to Erase Chi's/Freya's memory... I get that she was trying to protect Freya and possibly herself from another "break-down" but it is still surprisingly heartless and dumb (because the circumstances of this love were slightly different then Freya's first love. So can anyone give me some clarification on why she did that? or why she just didn't order Freya's part of their memory erased?

    Playstaion ID: Setzer_All-in

    - "Phoenix Downs are your friends. But remember Cloud they don't always work. I'm looking at yooou Aeris"

    -"Immortal maybe... but not invincible!" -Prince (of Persia)

  4. #4
    deaths sadness Chobits! AbysalDarkness's Avatar
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    i have liek the first 3 books of chobits i got hooked on them bad to but i have not had to money to really buy any more i mean i read them in one dang day and there like 15 bucks a book thats crazy for soem thing i can read in a day i rember the first book as a bit of well nudity in it and well... v.v to of my friends were like fighting over the book i dont know but i just wanted to die at that point lol..... v.v

    Proud Member of METAL MILITA

  5. #5
    Did you just say "cheesy jeans"? Chobits! Bryan 2.0's Avatar
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    It's funny, I have all this dark and gory stuff in my room, but I still manage to have a talking Sumomo, Chii in a party dress and the boxed set. The light pink makes for odd contrast...

    I do really like the show, though. I think what catches me is the fact that it isn't serious and there really isn't much of a plot. At least not until the last two or three episodes...


  6. #6
    deaths sadness Chobits! AbysalDarkness's Avatar
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    sparta N.C
    ya thats about the same with me my books are all well fricked up on i have like 3 chobit books the soon dont belong in my room lol....

    Proud Member of METAL MILITA


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