I don't actually care, but I like the original voices more than the dubbed one.
Honestly to me it doesn't really matter.
Subbed is just fine even if I have to read it, and watch the show at the same time.
And dubbed is great because they have people with great voices, and emotion, act it out.
So for me, I like both.
Although I would like it more if I could just them straight form Japan and understand Japanese...
I could decide to stop breathing, I may decide to die. Only to show you what I truly mean. ~Devon L. Kay~Signature made by Mike of Legend of Zelda~Just because I smile, does not mean I am happy. Just because I laugh, does not mean I am not hiding something. When I cry, something is wrong. When I am sad, do not comfort me. And when I love you, it is forever. ~Devon L. KayThe blood that spills, to the tears that I cry. I only wish for the nighttime to come. I wait and I wonder, I whisper and I stare, there is nothing that is ever there. I slowly close my eyes, as they grow silver with lust. ~Devon L. KayAll quotes by me
I don't actually care, but I like the original voices more than the dubbed one.
Sig(s) made by me
DS Sigs
What is life:
Why life is unfair!!!:
My Mafia family:
Mona Lisa Overdrive - Self Appointed god
LoVeLeSs - Freaky Goddaughter
brnthsdiscout - FF Lovin' sister
DiaryofJane-Music Loving God Mother
Unknown Entity - My sister and my right hand in the family
Silver - Enforcer
"so I don't have to read it" . That is quite unnecessary, That implies that people who like it dubbed are lazy, It adds a bias to the poll. I watch all shows and movies with subtitles and I have perfect hearing. It really solidifies what people say and I never miss if people mumble or quickly scream something. Sometimes its great because it translates things that arn't normally supposed to be heard I.e. kenny on South park is sometimes subbed (cept for his vulgarities)
Anyways I don't have much experience really with foreign animes but I vastly prefer dubbed in the ones I have watched. first of all its like everyone is talking in fast forward because the language is so fast... Other then that a lot male characters sound like women or high pitched children either that or its like they have a cold and are losing thier voice. For example Goku in DBZ has a perfectly male voice in english but a sqeaky kids in Jap, especially when he "powers up" it sounds like a kettle is boiling. Plus a lot of female characters seem to yell everything.
Therefore I like dubbed not because I'm lazy and "so I don't have to read it" because I generally hate the voice acting in them. As far a them not being original anymore with slight editing of sexual and violent scenes (which most animes seem to have a weird fetish for) get over it, The general story is always in tact, and just because other kids at school now know about the anime when it comes to your country I'm sure you'll still be "that weird anime kid" and know about 6 other animes that haven't come outta japan.
Playstaion ID: Setzer_All-in
- "Phoenix Downs are your friends. But remember Cloud they don't always work. I'm looking at yooou Aeris"
-"Immortal maybe... but not invincible!" -Prince (of Persia)
It depends on the anime. I love the JP voice actors in Advent Children but I really like the Eng actors too. On the other hand I hate the Eng voice actors for Akira and will only watch the JP version. It just depends on the anime.
I hate subbs cause they just sub it so fast that some peoples reading abilites can't keep up and i hate dubs cause they sound crap but i would rather have dubs cause it's quicker for me but to be honest i don't care as long as i care the story and what i need from it.
I'd prefer watching the anime with subtitles. Sometimes, watching it dubbed is a little weird. Since they're dubbing it for the country that's watching it, the voices are different. And I once I hear one type of voice for that character, I get used to it so easily and other versions of either subbed or dubbed, I dont even want to watch the anime at all. Just like to stick to one version.
"Because I obviously haven't been on here for a while"
- Said no one ever, 02/2020
"It was nice meeting you!"
- Said a second nobody ever~
My preference has changed on this since I last posted in here over a year ago. Apparently I used to like watching dub, but now I almost entirely watch subbed anime. On the rare occasions when I do watch an anime dubbed, I seem to regret it. I would say more than 90% or the anime I watch now is subbed. Even though I prefer subs, my biggest problem with them is that sometimes the fonts are horrible and take up to much of the screen. They both have their flaws, so it would be nice if I understood Japanese and didn't need to watch it subbed or dubbed.
Honestly subbed is WAY better than dubbed...
The only ones I've seen that are good dubbed are:
Rurouni Kenshin & DB/Z
Depends on the dub. SHows like Full Metal Panic, Hellsing, and Ghost in the SHell have amazing dubbing which makes me enjoy watching it, especially when the voices in pithch are almost exact as their Japanese counterparts.
Then we have dubs like 4Kids' One Piece, with horrible voices, and shows that have small tranlatiopn errors in the dub (like Ilya in Fate/Stay Night calling Shirou "mister"... urgh, a whole subplot ruined right there..but Archer is aweosme in the dub)
Also, GaoGaiGar is like a perfect dub. English or Japanese, you still got a guy yelling his heart out with guts and courage (but Japanese he was Ocarina's Adult Link... heh)
This maybe kinda sad but When i was younger i use to watch Cardcaptors, and a few days ago i discovered someone had uploaded the entire 3 series so I have been watching it, but i have been watching the dubbed versions as i cant be bothered to read and miss the show, but the thing that bothers me is that some of the original episodes are different to the dubbed ones. which is a shame as i would like to have heard the proper lines for the episodes.
My TFF Family
My FFVII addicted nephew: Secret weapon
My Bullet lovin half wolf cousin: Raider
My complete FFVII nut sister: Unkown entity
My Freya obsessed, grammar nazi brother: Doc rocco
I read subtitles so I don't miss anything that is said. Ironically, if I blink or take a breather, I miss a few lines of text. So I rewind. I like to see what is actually said, not what the dubbers want to say. Besides, I like to hear the original voices. For some cases, howver, I make exceptions. When I watched FFVII Advent Children, I did English audio and English subtitles. Whenever I watch anime, I always avoid dubs. Who wants to listen to wannabes of the actual voice actors?
My TFF Family:
Anachlirium - My (Over) Loving GrandmotherAthna Loveil - My Anime Crazed CousinDark Squall - The God FatherMC Benny - My Hyperactive (And Imaginative) BroMeier Link - My Aunt's Stepsister's Husband's Brother-In-Law*Yesha* - My Hyperactive Sister
Everything is art... But is art everything?
definitely like to watch them in their full glory without English dubs and with the subtitles. the editing process seems to take away from the effect of the anima. Take for example Inuasha is totally different in Japan then it is here in America.It's unfortunate what they take away when moved, but excuse me I'm going on and on, Basically watch them in thier glory you won't be disappointed
I much prefer watching my anime with English subtitles and the original Japanese voice because you get the true feel of the anime that way =3....And I find most dubbed don't really sound that great and sometimes makes the anime sound funny O.O...And when they transfer it from Japanese to English sometimes they change the words around....Japanese is far better with the suc titles ^^
As a general rule I like to view my anime with the subtitles and original voice overs. But I do have a couple of exceptions...
Most the time I watch FullMetal Alchemist dubbed because I love the actor who voices Edward. His voice is rather amusing.
And sometimes I would FruBa in english because I'm fond of Tohru's voice a bit more like that than in japanese. Although I watch it in japanese too! So both is good for me ^_^.
Following the path for truth...
and ending the dream.
I usually watch the sub first, and then the dub to compare. Most animes that weren't dubbed by 4Kids were all right when compared to the Japanese version.
I'm going through a bit of a The World Ends With You phase right now.Click THERE:
It's much better to watch the japanese version.. :-) of course w/ subtitLes.. 'coz I Like to hear the originaL voice actors (seiyuu), the true feeLings and the originaL story of the anime I'm watching.. And.. I'm Learning Japanese Language because of that!
My Art Thread: http://thefinalfantasy.net/forum...ngs-lol-3.html
I would rather watch anime subbed. Most of the dubs have boring voices that sound like they are half-asleep. >.< Once in awhile you will find a good one, but that's fairly rare.
Subbed for sure. The dubs are weird most of the time, and with subtitles you can learn a little Japanese whilst watching an anime. I love the Japanese language to hear too. It can be quite funny at times, but I love the intonation in the battles.
Somehow, the English voices make the often over the top and epic battles seem to idiotic.
What am I talking about Anime for?
Read manga, children!!!
peace out
Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good
Either works for me, subs are alright (and usually better in my opinion...) but i can watch dubbed version!
I simply cant watch anime without original voices and sub. I love Japanese that much that any other language isn't an option.
I have large collection of anime series and every one of them is with sub.
Last edited by Xanatos; 06-26-2009 at 03:19 PM.
I love reading, so I don't have any problems with reading subs (although sometimes you really have to read fast and can't really enjoy reading it ^^").
And - no offense - I think that the dubs are bad. Somehow, if you watch the original anime, you get the feeling that the characters are just the characters, but when you watch it dubbed, you see the character and the voice actor speaking the character. (Okay, hopefully everyone understood what I meant just now O_o")
Perhaps I just watched the wrong animes, but I got that feeling every time.
Aaand of course I also like the Japanese language. ^^ It sounds much softer than many other languages and it's kinda sweet to listen to. (Try to curse in Japanese - it sounds cute and you won't think anyone could insult you xD)
I've noticed that there is a difference in the original japanese dub and in the english redub of a lot of anime. The english dub usually has to change some wording around in order for it to "fit" with the timing of the characters mouth-movements, and sometimes that can really mess up the story.
I like the original japanese dubs the best. I don't mind reading the subtitles, and maybe if I watch enough, I'll pick up on some japanese!
Click at your own risk.:
Subs is a must. Because of it, I can learn more japenese! >A<
Then I'll be closer to my goal of my future residence!!! But first, gotta work my butt off for some cash.
And, sometimes, when I can't hear that voices in the shows, I do everything I can to find out.
Curiosity kills the cat, they say. But not really. Actually it bothers them to death.
.....And I also stole that cupcake.
TFF Family~:
I believe a lot of the fans are too critical of their native VA and that's why they prefer the original VA, however, I would say that most do not know how to speak Japanese and so they don't know what "good" japanese VA acting is either. There are a lot of good VA out there that are not japanese but people are too biased to give them a chance. Granted there have been bad VA jobs in english but that doesn't translate to the others as well.
Main series FFs Beaten - FF: 4x, FFII: 3x, FFIII: 3x, FFIV: 3x, FFV: 3x, FFVI: 4x, FFVII: 5x, FFVIII: 5x, FFIX: 3x, FFX: 4x, FFXII: 3x, FFXIII: 2x, FFXV: 2x
i prefer to watch anime subbed. cz with that, we can understand Japanese language..also i think the original voice is more suitable for the anime characters compared to the dubbed by the other people.
well everyone opinion is different..so i'll respect ur opinion(s)
I prefer to watch it with subsanother thing, when you watch it with subs, you will after a while learn more japanese. I did and I still do. I snap up words here and there and learn how they are pronounced and put togheter
if it is dubbed, it kinda ruins all for me. it just doesn`t feel right![]()
No, better keep it with original voices and animations![]()
Last edited by gothdra; 09-09-2009 at 04:38 PM.
Nobody is perfect...That is of course until you fall in love with them...
I prefer watching anime with subtitles, and original voices. Dubbed voices sound terrible, and are usually out of sink with the characters lips. And usually don't sound as emotional as to how the character looks (i.e. when someone is angry, the voice doesn't sound angry half the time).
The only thing that slightly peeves me about the original voices is the shrieking/female voices. Half the time, the characters appear overly excited over eating a friggin' rice ball. ¬¬
With Advent Children, I watched it so many times in English, I know the script by heart - no need for subs, so I often watch it in Japanese and understand everything. Slowly learning the script in Japanese now. XD
I prefer watching dubs. I always find watching a series much more enjoyable when I don't have to read subtitles to understand a character, and it makes it easier to relate to them. That's not to say that I dislike reading subtitles, I don't mind it, but it takes away from the overall experience for me. Plus, there are quite a few series out there with outstanding English dubs.
That's not to say I dislike subs, but if given the chance, I'll most likely choose dubs over subs. Unless the dub is exceptionally horrid. But I'm not very picky with that sort of thing. And I've actually noticed, with most English dubs I've watched, they do a much better job at lip-syncing. Sometimes, I'll be watching an anime with subs, and the character's mouth is closed for a full second or so, and they're still talking. Then, their mouth opens and closes, but they don't actually speak until another second later! And I've yet to pick up on any dubs that have done that, though its not exactly something I keep an eye out for.
So in my own observation, I've noticed that a lot of dubbers pay specific attention to those details, it would seem.