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Thread: 3 Greatest manga you have read!?

  1. #1
    This is my sin... 3 Greatest manga you have read!? Lucid's Avatar
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    3 Greatest manga you have read!?

    I made this thread because I mostly read manga rather than watch anime, plus I couldn't think of 3 great anime that I have ever seen.

    Mine are:
    1. Berserk
    2. Angel Sanctuary
    3. Candy Candy

  2. #2
    Whistling Songbird 3 Greatest manga you have read!? Asectic's Avatar
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    1. Kamichama Karin Chu
    2. Prince of Tennis
    3. Mai HiME

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    Oh hey there, thanks for opening! Here is a little section filled with my goodies here and there.

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  3. #3
    Manga? Finally something in this anime forum that I can really post in.

    1. Bleach. The best manga I've read so far. The story is great and so is the art. There are story twists that I don't ever expect, and all the little facts that get mentioned fit perfectly with what happened earlier. It's well planned out, and fast paced. The fight scenes look wonderful, and are easy to follow. All facets of the story are explained well, but there are still mysterious sides that keep the story interesting. I just love it.

    2. Naruto.
    What young manga brat doesn't like Naruto? It's got ninjas, cool characters, Sasuke, fights, and nice morals. There are also some funny things that make me laugh out loud.

    3. Absolute Boyfriend or Rurouni Kenshin. I just finished Absolute Boyfriend and the ending made me cry. I like most of Yuu Watase's mangas, and this one was good too. It was a good romantic comedy/drama with some really nice parts that make me all tingly. It's only the third right now because it made me cry.

    Rurnouni Kenshin was just great. It had awesome fight scenes and a great main character. This story was the reason I decided to follow Nobuhiro Watsuki. It's got a nice story with a pretty happy and satisfying ending.

  4. #4
    This is my sin... 3 Greatest manga you have read!? Lucid's Avatar
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    Bleachfangirl: If you liked Absolute Boyfriend then you might be interested to know that there's a live action drama of it now.

  5. #5
    3 Greatest manga you have read!? GRIM REAPER's Avatar
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    The deepest parts of Hell enslaving your pitiful soul.
    I have so many favorites it is hard to choose just three.

    1: Sanzen Eyes (3x3 eyes)
    I have been following this one for years but it has very few translated issues. I have the whole series in chinese but i can't read chinese. Anyway it is interesting on how a normal highschooler runs into a ancient holy demon and becomes her immortal bodyguard.

    2: Gantz
    This is a good and gory. People who have died are given a second chance at life but they are required to fight for it. They are given hi tech weapons and bodysuits and transported to the streets of Tokyo to fight against hordes of alien creatures.

    3: Bleach
    Every body probably already knows about this series so no need to explain.
    Last edited by GRIM REAPER; 05-28-2008 at 03:43 AM.

  6. #6
    The Old Skool Warrior 3 Greatest manga you have read!? LocoColt04's Avatar
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    This should probably go in the Literature forum... but as I was about to move the topic, an idea hit me. I'll leave this here for now, because there's some restructuring that suddenly came to mind. I'll go bring that up in the staff forum and we'll see what happens.

    To the topic:

    Only three? This will be tough. I'll have to break down and pick three and definitely include some "special honor" titles. I've got a handful off the top of my head.

    Honors go to Hellsing, Death Note, and Naruto. Hellsing needs more volumes. Death Note is badass, but honestly, I prefer the anime to the manga... it's better watched than read, in my opinion. Naruto is Naruto. It was tough choosing between that and Bleach, but I guess I like the maturity of Bleach a bit more.

    3 - Bleach: I love Bleach as much as the next person, but it only claims third spot on my list. It's excellent, but I haven't read it all yet. I respect it as a series and definitely enjoy it, but I'm not quite addicted enough to go out of my way to collect it all. Yet. I actually don't own any of the volumes, though my friend has them all and I've been reading through them slowly. I'm actually farther ahead in the anime than I am in the manga.

    2 - Rurouni Kenshin: What can I say? Kenshin is a badass and I'm addicted. I have a soft spot for samurai that makes them infinitely cooler than ninja. I know, I know, we could get into that whole ninja/samurai fight, but I'd really rather not. Besides, can YOU really tell me that Kenshin isn't a badass? No? Didn't think so.

    1 - Black Cat: Okay, so I always knew this existed, but I never really had an interest in it. I got more exposure to Eve (one of the main characters) via her playability in Jump Ultimate Stars, and eventually went to my friend Dan (who has over 3 Terabytes of anime) to see a couple episodes of the anime. I liked it enough from the start that I bought every volume of the manga that had already been released in English. I've got the first 13 and now I'm dying for the 14th to be released. It has undoubtedly become my favorite manga series, and I would recommend it to anyone, especially if you're fond of bounty hunters.

    edit: I stand corrected; apparently, volume 14 was launched early this month, and 15 is due out at the start of July. I've yet to run across 14 in a store which is why I assumed it wasn't out, but the VIZ site so graciously informed me otherwise. For those curious, Black Cat sells for $8/volume, so it would be worth picking up at least the first one to see for yourself.
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  7. #7
    hmm, well i love shojo manga.
    1. Meru Puri *machen prince* by: matsuri Hino
    2. High school Debut
    3. Special A by: maki Minami

  8. #8
    Arachnie Suicide 3 Greatest manga you have read!? ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
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    1 - The Dreaming. ... I think that's what it's called. By Queenie Chan, Australia's only published manga artist. I also love the way that it is unabashadly Australian.. Like so many US/UK manga [And if there was more Australian, I'm sure it would be too...] it's not desperately trying to be a traditional Japanese manga. You read it from left to right, and it's set in Australia for once. The illustration is also... Far more beautiful than much I've seen.

    That's a chapter cover.

    Now for a Wiki plot description -
    "Jeanie and Amber Malkin - identical twin sisters - are new students at the 100-year-old Greenwich Private College, a boarding school in North Sydney, Australia that lies on the edge of vast, virgin bushlands. After settling in and meeting new friends, the girls learn an unsettling secret: time and time again over the past century, students have wandered off into the wilderness surrounding the school and vanished without a trace, never to return. Jeanie and Amber begin to discover the mystery behind the disappearances and also the reason why the College's creepy vice-principal carries such a prejudice against identical twins."
    2 - Vampire Game. Dunno much about it, but it's... Good. XD

    Wiki! -
    The story
    Centuries ago in an epic battle, King Phelios defeated the Vampire-King Duzell. Using a powerful spell Phelios destroyed Duzell but he perished as a sacrifice for using such a strong spell. As both laid dying, Duzell swore that he would be reincarnated to find Phelios' reincarnation and when he did he would drain Phelios' blood, rip his body limb from limb and laugh while his soul writhes, damned for eternity to a lake of fire. A century later, Duzell is reborn as a wildcat called a kyawl. Unfortunately, he can't find the reincarnation of the now Saint Phelios. Luckily, he is adopted by his nemesis' great-granddaughter, the 15-year-old princess Ishtar, through whom Duzell may be able to find the reincarnation of Phelios. The fate of the ages is reborn, and the vampire game begins.
    I've been on this site since 2006 woah

  9. #9
    Sephiroth's Girl 3 Greatest manga you have read!? sephirothsbigfan's Avatar
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    Mine are Naruto, Fruits Basket, and Ruroni Kenshin. Naruto is the bomb now, Fruits Basket because of the humor/romance, and Ruroni Kenshin because of Ruroni because of his job and how the ladies treat him and he is an awesome assassin.

  10. #10
    Warrior Ninja 3 Greatest manga you have read!? Led Zeppelin's Avatar
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    My 3 Favourite Manga's are: :3
    1. Naruto....My fav Manga in the world!! =]
    2. FullMetal Alchemist...I loved reading this one...The ending to it made me cry =[
    3. OnePiece....Wooh go pirates ^^ Luffy and Roronoa Zoro rock

    Bleach and Death Note we're runners up in this one...They're all are so cool in their own way =]
    Last edited by Led Zeppelin; 05-10-2009 at 07:33 AM.

  11. #11
    Pedobear approves 3 Greatest manga you have read!? Shadow Of Darkness's Avatar
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  12. #12
    I command you... 3 Greatest manga you have read!? Rally's Avatar
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    Wow, three... let me see.

    1. ES (Eternal Sabbath)
    2. Mars
    3. Nana

    Nana is still going, too.

  13. #13
    ~☆~Muahahaha!!!~☆~ 3 Greatest manga you have read!? SilkAngel's Avatar
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    Hands down:

    1. Beast Master
    2. Voices of a Distant Star
    3. X-Day
    Last edited by SilkAngel; 08-16-2009 at 10:51 AM.

  14. #14
    Go with me, Exkaizer~ 3 Greatest manga you have read!? Treize's Avatar
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    I guess right now it would be this:

    1. Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
    2. Ookiku Furikabutte
    3. Kobato/Bakuman/Death Note

    It was hard to pick the third one because I am not very far in reading either Kobato or Bakuman. They are both very good, but I don't really know if they will be really great yet or not. I still have not read very much manga yet, so this could change very easily.
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  15. #15
    Shake it like a polaroid picture 3 Greatest manga you have read!? RagnaToad's Avatar
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    I haven't bought that many, but I'll judge from what I've seen.

    1. Fullmetal Alchemist. Really good, intriguing story and great drawings.
    2. Kurohime. Quite new, check it out on the Viz website.
    3. Would probably be Berserk.
    Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good

  16. #16
    waltz for the moon 3 Greatest manga you have read!? Kisaragi^^'s Avatar
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    mine are :

    -Inu Yasha (My Fav manga forever ^.^)
    -Kungfu Boy (I love chinmi and I also love kungfu! Haiiiiaaaaaaaa! ^^)
    -Fullmetal Alchemist (I dunno why, but, I like this manga very much, maybe It's 'cause by the story)
    My TFF Family ^^

    - my Annoying, Pestering, yet Lovable cousin.....Ralz
    - my Loving Sweet and Slightly Crazy Cousin......PurpleDiamond

  17. #17
    Only mangas allowed? Oh well.. Then I have to think about it...

    1. Death Note
    Definitely the best manga I've ever read. Everyone who also read it will understand why. The story is just great, the characters are great, everything about it is great. >//< When I heard about it for the first time I was like "oh, so they're killing with notes... eeerm, okay..." I never would've thought that the story was so great and philosophical. (Btw. the ending was much better in the manga )

    2. Mint na Bokura
    Somehow I really enjoyed this manga. It hasn't got a real good story and in the beginning there isn't much story to begin with. I just liked that a boy dressed as a girl to get his sister back. (Ah, okay, I admit.. It somehow reminds me of myself ^^") And then when all the love stories began... That was just great. <3 The best romance manga I've ever read!

    3. Angel Sanctuary
    The anime OVA wasn't that good, but when I saw it, I had to buy the manga. And I liked it. The story was really confusing sometimes and you never really knew what was going to happen next... and then, like in Death Note, you wouldn't have thought at the beginning that there is so much to think about in this manga.

    Definitely the best I've ever read. (Just to make it clear once more XD)

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