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Thread: Square Enix manager tweets Noctis perfume

  1. #1
    Queen Square Enix manager tweets Noctis perfume Crescent's Avatar
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    Square Enix manager tweets Noctis perfume

    Hidemi Matsuzuka, General Manager of the Square Enix figure brand Play Arts Kai, posted an interesting tweet today.

    “Prince,” he said on Twitter, with the following image attached.
    Square Enix manager tweets Noctis perfume-noctis-perume-jpg

    The new upcoming fragrance "Noctis" Eau De Toilette will likely be the official perfume of Final Fantasy VersusXIII. Noctis being the prince-protagonist in Final Fantasy Versus XIII, a game (as of Nov12) has been in development for exactly seven years.

    Owning a Cloud Strife unisex cologne myself theres also a Sephiroth cologne(it was sold out at the timeDX)

    I believe this might be a sign that Final Fantasy Versus XIII will make an appearance at PS4 Reveal on Wednesday.

    I also believe that Sephiroth n Vergil are madly in love with me.

  2. #2
    Registered User Square Enix manager tweets Noctis perfume serenity1905's Avatar
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    Yeah, um... I saw the news on this, thinking originally it would be some more news on Versus, but no... not at all. Just another off the wall teaser telling all the impatient fans that they may never get their hands on a game that actually looks amazing. *sighs*

    I hope it smells good at least. lol

  3. #3
    Certified tech, come at me! Square Enix manager tweets Noctis perfume SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Its really sad that the dev team behind versus cannot get any more of their game up for reveal. I mean, this has been planned for PS3 for some time, and yet, square is slacking off making the project go even longer and now there is a possibility they will mess with the main series FF giving the next installment an action rpg title along with moving it to the next system which not a whole lot of people can afford. I gotta ask, what the heck happened to these good companies? its like they really can't get their act together and make these decisions which hurt them more than it would benefit them. If Square is going to succeed these days, they are going to have to start taking examples from games that they have developed in the past that made them into the successful company they are today, such as the business decisions they've made in the past, how they took their approach to games back then and expand upon that.

    Other than that, cool looking perfume.
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  4. #4
    Queen Square Enix manager tweets Noctis perfume Crescent's Avatar
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    I dunno, just like everyone else who cares, I wish I too, knew the truth as to why this game has been thoroughly delayed for almost a decade. I just become mindfkd wondering but then I think of Duke Nukem 'Forever'-literally. When development is delayed for such an extended period of time sprinkled with announcements of announcements to wait for further announcements its similar circumstances- instability behind-the-scenes politics the public are not privy to, relocation of assets, Assembly line production of timely sequels no one asked for, but noobs/casuals/graphicswhores/pplwhowouldntknowQUALITYifitcrawleduptheirass, buy anyway. BEHOLD! The fruits of Square-Enix's adoption of western style development! The quality of their games have dropped dramatically..Not even skimming the surface- complete abandonment of focus on creating interesting game mechanics-"Whats that SQUARE ENIX??! PARADIGM SHIFT is the BOMB DIGGITY??!! A THIRD(DAFUQ) sequel to a shitty game no one wanted!!..(Oh sorry!I COULDNT HEAR YOU OVER THE 15 YR OLD WHINY ECHOES OF A FFVII REMAKE,FFVI REMAKE,XENOGEARS REMAKE ETC..)Lightning saqa shit which shoulda been titled "FFXIII-3:WHY DONT YOU LIKE LIGHTNING with DLC:Lightning Dressups! Also with Accessories! ooh Sunglasses. Go FkYourselves. Sideways. Most of these FF blowins have no frame of reference to compare the quality with because they havent grown with the franchise esp during its golden age n why it is so renowned n has lasted all these goddamn years. Having said that, give em money and lead them to what I believe is still possible redemption. Maybe some of the main guys from the 1st production line can get payrises and afford healthy Omega3 fatty acid rich foods(I hear the whale meat business is booming!)Feed ya brains and come up with better ideas. I just want FFXIII to hurry up, fail n GTFO..WAIT! Whats that??!! Did someone say They're taking the series in a 'different direction'??!?...OK. Ill push you along with them! Down the shitter. Theres been a downward decline in that quality since they almost went bankrupt and had to merge blah blah been over this a gazillion times b4.

    But, on a serious note..Losing Squaresoft was an absolute MASSIVE loss, not only to its fans but to the gaming industry as a whole. They set the bar far too high. This generation WAAAY too concerned with how a game looks at the expense of quality n creativity(too many graphicswhores im seeing these days). Hardware limitations are responsible for some of the best emotional moments in gaming, because they forced developers to be creative and allowed players to become involved. Let them use their minds and imaginations. What Squaresoft was and what Square Enix has become is perfect example.

    *Typing all this as I listen to The Chrono Cross OST (<3<3Radical Dreamers).Superb. Every song on that soundtrack is filled with a spectrum of emotion..

    SOO while SE is busy sucking, Ill be playing the awesomeness that is the MGS series(FF fell from my top spot,still falling)RISING:REVENGEANCE,GROUND ZEROES,PHANTOM PAIN and if Sephiroth&Buddha(MyGods) really love me-The Last Guardian (a title which has had its own fair share of development issues) while poor Noctis:

    Forever in that car

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