That's not even the tip of the iceberg. This game baffles me more by the minute.

Sometimes you can't use fast travel to reach certain Outposts/Parking Spots. I've pondered quite a bit and can't seem to figure out why. Is it distance/proximity of the location, do only certain locations allow fast travel, perhaps I'm using the wrong option... I've tried literally everything to make sense out of this, it's random as f**k. Same goes for "Jump to the Car" option, is it greyed out because enemies are in sight, do I need to be close to the road/civilization, do I need to be in a specific spot, none of the criteria matter. All this makes exploration an even bigger chore than it already is.

Then there's this little gem. A shopkeeper/vendor has a quest for you, in literally any other game in existence you approach the vendor and speak to him, but not in FF XV. In FF XV there's an option for that few feet from him that leads to said conversation. Why? God knows. Sometimes you can skip dialogue, sometimes you can't. I thought not being able to skip dialogue is reserved for important bits, but that's not the case. It's just random.

I never thought I would say this, but I enjoyed FF XIII more. I really want to punch the guy who made all these decisions.