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Will it be all real time action rpg???
Final Fantasy XV - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I think the only mistake they have made on this venture, is that they have focused it onto the PS4 / Xbone.
The PS3/360 is hardcore enough to run *alot* of games these days and this doesn't look too much different from the likes of FF13 and its spinoffs 13-2 and Lightning Returns.
From a visual standpoint, the game would not be able to run on the 360 or PS3, naturally the game was being made for it before, but they've bumped up the visuals significantly. But that aside, one of the things that sent them back was that they decided to move away from pre-rendered cutscenes or at least non-interactive cutscenes and planned to have everything happen in-engine while the player is still in full control of the character. This is something that has not really been done by FF games. When something important happens, it's a cutscene. So I imagine maintaining the visual quality and keeping it all in-game might be a technical hurdle that affected them. The new systems just make it easier. But because of how they're developing XV, it's a very likely possibility that it'll come out on PC as well.
FFXV is going more like Kingdom Hearts in a way than it is XIII. The XIII series was certainly the most active combat we've had in a FF to date, but XV drops the ATB completely from the looks of things to be in favor of a full action based combat like Kingdom Hearts. Though from things they've shown, it how more in common with themes from FFVII and FFVIII with the more contemporary setting. If their old information still holds true there's going to be an overworld map and flyable airships. So it's got more in common with the older FF games. Combat aside, it looks like it could be a little more traditionally designed, from a FF standpoint.
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2007 and 2009 Best Writer of TFF and 2009 Most Creative Co-Winner
Will they be returning to something resembling the traditional battle system?? FFX and before
I didnt like the combat in the last two, the franchise has become so warped with spin offs and sequels i actually can't recollect the numbers of the last two real single player FF games, id have to look it up haha
I can't really speak to what sort of direction Square wants to go in the future. You can expect the FF to do something different in each of their games, that about the only thing that is normal for them. It is totally possible that they'll make XVI into a traditional line-up on the battle field wait for your turn type combat. Right now their full focus is on XV though, so at least for now it is not likely.
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster is out next month though Nix. ;p That's traditional. ^^
Just for reference there has been:
Final Fantasy XIII
Final Fantasy XIII-2
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
Final Fantasy XIV
Final Fantasy XIV: A Ream Reborn (Which is technically the same game, just completely overhauled)
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2007 and 2009 Best Writer of TFF and 2009 Most Creative Co-Winner
I wasn't really referring to their direction, I just assumed the FF15 combat system has been announced/shown, just wondering what it resembles, or is it a case of that not much is known yet?
And yeah i might get the HD remaster, pending price ofc ;P
I don't fancy paying full whack for a game i already have/played, fingers crossed for a discount for people who dont want the FFX2 abomination..![]()
The FFX/X-2 is only going to be $40. It's the standard pricing for HD ports of PS2 games, they charge $20 per game.
Oh, FFXV is not going to be a traditional combat that you're used to. But it is definitely inspired by Kingdom Hearts combat. There is a party menu and weapon menu it seems, but since Noctis' combat style seems to focus around the use of many different types of swords/weapons he could be another multi-class type character.
There are some very Shakespeare looking themes at times going on along with some period style clothing. One thing is certain, it's a complete departure from the XIII series.
Last edited by Andromeda; 02-22-2014 at 03:28 PM.
Curious? There's no limits but your own imagination.
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2007 and 2009 Best Writer of TFF and 2009 Most Creative Co-Winner
Why are they going in this direction? ARPG means less control and options. You can't have or manipulate tactics as much as with games like FF7-8 and other turn based ones. Now all your actions or preprogrammed actions are controlled by a few buttons. I would wanna try this new mode, but I wouldn't want it to dominate the whole game. I'd also want to be able to switch to traditional ATB turn based mode if fighting with more complex enemies. That way tactics would come into play as well, not just quick flip flop action.
Not all ARPG's are as shallow, some like Diablo II for instance are far more challenging and complex than most Final Fantasy games, all due to of course deep skill tree for each class and huge amount of diverse equipment among some other elements. Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories on GBA is another one, mashing attack button in that game is as counterproductive as it gets. Assembling your deck and using it properly required lot of effort on your part.
Each Final Fantasy had different twist on it's battle system, and while I personally prefer ATB I don't plan on bashing this one as we still don't know shit about it and I feel Square always delivers in that department if nothing else. And just from reading what Andro wrote, plus visiting FF Wiki, this seems far more complex than what Crisis Core and Kingdom Hearts have to offer.
Honestly though, if Square delivers half of things they promised this will be no doubt one of the best FFs out there.
Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity
I wonder how much, Mass Effect like actions will be available in the games commands system. As for not putting out on the older consoles, I completely understand their reasoning for that. You have more power in the systems to allow you more flexibility in programming. The infrastructure itself is easier to code for if developers are correct, in particular the PS3 was difficult (although they seem to have finished smoothing that out around the PS4 launch time.). Plus Sony and Microsoft give them incentive to put it out on only the next gen, to encourage people to buy the new hardware. FFXV bundle with PS4 and a Vita anyone?
"Evil spelled backwards is Live, and we all want to do that now don't we?"
FFXV has been in production longer than LR. The battle system for XV was decided long before LR even began development. And it has a different director Thank God Also, you just need to look at it. It's closer to the Kingdom Hearts series. FFXV is after all being directed by Nomura-san, the creator of KH series of which im not a huge fan of but i do enjoy its battle system esp KHII's. Plus Nomura likes that style of play..just look at other titles that he helped create and you'll see that FFXV is an evolution of that style of combat.
I like that the characters personalites + facial expressions are expressed through its battle system as seen in the gameplay footage. Its been stated earlier that "Final Fantasy XV is in no way a direct extension of Lightning Returns and will no doubt introduce completely new battles with new surprises of their own." I want turn base back as much as the next guy but what I see in FFXV I know im gonna enjoy at least because I know what it's already like since I've played with similiar battle system in Kingdom Hearts and next gen technology allows for more creativity esp graphic programming.
They're already working on or at least planning the English Voice acting. The fact that English voice actors are already being selected would suggest that the game may be nearer to completion than many expect. It might also indicate a possible simultaneous worldwide release. Tho personally I had no intention of playing FFXV in English.
No doubt in my mind.
Last edited by Crescent; 02-23-2014 at 07:07 PM.