Chapter 32 is up now, though it took a long than I was planning. I think part of it was the way I was sitting, or rather the way I was forced to sit. It made me really uncomfortable making it impossible to feel like I could do much of anything. I felt all squeezed in.
Anyway, that aside on the subject of the chapter. The sub-arc is completed now with the conclusion of the dramatic turmoil that Yumi was sitting in for the chapters. And Yuki finally makes an appearance in the sub-arc! He had pretty much been left out for the first two chapters since they were so focused on Yumi's problems. But now he and her get the chapter to share.
The unfortunate thing is that I did not get done everything that I wanted to in the chapter. Yeah, that happened again, but I didn't extend the sub-arc. It was a sub-plot left over from the last sub-arc that I didn't get resolved that I was figuring would be a good time to resolve it. But I'll resolve it in the next sub-arc. When I'm not sure, but I'm acknowledging it. Since it is very important and I don't want to just pretend that it didn't happen because there was no resolution to it.
There is still some lingering issues with Yumi and Yori, but that will be something that is meant to play out for the remainder of the arc. It will be some nice a little tension to have throughout the arc. The up coming chapter and sub-arc will be introducing another new character to the group. This will be another main cast character with a character focused sub-arc. Notion a trend. ^^; Though I plan to have Yuki featured more in this one. It should be fun though since he'll find someone a little like him.