So then, I've finally started up my next story like I said I was. This one has been in development for a while and unfortunately still is in development. I just decided that I needed actually start writing on it or it would never leave development. Since I was continuing to bounce around on things. Once I finally start writing though things will be come concrete and I can advance my development as well. At least that is thought.

Anyway, this time around if you have already read my post you will notice the change in length from the last two I've done The Inner Man and Flesh is for Gods. Well I think I may have mentioned it in the last comments on Flesh is for Gods, but I've decided on making shorter posts now. I'm busy and well as I found it is difficult sometimes to keep up on making longer 14-18 page long posts at time. I'm usually pushing myself really hard on it and always doing things requiring me to hold off other things. So I'm dialing back.

I'm changing styles and this will be in a manga format. Though as I finished writing the first chapter I realized that I still got the anime moving pictures feel to it. Which I doubt I'll be able to get rid of since words are fluid and pictures in moments of time are not. But hey, its going to be shorter and I'm shooting for about 4-6 pages which is about a third the length of my episodes. Which if you think about it most anime episodes are between two to three manga chapters when made for adaptation. So that should work out. However, I will be posting every Sunday now rather than every other Sunday. So that will be a change too. It should be really easy for me to knock out a handful of pages rather than a lot. So it will not kill my whole Sunday.

On to the actual story. I actually doing a Shonen Jump style manga here interestingly enough, but I'm going to be seeing how many of the Shonen Jump molds that I can break. It is going to be action oriented and probably have an amount of comedy, but it is not going to be like the previous two stories I did. And to top it all off I don't have an end planned out for it. If my estimates are correct I have about half of the story planned out on a simple scale right now. I have four arcs currently developed, though only three of them are really solid so far. The fourth I came up while in redevelopment, so I don't even know where it is going to end up in the grand scheme of things. But yeah, four arcs means that this is not going to end anytime soon. This is a super mega epic of story that I'm going to be writing for the next like five to ten years. >< Yeah, I know I'm crazy. But hey, that is how Shonen Jump is, they do hundreds of chapters before coming to a conclusion and I don't have one in figured out yet.

Anyway, this should be fun since it is going to be a lot of things and should remain interesting hopefully throughout. As I said I'm going to be breaking some of the standards and cliches that you are used to in Shonen Jump, or at least trying. So that should be good. It is going to be a fun ride. ^^

Oh and I'm not going to be doing any previews anymore since this is a manga chapter. I might end up doing a little random comedic snippette but I'll have to see what happens.
