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Thread: Rebirth Chronicle

  1. #1
    The Journey Continues Phantom's Avatar
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    On a Journey To the Promised Land

    Rebirth Chronicle

    Hi guys! Over the years I've been working on my very own manga/story hopefully one day making it into an anime. I've took a long break from it but I'm back working on it. I deep into finishing Season Two, so I've decided to redo Season One. Here's the first episode. Hope you guys like it! Give me your opinions okay?

    1. A New Chronicle, Beginning of a Journey!

    The story opens in the city of Shanghai, a city known for it’s cultural diversity and technological advancement. How long have I been walking this morning? I think I might need a break soon. My name is Satoru Tokaji. I’m a swordsman on a journey of enlightenment…or so I thought. I’m on a journey to find my father and track down the legendary “Elemental Stones” who power controls the world’s life and energy . I’ve had little luck however. According to legend the stones come from “New Germany” all the way across the world. It’s getting late, guess I should find an Inn. Satoru says.

    Suddenly… Hey man, you want to past through this alley you better hand over your money. That sword will do nicely too! A drunk man says. Good timing. Sir, can you tell where I can find an Inn around here? I’m kind of lost. Satoru says. You get what I’m saying?! I said hand them over! The drunk man charges at Satoru. Really? Satoru sighs as he easily dodges the attack and kicks the man in the stomach knocking him out. Oh well, I guess I’ll have to find it myself.

    A half hour later… Finally! Find one. Satoru enters the Inn. Welcome to the Shang Inn! The Innkeeper says. Hi. I would like a room for the night please. Satoru says. Certainly, right this way. The Innkeeper guides Satoru to his room. Thank you. Here’s your pay ma’am. Satoru says. Thank you kind sir! Enjoy your stay! The Innkeeper says. Satoru lays on his bed exhausted. It’s been about 6 months since I’ve begun my journey. I have one clue about father… New Germany…huh? That place is on the other side of the world, guess I’ve still got a ways to go. Satoru says sighing. Either way, I can’t give up. Satoru says as he falls asleep.

    The Next Morning…Well it’s time to set off! Satoru says. Suddenly, an explosion is heard. What was that? It sounded pretty close by. Maybe I should check it out. Satoru says running to the explosion site. G..Get back Beast! A police man shouts. Suddenly a large monster appears out of the wreckage. What the hell is that? Satoru says. Fire! Fire! Fire! The police officers fire rounds of bullets at the monster but they do no damage to it. Guess I should help. Satoru says drawing his sword. The large monster breaths fire at Satoru but he dodges it. Zotan! Joshodon! Satoru creates wind pressure from around his sword slicing the monster in two. In…Incredible! A local says.

    Hmm…he’s the guy huh? Interesting… I better report this right away. A mysterious cloaked man says as he vanishes. Thank you young man! Were most grateful. A police man says. Don’t mention it, I was close by so it was no big deal. Satoru smiles. Well, I need to be going now, take care! Satoru says as he waves goodbye to the locals. Weird…why would a monster like that attack a city. It makes no sense. Ah! I wasted my whole morning. Satoru says scratching his head. Oh well. Mind as well grab something to eat before leaving. Satoru wanders around browsing the shops and comes upon a little a small tea shop. Some herbal tea and small slice of teacake please. Right away sir. A Waiter says.

    Later…I feel like someone’s watching me. I’m probably just paranoid. Satoru says sipping some tea. Outside, a mysterious cloaked man spies Satoru from the roof of a nearby building. Well, there sure weren’t any leads here. Time to head out. If I take the trail northwest of the shop I should make it to the outskirts of the city. Satoru says sticking a finger up to measure the wind direction.

    Meanwhile… It seems he’s finally been found. A Mysterious Shadowy figure says. Yes Sir. Haha, and so it begins. Hahahahaha!! The Shadowy figure says laughing.

    What dangers await Satoru on his journey? Only time will tell.
    Last edited by Phantom; 10-25-2011 at 09:37 PM.
    Originally Posted by Hellfire
    Who the hell are you? .... .... .... ....well, good luck with that.

    XD. This quote screams post me in your sig!

    Check out my FFVII Walkthrough, by first EVER walkthrough! I'm PhantomTFF on IGN and Tairyo on Gamefaqs.

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    Yugioh and Yugioh GX Fanboy <---

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    If you like homemade Final Fantasy and Pokemon walkthrough vids with a unique flair, be sure to Subscribe to Made4542 (Me).

  2. #2
    The Journey Continues Phantom's Avatar
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    On a Journey To the Promised Land

    Re: Rebirth Chronicle

    Hi guys! Here's episode 2 of the story! Enjoy!

    2. Shock! Enter Hikari And The Cursed Village!

    Continuing on his Journey, Satoru arrives at a small mountainous village known as Raicon surrounded by the Raiconan Mountains. A storm is rolling in. I better find some shelter. Satoru says looking around. But there doesn’t seem to be any Inns here. *sighs*. Come back here! Cursed demon! Suddenly, Satoru spots a strange looking cat hiding under a house. Is something wrong sir? Satoru asks. Yes, a demon is plaguing our village. It comes out at in the dead of night and wreaks havoc scaring the villagers and stealing our food supply. How long has this been happening? Satoru asks. Over a year now and it never lets up. You better take shelter young man a storm is rolling in. Thanks. Satoru says.

    Are you okay? The man is gone you can come out now. Satoru says staring at the cat. Are you sure? The cat says. Wha?? You can talk?! Satoru says surprised. Well yeah, of course I do. The cat says. Haha well now I’ve seen everything. Let me help you out. Satoru says. Go away! I don’t need any help. I’m perfectly capable to getting out thank you. The cat says. Uhh…you might want to hurry a storm is coming. Satoru says. The cat stares at Satoru and makes a frown. I guess I should thank you. Everyone who comes near me always tries to hit me or throw things at me. The cat says. Are you really the one cursing the village? Not me! Actually, a huge demon has been roaming around the mountains causing earthquakes and causing the forest to burn away. I came face to face with it once…and it nearly killed me! Thank goodness I’m a fast runner. The cat says. So, do you have a name?

    My name? It’s Hikari. I’m Satoru. Nice to meet you and…thank you for helping me. Hikari says. Ah Oh. The storm’s coming. Satoru says. Come with me! I have a hiding spot at the edge of the village. Hikari says as the two run off. You live in this hut? Satoru asks. Yup. It’s my secret hiding spot. I hide here to stay out of sight of the villagers. They don’t like me to much. Hikari says sighing. I have to steal food from the village to survive. It’s tough out here for us strays. Satoru? Huh? Have you ever heard the tale of the “Cat Lancer”? Hikari asks. “Cat Lancer”? Satoru says puzzled. It’s a story about a cat who forth over 100 demons with one claw. With one claw? Are you serious? Satoru says. Yup, his claw had the power to transform into metallic objects. His favorite was a lance. With one swing he slew demons left and right and he never tired. Hikari says. Satoru, can I tell you a secret? Sure. Satoru says. I was born with a special power. But I’ve always feared it.

    My father was a demon cat, he was brilliant, handsome and strong. My mother always told me stories about him and his mysterious powers. What kind of “mysterious powers”? Satoru asks. The power to store and release magical energy. Hikari says. Hmm…huh? Satoru says looking out the door. What’s wrong? Hikari asks. Something’s coming I can feel it. I don’t feel anything. Hikari says. Suddenly… It’s the demon! The demon is coming! A villager says running. An alarm sounds and giant footsteps are heard. Rahhhhh! The demon snares. It’s time to feed! Rahhaaa! Foolish humans! Come and satisfy my hunger!

    Ahh! Help me somebody!! Ahh!! A village woman says being held by the demon. Rahaaha! Die! The demon says. Ahh!! Zotan! Joshodon! Satoru uses the wind pressure from his sword to slice the demon’s arm in half. AHHHH!!!! Ma’am you might want to hide somewhere. Satoru says. Thank you kind sir! The woman says running away. Demon! You want a meal? Come and get it! Satoru says staring down the demon. Satoru is strong. Hikari says. Suddenly the demon notices Hikari near the hut. Hahaha!! The demon laughs as he strikes the ground creating a fissure destroying the hut. Hikari! Satoru says. Hika…huh? Suddenly, Satoru spots Hikari glowing. Hikari! Satoru shouts. Die! The demon says charging at Satoru. Suddenly, Hikari dashes at the demon. ”Shockwave!” Hikari creates lightning bolts from her fur and fires it directly at the demon destroying it in the process.

    Amazing…Satoru says in amazement. Hikari then returns to normal and turns to Satoru. See? This is my power. I’m still new to using it through. Hikari says. That was amazing. You have incredible power being so small. Satoru says. Hey! Who are you calling small? Hikari says. Look the sun is rising! Hikari says. Looks like the storm is finally over. Satoru says.

    Later…Say Satoru? You sure it’s okay for me to come along with you on your journey? Hikari says. Of course I’m sure. Besides, you have no where else to go right? Satoru asks. Thank you Satoru. Hikari says.

    And So, with a new friend on his side Satoru and Hikari head off.
    Originally Posted by Hellfire
    Who the hell are you? .... .... .... ....well, good luck with that.

    XD. This quote screams post me in your sig!

    Check out my FFVII Walkthrough, by first EVER walkthrough! I'm PhantomTFF on IGN and Tairyo on Gamefaqs.

    Courtesy of IGN and Gamefaqs. ^^

    Yugioh and Yugioh GX Fanboy <---

    Check out my Youtube Homepage!

    If you like homemade Final Fantasy and Pokemon walkthrough vids with a unique flair, be sure to Subscribe to Made4542 (Me).

  3. #3
    The Journey Continues Phantom's Avatar
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    On a Journey To the Promised Land

    Re: Rebirth Chronicle

    Hi guys, here's episode 3. Please let me know what you think of my story so far!

    3. Villainous New Enemy, The Deadly Shadow Army!

    Continuing on his journey, Satoru is joined by his new friend Hikari. Hey Satoru, I’ve been meaning to ask you this but where are we headed? Hikari asks. New Germany. I’m on a journey to find my father. Satoru says. New Germany sounds pretty far, good thing you got me along! Hikari says. Look there’s a village! Hikari says. Let’s find some lodging for the night. Satoru says. Satoru and Hikari head to the village but at stopped by a strange looking soldier. Halt! This village is occupied by the Shadow Army! State your business! The Shadow Army? Hikari says. (The Shadow Army? Why does this sound familiar?) Satoru thinks to himself. Sorry, we don’t mean no harm, we merely want to find an Inn to lodge for the night. Satoru says. You’ll find no such Inn here. Best be on your way traveler. The Soldier says. Oh well, let’s go Hikari. Satoru says. Suddenly…It’s a swordsman! Please Help us! A villager says. Shut your mouth old man! The Soldier shouts. Young man, I beg you! Please save our village! I said shut your mouth! The Soldier says charging for the villager with his spear. Satoru dashes in front of the villager and parries the spear with his sword. I suggest you point that spear elsewhere. Satoru says. How dare you! Die! The soldier charges at Satoru but Satoru manages to dodge the spear and strikes the soldier in the back knocking him out. *sigh* I really hoped it wouldn’t have come to that. Satoru says. Serves that guy right picking on an elderly man. Hikari says.

    Thank you so much young man. You saved my life. The old man says. Please come to my house. It’s over this way. As you saw, the Shadow Army is a ruthless organization who takes over towns, and countries with their might. Their terrible villains who plunder towns, kill innocent people, and other events that are to horrid to be told. The old man says. I’ve heard of them. My father had some kind of connection to them in the past. Satoru says. Your dad was in the Shadow Army? Hikari asks. No. But I heard that he fought them several times before. He was almost killed while on a mission to defeat them by a man of incredible power. Satoru says with a serious face. This man was on par with my father in terms of skill and strength. But I don’t know the name of the man he fought.

    On occasion, the leader of the Shadow Army visits this village and takes up residence in the village’s oldest mansion. No one knows why he comes here or for what reason why he grips our village. The old man says. But why are there soldiers here? Hikari asks. Although the leader is away, one of his representatives takes residence in the mansion now. No doubt the soldiers are here because the representative is here. And until he’s gone the soldiers who plaque our village won‘t leave. I see. Satoru says picking up his sword. Then I guess we’ll have to take care of that “representative”. You with me Hikari? Yup. Hikari says. Young man, are you really going? They are powerful people. You must take great care and go with caution. The old man says.

    Don’t worry. We’ll save your village. After all, it’s the least I can go since you asked me before. Satoru smiles. Let’s go Hikari. Right! Hikari says. Satoru and Hikari dash toward the mansion but are stopped by two soldiers. Hold it! Stop right there! The soldiers’ says. Out of the way! Satoru says punching through the guards. This must be the mansion. Hikari says. Let’s go in. Satoru says opening the front door. Huh? It’s empty. Hikari says. No. Someone’s in here I can feel it. Let’s go further inside. Satoru says. Satoru and Hikari search room after room but still find no one. Suddenly… Fools! Find them! They must not escape alive! He’s upstairs. Let’s go! Satoru says.
    Satoru and Hikari head upstairs and find a very large man in a black cloak. Ha! I take it you’re the “representative”? Satoru asks. I take it you’re the ones responsible for stirring up trouble in my village. The large man says. This isn’t your village! You’re the one responsible for why the village is in the state it’s in! Hikari says. And what if I’m? Then your going down. (Strange he doesn’t even look human) Satoru says to himself.

    You wish to test your blade against me? Haha. Amusing. So be it! The large man says. I’m going to end this quick! Zotan! Joshodon! Satoru uses the wind pressure from his sword to strike the large man however the attack has no effect. What?! (The Joshodon didn’t work!) Satoru says to himself. Try this on for size! “Shockwave”! Hikari’s attack hit’s the mark but fails. Your going to have to do better then that! The large man says.

    Can Satoru and Hikari defeat this monstrous man?
    Originally Posted by Hellfire
    Who the hell are you? .... .... .... ....well, good luck with that.

    XD. This quote screams post me in your sig!

    Check out my FFVII Walkthrough, by first EVER walkthrough! I'm PhantomTFF on IGN and Tairyo on Gamefaqs.

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    Yugioh and Yugioh GX Fanboy <---

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