The latest book I read? Well, I just finished A Wrinkle In Time so I'll sort of review on that.

A Wrinkle In Time-

I must say, it was very hard to get into at the beginning but it was good, but some people just past on it because it was the first science-fiction novel. Why not just read? Just maybe you would like it, and get drowned in the sequels (Theres three of them, so not really drown but whatever). But anyways, I thought that having three mystical woman with their names starting with the letter W, was interesting and also, on the last chapter(s), there were three beasts that appeared and talked to them and took Meg in, which, I wonder, if their linked together?
But I don't feel like giving a whole page of words on a review on this book like the others, so I'll just give it a rating .
I would give this book an easy 4 out 5, because there were misspellings but you can't get every mistake.

Love Jill!