Nikki didn’t know how much sleep she got, but she knew she hadn’t had much sleep by the time morning came and the sunlight streamed through the cracks in the curtains, as Nikki sat up on the sofa it took her a moment to work out where she was. The morning certainly didn’t improve her outlook from last night, all she kept seeing was Kyra’s and Joseph’s lips interlocked. She drew her legs up to chest trying to comfort herself, and stared into the corner of the room letting the thoughts whirl round, about the lies that were told to Nikki and how she should prepare herself when going back in.
“I knew I would get hurt, this is what happens when I let people in, well I’m not letting that happen again.”
Suddenly Nikki shielded her eyes as the curtains were opened and the dog moved as Raine sat next to her handing her a mug.
“Tea?” Raine was smiling warmly at her and Nikki gratefully took it nodding her thanks. Nikki was also grateful that Raine wasn’t asking anymore questions as they both sat there sipping their tea in silence. Raine then took their cups and put a reassuring hand on Nikki’s shoulder as she got up.“I’m going to pop out, just don’t do anything... Well just don’t do anything stay right here okay, I’ll be back soon.” Nikki looked up to see Raine worriedly looking at her.
“Okay.” Said Nikki she then returned to staring at the space in the wall letting her feelings roll through and generally just making her feel even shittier. She heard Raine whistle for the dog and heard then both leave the house with the shut of the door.
Nikki was regretting ever letting her feelings develop like she did, the hurt wasn’t worth it, she should have hidden herself away under her guise that she had created. It was so much easier that way she would only even need to talk to people if she had a true purpose, all other things didn’t matter. She told herself this but a small part of her told her that she had not been happier to fall behind that, she only told that part of herself to look at the facts and that the result of that was that she had been hurt.
Sometime later she heard footsteps come down the stairs. “You know I would rather that you had punched someone and get it out of you.” Said Rhyse, Nikki didn’t turn to him nor did she answer him but at the sound of voices outside, Nikki heard Rhyse go outside the door and close it behind him. She heard mumblings and then “OY! Get off!” then the voices went quieter again, one of the voices Nikki knew belonged to Kyra.
“So she did bring her here.” She thought she didn’t know whether to go now out of the back door before she did anything or keep her promise to stay where she was, she decided that not running away was better at least she3 should hear her at least say that she was now with Joseph just so it was clear in her mind at least if it wasn’t already.
When the voices stopped and after a moment of silence she heard the door quietly open. Nikki didn’t look up and instead decided to just stare at the same spot with her legs to her chest.
"Say what you need to say and then get out." She said unemotionally. Nikki heard the sound of leather slipping off her feet and felt the sofa move as she sat next to her. There was a moment of tense silence “Just say it already,” thought Nikki. “Say that you are with him and leave me alone.” Then Kyra finally spoke.
"Hun, I'm sorry. I made a stupid mistake. I didn't even know what was going on when it happened. All the confusion caught up with me and I couldn't move. But I want you to hear this before I go. I love you Nikki. More than anyone on Spira. Joseph doesn't even compare to how you make me feel." That made Nikki stop in her thoughts her heart leapt a bit but she refused to believe this because she remembered if it were true that she would have pushed Joseph away and she didn’t.
"But... you didn't even push him away..." She refused to let herself cry over this, she would be stronger than this and in the end come out better for it.
"I was just so confused. He caught me off guard. Before I had a chance to think, it was over. I'm so sorry." Nikki thought this over. Was she telling the truth? Or was she making excuses? Nikki tried, she tried to see her side but she just couldn’t she was too upset and angry that the words just came out.
"How the hell can you get surprised?” she said, she had enough of this and enough of the excuses she then got up ending this conversation, she was about to leave she but her arm was then grabbed and as she turned around she was about to yell at her, but instead she found that she lips had been captured by Kyra’s. Nikki felt Kyra’s hands an her shoulders and for a moment Nikki stood there frozen and confused. She was confused because she had been so certain that it had been clear cut but here was Kyra showing her it was possible to be caught surprised. Her anger was quickly melting away as Kyra’s soft lips tempted her to kiss her back. “I can’t lose her because of my stubbornness” she thought and slowly Nikki closed her eyes and kissed Kyra back with all the love that she could muster within herself. She felt Kyra’s hands lower so they were on Nikki’s arms, she loved how Kyra’s touch made her feel, she then sat back down on the sofa and pulled Kyra onto her lap as they kissed, it felt much more comfortable this way. She slowly ran her hands through Kyra’s hair as she kissed her, she liked the feel of her hair between her fingers she just couldn’t believe how much of an idiot she had been. Lustful intentions such as taking Kyra to bed came into her mind but she pushed them away she wasn’t scared of them now but she really liked taking things slow and was enjoying it and reminded herself of that so that her mind settled down.
After a while they broke apart and with their faces still so close and with Kyra still on her lap she asked. “Satisfied?”
“I'm really sorry. I just thought that you were in love with Joseph, when I saw you didn't push him away... I just can't believe I've been such an idiot.” She said while stroking Kyra’s hair she then embraced her in a hug.
“I'm the idiot here. You did nothing wrong. I shouldn't have let him kiss me in the first place I don't even know how it happened....” Nikki pulled away and looked into Kyra’s beautiful blue eyes.
“It doesn't matter.” Nikki kissed Kyra’s cheek. “Oh, have you had breakfast?”
“No, not yet”
“Me neither, let’s go get some breakfast.” Nikki smiled.
The trip to the cafe was uneventful but at least Nikki wasn’t feeling stressed anymore and was fairly happy with herself that was until she saw the queue in the cafe when she got to the door. She groaned.
“You are not the most patient person are you.” Teased Kyra with a playfulness in her voice.
“I hate the noise that comes with a queue.” They then both went inside joined the queue.
It looked long, and as Nikki predicted it was noisy. All she wanted was some peace and breakfast. “Why the heck is there only one person at the till” she thought irritably, before she could think anymore on this though Kyra suddenly grabbed at her arm, Nikki turned to her.
“We have to go.” She said with a pleading look in her eyes. Nikki looked over at the people sitting in the cafe but couldn’t work out what might have spooked her.
“Alright then.” She said as they left swiftly. Nikki didn’t press to her what had spooked her but Kyra had definitely seen something or someone who she didn’t want to see. “Rey...” realized Nikki as they walked. Kyra had though gotten closer to Nikki after that her arm was hooked around Nikki’s and their hands were clasped together.
Soon they got back to Nikki’s street and Nikki let go of her hand as Kai suddenly came running past, Nikki only caught him shouting out “I must...” until he ran out of earshot down the street but he turned and ran back up the street again. He seemed to be running in a loop. As Nikki got nearer to Kyley’s house she heard a young girl shout out.
“I can’t hear you Kai, louder!”
“This is stupid!” he whined.
“I said louder!”
“I must not insult anyone in public!”shouted out Kai repeating himself as he continued running.
“Hello Melai.” Said Nikki as she approached Kyley’s garden with Kyra. The 14 years old Albehd turned around at the sound of Nikki’s voice and gave a warm smile, with her long blonde hair and green swirling eyes. She was in her Blitzball uniform which consisted of a simple purple top black shorts and purple shoes. Melai was holding a clip board and her hair were tied into a high pony tail.
“Hello Nikki.”
“What’s going on?” Asked Kyra as they came into the garden. Nikki watched as Melai turned and saw a sense of recognition appear on her face.
“Oh, you’re Kyra aren’t you? My name is Melai I am the captain of the Bevelle Stars, Kai is being punished for insulting you. He’s going to be put on the bench for the next three matches.”
“Thanks. I appreciate your efforts, but is that necessary? I wouldn't want your team to lose over this.” Melai just smiled.
“As a team we shouldn't be relying on one person anyway to win, we have many other that can take his place. Besides I have players that can be more consistent than Kai with their shots, Kai can be amazing when he's on the ball but if he misses by the inch he loses concentration.” She said with her hand on her hip.
"Right, Thanks Melai."
“That's okay, besides he's also been punished for disobeying me when I first came over.”
"Oh?" Melai sighs, Nikki knew that Kai would have made a fuss and looked up when she heard the sound of feet landing on the grass. Suki had jumped down from the tree in the garden, she then walked over to them.
“Melai is a new captain, the last one retired due to turning sixteen and had to move on.” Said Suki. It seemed that Suki had been listening in on the conversation, Nikki knew the boy that they were talking about he had seemed to be quite a good captain she knew the team had won quite a few matches and that he had been a fair captain. That fact alone put quite a lot of pressure onto Melai to do well.
“It seems I haven't got the respect of the other guys yet in the team it's probably why Kai disobeyed he didn't believe I would go through with the punishments.” Added Melai.
"Ah. Typical teenage boy." Replied Kyra. Nikki turned to Suki.
“What were you doing in the tree?”
“Ah well... I was trying to get Xiang to open up but she hasn't said a word, But at least she's outside that has to count for something right?” she said as she took off her green hat to scratch her head her robed had become a little ruffled from climbing the tree. Nikki looked up into the tree the girl’s crimsons eyes were glaring straight at Kyra, and she still had the black uniform from the gang on. Nikki focused her attention back on Suki.
“Keep on trying, she'll talk eventually, just give her time.”
As Kai came running past shouting out “I must not insult anyone in public!” Nikki went out of the gate and grabbed him by his shirt.
“Apologise.” Said Nikki as she dragged him into the garden in front of Kyra.
“Ow, okay, you didn’t need to be so rough” Nikki just glared at him.
“Little twerp.”
“Look Kyra about yesterday, I am sorry about calling you a whore really. I was out of line.”
"Yes you were. However, before I forgive you, I would like to know why I was called a whore, and why I should forgive you. "
“I'm not aiming to be forgiven, I don't expect to be forgiven you are not a friend of mine and I hardly know you, but still that's not an excuse for what I have done.” It was rare sight to see Kai being mature, but when he was he could be quite a smart kid, Nikki was glad he wasn’t handling this like a joke.
"So why did you call someone you hardly know a whore?" Kyra crosses her arms.
"Because I found out something terrible and took it out on you, after I heard from the girls about what Sanika said about you, and I am sorry about that but that’s all I can give.”
"Shouldn't you know not to believe a word Sanika says? I do love Nikki and confessed it to her myself. If you have any doubt about it, ask me myself. Don't go off declaring I'm a whore in front of a crowd" Kyra uncrosses her arms.
“Right” said Kai Nikki saw that he was indeed sorry for what he did but she still wanted to know where he had gone last night.
“And last night?”
“Last night both Suki and Kai were brought home by Cyan and Mishka, they were found in a tricky spot with the gang.” Said Lillia walking over to them, she must have only caught the last part of the conversation; she waved to Melai in a silent greeting as she talked.
“What, why would they, and why would Suki follow Kai?” thought Nikki Lillia had her arms crossed in a motherly fashion, she was only sixteen but being the oldest of the orphans at the temple she acted like a mother figure to them.
“I'm so sorry Nikki they said we were going to get my sister and I... and I...” Tears then slide down Suki’s cheeks as she cries, Suki had not seen her sister for years and probably seeing her at the temple had really shook her up. Lillia wrapped her arms around her to comfort her. Nikki goes over and bends down the smaller girl’s level.
“It's okay I know how much you miss your sister but going on your own is not the way to do it.” Suki merely nods. Nikki hears another set of feet land on the ground and looks up to see Xiang striding over to Kai and pushing past Kyra as if she wasn’t even there.
“Err...hi?” said Kai as he took a few steps backwards. Xiang gives a firm slap across his face, the sound echoes in the quiet neighborhood and Nikki saw Suki about to intervene until she stopped her by shaking her head at her.
“You had no right I didn't ask you to go after them.” She then storms away back into the house by slamming the door.
“Err...” said Melai, she looked completely confused on the whole situation. Melai wasn’t involved after all Nikki felt a little sympathy for her for witnessing that.
“Well at least she talked.” Said Lillia breaking the silence.
“Kai?” questioned Melai, he turns to her.
“You haven’t finished running” she pointed out, Kai then moans and goes back to running up and down the street while shouting out the same sentence.
Nikki and Kyra then walk to her house next door, while saying goodbye.
"Were you like her when you left?" asked Kyra as they approached the door, they were still holding hands but Nikki felt much more comfortable now with being this close.
“I left under different circumstances, I ran away with Lillia, she didn't see much due to me taking her away as soon as she arrived. Xiang on the other hand was rescued she hasn't fully excepted everything yet. So yes I was like her but much worse because of the realisation of what they had done to me. Xiang has yet to realise that.” Nikki did remember the aftermath of everything quite clearly, her breaking things in frustration, her yelling at everyone, but everyone had been so patient with her, she owed them a great debt it was why she never moved away from Bevelle.
"Ah. I see."
“And I haven't fully told you everything about it, but that's only because I need time.” She had yet to tell Kyra about the scars they had left on her for disobedience; scars that she knew had been inflicted but couldn’t remember the act of the torture done to her.
"Take all the time you need. I'm not going anywhere." There was a pause and then she continued. "Just promise me something..."
“What is it?” asked Nikki she saw that Kyra’s beautiful blue eyes held some worry in them.
"Don't go back." She said in a quiet voice. “Unless it is to fight them and bring them down as a team.” Nikki moves towards her and simply just wraps her arms around her in a hug, she then moves her head to whisper in her ear to comfort her, to let her know that would never happen.
“I would never do that I made a decision a long time ago to not go back" she then moves her head so her lips are gently placed on Kyra’s. As she pulls away with her eyes closed she whispers naturally without realizing that the words had come out. “This is why I love you.”
“I love you too.” Said Kyra before pulling her into another kiss, the kiss was so soft and tender that Nikki knew that she could definitely be happy with this.
A little while later as Nikki opens the door and leads Kyra in. and goes into the kitchen she sees Joseph her fist clenches and her anger rises at what he did as he turns around and starts to talk.
“Ah Nikki-“ she interrupts him with an abrupt punch to the face. Her anger then calms very quickly.
“Nikki!” exclaimed Kyra.
“Feel better now?”
“Much.” Said Nikki as she took some fruit and headed into the lounge.
In the lounge Nikki overhears the twins telling everyone in the room the events of last night, as she enters the room she sees Mishka turn to look at her. Mishka suddenly smiles, but for some reason that smile made Nikki feel uneasy. “Don’t you fucking dare.” she thinks. Mishka then charges at her.
“NIKKI!” Mishka hugs Nikki very tightly.
“GET OFF!” Nikki saw Kyra trying to suppress her giggles.
“But drunk you sound so cute!” Nikki then saw Cyan come up behind Mishka.
“Alright that’s enough, we don‘t want Nikki to kill you now.” Said Cyan as she dragged Mishka off her. Nikki then noticed that Cyan had obtained a new weapon. The blade was of an unusual design, it curved into a thinner shape near the hilt; small gold flames decorated the half of the blade near the hilt. A gold spiral wrapped around the black hilt with a gold flame coming out from the bottom, it was as if the hilt was acting like a candle. Near the blade on the hilt was another golden fire design poking out at all sides with a red jewel in the middle.
Near heard the front door open and a cheery ”Hello!” was called, Nikki turned around to see Mayu with her black hair tied up into a side ponytail and her brown eyes having excitement in them as she dragged in a suitcase. Behind her were Paine, the Lady Yuna and Sir Tidus. “I bumped into these guys as I was heading here” said Mayu motioning with her head to the people behind her as she dropped the suitcase in the middle of the room. “Nikki your house is a pain to find, do you know how many twists and curves this city has?” She smoothed out her red crop top and shorts as she talked.
“Sorry for the intrusion but we thought it was important to talk about the Via Infinito together.” Said the Lady Yuna. Nikki turned to her.
“Not at all.”
“What’s in the case?” asked Kyra.
“Oh this?” Mayu gave the case a nudge with her foot. “This case has all the information that Joseph asked for, including data on the gang, and Sanika’s power.”
“Does it include the location of the man that Sanika calls “father”?”
“No unfortunately it’s not that easy. The gang were used by the temple for years to get rid of people they didn’t want around.” Said Mayu as she unzipped the case.
“Another one of Yevon’s secrets then?” asked Paine. Mayu nodded her head as she pulled out a map of Bevelle and laid it on the large table behind her.
“The gang have about fifty confirmed separate units around Bevelle. All are given one of four tasks to focus on; to get new recruits by any means necessary, to collect money, to get new contracts, or to train new recruits.” Nikki felt Kyra clasp her hand for support this was going to be a hard subject for Nikki to listen to.
“New contracts?” questioned the Lady Yuna.
“She means to offer people a loan that is too good to be true and then to rob them of everything they have when they can’t pay back the high interest rates.” Said Nikki bowing her head she wasn’t proud of her time in the gang and it was irritating that it was still fuzzy for her.
“Don’t worry though Lady Yuna, ever since the eternal calm came people are fighting back, their hold over Bevelle has weakened since, we can confirm that since the eternal calm 10 units have been wiped out, we’ve rescued young girls and boys from being recruited. “ Mayu began circling on the map in a blue pen the locations of where these units were when they got infiltrated. She then got out a red pen and began circling more locations. “These in red are just some of the locations they have used.” She then got out a black marker and circled around half the map that is the downtown area. “However I haven’t circled anything here because of Sanika, we can’t get near here because of her magic it has a very wide radius most of our efforts can only be done in this half although we are pretty sure that Sanika’s magic can still reach us it is much weaker and she doesn’t tend to notice what is going on as much in this half. It’s why all our operations are done at night.
“So how do they get recruits, who would want to join them?” asked Val.
“By three ways either some want to join for the money and power, or children are taken in payment or they take orphans by leading them astray.”
“But aren’t the orphans protected by the temple?” asked Paine.
“They offer to grant you a wish, something you can’t do on your own, that’s how they get them.” Answered Nikki before Mayu could reply Kyra squeezed Nikki’s hand in support. Mayu gave a sympathetic look towards Nikki before continuing on she pulled out some photos from the suitcase.
“This is the man known as “father” he’s actually called Katashi, he’s approximately 47 years old, his location is unknown mostly because he’s protected by Sanika. His background is that he was born into a wealthy family in Bevelle, he served the Maestors who stayed in Bevelled as well as Maestor Mika the whole gang is formed on the warped teachings of Yevon,” Nikki did remember talking about how much religious practice there was within the gang as she look at his picture, it was kinda blurred but you could see at least the man had dark skin, who had taken this picture had done so from far away. “Unfortunately we don’t have anything clearer to show you” said Mayu as she put more pictures on the table.” She picks up another picture and shows everyone. This is who Sanika calls “Uncle” he is Katashi’s younger brother and has the primary task of keeping Sanika in check. He’s called Daiki.” Nikki could see this was a much clearer picture Daiki also had dark skin but his face was unmasked with long black hair in a high ponytail and blue eyes.
“And what about Sanika?” asked Paine.
“Sanika is actually the person we have the most information about. She had pretty normal parents but was orphaned at the age of four, due to Sin killing her parents she was then taken into the care of the temple and then later Kyley next door looked after her. At the age of eight she was taken by the gang and so her morals of right and wrong have been warped since she was young. Since then her magic has been growing and with her around we still have hardly any chance of getting near the gang.”Nikki already knew most of this there were old photos next door of a young Sanika that she had seen with a young Hayleigh playing together.
“So wait I’m a little confused then, what does this have to do with Nikki?” asked Val, Nikki knew that the question would come up sooner or later Sanika’s large interest in Nikki would have set off questions in their head. Mayu looked from Val to Nikki and sighed.
“Well I did read the reports but would you rather tell them?” Nikki just nodded grateful to Mayu.
“I was in the gang for two years from the age of twelve to fourteen, I was by Sanika’s side much like Rika is now, Sanika treated me like a younger sister, I did a lot of things that I was not proud of.” She said bowing her head. Kyra hugged her and just whispered.
“It’s okay.” To her before letting go.
“Oh...” said the twins in unison.
“Well... That explains a lot.” Said Paine.
“We monitor Sanika’s actions a lot, what you guys did was amazing you guys delayed her, made her question, and if she does question the morals that she has been taught then the gang falls apart.” Said Mayu.
“So will we all be able to go back to the Via Infinito happily without the threat of Sanika?” asked Mishka.
“Um... No not really.”
“I didn’t think it was going to be that easy.”
“You’ve delayed her but she will come back, the reports state that she is already been talked to and is being convinced that the things she was told were a lie.”
“And we’ve still got Sir Auron , Niikki’s clone and the little girl in the Via Infinito waiting for us.” Said Paine stepping forward to the group.
“Maybe we should set up a Comm link to Keema and then we can all talk about the Via Infinito back in the temple.” Suggested the Lady Yuna standing up from where she was sitting. Nikki nodded.
“We’ll give you time to do that then see you guys in two hours back in the temple.” And with that she left with Kyra to get some air.
The breaking of dawn woke me from my sleep. The events from the previous night still weighed on my mind. I decided to get up and go do something to take my mind off it. As I walked out of my room, I noticed the door to Nikki’s room open. A quick look showed that no one was inside. I continued my way out to find Kyra sleeping on the couch. The expression she had on her face seemed of slight panic and regret. Combined with the events last night, I felt some regret about what must have happened after I went to bed. I wanted to help Kyra but a part of me thought that this is something that both Nikki and Kyra needed to work out first, so I left Kyra sleeping and left the house.
I walked out into Macalania Woods to a small, secluded clearing. With a small breath, I drew out my two katanas and began doing some sword practice with them. It has been a long time since I dual wielded swords and it showed. My movements seemed clumsy and stiff, not like when I only used one sword. However, I persisted and after a couple of hours the movements became smoother but still not like when I use only one sword. I sighed as I sheathed both swords and walked back to Bevelle.
After a quick breakfast at a bakery, I headed down to the Sugata’s place to see the status of my armor. As expected, he was having difficulty with placing enchantments on it. Just as I was about to leave the workshop, he called out for me again.
“Joseph, a person by the name Mayu was here earlier. She said to meet back at Nikki’s place because she has information regarding the person “Father”,” he said. With that, I went back to Nikki’s home for the meeting.
As I walked in, I noticed that most of the group was already awake. Kyra was missing from the spot that she occupied just hours ago so I assume that she went to find Nikki. I went to the kitchen to make some tea. I had almost finished my tea when Nikki and Kyra walked in. I got up to apologize when I saw the fury and fire in Nikki’s eyes as she stormed at me. I clenched my jaw just as Nikki punched me as hard as she could.
“Nikki!!” Kyra exclaimed. I held my balance and looked back at Nikki expecting another punch. Surprisingly, the fire in her eyes calmed.
“Feel better now?” I asked as a little blood leaked out from the side of my mouth due to a cut inside my mouth.
“Much,” Nikki replied, taking a fruit off the counter. I went to the bathroom to check the cut out. Seeing that it was nothing and that no teeth were knocked loose, I drank a potion and went back to the lounge. Mayu, Paine, Lady Yuna and Sir Tidus had walked into the house just as I exited the bathroom.
“Sorry for the intrusion but we thought it was important to talk about the Via Infinito together.” Said the Lady Yuna.
“Not at all.”
“What’s in the case?” asked Kyra.
“Oh, this?” Mayu gave the case a nudge with her foot. “This case has all the information that Joseph asked for, including data on the gang, and Sanika’s power.” That got me instantly curious about the information.
“Does it include the location of the man that Sanika calls “Father”?” I asked cautiously.
“No unfortunately it’s not that easy. The gang were used by the temple for years to get rid of people they didn’t want around,” said Mayu as she unzipped the case.
“Another one of Yevon’s secrets then?” asked Paine. Mayu nodded her head as she pulled out a map of Bevelle and laid it on the large table behind her.
I listened in to Mayu and Nikki while I read the file about Sanika. It was quite a lot to go through since there was so much on her. I also listened in on Nikki explaining the gangs dealings and her personal history with them. Eventually it was decided that we should meet at the temple in two hours to have a talk with Keema. I got up and stretched just as Gideon approached me.
“Hey Joseph, mind if I ask a favor from you?” he asked.
“Go ahead,” I replied.
“I was hoping that you wouldn’t mind teaching me some of your swordsman skills specifically the Break spells.”
“I don’t mind but why do you want to learn them? I’ve seen you fight enough to know that you’re doing fine with the skills you currently have.”
“I feel that I’m just not doing enough as is. I’ve also noticed that you’re having a hard time keeping up with the demands to weaken the fiends. I figure it’ll help you as well,” he replied. I didn’t want to admit it but it was true, it was getting difficult to manage all of that in the Via Infinito especially since it’s getting harder as we go down.
“Alright then,” I said, heading outside. Gideon followed me until we arrived at a dojo. This place is a branch of the main dojo so the owners and students know me. I walked to the backyard where some dummies were set up.
“Here’s the deal with Break spells. They only provide the initial burst to penetrate the area you want. To fully weaken an opponent, it requires your own strength to complete it,” I explained. I tapped one of the dummies.
“Now this dummy has an Auto Protect shield on it. Usually when you hit it,” I began, drawing my sword and stuck the dummy. A barrier stopped my strike before it hit the dummy. “This would happen.”
“However, with an Armor Break spell,” I explained, my sword giving off a blue aura. I hit the barrier again, this time, the sword went in further but still stopped. “Notice that my katana has gone through but the spell is still up. In order to fully break the Protect spell, you’ll need to apply more strength till it breaks.” I finished, putting in strength until the Protect spell shattered.
“Sounds complicated,” Gideon said, observing the exercise.
“Not really, you just need to know how to do it correctly,” I said.
The lesson went on two hour. During this time, Gideon learned the basics of the Armor Break spells and how to break the armor or Protect spell. I watched as Gideon tried against a dummy. He charged the Armor Break spell into his blade, which gave off a blue aura. He moved in to strike the dummy only to be blocked by the Protect spell. He struck the barrier and tried to push to break it his sword slowed down until it was partially sunk into the barrier but his sword rebound back.
“Damnit. I thought I had it.”
“Don’t worry about it. You’ve progressed further than most students do in such short time. I’m impressed you’ve made so much progress,” I replied, handing him a bottle of water.
“Thanks. I’d practice more but it’s about time to go meet at the temple,” Gideon said, taking a drink of water.
We walked out of the dojo and to the temple. It was not too far away and after a few minutes, we arrived at the temple. I noticed that both Kyra and Nikki were missing from the group. Lady Yuna walked up to us when she spotted up.
“Have any of you seen Nikki or Kyra? They haven’t appeared yet,” she asked. I shook my head.
“No we haven’t. We were doing some training. Nikki called for this meeting so it’s odd that she hasn’t shown up yet.”
“If that’s the case, we should go look for them,” Val suggested. I agree with him but it would be hassle if she shows up and no one was around.
“I’ll go look for them. It shouldn’t take me too long,” I said. Everyone else agreed and I left.
The first place I looked was Nikki’s house, but no one was there and her neighbor Kyley confirmed that neither she nor Kyra have been home since the meeting two hours ago. I ran to the market area next, but again my search did not turn up either of them. I finally stopped at a park, thinking of my next area to search. Just then a scream ripped through the air.
‘Wait! That sounds like Kyra!’ I thought and without a seconds hesitation, I ran towards the source of the scream. There I saw something unbelievable. Kyra was pinned to a tree by arrows which held her off the ground. Her shirt was dyed red from her blood. She seemed barely conscious at this point. I looked to see who did this to her and my blood boiled with rage.
It was Nikki.
I ran at Nikki as I drew my sword. She turned just as I reached her. I looked into her eyes to see something strange, her eye color was flashing from blue to purple and back again. I swung my sword as she blocked with her bow. The moment they contacted, I shifted my weight and kicked her hard in the stomach. This blow sent her almost ten feet across the pavement.
I ran to check on Kyra. She was going in and out of conscious from the blood loss. I was about to begin pulling out the arrows when I heard a small shift behind me. I turned around while bringing my sword up. An arrow caught the blade, protecting me from harm. I saw the Nikki was up and drew an arrow from her quiver.
“NIKKI!! IS THIS YOUR ANSWER?!?!? IS THIS WHAT YOU TRULY WANT?!?!?!?” I roared. She didn’t say anything as she fired another arrow. I deflected it with my blade. She began to fire more arrows in rapid succession at me. I deflected them with my blade. Nikki has me in a tough spot. It would be easier to evade the arrows but it would send them into Kyra so I had to stand my ground. Nikki began to fire double and triple arrows at me which forced me to draw my other sword to defend.
“…… Joseph?” I heard Kyra say. I was shocked to see her regain consciousness. I couldn’t respond as I was busy deflecting arrows.
“Stop…her…..She’s….not…..herself…..Something… .” I heard before she slipped back into unconsciousness. That made me think of her eye color flashing and suddenly it made sense. Something or someone has taken over her. Just then, I saw something off. Another arrow flew at me but it was covered in green flames. I swung at it and the moment my sword struck it, the area explodes. I caught the brunt of the blast and was thrown back. It was an Ultima spell but seems much more powerful. It hurts to move but I got my body to move and got back up. I ran to Kyra just as Nikki nocked an arrow. I managed to get my left arm in front of Kyra just as she fired. The arrow stuck my lower arm and went through the arm but got stuck there.
I wasn’t in good shape. Aside from the arrow in my arm, I was also covered in scrapes and cuts. Blood from a cut on my forehead went into my right eye, blinding it. My right shoulder hurts from being sprained and my legs seem shaky. This was not looking good for us and I was basically praying for a miracle to occur.
The walk to the cafe was albeit uneventful, but there was a feeling of content as the two walked. Kyra was throwing in comments here and there. She could tell that Nikki was happy. At least until she saw the line at the cafe. She heard an audible groan come from Nikki.
“You are not the most patient person are you?” Kyra teased with a hint of playfulness in her voice.
“I hate the noise that comes with a queue.” Nikki explained. Kyra gave a reassuring look before heading in to join the queue.
Kyra found herself scanning the cafe for a place to sit. This place seemed busy and the fact that Nikki didn’t like crowds seemed to have slipped Kyra’s mind. She noticed a few albhed she had seen in the Via Infinito and nodded. She then noticed a face that looked all too familiar sitting by the window at the far end of the cafe. It was Rey.
“Shit” She thought as she grabbed Nikki’s arm. “We have to go.”
“Alright then.” Nikki said. They left as swiftly as they could. Kyra was hoping not to make a scene. It was odd to Kyra that Nikki didn’t raise question, but she let out an inaudible thank you as they exited the cafe.
It was a silent walk back to Nikki’s house. Not silent in Kyra’s head however. Thoughts of why he would be searching for her and how long it would be until they need to have a conversation were spiralling through her mind. Her thoughts halted when she heard Kai yelling out the same phrase over and over. “I must not insult anyone in public!”
”Too right.”
“I can’t hear you Kai, louder!” Said a young female.
“This is stupid!” he whined.
“I said louder!”
“I must not insult anyone in public!” Kai kept shouting as he continued running.
“Hello Melai.” Nikki said as they approached Kyley’s garden. She turned to Nikki and smiled.
“Hello Nikki.”
“What’s going on?” Kyra asked.
“Oh, you’re Kyra aren’t you? My name is Melai. I am the captain of the Bevelle Stars, Kai is being punished for insulting you. He’s going to be put on the bench for the next three matches.”
“Thanks. I appreciate your efforts, but is that necessary? I wouldn't want your team to lose over this.”
As these conversations took place, Kyra couldn’t help but feel she was being watched. She didn’t let it bother her though. Melai responded, “As a team we shouldn't be relying on one person anyway to win, we have many other that can take his place. Besides I have players that can be more consistent than Kai with their shots, Kai can be amazing when he's on the ball but if he misses by the inch he loses concentration.” She said with her hand on her hip. It made sense since she’s basically been told the same things about Kai, just in different situations.
"Right, Thanks Melai."
“That's okay, besides he's also being punished for disobeying me when I first came over.”
"Oh?" She asked.
Melai sighed.
Suki came down from a tree and explained how Melai was new to the leadership position and how Kai would have been opposed to the change in team captain, as were the other boys. She was merely showing she could live up to the words she preached.
"Ah. Typical teenage boy." Kyra added.
The attention was switched over to Suki “What were you doing in the tree?” Nikki asked.
She explained how she was trying to get Xiang to open up, but all Kyra could feel was a pair of eyes glaring at her. She looked up to see a pair of familiar looking crimson eyes. This must have been the girl from the gang Hayleigh mentioned back at the temple the day before. She was still in her black gang garb, but her head was uncovered showing her face. She was there when the team infiltrated the gang’s warehouse to save Nikki. Kyra remembered striking her down during the fight. Kyra’s attention was brought back to the present when Kai came around the corner shouting the same lines he was shouting before. Kyra shot a friendly smile up at the girl in the tree before turning her attention to the teenage boy who was being dragged over by Nikki.
“Apologise.” she said harshly.
“Ow, okay, you didn’t need to be so rough” He said fixing his shirt. “Look Kyra about yesterday, I am sorry about calling you a whore really. I was out of line.”
"Yes you were. However, before I forgive you, I would like to know why I was called a whore, and why I should forgive you. "
“I'm not aiming to be forgiven, I don't expect to be forgiven you are not a friend of mine and I hardly know you, but still that's not an excuse for what I have done.”
"So, why did you call someone you hardly know a whore?" Kyra crosses her arms.
"Because I found out something terrible and took it out on you, after I heard from the girls about what Sanika said about you, and I am sorry about that but that’s all I can give.”
Kyra ignored the bit about not being able to say much more. She was more focused on the word Sanika. Just the name by itself was enough to make her blood boil. Were her lies really that believable? Kyra’s anger rose as she spoke, "Shouldn't you know not to believe a word Sanika says? I do love Nikki and confessed it to her myself. If you have any doubt about it, ask me myself. Don't go off declaring I'm a whore in front of a crowd!" Kyra uncrossed her arms.
“Right.” Kai said quietly. He had an apologetic look on his face. Hopefully those words sunk in as well.
“And last night?” Nikki said toward Suki. Kyra’s heart skipped a beat, but soon realized that Nikki wasn’t talking about what happened to them. Something else happened as well that involved Suki and Kai. They had gone out to find Suki’s sister, as Lillia explained as she walked over. Mishka and Cyan had apparently brought them home.
“It's okay I know how much you miss your sister but going on your own is not the way to do it.” Nikki said to Suki. The teary girl nodded.
Kyra could hear a pair of feet land on the ground behind her. Before she could react, she was pushed aside by Xiang. Kyra clenched her fist, but decided to hold herself back. There was no point in getting angry at the girl. Although she was shorter than Kyra, she was still taller than Kai and was glaring at him.
“Err, hi” He said taking a few steps back. Xiang brought her hand up and gave a firm slap across the left side of his face. The sound was almost ear piercing. Suki tried to intervene, but Nikki held her back.
“You had no right. I didn't ask you to go after them.” She said firmly. She then stormed toward the house and slammed the door.
Everyone want quiet as the events sunk in. “Well at least she talked.” Lillia said to break the silence.
“Kai?” questioned Melai, he turned to her.
“You haven’t finished running” she pointed out, Kai groaned and continued running while saying the same sentence from before.
Nikki and Kyra then walk to her house next door, while saying goodbye.
The events from earlier raised a few questions on Kyra’s mind. She knows how Nikki is now, but was concerned for the girl who was rescued from the gang. She was also concerned about what Nikki must have gone through in the recovery stages. Kyra wanted to understand things if anything.
"Were you like her when you left?" asked Kyra as they approached the door.
“I left under different circumstances, I ran away with Lillia, she didn't see much due to me taking her away as soon as she arrived. Xiang on the other hand was rescued she hasn't fully accepted everything yet. So yes I was like her but much worse because of the realisation of what they had done to me. Xiang has yet to realise that.” She explained.
"Ah. I see."
“And I haven't fully told you everything about it, but that's only because I need time.”
"Take all the time you need. I'm not going anywhere." She paused. "Just promise me something..." Kyra looked at Nikki in the eyes.
“What is it?” Nikki asked.
"Don't go back." She said in a quiet voice. “Unless it is to fight them and bring them down as a team.” Kyra’s emotions started to rise again. Nikki moved closer to Kyra and wrapped her arms around her. Kyra didn’t know what she would do if Nikki went back. That was another thought that made her angry as well.
Nikki moved her head closer to Kyra ear and whispered “I would never do that I made a decision a long time ago to not go back" She said softly. She then moved her head back to meet Kyra’s lips. Shortly after, she pulled away and whispered, “This is why I love you.”
She said it. And this time, she was sober. Kyra let out a smile as any anger that was there melted away. Nikki finally said those words. Kyra’s only option was to return the gesture.
“I love you too.” She said as she pulled Nikki into another passionate kiss.
Afterward, they made their way back to the house. The girls made their way to the kitchen to find Joseph finishing his tea. Joseph stood up as Nikki approached him.
“Ah Nikki-” he said just as Nikki brought up her fist and punched Joseph as hard as she could.
“Nikki!!!” exclaimed Kyra.
“Feel better now?”
“Much.” she said before taking some fruit and leaving the kitchen.
Kyra wanted to say something, but they both left the kitchen so fast, Kyra hardly had time to react. Kyra sighed as she grabbed some fruit for herself and made her way to the lounge with Nikki.
Soon after, Mayu, Paine, Lady Yuna and Sir Tidus had walked into the house.
“Sorry for the intrusion but we thought it was important to talk about the Via Infinito together.” Said the Lady Yuna.
“Not at all.”
“What’s in the case?” Kyra asked.
“Oh, this?” Mayu gave the case a nudge with her foot. “This case has all the information that Joseph asked for, including data on the gang, and Sanika’s power.”
Kyra listened to all of the information Mayu had gathered on the gang. Kyra especially paid attention to what Nikki had to say as well. After everything was explained, it was decided that everyone would meet back at the temple in two hours. Kyra and Nikki left the house to get some air.
As the two walked down the street, Kyra could feel someone watching her. Kyra ignored the feeling as an idea popped into her head. A smile appeared as the idea formed in her head.
“So, Nikki...”
“I need a new pair of clothes, any idea where to look?” She said with a smile.
"There is the market but they tend to be over priced, but there is a small shop down this street on the left that have reasonable prices it's a family owned business” Nikki said.
"The amount of gil doesn't matter. What would you recommend?"
“The shop down the street, their clothes are of better quality and it's quite popular here in Bevelle.”
"Got it! Lead the way!" Kyra exclaimed excitedly. It had been a while since she had been shopping.
They eventually made it to a quaint looking shop with a nice window display of their feature clothes. Something caught Kyra eye immediately.
“Welcome” the shop attendant said as they entered the shop. “May I help you?”
"Hmm, yes. That outfit in the window. The one with the white top with the blue skirt, could I try it on?”
“Yes of course, these items have been very popular with our customers they are just hmmm... ah” She went to where the outfit was on a nearby rail. “Over here, just pick out the size you’d like and the changing rooms are over there” She motioned to the back of the shop.
Kyra did just that and went to change her outfit. Moments later, she came out to show Nikki.
“What do you think?”
"You look beautiful" Nikki said as she was noticeably blushing.
Kyra squinted as she smiled. "So do you" she said playfully
Kyra then changed the pace as she noticed a pair of black knee high boots with a bit of a heel just behind Nikki. She motioned to the store attendant "I'll take those too"
“Yes of course, anything else?"
“That's it for me. Did you need anything Nikki?”
“No I already have everything I need.” Nikki said still blushing.
Kyra smiled. "Right."
Kyra paid the attendant and left the shop. They started to head toward a nearby park. Kyra could still feel that they were being followed. Kyra stopped and let go of Nikki’s hand.
“Sorry Nikki, we’re being followed.”
“Rey, I know you’re out there. Show yourself before I cast bio on you and you’re sick for a freakin week!” She normally wouldn’t threaten, but this guy annoyed her beyond her limits. Especially since she told him not to talk to her again. Whatever he had to say had better be worth it.
She could hear footsteps behind her. Both Kyra and Nikki turned around to see a worse for wear looking Rey with an apologetic look on his face. “Yeah, don’t do that Kyra. I’m sorry for snooping, but I had to make sure you weren’t lying.” He said.
“Lying? About seeing a girl?” She asked. She didn’t push the matter further. He had a lot more to be sorry for as far as she was concerned. Rey nodded.
“Well, this is Nikki.” She motioned to the confused girl. “She’s the girl I’m seeing.” Kyra said taking her hand hoping she wouldn’t lunge at him and shove an arrow in every hole he had. “I’m not sure what more you want from me Rey-”
“An explanation maybe?” Rey interrupted raising his voice. He calmed down before continuing, “You explain what happened that night and I’ll explain my end.”
“Did you want me to stay?” Nikki asked.
Kyra looked at her and nodded. “Please stay.” She said softly.
“Alright then.”
“I’ll start from the top. You remember when we were in Besaid, yes?”
“Of course, that’s when you left.” He said in an annoyed tone. Kyra hoped he would calm down soon.
Kyra nodded. “That entire week, I knew something was on your mind. I didn’t ask of course. I figured you would tell me. Little did I know, I’d hear about it from you speaking to one of your friends in front of the temple.” She paused for a breath to calm herself down. “Why else would you have brought Yui along? After everything we had talked about, Rey, after everything she did to you, you….”
“Hold on Kyra, I don’t remember any boasting. My friend was blowing things out of proportion like he always does. He was making it seem like it was some ‘big’ achievement that I getting attention from Yui. She probably did all of that to make you jealous. I’m really sorry you had to witness that.” He said. “You still left without a word, making it damn near impossible to find you. Do you know everything I went through this past year? Had I known what happened, I would have apologised sooner…”
Kyra sighed and brought her hand to her forehead. “I’m a moron.” She said softly. She took a moment to regain her composure. “I should be apologising. I should have stayed around to hear your explanation. I was too set on finding a way to go back home. I went through a lot in the past year myself. I wound up here by pure luck, but also found out that there is no way home for me. Some events happened in the Via Infinito…I belong in this world.”
“Understandable I guess, but I thought you were afraid of commitment.”
“I was, until I found out I can’t go back. Making a place for myself in this world became my next priority.”
Kyra had noticed that Nikki had become unnaturally quiet. Nikki started to take a few steps back.
“Hey, Nikki, everything okay?” Without a word, Nikki raised her bow and pointed it at Rey. “Woah Nikki, didn’t you hear? Things are okay. He’s actually a really cool guy when you get to know him.”
Nikki didn’t respond then either. Kyra noticed there was something strange happening to her eyes. They were shifting between their natural blue colour to a purple colour. After Kyra finished her sentence, Nikki pointed her bow at Kyra and started to charge a spell. Kyra drew her Gunblade and took a defensive stance. “Rey, get out of here. I’ll take care of this.”
Before Rey could say anything, Nikki released a Thundaga arrow which hit Kyra’s right forearm. “Damn it, she’s strong. Nikki, why?” She was used to taking a hit, but this was intense. Kyra knew Nikki’s magic was strong, but not this strong. Something was definitely wrong.
Kyra winced as she pulled the arrow from her arm. She regained her composure and debated on tackling her. Considering Kyra was just attacked, she would have considered it under other circumstances. But, this was Nikki…
“Kyra, why are you hesitating? Fight back!” Rey yelled out.
Kyra nodded and started running forward. Nikki caught on and charged another attack. Her eyes were still shifting between the two colours but before Kyra could make contact and with Nikki’s bow, she released an Ultima arrow sending her back against a nearby tree. The attack that immediately followed was one that Kyra had never seen before. She couldn’t see much due to the smoke that was caused by the Ultima arrow. Suddenly four dark arrows appeared through the smoke and pinned Kyra to the tree. Kyra felt something was missing from her left hand. She had lost her blade somewhere during the explosions.
“Kyra!” she heard Rey call out.
“Damn it Rey! Take my blade and get out of here! Don’t make me say it again!” Kyra demanded.
Before she knew it, another Thundaga arrow had pierced her shoulder. Kyra let out a scream as the electricity passed through her body. More arrows flew at her without any indication of stopping. Blood was now pouring from her wounds. She wasn’t going to last much longer. Her vision had become blurred, but she had to keep herself awake. What seemed like ages later, she could feel someone in front of her, but all she could see was a blurry blue figure. She figured out who it was when she heard him yell. She gathered the rest of her strength to try to form words.
“….Joseph?” she said as she fought against pending unconsciousness. “Stop…her….She’s…not…herself….Something….” she couldn’t say more. Her strength was up, but she hoped her message was clear enough. She then slipped into the inevitable darkness, hoping that she would make it back to get her revenge.
As Nikki and Kyra walked down the street, Kyra had asked Nikki about any shops that had clothes, it was decided that the nearest one was the best so Nikki lead the way.
Once Kyra had chosen what she wanted and tried it on she pulled back the curtain. Nikki caught her breath. She looked absolutely gorgeous. She was in a white sleeveless job and a very short blue skirt which showed off her legs and her curves and her thighs, she then blushed at the thoughts that followed that.
“What do you think?”
“You look beautiful.” She managed to say without squeaking at least she still had her composure even though she was still blushing.
“So do you.” She playfully said. Kyra then picked out some knee high black boots and when it came to paying she asked Nikki is she needed anything.
“No I already have everything I need.” She quickly said.
As they walked to the park Kyra suddenly stopped and let go of her hand. “Sorry Nikki, we’re being followed.”
“What?” thought Nikki
“Rey, I know you’re out there. Show yourself before I cast bio on you and you’re sick for a freakin week!” Hearing footsteps behind her they both turned around to find a man comiing towards them, he had green eyes, ginger short spiked hair, fair complexion, standing at 5”10 which is taller than both Nikki and Kyra. He was a long sleeved black shirt with a red vest, black pants and shoes. Nikki just glared at him, she did not appreciate being followed.
“Yeah, don’t do that Kyra. I’m sorry for snooping, but I had to make sure you weren’t lying.”
“Lying? About seeing a girl?” The guy nodded. Nikki’s anger was rising, how dare he thing that Kyra would lie she felt like shoving an arrow up his ass. “Well, this is Nikki. She’s the girl I’m seeing.” Kyra took her hand and Nikki was reminded that putting an arrow in his ass wouldn’t help matters, her anger calmed. “I’m not sure what more you want from me Rey-”
“An explanation maybe?” he interrupted raising his voice. But on the other hand it would make her feel better if she did put an arrow there. However, he did calm down and continued. “You explain what happened that night and I’ll explain my end.” Nikki turned to Kyra.
“Did you want me to stay?” she asked tenderly. Kyra’s soft blue eyes looked at her and she nodded.
“Please stay.” She replied softly.
“Alright then.”
Kyra then explained how she felt, how hurt she felt, when she saw Rey talking about Yui to a friend about cheating on Kyra, Rey then explained back to her that he hadn’t been boasting and that Kyra had misread the situation, that a friend was treating it as some kind of achievement.
As they talked it was then that Nikki could feel her head feeling funny, it was a familiar feeling, as if she had gone through this before. Suddenly she felt the feeling of losing something, the feeling of something slipping away, Nikki then realized immediately what was happening and grew very fearful. She tried to take the advice of Mina the white mage and imagine walls around her memories so that Sanika couldn’t get at them, but it just seemed as though that she pushed through those easily. She couldn’t speak, she couldn’t run, Sanika had her frozen there on the spot. The last time that this happened she had attacked Rhyse, if she didn’t get away she would surely attack Kyra. But if she only thought of Kyra and could only think of Kyra, then perhaps if she didn’t forget Kyra then things would be alright. She held onto that as hard as she could, kissing Kyra in the garden, handing her an anti spider arrow, her heart beating quickly anytime she was near and those blue eyes. It was all just slipping away. If her body wasn’t frozen she would have cried.
Nikki blinked. “Where the fuck am I?” she thought her memories were fuzzy, had she not just been with Sanika just now? “Who the fuck are these people?”
“Ah, welcome back little Nikki.”
“What’s going on?”
“I’ve taken a few of your memories so you can see the light, that girl has lied and taken you away from us. I got rid of your memories temporarily, so that you would listen to the truth.”
“So... She’s a target?”
“Yes.” That was the only information that Nikki needed as she raised her arrow first at the guy, then the girl objected so she went straight for her target. “Oh and make sure she suffers as much as possible.” In her head she groaned she hated that sort of job, she preferred quick and easy jobs she would get nightmares from these kind of jobs, but it had to be done. The girl must have committed a very horrific crime, for Sanika to order such a job. Nikki started charging a Thundaga arrow spell.
“Rey, get out of here. I’ll take care of this.” The girl got out her own weapon and took a defensive stance, it was such a strange weapon; it was a sword but also had a barrel for bullets near the handle on it.
“Sanika she can fight I need some power.”
“As you wish little Nikki.” She could feel Sanika’s power flowing into the spell she then released it. The arrow went through the air and went into her target’s arm sending electricity through her. The girl stumbled but managed to get up and pull out the arrow. Nikki was not pleased.
“Fuck it, she’s still standing I was hoping to do this one shot.”
“Kyra, why are you hesitating? Fight back!” yelled out the male. She saw her target charge towards her.
“Too easy.” Thought Nikki. She began charging an Ultima arrow, the tip of the arrow was alight in a green flame and she released it, immediately after she loaded four arrows all at once they glowed in a dark aura,” Dark Aim” whispered Nikki and Dark Aim was released, the Ultima spell exploded and sent her target into the tree, the arrows after skewered her in different places and pinned her to the tree. For some reason she had subconsciously missed the target’s vital organs, She looked at her target in confusion. “Why had that happened?” Why had she shifted her aim. She shook herself of those thoughts and continued.
Just as Nikki was about to load the final arrow to eliminate her target, Sanika called to her. “Watch out!” She turned at the sound of someone rushing towards her; she was just in time to block the sword with her bow. She looked to see that her attacker was male who was wearing a blue coat, with black pants and blue short hair. His fierce brown eyes stared into her as he kicked her in the stomach which she then felt herself flying through the air and landed hard on the ground. She immediately felt pain from where she landed.
“Fan fucking fantastic now I have to deal with this guy” she thought as she stood up, she saw that male had gone over to her target and had his back to her. It was the perfect opportunity so she loaded her bow and aimed for the middle of his back. Unfortunately he blocked it seemingly with ease.
“NIKKI!! IS THIS YOUR ANSWER?!?!? IS THIS WHAT YOU TRULY WANT?!?!?!?” Nikki felt Sanika’s power flow through her but it was kind of weak due to the distance between them. Nikki felt her speed increase and just sent arrow and arrow after the warrior.
“Such anger, wouldn’t you agree Nikki?”
“How the hell does he know my name?”
“Oh little Nikki, poor thing, he was the one that lied to you as well.” That made sense to her now, it would be why he was protecting her target. If she could get rid of these people, who took her from the gang, then she could go home. Her mind was set now. She fired double and triple arrows at the warrior who seemed to be doing his best at defending but she was gaining the upper hand. The warrior then seems distracted as the girl seemed to speak to him, Nikki didn’t know what she said since she was further away, so she charged up an Ultima arrow. The tip turned green and she let go, the warrior struck the arrow and it exploded sending the warrior sprawling on the ground away from her target. She then fired an arrow aiming for the girl’s heart, but once again the warrior blocked it using his arm but by now he looked weary and tired.
“Oh how I look forward to having you home again little Nikki,”
“Me too Sanika, I just need your help for a little while more.”
“Of course sweetie.” Nikki then felt more of Sanika’s power flow through her, Nikki grabbed an arrow and let it go, it then split into six smaller ones as it flew through the air all of them aiming for the warrior. Suddenly though three other arrows came from above and embedded themselves in the ground around the two people, and Nikki’s attack bounced off a protect spell. Arrows then had come flying at Nikki one after another; Nikki had to use all her energy just to protect herself.
“As always your attacks are predictable Nikki.” She knew that voice, before she had joined the gang she had a few lessons in archery. She looked up to see her Sensei walking towards her. She had purple hair put into a bun, brown eyes, blue strapless top, with a blue skirt and white boots. She had two black arm bands on. “Ah so you do recognize me then, now you can tell Sanika we can do this the hard way, or the easy way”
“Sanika, I can’t attack my Sensei! There’s too many now to handle.”
“Just kill the girl that is all that matters.” Nikki looked up, it seemed while she had become distracted a few of her Sensei’s students had actually let the girl down from the tree and were slowly leading her away. The students didn’t even look that old they were maybe twelve or thirteen, they were nearly her age.
“But the kids are in the way!”
“You must!” Suddenly Nikki saw the warrior charge at her and she just did another triple arrow at him however this time her Sensei was here to help and she called to the warrior.
“Left, right, left, keep the pressure on her!” indicating where Nikki had fired the arrows.
“Shit.” Thought Nikki. “Teleport me Sanika.”
“I can’t I’m sorry I’m too far away!” she could hear the desperation in Sanika’s voice. She tried dodging but her shoulder got swiped by the sword she yelped out in pain and dropped her bow in surprise and held her shoulder, before she could pick it up though the sword was held at her neck. Her Sensei came over and grabbed her by the arm, it was useless to run away now.
“It’s okay I’ve got her now you go and see to the girl.” The warrior then nods and goes ahead where the students had rested the girl, Her Sensei then picked up Nikki’s bow and pulled her over to the group the warrior had picked up the injured girl, the students look at Nikki with fear in their eyes. “Don’t worry she can’t hurt you, you’ve all done well class is cancelled this morning I want to see you all for the afternoon.”
“Yes Sensei.” Said the students and they left. Nikki’s Sensei then spoke to the warrior. “There’s a white mage around the corner from here she’ll be able to help.” The warrior nodded as he walked ahead. “Come.” She said her grip around Nikki’s arm was tight, she had no idea on what to do and how to get back.
When they got to the door Nikki’s Sensei knocked on the door. A short woman opened the door in a white robe, with hazel eyes, some black hair poking out of her hood she took one look at Nikki, then the Warrior, then the girl in his arms who was conscious but barely.
“You better come in quickly lay her on the bed,” the warrior seemed to do as he was told, the white mage came over to Sensei with some cuffs and a key. “Use these on Nikki.” Nikki felt her hands being pulled behind her back and metal go around her wrists with a click, Sensei then dragged her to the corner of the room.
“Sit.” Nikki did as she was told. She had no idea what was going to happen to her. But the pain in her shoulder was horrible, first impression of the warrior he was a prat. Nikki saw the curtain being pulled around the bed and noticed the white mage go out with some bloody clothes and then quickly come in again and behind the curtain.
“So what happened to Nikki and how can she use attacks that she wasn’t able to use before?”
"Three years ago a similar thing happened she attacked her boyfriend for no reason and tried her best to get back to the gang, her eyes back then turned blue to purple but not as rapidly. Turned out that she thought she was fourteen again she had no idea who her boyfriend was. Sanika had temporarily wiped her memories."
“What the fuck.” Thought Nikki, what her Sensei had just said sounded like a big pile of bullshit.
"Are we to assume that that is what happened in the park?"
“I think it would be safe to assume so yes.”
“So what did Sanika do to Nikki?”
"It's hard to say, Mina has always believed Sanika has a certain fondness for Nikki, and therefore has never broken her psycic link to Nikki, meaning she has always watched Nikki. Personally I believe that Sanika is just crazy and that there is no sensible reason to her actions.”
“Is there a way to break the psycic link?”
This is why Nikki was listening so intently to the conversation. If they were planning to harm Sanika then she wanted to know about it so that she could warn Sanika. “They can’t break the link can they?”
“No don’t worry.”
“It only breaks if she is away from Bevelle.” Said the white mage from behind the curtain.
“And since she is here in Bevelle, the only way is to kill Sanika right? Talk about a tall task.” Nikki glared at the warrior, if he thought he was going to touch her he had another thing coming, Nikki stood up with the thought of making a run for it.
“Don’t even think about it, sit back down” said Sensei she immediately sat down, perhaps she would try later.
“There is another way Asuka has her own psycic link to Nikki, we can try and use her to block Sanika but I fear she is far too weak and young to do so.” Said the white mage.
"Then our only option is to go confront Sanika. I'm not putting that girl at risk."
“You’ll be lucky to even touch her.” Said Sensei.
Nikki then noticed again the white mage go out of the room and bring in some clean clothes ”There all better now, nothing vital was pierced just keep those bandages on so that the spells can work quicker.” Said the White mage who then came out from behind the curtain
Nikki heard a small “Thanks” why was she so interested in the girl behind the curtain? Her head was pounding now she was feeling dizzy. She suddenly felt funny it was fuzzy but she could hear that same girl screaming and Sanika breaking her bones. This fuzzy memory for some reason sent shivers done her spine, and Nikki brought her legs up to her body.
“Why is she looking at me like that?” thought Nikki as the girl finally came around the curtain.
“It’s not her fault, don’t worry I’ll do all I can to bring her back.” Said the White Mage to the girl. She then came over to Nikki and bent down to her. “Hello Nikki how are you feeling today?”
“Fuck off you are all nuts.”
“Ah she speaks.” Said Sensei.
“How rapidly have her eyes been changing colour?” asked the white mage while looking into Nikki’s eyes.
“About every minute.” Replied the warrior.
“How do I get out of here Sanika?”
“I don’t know little Nikki, be patient, and don’t believe anything that they say.”
“That’s much quicker than last time, why do you think that is?” asked Sensei.
“Probably because Sanika has many more memories to wipe this time, it’s probably straining her too, so we can expect the spell to break soon but it could take a few hours.”
“Last time it took a couple of days.” Nikki heard screaming again from the same fuzzy memory not only had Sanika made her scream but she did too, normally she had no problem blocking out the things that she needed to do, but this time it would not go away. If she could she would put her hands over her ears, she was now ignoring the conversation.
“It’s okay Nikki, I’m trying to help, but it’s really, really hard.” Said a child’s voice and how did this child know her name. She looked around but couldn’t see a child. Nikki was now shaking, the screaming and breaking bones was constantly replaying over and over again. Nikki noticed the white mage hurriedly sit on the floor in front of her and she put her hands on Nikki’s shoulders.
“Nikki what is it? Are you alright?”
“Screaming... Lots and lots of screaming and bones breaking. Why? Why am I so scared? Who is she?” Nikki was now shivering.
“Any voices?”
“A little girl’s” mumbled Nikki as she looked down at the floor anywhere but at the people’s faces. She felt herself being shaken.
“Look at me Nikki.” Said the white mage Nikki felt her hands being released from the cuffs Nikki noticed her Sensei took them away. She then looked at the white mage. “The girl’s name is Asuka she has a psycic link with you, she trying to piece together your memory but can only work on ones that are similar to what you did in the park. You need to relax your mind and let her in because all she is doing is playing you the same memory."
“The bad lady took Kyra away from you, you have to remember her, please remember her you care for her so much.” The little girl sounded upset as she was telling her this. Nikki’s eyes widened and she was scared to ask but she had to know.
“Like Raine?”
“Shut up! No that can’t be true! It just can’t I don’t hurt people who I care about like that!” she shouted out loud putting her hands to her ears. Tears came down her face and she was shaking so badly.
“It’s okay Nikki she is fine,” She noticed that the white mage then stood up and went over to the over side of the room where the girl was, but Nikki couldn’t bare to look at her the pit was too deep. She heard footsteps approach and Nikki was so frightened that she slid back until she her back was against the wall, this had to be a dream or some sort of sick joke.
“Hey it’s okay, It’s okay, see?” the girl held out her hand and Nikki slowly looked up the girl’s clothes were clean, the girl who she now presumed was Kyra the girl she had cared for but hurt. A shiver went down her spine. "Nikki, I know you're scared. I want you to take my hand." She slowly did take her hand but then noticed something, something dreadful.
“She... Took more than a little... Sanika said... She said she only took a little so that I could come home, she said I was just getting rid of the people that kidnapped me... I’m not....” Nikki’s body shook ever more she began to really look at her own hands.”I’m not 14 am I?”
“No, you are not.” Nikki took a deep breath if she was going to guess based on the girl in front of her she was a lot older but still she had to be brave and ask.
“How... How old?”
“You’re 19.”
“19?” she thought, that was a lot older than she expected all those memories just gone. She quickly withdrew her hand and curled up into a ball, tears just flowing down, her body shook as she cried.
“Why Sanika why did you do it? Please just give them back.”
“I would if I could but the spell it’s too strong now. I’m sorry little Nikki I thought you would be better off. I did it for you.”
“It’s okay though, being older is better.” She felt Kyra come closer to her, and her heart beat quicker she didn’t understand it. But at least the memory of the screaming had stopped. “You can do more when you're older.”
Nikki suddenly felt very tired, her legs lowered and she felt quite queasy, her head felt heavy and she leaned it against the wall, she felt the white mage suddenly shake her.
“Hey, hey, hey don’t go to sleep, you go to sleep and you might not get those memories back.” That made Nikki sit up she certainly did not want to lose five years worth of memories forever again. She felt hand been taken in a warm grasp, and saw that Kyra was gently smiling at her, She then turned to the white mage.
“What’s wrong with her?” she heard Kyra ask.
“I would guess that Sanika is sapping Nikki’s energy now to keep the spell going, Sanika might not even be aware that the spell is going out of control.”
“Oh no Nikki your aura, it’s getting weaker. I don’t know what to do.” Exclaimed the girl Nikki knew now as Asuka, the little girl seemed to be pretty upset.
“Little Nikki what is happening? Your life force seems to be getting weaker.”
“The spell... It out of control they say.”
"Is there anything you can do to help?" she heard the man ask.
"it's a very strong spell so it is demanding a lot of power, I'm afraid an ether wouldn't do anything for Nikki it's not just simply taking her magic but it's slowly taking her life." Said the white mage, Nikki didn't look up but she knew the white mage was rushing around she then came over to her and handed her a potion which she drank, but she didn't feel any better. "No it hasn't done anything.”
“Dammit!” she heard the man say.
“You hang on little Nikki, I will not let my power control me.”
“Stay calm, she is still mentally fourteen and needs everyone to stay calm and focused. You lose your calm now and then you are just going to put her on edge.” She heard her Sensei say.
“Mina are you quite sure that Sanika actually cares for Nikki?”
“Yes, very much so Kimiko, She has probably already noticed that the energy levels are depleting and is trying to do something about it.”
“I’m going to cut the psycic link Nikki.” Nikki was scared when she said that but then remembered that Sanika had lied to her about her memories and that she would rather that Sanika did leave her alone. She was struggling to keep her eyes open, she couldn’t believe that Kyra was still sitting with her and still being very kind to after what she had done.
“I trust your judgement then.”
“I’m so sorry Nikki.” Was the last thing that Nikki heard Sanika say before she felt herself been hit with a wave of memories all coming back to her all at once, memories of Rhyse, memories of the children at Kyley’s house, memories of her leaving the gang and memories of her friends now and most importantly memories of Kyra and how much she loved her and memories such as how she kissed her in the hammock and yet she had hurt her. She felt herself feel faint and she felt Sanika leave her mind she then felt her body fall but she felt Kyra catch her with an arm around her and her chest pressed against her back, however she did not lose consciousness.
“Nikki!” exclaimed Kyra. Nikki heard a rush of footsteps.
“Nikki? Can you hear me Nikki?” Said Mina Nikki managed now to open her eyes she could feel her energy return to her and she sat up, she saw Joseph was the other side of her and Mina was knelt down in front of her, Kyra still had an arm around her and her Sensei was standing behind Mina. “Ah how lovely to see no purple eyes, your colour has come back to your face too.”
“Nikki, Nikki, are you alright?”
“Yes Asuka I’m fine” She felt Asuka’s presence then leave her mind.
“Have your memories returned?” asked Sensei.
“Yeah. Sanika broke the spell by cutting the psycic link.” She couldn’t bare to look at Kyra or Joseph too ashamed at what she had done. She was so glad that Joseph had been there to save Kyra and so grateful to Sensei for finally stopping her.
“I’m getting too old for this.” sighed Mina in relief as she stood up.
“Right well, I’m glad that’s over with and I’m glad you are okay Nikki, I’ve got a class to prepare for, so I’ll be off.”
“Yes of course.” Said Mina leading her to the door.
“Sensei.” She stopped and turned to Nikki. “Thank you.”
“Hmm... Just don’t go and getting into any more trouble I don’t want to lose one of my best students to the likes of Sanika.” Said Sensei she then left, Nikki couldn’t believe at what she had done, she felt so guilty that she could not stop herself, that she couldn’t look either of them in the eye.
“Joseph can you wait outside?”
“Sure” Nikki suddenly looked up.
“Wait... I’m really sorry to both of you I did terrible things.”
"Don't worry about it. Though I wish that you told us about that beforehand"
“I’m sorry, I thought if she ever cast the spell again then I was prepared enough to stop her.”
"So what now? We still have a mission to complete. are you up to the task?" She wasn’t sure how to answer she still felt very guilty and very shaken at what had happened she had nearly killed Kyra, how could she even fight when she can’t protect anyone, she lowered her head. "Either way, i think we go down there again in the morning. we'll leave whether you are with us or not. either way, you owe me a drink for all that which i will take when we're back from the next trip down." He then left the two alone.
"Hey, cut it out before I send a thunder spell your way. No use in blaming yourself Nikki. No one here is blaming you." Nikki looked up with tears coming down her face. How could she had hurt such a beautiful person?
“How can you say that after what I have done? I nearly killed you and I will never forgive myself for that. I made you scream in pain.” She saw Kyra tighten her fist.
"No. It wasn't you. I know that wasn't you. I saw how hard you tried to fight it. It was Sanika who was behind your actions. I'd kill her myself if she wasn't so damn strong. You, I can forgive in a heartbeat. Sanika, I cannot.” She forgave her, for some reason she forgave her. She didn’t deserve Kyra but she was still here, still by her side and she loved her so much. “If I hear another word of you blaming yourself, You'll get a swift punch to the..." Nikki suddenly lent forward and interrupted her with a passionate kiss and wrapped her arms around her neck, it was so comforting and so forgiving and when they broke apart all that stress and hurt came out and she quietly cried into Kyra’s shoulder while being embraced in a hug. She felt Kyra stroke her hair for a while as she let the tears fall and then she stroked her back tenderly. Nikki then moved her head and kissed Kyra passionately again she then maneuvered herself so that she was now sitting on Kyra’s lap with her knees either side Kyra’s hips. She then put her hands through Kyra’s soft hair as she kissed her. She felt Kyra’s hands rub her back tenderly; however she was surprised when Kyra’s hands seemed to pause where her bra clip was underneath her clothes.
“I’ve got to stop otherwise this will go too far in someone else’s house” thought Nikki however she was beaten to it when Kyra pulled back and dropped her hands. Nikki blushed.
"Woah Nikki. Hold your chocobos. Who's house are we in?" asked Kyra. How Nikki wished she did not have to move or do anything, or go back into the Via Infinito where more fighting awaited her, but people depended on her, they depended on the both of them.
“Mina’s I think it would be best if we leave.” Said Nikki as she stood up and held out her hand to Kyra. Kyra looked very hot just looking up at her with her blue eyes in her new clothes, so much so that it took Nikki’s willpower to stay standing and not to climb onto her lap again and back into her arms.
“Yeah, maybe.” Said Kyra as she took her hand and Nikki helped to pull her up. Kyra then to Nikki’s surprise lent her head in and pressed her soft lips against hers. Nikki closed her eyes and placed her hands on her hips as she kissed her back. They then pulled away from each other.
“Thank you.” Said Nikki as they began to walk to the door with her hand in Kyra’s, Kyra just smiles at her, Nikki picks up her bow by the door as they leave the house.
Kyra then mentioned to Nikki that she needed to go and pick up her weapon from Rey, and that she would meet both her and Joseph back at the temple, she then gives her a kiss on the cheek and then leaves. Nikki blushes a little but then see Joseph looking at her.
“Don’t even comment.” Said Nikki as they both walked to the temple. Joseph didn’t say anything instead he just raised an eyebrow at her.
“Don’t come to the temple, run away as far as you can!” Said the twins suddenly in Nikki’s head, she turned to Joseph it seemed like he had heard the same thing in his own head.
“Did you hear the twins too?”
“Yeah I did as well, that’s not a good sign.” Nikki quickly got out a chocobo feather and used it cast haste over the both of them, they then ran towards the temple.
When they got in the temple Nikki notices something the temple was darker with a familiar eerie feel, it was the same feeling she had when entering the Via Infinito a few Pryeflies hummed about but there no fiends. Just her friends along with Lady Yuna, Paine, sir Tidus in the middle of the room seemingly not being able to move. And over the other side was Sanika, Rika, and Daiki.
“Don’t you guys know the meaning of run?!” exclaimed the twins, apparently though they could still talk despite not being able to move.
“Ah little Nikki how nice of you to join us, as you can see we’ve all been waiting.” Said Sanika getting up from where she had been sitting.
“This is a story about a evil witch.” It seemed that the same little girl’s voice had come back to Nikki’s mind. Nikki loaded her arrow and noticed that Joseph and already got out his sword, she pointed her arrow at Sanika.
“What have you done to the temple?”
“I haven’t done anything, it was like this when I got here, like I told them when that little guado asked me. Or...” She turned and teleported over to Mishka . “Should I call you Slayer? Hmmm?”
“Sanika let them go!” exclaimed Nikki.
“Oh I will all in due time, I mean why rush.” Said Sanika Nikki was about to charge but found that she couldn’t move, she saw that Joseph next to her couldn’t move either.
“That’s why they haven’t attacked then, Sanika has us frozen in place.” Thought Nikki.
“But oh how ironic the warrior really wants to kill me. But really now what gives you the right to tell me what is wrong and right, all my father does is gives us a home and a job. The outside world however is cruel and throws out outcasts, my father saves them. Tell me warrior how would you like to die for threatening my father and killing my family in that warehouse?” said Sanika teleporting over to the warrior.
"You say that the world is cruel and thrown you out as outcasts. that is something that I think no one can really prevent. yet your people bully and prey on the weak just to fatten your pockets and influence. you do not try to fight for a greater cause and here you are lecturing us about right and wrong! you are a hypocrite as well as naive. you can be sure that I will fight to the death not because I have to but because you are beyond saving" Rika stormed over to Joseph and loaded an arrow right near his head.
“I will very gladly kill this dick just give me the word.”
“Stand down Rika.” Said Diaki. She withdrew her arrow.
“I pity you, you have been told lies, very well then I see you have made your choice you shall die for your crimes.” Said Sanika.
"I almost pity you Sanika. you are willing to do anything for your father who uses people only for his ends. he doesn't care about anything aside from the result. your father is a fool if he thinks he can get away with what he's done but you are even bigger fools for blindly following him"
“There’s nothing I can do...” thought Nikki fearful for her comrades, fearful about the spell that Sanika was going to cast, Sanika raised her arm about to cast a spell that would surely kill Joseph.
“STOP!” shouted out Kyra. Nikki saw Sanika give a smile.
“No...” thought Nikki. “Kyra run, get out of here!” called out Nikki she wasn’t able to turn around but she knew she was behind her. Sanika lowered her arm.
"Not a chance."
“Ah so the little bitch did arrive. How nice of you to come to the party but I’m afraid you are a little late.” With that she waved her arm and Nikki saw Kyra fly high over her head and straight into a wall.
“Kyra!” yelled out Nikki, “Sanika I swear I will hunt you down and kill you if you lay a hand on her!” shouted out Nikki.
“Poor little Nikki, do you not know why the spell went out of control? Father explained to me it was her magic, it was her who nearly killed you, because she does not belong in this world, her magic is different. She must be sent back and I need the knowledge on how. Sanika waved her hand again and Asuka appeared before Sanika in a bright light.
“Uh oh...” said the twins.
“Uh oh, would be an understatement” said Paine
“That's a lie! Leave her alone!” yelled Kyra, she seemed to be the only one able to move but it seemed to be only for Sanika’s amusement because she threw Kyra into the other wall at the other side of the room only to land on a giant bubble?
“What the fuck?” said Nikki.
“POP!” shouted out a familiar voice and the bubble popped only to turn into pryeflies then the little unsent girl appeared in the room. “That’s my new trick I got bored of flowers, I can now make BUBBLES!”” she cried out happily as pyreflies produced images of bubbles and became pryeflies again.
“Sweetie that’s lovely, but there is a bad lady over there who has us all stuck.” Said Cyan Nikki noticed at this time Sanika was reading Asuka’s mind with some sort of spell Asuka appeared to be very frightened
“Oh are we playing musical statues? I can be a statue look!” The girl stood on one foot trying to keep still but failing. Sanika waved her arm and a glyph appeared beneath Kyra
“No!” thought Nikki Asuka however managed to get away after Sanika has read her mind. “No we don’t have time for this we are not fucking playing a game!” The area around Kyra began to distort and warp. If they didn’t do something Kyra was going to be gone.
“Oh okay!” exclaimed the girl she them emitted a wave of power and suddenly Nikki was able to move. She ran towards where Kyra was.
“Kyra!” she yelled out. She heard the gongs sound. “No I have to run faster.” She was nearly there, Kyra was desperately trying to stretch out her hand to her, she was nearly in her grasp but then... She was gone in a flash of light. “What...” thought Nikki. She dropped her bow and the sound echoed in her ears she ignored the battle that erupted around her and just fell to her knees.
“Did I actually do it? Oh Yevon I did didn’t I. I didn’t think it would work.” Said Sanika in excitement. One little voice in her head was saying that she should stand up, stand up and fight and take revenge for Kyra, but that was overwhelmed by the voice that told her that there was no point, she was gone. Tears fell. She couldn’t move she could only watch in a daze as Sanika powered up her companions and they engaged in battle with the others. Suddenly Sanika stumbled a little bit a purple light came from Sanika and went into the dark floor and disappeared.
“Sanika what has happened?” asked Daiki
“I’m... I’m not sure.”
“Naughty lady needs to play fair too the secrets took your power to make you fair.” Said the unsent girl. Moving cloisters could be heard from deep within the Via Infinito as if they were making a path again, the sound grew louder and louder.
“What’s coming?”
“It’s not Sir Auron is it?"
“Sissy, sissy, from the depth, what made you angry, with a naughty lady, and sissy gone, and a big ugly man to play with.” Sung the unsent girl. Suddenly Nikki could hear the floor moving she looked up to she that the floor had only been moving near the entrance of the via infinito the section that had moved has made a very high path for something to arrive the figure dropped down and charged at Sanika while shouting out.
“FAKE!!!” in pure rage, and fired arrows at her penetrating her shield and nearly hitting her. Nikki’s clone had entered the battle however she no longer looked fourteen but she now looked fifthteen with her hair slightly longer. And her eyes held more rage than before.
“The secrets gave Sissy some of your power, now it’s fair.”