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Thread: That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!!

  1. #331

    Re: That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!!

    let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the floor, the the bodies hit the *chs* *chs* FLOOOOORR!!!!

  2. #332
    My couch pulls out but I don't. That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!! midgetbob's Avatar
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    Re: That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!!

    Cracker - Low

    I'll get this song stuck in my head for weeks and end up having to listen to it a few times in hopes that it'll satisfy my craving.

    I think it's usually the chorus that gets me as something inadvertently reminds me of my ex, haha.
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  3. #333
    Certified tech, come at me! That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!! SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Re: That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!!

    this is a song that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friend, some people started singing it and not knowing what it was but they'll just keep on singing it forever just because (repeats endlessly)
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  4. #334
    Consistently Average That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!! Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Re: That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!!

    I dont know the exact name of this song but its called "Cheya Cheya". People who have seen 'Inside Man' may know what im on about. Basicly its an Indian song and the chorus goes "Che-che Cheya Cheya Che-ya Che-ya , Che Che Cheya Cheya Che-ya Che-ya" over and over, its really catchy in a bad way.
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  5. #335
    Registered User That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!! winterborn86's Avatar
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    Re: That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!!

    I've had Lady GaGa's new song Born This Way stuck in my head for a few days now, it's become the first song I play on my Ipod when I listen to music.

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  6. #336
    Mojo Jojo That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!! Trunks's Avatar
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    Re: That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!!

    I've had Miles Apart by Yellowcard in my head for weeks. I don't even know why because I haven't heard it for a fair few years. Before that I had the club biscuit song in my head for literally months.

    "If you like a lot of chocolate on your biscuit join our club!"

    Oh, man. Now It's back.

  7. #337
    Registered User That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!!
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    Re: That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!!

    Price Tag by Jessie J, unusual considering i'm an heavy metal fan, but I heard it on TV and can't get it out of my head.

  8. #338
    Sir Prize That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!! Sinister's Avatar
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    Re: That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!!

    All the below songs are either stupid and catchy or genius and catchy. I do my best to avoid them, honestly, even though some are real works of genius.

    "Can't get you out of my head" Kylie Minogue
    "I Am Gothic" Spray
    "Don't Worry Baby" Beach Boys
    "Wouldn't it be nice" Beach Boys
    "Strawberry Fields Forever" Beatles
    "All Around the World" ATC
    "Popcorn" Hot Butter
    "Scatman" John Scatman
    "Saturday Night at the Movies" The Drifters

    Last edited by Sinister; 03-11-2011 at 11:36 AM.

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  9. #339
    All evil will see the light That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!! Assassin's Avatar
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    Re: That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!!

    The song I can't get out of my head at the moment is Carry On My Wayward Son by Kansas. Its an awesome song. It plays in the recap of the first and last episode of few seasons of SUPERNATURAL (I love this show). So few months back I searched for this song and copied it in my mp4 and since then I can't get this song out of my head.

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  10. #340
    Registered User That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!! Caladbolg's Avatar
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    Re: That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!!

    Casscada - Every time we touch

    More into rock pop country and blues but that song's been there for ages now!

  11. #341
    R-K H、有名な侍の戦争の神ソウル刈り取り手 That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!! Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima's Avatar
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    Re: That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!!

    The Song That Is Currently Stuck In My Head Is This One:

    Song: Disco Nights
    Artists: The City ft. Gee Wunder & Corey Lee

    This Song Is Just So Catchy And Addictive, Its Awesome. I End Up Having To Play It Several Times In A Row, Since It Is That Good.

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  12. #342
    Crash Boom Bang That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!! Lily's Avatar
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    Re: That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!!

    Disintigration - Jimmy Eat World

    aCE SONG, IT JUST GETS STUCK IN MY HEAD, AND (**** you caps lock) Ive no idea why, as soon as I hear it thats it, its there all the time, trying to get to sleep one night was an absolute nightmare, the last time I had a song stuck in my head that bad it was Madonna because they were making us do it in music lessons at school

    Just thinking about this bloody song is getting it stuck in my head again, and it doesnt help that i relaly ****inglike it. Arghhhh

  13. #343
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!! Tallulah's Avatar
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    Re: That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!!

    I had Lily Allen's version of "Womanizer" stuck in my head all evening at work.

    It's a good song. I like it better than the Britney Spears version
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  14. #344
    TFF's Resident Messenger That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!! Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!!

    I have had this song stuck in my head all evening, and I could think of no other way to get it out than sharing it with all of you. ENJOY!!

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  15. #345
    Kiss with a fist. That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!! Dranzer's Avatar
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    Re: That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!!

    I sometimes whistle and everything. XD

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    happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr, purr, purr.
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  16. #346
    Consistently Average That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!! Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Re: That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!!

    "It's Raining Men" by something or other. Don't ask how or why, I barely know myself.
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  17. #347
    Kiss with a fist. That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!! Dranzer's Avatar
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    Re: That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kurt Zisa View Post
    "It's Raining Men" by something or other. Don't ask how or why, I barely know myself.
    LMAO, that's one hell of a song to have stuck in your head. It's sung by the Weather Girls apparently. Shinfo courtesy of Google.

    soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur
    happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr, purr, purr.
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  18. #348
    G'day That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!! NikkiLinkle's Avatar
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    Re: That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!!

    For some reason I had, Step by Step in my head last night I asked my boyfriend if he was singing it, as I could not think of why I had it in my head. I was being silly, singing it to him everytime he came into to the room Step by step, ooo baby! I wanna get with you girl. With a big emphasis on 'girl'. think that's it anyway

  19. #349
    All is One.One is All. That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!! Firefly's Avatar
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    Re: That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!!

    Mirrors by Lil Wayne featuring Bruno Mars <- I have had this song stuck in my head for three days now. But today during school the song," Lousiana Woman,Mississippi Man" (forgot the artists *i ashamed* )was stuck in my head allll freaking day until I got in the car..when I started singing Sexy and I Know It by LMFAO.
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  20. #350
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!! Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!!

    I can't get Skyrim theme out of my had lately, even when cutting bred all I hear is Dovahkiin DovahkiinNaal ok zin los vahriin... and I'm not even playing the damn game.

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  21. #351
    persona user That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!! foster kid's Avatar
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    Re: That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!!

    this pisses me off so much that this is stuck in my head because its such a stupid stupid song i don't even know where i herd it or what the song is called. I think its from will smith's lil girl...... It goes I whip my hair back and forth. I whip my hair back and forth............ ugh gimmi a gun to get this out of my head

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  22. #352
    Vega Star System Resident That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!! Redthing's Avatar
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    Re: That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!!

    I heard this on the radio earlier today:

    ...and now I can't get that horrible voice out of my head!

  23. #353
    Registered User That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!! Squall's Avatar
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    Re: That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!!

    Any song by Adele. It's all I hear when I'm working out at the gym. Yes, she's extremely talented, but I've grown tired of her music very quickly haha.

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  24. #354
    Registered User That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!! kierandell1409's Avatar
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    Re: That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!!

  25. #355
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!!

    Ever since I beat the game "Portal." From that moment on, either that computer-y female voice, or the voice of Jonathon Coulton have intermittently popped into my head. "This was a triumph. I'm making a note here: huge success. It's hard to overstate my satisfaction..." Catchy catchy. Anyhoo...

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  26. #356
    Warlord of Your Mom That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!! ultima_trev's Avatar
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    Re: That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!!

    "Wrought" by Nile.

    The guitar solo is ubersick and the Egyptian folk melodies combined with the immensely downtuned, sludgy guitar work makes it heavier than an elephant curbstomping the shit out of shit.

  27. #357
    G'day That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!! NikkiLinkle's Avatar
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    Re: That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!!

    Feathers by Coheed and Cambria. Has been in my head all day! But I don't mind though, I love it

  28. #358
    Registered User That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!! kierandell1409's Avatar
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    Re: That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!!

    Damn it, now it's the same band but a different song: Taxiride-Everywhere You Go - YouTube

  29. #359
    Elementalist That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!! IcyJJ's Avatar
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    Re: That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!!

    Stone Sour ~ Through Glass

    Whenever this song comes up on my Pandora, I can't help but sing along. Corey Taylor has the best voice. Live long Stone Sour/Slipknot!
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