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Thread: That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!!

  1. #1
    Arachnie Suicide That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!! ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
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    That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!!

    You get it by the title, haha. Also, please don't turn this into a humour/wordgames thing or a spam thread by actually saying a bit about the song that got stuck up there. Where you first heard it, any particular reason it's stuck in your head, etc.

    Mine at the moment? Song I heard in some crap 80's countdown on television this morning. I have nothing against 80's music at all... But some of it is just a little over the top and this one's annoying the crap out of me. Especially becasue I don't know the full lyrics.. So the same part is just ringing over and over again through my head.

    Any body know "Boom Boom let's go back to my room"?. Oh.My.God. Annoying as all sh-te ><. And I've just got that one line stuck there.. "Boom boom boom let's go back to my rooom...." Argh.

    Um.. Your turn.
    I've been on this site since 2006 woah

  2. #2
    That awful Hot Hot Sex song from the iPod touch commercial. Oh, make it go away!

    I keep humming "Stop Me If You Think That You've Heard This One" by the Smiths. I never really thought much of the song until I saw Morrissey live. Now, I can't stop thinking about it.

  3. #3
    Registered User That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!! Dimi's Avatar
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    I actually have two songs stuck in my head. Weird, I know but that one song you sent me Froggie over MSN by Emilie Autumn "I Know Where You Sleep". Love that song and she's gorgeous BTW. I googled her and she's amazing.

    Another one is that Soulja Boy song, "Crank That". I swear I hate that song. That songs played out and people over here still play it!!! I just want to just rip my ears off everytime I hear that song. Its a little catch but so annoying. ><

  4. #4
    That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!! Jin's Avatar
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    The song I have stuck in my head and have had stuck in my head for the last little while is Beethoven's Fur Elise. I've known the song since childhood and always liked it, but I never knew the name, so I could never look it up. A few days ago, I had a dream where I heard it being played. For some reason the dream said it was called Adeline. Not too sure what that was about, probably because I used to think it was called "Ade Alaine...or something like that". Obviously I couldn't find it with that name. Anyways, I mentioned it to a chum I ride the bus with to university and hummed it to him and conveniently, he knew the name. Ohh, was I appeased when I heard it again.

    Until now!

  5. #5
    Arachnie Suicide That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!! ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
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    Organ Grinder by Emilie Autumn's stuck up there at the moment ><. It's from the Saw III Soundtrack.. Although I admit I found it through Emilie Autumn rather than Saw.

    It's entirely instrumental besides "I paid for your silence..." At the beginning. I've got that main electic violin bit in it... I'd post lyrics but you know... Can't, as it's instrumental and all. It's a great piece of music, really interesting sound and all. Much prefferable to "Boom Boom."
    I've been on this site since 2006 woah

  6. #6
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Bergraven - Doende.

    Excellent lyrics. In Swedish, mind, so most of you probably wouldn't understand them. The song has been pretty much on non-stop in my headphones for the past two days.

    I love it. Very driving, grinding depressive black metal.

    Oh yeah, I couldn't stop singing Weird Al's interpretation of Michael Jacksons' "Beat It." That was pretty annoying... It lasted for a good few hours. Thankfully, it went away.

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  7. #7
    Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds

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  8. #8
    Bass Player Extraordinaire That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!! Joe's Avatar
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    Cherub Rock - Smashing Pumpkins

    It has a really interesting melody and awesome, but slightly depressing lyrics. Plus it's featured in Guitar hero 3: Legends of Rock....this makes it really hard to get out of my head, since i play that game almost everyday. Gah, now I have to sing it again *Who wants honey? As long as there's some money. Who Wants that honey? Let me out!* geez, It's so catchy after a while.

    It's an older song, from 1993 I believe, and it's off the album "Siamese Dream"
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  9. #9
    Yay!! That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!! FF_FrEaK's Avatar
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    Noise and Kisses- The Used

    It just keeps on playing in my head like a scratched CD or something.

    I've also been thinking about this girl and it makes me think of the song more. Yes, I do like the song, but it is getting annoying now because I can't think about what to do.
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  10. #10
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    I just think the song is so awesomely simple and over the top. I've thought that since the first time I heard that album like a couple years ago. I didn't think I liked the album then, so I gave it away to my brother in law (it wasn't what I'd been expecting; the only song I'd heard by them prior to that was pretty much a straight up ska song called "No Face.") I recently got the CD back though, and now it gets stuck in my head all the time.

    Another three songs that get stuck in my head in succession are "Mean Mr. Mustard," "Polythene Pam," and "She Came In Through The Bathroom Window." Because I like those songs, I guess. And they're in succession on Abbey Road, too. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  11. #11
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    I tend to get really random songs stuck in my head and I ain't got the foggiest why...
    Some include:
    Stellar by Incubus
    Clint Eastwood by Gorillaz
    Dumb by Nirvana (But then I do really like that song...)
    and most things that are the type of music to be loud enough to ave an imprint impounded on my brain, but that's more a volume thing...
    victoria aut mors

  12. #12
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    The song I can't get out of my head at the moment is 'I Just Can't Get Enough' by Depeche Mode. I heard it on the television this morning and since then I have been singing it to myself and in my head, it just won't go away. I can't even remember any others that drive me mad, my mind has gone blank. It's usually songs that I dislike that get stuck in my head anyway, the real annoying ones.

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  13. #13
    Arachnie Suicide That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!! ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
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    "Hey There Delilah" by the Plain White T's.

    Oh.My.God. Most sticky song ever.

    I admit, I actually don't mind it. It has this really nice simplicity about it. If I'm remembering correctly, it's just him, the guitar and some background violin in there at times, yeah? There's something a little nice and refreshign about it compared to what I've been listening to lately.

    The lyrics are a little.. Mushy, but in a way also refreshing. I mean, how many songs do you get now that are purely about love as opposed to songs about breaking up?
    I've been on this site since 2006 woah

  14. #14
    "I'm Not Going to Teach Your Boyfriend How to Dance With You" by Black Kids.

    They are a Jacksonville band, and I saw them about a year ago. They have been getting huge recently, and were one of Rolling Stone's "Artists to Watch."

    Srsly, go to their myspace and listen to this song, specifically.

  15. #15
    Amor fati. That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!! Tiger Lily's Avatar
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    At the moment it's gotta be "Misery Loves Company" by Emile Autumn.
    I was listening to it in the car, then I played it for my sister, then for my mum, and I guessthe repetition got it lodged in the vacuum of my mind.
    Every five minutes, I'll start singing "Pray for me, if you want to, pray for me, if you care, pray for me, if you want to, pray for me, if you dare".. ARGH! XD
    Last edited by Tiger Lily; 11-23-2007 at 09:35 PM.

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  16. #16
    Arachnie Suicide That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!! ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
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    Lmao.. I was running over that song in my head, about to post the exact same thing here.

    I was watching it not long ago. Emilie Autumn is incredbily beautiful and amazing live. And able to roll around on the stage while still delivering an amazing vocal. That's pretty special, I think.

    But yeah.. That bit near the end there.. It's sticky, isn't it?
    I've been on this site since 2006 woah

  17. #17
    That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!! Dragoon_Nick's Avatar
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    Where the polar bears play at night and where the beavers are furry...
    Sticky song i had in my head all week was that blasted "Everybody rock the dinosaur" song. I hate it so much, yet i had in my head all the time. I couldn't even get focused while playing hockey cause i had it my head. Surprisingly i didn't score that day haha...

    I hate it, i hate it, i hate it!

    "Open the door, get on the floor
    Everybody walk the dinosaur"


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  18. #18
    You're me...and I'm you. That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!! Almasys's Avatar
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    Currently I haven't been able to get 2 songs out of my head: "Lips Like Morphine" by Kill Hannah and "BOY FRIENDS!" by Megumi Toyoguchi.

    "L.L.M." is by far my favorite song by Kill Hannah X3
    "BOY FRIENDS!" is just cute! And it's from Winry Rockbell's Fullmetal Alchemist songfile [and the only one I like...].

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  19. #19
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    I have another I was unfortunate to hear on the radio...
    That Shnappi the crocodile ringtone song. Not sure how you spell 'Schnappi' exactly but when I heard it today (for the first time in months) I really did feel quite audibly abused...
    It used to be on the top 40 music countdowns a while back, and it drove me nuts then too...

    It was cute the first time, but after the first hundred times? Errrgghhh....
    victoria aut mors

  20. #20
    Imperius Rex That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!! Storm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jintatsu View Post
    The song I have stuck in my head and have had stuck in my head for the last little while is Beethoven's Fur Elise.
    ^ That song used to scare me when I was little!

    I've been getting 'Terra Firma' by The Young Knives stuck in my head like chewing gum on a shoe. I really like the song, so I don't mind it getting stuck in my head, its just annoying when i'm trying to concentrate on something with "fake rabbit, real snake, terra firma, terra firma" going around your head. Even worse when I find myself humming it as I walk down the street.
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  21. #21
    Arachnie Suicide That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!! ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
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    Ugh... Anybody know the Divinyls?

    Australian two-piece. Just started performing again, but they haven't actually performed for ten years. They were good and all.. But does anybody remember that most unfortunate song "I touch myself"? Probably one of the most obvious songs I've heard in a while. And they actually just performed it live a few hours ago. The lead singer was stone drunk and started feeling herself up onstage.

    Haha.. You know what's annoying to my family? I sang this in my sleep. Apparently the "I touch myself, I love myself, I want you to love me. When I'm feeling down I want you above me."

    Oh god. >.>
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  22. #22
    I am Ol' Fartsy and I said So! That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!! Ol' Fartsy's Avatar
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    Unto You This Night by Garth Brooks (right now).

    I also can see something and think of a song.
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  23. #23
    Morning Always Comes That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!! Xeim's Avatar
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    I've had "The Art of Breaking" by Thousand Foot Krutch going through my head for 3 days straight now! Not even It's a Small World can help me! Seriously, I even have the song going through my head while listening to other songs!

    And I've been meaning to post in here since it wormed its way into my head.

    I like the song though. It was given to me by Darkwolf. I get a lot of music from him... xD The band, TFK, is Canadian. I shyed away for a sec when I found that out (just kidding daddy!!).

    Anyway, Art of Breaking. I think I'll go put it on to attempt getting out of my head, again. That usually helps....

    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

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  24. #24
    Registered User That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!! Dimi's Avatar
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    "I Touch Myself" sounds familiar Froggie. Isn't it Jack Off Jill that sings it? I don't know, I heard a song that sounds similar to it. I could be wrong though. ><

    As of now I have Disturbed stuck in my head. Oddly enough "Mistress" and "Prayer" have been playing in my head throughout the past couple of days whenever I just wander off in my own little world. Plus, I've been dying to buy that album for a while now. The album came out in 2003 I think. >< I could try this CD Warehouse around here...

  25. #25
    That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!! Dragoon_Nick's Avatar
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    Where the polar bears play at night and where the beavers are furry...
    Due to Celtic_Silver's brilliant idea of making a new "That's Amore" word game thread, i seem to have it stuck in my head.

    Noticeably the "ring-a-ling-a-ding" and "that's amore" parts.

    Today during Cal class though, i did have Lost Highway by Bon Jovi stuck in my ead though..can't's pretty neat.

    My Awesome TFF Family

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  26. #26
    i would have to say

    Eminem's business

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  27. #27
    Arachnie Suicide That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!! ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
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    Bahamut, that's a bit spammy. This IS in the music thread and not in the Humour/wordgames thread. Let's try to keep it that way?

    Right Said Fred's "I'm Too sexy". I barely need to describe this, as I think pretty much everybody knows it >.> They were playing it on the news about ten minutes ago. Don't ask why, I was half asleep and not really watching it. I really think that it has to be one of the most annoying songs of all time.

    Fishie: Jack Off Jill did a remake. It was originally the Divinyls, and they're actually quite good ^^. The girls of FHM also once did a remake.
    I've been on this site since 2006 woah

  28. #28
    geez, im gonna have to go with the tune from Led Zeplins, Kashmir, it just plays over and over again in my head

  29. #29
    Registered User That song you JUST CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!! Dimi's Avatar
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    haha, "I'm too sexy for my shirt, I'm so sexy that it hurts." >.< I heard that song ironically the other day on the radio. I literally laughed in tears.

    This is embarassing but I got Fergie stuck in my head. I don't know if anybody heard it but its called "Clumsy". Its annoying but its so catchy. Especially the hook. "I'm falling in love, in, in lo-love"

  30. #30
    i cant get the song "i feel like pwning noobs" from Purepwnage. Its a great song and a great show. Its a very catchy song and i identify with it, cause i pwn noobs all the time haha.
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