The Final Fantasy VII Remake is going full-steam ahead, and it makes this spoony bard wonder how it will treat the game's very iconic soundtrack. We haven't had any official word yet on the topic of the game's composer(s). Is the soundtrack going to be completely redone? Remixed? Remastered? And in an era of Blu-ray discs and DLC, will the original OST be an option at some point?

No matter the case, two things need to happen in the production of the remake:

  1. Nobuo
  2. Uematsu

Seriously, if Uematsu isn't at least involved in a producer's role, why bother messing with the soundtrack at all? So much could go wrong if it was put in someone else's hands, I feel. Of all the things the remake could change entirely, I would hope the soundtrack is not on that list.

But I digress.

While there's absolutely no shortage of Final Fantasy VII covers on YouTube, Armhan's medley stands out to me. I'm a sucker for his rendition of "You Can Hear the Cry of the Planet." Fittingly, this medley covers seven songs from the game: You Can Hear the Cry of the Planet, The Countdown Begins, Weapon Raid + Those Chosen by the Planet, Jenova Absolute + Fighting, Sending a Dream Into the Universe (Reprise). He also does a sweet version of Prelude + Opening Bombing Mission.

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Artist: ARMusic
Originally composed by: Nobuo Uematsu
Game first featured in: Final Fantasy 7
Area of game encountered: Various
# of songs this medley covers: 7

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