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  1. #1
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Listen to my bullshit music

    Space Dumpster
    We Know What This Shit's All About
    Happy Birthday (Not)
    Your Cat Overlord
    A to the S to the S

    I did all of these in like the past year or something. There are songs in between them on my soundcloud that I didn't link, and they may be okay to listen to, but these ones might be slightly more okay to listen to. So yeah.

  2. #2
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    So on my youtube channel, I uploaded some songs. They're here:

    Yarp. "Music videos." I had 4 to post, but apparently you can only post 3. Oh well.
    Last edited by Taco-Calamitous; 07-03-2018 at 11:12 AM. Reason: I accidently deleted one of the videos on youtube and haven't reuploaded it, yet, so I took it from this post, too.

  3. #3
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    La la la. I have a bunch of songs on Soundcloud that have like 1 or 2 plays, and that makes me sad, because I think they are probably decent (depending upon your musical tastes). So I'm posting them here:

    Do You Know?
    Mental Health Factory

    Chip Mountain
    Fool For You (Parasites Cover)

    I know my vox aren't always on point in the songs that they are in, but I've not been able to figure out a way to record them while also being able to hear the music, yet. Excuses, excuses. I totally kill it, singing "Zero" by the Pumpkins at karaoke night

  4. #4
    The 37th Red Spade Listen to my bullshit music Coff9's Avatar
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    So I listened to your new songs, the ones from your recent post.

    Here are my thoughts:

    The instrumentation is fine; I digg it. But I feel that your singing needs some work. Your voice is alright, but I feel like you may need some more practice in that department, or at least figure out a way to be able to record the vocals while you can hear the music. It is hard to say. I would have to listen to more of your singing.

    I actually really digg on Mental Health Factory, but that may just be personal bias. I love trippy non-conventional music.

    My honest advice is to keep going, keep doing what you love, and it will get better and better.

    Also... um, I'm something of a singer myself, so if you wanted to do a duet or something, or wanted someone to sing a part or two on one of your tracks, let me know! Maybe I could be a backup singer? Haha.
    ~Red Mage~~Knight Looking For Sorceress!~~Member Of The Evil Bad Guys~

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  5. #5
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Oh wow, I didn't see this until just now, heh.

    I'm not really a fan of my voice on my recordings, either, heh... I used to better, I think, but that might be because the quality of the rest of the recording was also not as great, because it was all just recorded by my mic. Well, actually, I just went back and listened to this recording from 2014, my brother and I covering Kick Drum Heart. I think I was a lot better here:
    It's just harder, both to not be able to sing the song, and also not knowing yet what the vocals are SUPPOSED to sound like, heh.

    Glad you like Mental Health Factory tho, heh. I think that's the way I'm starting to gravitate towards, with my stuff. Although I make no promises.

    My brother and I were going to be a band together at one point, but I was too lazy, heh. I was supposed to learn the bass, and I would just space on it all the time, until I went up there to practice. Also I didn't like driving up every weekend to practice (like an hour drive).

  6. #6
    The 37th Red Spade Listen to my bullshit music Coff9's Avatar
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    Honestly, I think your cover of Bizarre Love Triangle was better, but I may be biased since I love that song, haha.

    You just need more practice, more control over your voice. There's something there, for sure, a bit of untapped potential.

    I'm not an expert, of course, and I'm not a very good singer, but do you do any vocal warmups? They tend to help a lot.

    I can't believe I'm going to post this, but this is a video from 7 years ago of me singing, and it's somehow very hit-and-miss (mostly miss) at the same time, haha.

    It's not good, but it's not too-too bad. I personally think you have more singing potential than I do; you just have to learn to let loose and really get into the music.

    I'll have to post another video of some of my recent singing, but I need a better microphone, haha.
    ~Red Mage~~Knight Looking For Sorceress!~~Member Of The Evil Bad Guys~

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    I Use TFF Dark!

  7. #7
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    You sound like someone I would have been in choir, back in the day, from that video (and the vocal warm-ups advice).

    Honestly, I've been singing for awhile. When I record, I just take the best take of like 3 or 4 takes, heh (the 4th or so being the one I decide is "good enough," usually). If I did a lot of takes, it might come out better, but I'm lazy, and don't wanna do that. I had fantasies about this, the art thing, or the writing thing being a career when I was younger, but now, I see them as hobbies.

  8. #8
    The 37th Red Spade Listen to my bullshit music Coff9's Avatar
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    I completely understand!

    If you need anyone to listen to your stuff, I'm your guy!

    (And yeah, I was in choir. For 7 years, plus a show choir, haha)
    ~Red Mage~~Knight Looking For Sorceress!~~Member Of The Evil Bad Guys~

    TFF Family: None yet! PM me if you'd like to join!

    TFF RP Status: The Tipsy-Ram Tavern --- Strange Tides (Looking for RPs and Battle-RPs! Rewriting "Council of Mages")

    Currently Playing: - Final Fantasy 1 (All Red Mage Run) - Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Clicker Heroes -

    I Use TFF Dark!

  9. #9
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    I put out an album of stuff again. Here it is.
    Here also is the artwork for said album:

  10. #10
    It's not bullshit, we all have different tastes in music.

    ShowBox Tutuapp Mobdro
    Last edited by Shivaa; 02-28-2020 at 02:47 PM.

  11. #11
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Thanks Shivaa. I don't really think it's bullshit. I just like self-deprecating humor.

    I did these recently.

  12. #12
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    I made another album. It is here. Listen to and download it, please, as it would make me happy.

  13. #13

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