Meant to post in the thread more often and now I've got a backlog.

Since... *blows raspberry* February I think it was I've gotten a few more albums. Picked up Nirvana's and Guns and Roses'ses(?) best of CDs for nostalgic reasons. My favourite songs from Nirvana's is The Man Who Sold the World (their best song imo), About a Girl and Lithium. GnR's would be Sweet Child of Mine, Patience and Don't Cry.

Ended up getting Piece of Mind from JB Hifi. It's an alright album, not one of their best but it's a good listen. The Trooper was already one of my favourite songs (love the galloping bass in the background) of theirs so naturally it's my favourite off the album. Flight of Icarus and Die With Your Boots on are at #2 and #3.

Last up is Powerslave, a close second to Seventh Son in terms of my favourite album (not just a Maiden one). I was a bit iffy about getting it because I already have (and love) Aces High, 2 Minutes to Midnight and Powerslave as songs but the other tracks are just as great. Not since Seventh Son have I genuinely liked every song on a CD. Flash of the Blade and Rime of the Ancient Mariner are two new favourites. It's also the last album before they changed their sound slightly in Somewhere in Time and added synth and slowed down the pace a bit. Highly recommended of you're wanting a kickass metal album.

Figured i'd leave videos of a couple and link the rest of you're interested.

If you listen to anything from this post make it this one ^

And of course this one ^ The opening reminds me a bit of the first level in Doom. I read it was covered by Avenged Sevenfold but I don't know who they are