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  1. #1
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. Anybody have musical talent? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Anybody have musical talent?

    Just wondering how skilled people have in the musical sense.

    These are my songs I have created.
    These are by no way done, or at least sounding right here on this program >.>

    YouTube - Final Boss theme Ideas~ Dawn (Ment as a question)

    YouTube - Sunrains forest~ Dawn (Final Fantasy Inspired improve)

    YouTube - Death themes- Silent Loss and Dismissed Glory~ Dawn

    YouTube - Exodus Spaceship Theme~ Dawn. (Final Fantasy inspired improvs)

    They sound better in real life O.o

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  2. #2
    What is this I don't even Musashiden's Avatar
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    Re: Anybody have musical talent?

    I think this might belong in the music section... Just saying.

    Anyway, I figure I've got a mild amount of musical talent. I don't really have much to present at the moment, aside from a few covers on Youtube.

    YouTube - "11th Hour" by Lamb of God
    YouTube - "Extreme Unction" by Necrophagist

    I do write my own music, but lately I have no means of recording it siince Windows is h-mo.

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  3. #3
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Anybody have musical talent?

    When I sing, windows break. When I play the guitar, strings break. I'd say that was talent.

    But seriously. I can sing a little bit, if I can be coaxed out of my comfort bubble. I can play a little piano, but I need to practise whatever I'm playing first, and be given some time with the piano and the music sheets - I can't play by heart.

    That's as far as it goes. ^^

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  4. #4
    Registered User Anybody have musical talent?
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    Re: Anybody have musical talent?

    I've been told before that I was musically inclined, but tbh, I haven't really progressed much in musical talents. I can play a bit of piano, and I used to play the flute. I have about 4 years experience with the latter, but it's been so long since I've played, I wonder if I retained any of the stuff I learned in that time. :/

    So, I suppose if I worked at it, I could do a little something, but probably not coming up with my own tunes or anything.
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  5. #5
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Anybody have musical talent? ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: Anybody have musical talent?

    I do write my own songs and lyrics. I would record but my microphone is a pile of crap and I don't have good enough software on my computer (audacity doesn't like working on my computer :/). But I'd say that is my talent. I can play a few instruments too, like guitar, bass and ukulele, so yeah, I have a small amount of musical talent.

  6. #6

    Re: Anybody have musical talent?

    People always tell me that I've a musical talent. But I don't think I do.

    I can sing... a bit. And I don't think it's good. Sometimes it sounds good to me, but mostly it's just... someone trying to sing. ^^"
    Then I play bass-guitar. I'd say I was pretty good at it, but I stopped playing a year ago (too much frustration...) and now I don't think I'm good anymore. :/
    Also, I learned guitar when I was younger. I can still play, a bit. But I stopped playing when I learned bass. ^^" I still can't play chords. <_<"
    Then I tried to learn the drums, but my brother took them with him when he moved to his girlfriend's place. So I still now the basics, but haven't played in years.
    And I wanted to learn violin. But I stopped.... after one day. XD Mostly because I got ill the day after starting, but I'm sure some day I'll try learning it again... ^^""

    So, basically... I know some instruments, but I'm not good at any of them. ^^"

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  7. #7

    Re: Anybody have musical talent?

    I love music but i can't write songs. I am a good singer.

  8. #8
    Registered User Anybody have musical talent? Shiro's Avatar
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    Re: Anybody have musical talent?

    I'm a classical singer (mezzo-soprano) and I enjoy writing lyrics, unfortunately I have never been able to master an instrument. I suppose I just didn't put as much effort into it as I did into my voice. I always envy people who can play an instrument well!

  9. #9

    Re: Anybody have musical talent?

    i like sing songs .but i do not dare to say i have much talent on thios .since i have not trained for it

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  10. #10
    Hewerya love...? Anybody have musical talent? seanb's Avatar
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    Re: Anybody have musical talent?

    I'm a guitarist, and I'm in college now studying classical guitar for the next four years.
    so it seems more of a career choice now than a talent

  11. #11
    The Flying Pinky

    Re: Anybody have musical talent?

    I've played the piano for a while now. Not sure if I've got talent - I guess that's for others to decide =P I have a few songs posted in the link below - hopefully more in the future =P

    YouTube -TheFlyingPinky Channel

  12. #12

  13. #13
    All is One.One is All. Anybody have musical talent? Firefly's Avatar
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    Re: Anybody have musical talent?

    I played Clarinet for about 4 years But I quit about last year and havent touched it since i like to sing,but im rly shy so i only sing when im by myself
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  14. #14
    Registered User Anybody have musical talent? Halie's Avatar
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    Re: Anybody have musical talent?

    I'm a Soprano vocalist... which sounds really official to me, but in all honesty I'm just training in school, haha. I've finished school now but I'm still gonna train with the tutor there until I finish Grade 8. I would love to make a career of singing, or Musical Theatre rather, because I love acting too. But I honestly don't know if I'm good enough for that, but I am going to try =D.

    I had guitar lessons which I stopped about a year or so ago. I just never got into it... my fingers are short, which frustrated me... a lot. xD I find singing much more enjoyable too. But I'd still love it if I could learn some kind of instrument, I admire those who do.

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