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  1. #1
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Top 10 Movie Soundtrack Songs Xanatos's Avatar
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    Top 10 Movie Soundtrack Songs

    If you can than props to you, I on the other hand couldn't just leave it at top ten.

    528491 - Inception (Hans Zimmer)
    A Hero Comes Home - Beowulf (Alan Silvestri/Idina Menzel)
    Arrival at Helion - The Chronicles of Riddick (Graeme Revell)
    Barbossa Is Hungry - Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (Hans Zimmer/Klaus Badelt)
    Before It's Too Late - Transformers (Goo Goo Dolls)
    Bring Me to Life - DareDevil (Evanescence)
    Broken - The Punisher (Seether/Amy Lee)
    Clubbed to Death - The Matrix (Rob D)
    Dead Reckoning - Smokin Aces (Clint Mansell)
    Dream is Collapsing - Inception (Hans Zimmer)
    Enterprising Young Men - Star Trek (Michael Giacchino)
    Gently As She Goes - Beowulf (Alan Silvestri/Robin Wright Penn)
    Hero - Spiderman (Chad Kroeger/Josey Scott)
    He's a Pirate - Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (Hans Zimmer/Klaus Badelt)
    I Will Find You - The Last of the Mohicans (Clannad)
    Iris - City of Angels (Goo Goo Dolls)
    Kiss From a Rose - Batman Forever (Seal)
    Lose Yourself - 8 Mile (Eminem)
    Lux Aeterna - Requiem for a Dream (Clint Mansell)
    Main Theme - Back to the Future (Alan Silvestri)
    Main Title - Terminator 2: Judgment Day (Brad Fiedel)
    May It Be - Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (Enya)
    Mona Lisa Overdrive - The Matrix Reloaded (Juno Reactor/Don Davis)
    My Heart Will Go On - Titanic (Celine Dion)
    Sleeping Awake - The Matrix Reloaded (P.O.D.)
    The Diva Dance - The Fifth Element (Inva Mula)
    We Are - Spiderman 2 (Ana Johnsson)
    Wonderful Forest - Asterix and Obelix Against Caesar (Jean-Jacques Goldman/Roland Romanelli)

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

  2. #2
    ~*Moogle! Kupo!*~ Top 10 Movie Soundtrack Songs pixergirl's Avatar
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    Re: Top 10 Movie Soundtrack Songs

    This is bananas! B. A. N. A. N. A. S.! I said this ...Is bananas, B! A! N! A! N! A! S!


  3. #3

    Re: Top 10 Movie Soundtrack Songs

    Sunshine - (Adagio In D Minor)" by John Murphy

    The Gael - Last of the mohicans

    Gladiator - Ne we are free

    Young guns - Main theme

    I dont know why i love it so much, prob cause i love the intro to the movie so much..

    Pirates of the caribbean

    Requiem for a dream - Lux Aeterna

    Drive - College & Electric Youth - A Real Hero

    The Boondock saints theme

    Amélie - Yann Tiersen - A Quai (whole soundtrack is amazing)

    Transformrs the movie, Stan Bush - the touch

    I just included the Optimus prime vs Megatron scene, as its epic!

    I don't really have a top 10, those are just the first 10 which came to mind, derp
    Last edited by nix; 05-16-2012 at 06:26 AM. Reason: Submitted too early

  4. #4
    I invented Go-Gurt. Top 10 Movie Soundtrack Songs Clint's Avatar
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    Re: Top 10 Movie Soundtrack Songs

    The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly is literally the only one I could think of that was worth mentioning. Probably because I was the star, and it's the greatest movie ever made.

    The Good, the Bad and the Ugly - Opening titles & theme - YouTube

    Ennio Morricone - Ecstasy of Gold (The Good, The Bad and The Ugly) - YouTube


  5. #5
    Registered User Top 10 Movie Soundtrack Songs
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    Re: Top 10 Movie Soundtrack Songs

    Obligatory John Williams picks!: Sayuri's Theme from Memoirs of a Geisha and the ever awe-inspiring Superman Theme. Heh, what a legend. I could probably fill up all my picks with just him (and probably Hans Zimmer as well). Speaking of which...

    The Burning Bush from Prince of Egypt (Hans Zimmer) - I also like The Plagues quite a bit, but this one just has a nice ethereal quality to it. Really pulls you in when the music just swells with intensity and captures the power of the moment in the movie.

    Oogway Ascends from Kung Fu Panda (Hans Zimmer...again...) - Trying to learn this one on the piano. It's another one that has a great build-up. It tugs at the heartstrings too, because the scene that it plays in the movie is pretty sad.

    Batman Theme (Danny Elfman) - Probably the only thing that most can agree on that the Christopher Nolan Batman movies haven't topped yet. Other great Danny Elfman picks: The Breakfast Machine- Pee-Wee's Big Adventure (couldn't find just the music...but the scene is pretty entertaining to watch too. ) and The Grand Finale from Edward Scissorhands

    The Promised Land from FF VII: Advent Children (Nobuo Uematsu). Even if you hated the movie, you gotta admit the music was outstanding. Uematsu never disappoints. His revamp of One Winged Angel was quite spectacular too (I may be a tad bit biased on this one though )

    I believe that's ten, but I have a ton more than I could post. Those are just the ones that came to my mind first.
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  6. #6
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: Top 10 Movie Soundtrack Songs

    Props to Dodie16 and nix for Danny Elfman's Batman theme and The Touch, respectively.

    Lemme see...

    -Sherlock Holmes: I Never Woke Up In Handcuffs Before. I love that drum beat, and and the accordion, and the fiddle. It all just combines so well, works with the scene perfectly.
    -Metric: Black Sheep. Of all the awesome songs on that soundtrack, this one is my favorite for some reason. I dunno, it really grew on me. The lyrics are a little bit nonsensical at times, but eh.
    -The Dark Knight: Why So Serious? I love that opening. That siren note that just keeps rising and rising, and then a little bit later, the sudden distorted violins and drums. It really captures the character of the Joker. It's so disjointed and alarming. Also, it goes the hell on forever. I left to use the bathroom, ate some nuts, came back, and it's still going, heh.
    -True Romance: You're So Cool. Such a happy song! Reminds me of the beach on a nice day.
    -Nine Inch Nails: The Perfect Drug. I got the soundtrack this was on-Lost Highway-but the rest of the songs on it aren't that great... Never saw the movie, either. I know all the lyrics to this. (Heh, Trent reminds me of Alan Rickman as the Sheriff of Nottingham in this vid.)
    -Think I'll put two from Lord of the Rings: Many Meetings and The White Tree. Many Meetings includes a reprise of the Shire theme, which can get me emotional. The White Tree is just thrilling and fun, going along with scenes shot flying over mountains in the movie.
    -Back to the Future Theme. Sweet, Sweet nostalgia. Also a great song. And that video seems pretty awesome too, heh.
    -Willow: Willow's Journey Begins. Some more nostalgia. I only own this movie on vhs; I should have it on DVD or Blu-ray by now.
    -Waterworld: Escaping The Smokers. This includes the best version of the main theme from this movie. It starts at about the 1 minute mark. Sound quality kinda bites, shame :/
    -Young Guns II: Historical Fact. So 80's, but I don't give a ****. I love it.
    -The Great Mouse Detective Opening Credits. Even if you haven't seen this movie, you'll probably recognize this theme. Disney used it in a lot of trailers. (Can't find the actual song, sorries.)
    -Oingo Boingo: Flesh n Blood, from one of the Ghost Busters movies. Figured I should put some Danny Elfman on here, but maybe something less obvious. Probably the first song I ever heard by them. Old cassette tape on the floor of the room I shared with my bros.
    -New Order: Bizarre Love Triangle. It was in some movie or another, I don't remember which one. It's my favorite song. Or so it was growing up. I still say it is, anyway, heh.

    So I got some James Horner, some Hans Zimmer, some Danny Elfman, some bands, and some other guys. That's more than 10 I think. Ah wells. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

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